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Summary The distribution of membrane filipin-sterol complexes (FSCs) was qualitatively surveyed on freeze-fracture replicas of spermatozoa from the male reproductive tract and ejaculates of golden hamster. In the head, the acrosomal plasma membrane showed the strongest filipin labeling on the principal segment, but it was absent in the quilt-like pattern areas. These latter were observed in both caput and corpus epididymal spermatozoa, but were absent in mature spermatozoa. The postacrosomal plasma membrane had few FSCs and both the outer and inner acrosomal membranes were always negative to filipin. The nuclear membrane of the principal segment was constantly filipinpositive. The nuclear membrane of the postacrosomal region had more FSCs than that of the principal segment, particularly in mature spermatozoa. Many linear, rod-like FSCs were observed on the postacrosomal nuclear membrane of mature spermatozoa, especially in the uterine spermatozoan samples. In the neck, the plasma membrane had only a few FSCs. The redundant nuclear membrane was slightly filipin-positive, while the membrane scroll of mature spermatozoa was heavily labeled. In the tail, the plasma membrane of both the middle and principal piece was moderately labeled.  相似文献   
Summary The fertilizing ability of spermatozoa from the distal corpus epididymidis of 55 male rabbits of proven fertility has been determined after artificial insemination 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11 days after hypophysectomy. A significant decrease in fertility was noted 3, 5, and 7 days after hypophysectomy. Testosterone propionate (2 mg/kg/day) given for 7 days to hypophysectomized rabbits maintained the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa from the corpus epididymidis when injections were started from the day of hypophysectomy or delayed by a week. The effect of hypophysectomy on the histological features of the epididymal epithelium were studied with light and electron microscopy. Regressive changes were observed: reduction in size of the stereocilia border and the endoplasmic reticulum 3 days after hypophysectomy followed by a decrease in tubular diameter and cell height, a reduction in size of the Golgi apparatus and an increase in number of lysosome-like figures and a vacuolization of the epithelium.These results are discussed in relation to the physiological requirements for sperm maturation.  相似文献   
Summary Spermatozoa from fertile and infertile human ejaculates were observed under the scanning electron microscope. A parallel study of sections was performed by transmission electron microscope.The normal head shows under the scanning electron microscope vesicular elevations in the region of the acrosome and a smooth and rigid appearance corresponding to the postnuclear cap whose occurrence is confirmed under the transmission electron microscope. Immediately anterior to this cap a shallow furrow transverses the head. Duplicated, unusually large or small and deformed heads are found under the scanning electron microscope. Most of these abnormal heads show no surface structure suggesting an acrosome.The neck and middle piece are occasionally, though frequently in abnormal spermatozoa, covered by a cytoplasmic droplet. Otherwise, the mitochondrial sheath is recognized under the scanning electron microscope as a beaded thickening in the middle piece. The lack of mitochondria is manifested by a smooth middle piece thinner than the principal portion. Transmission electron microscopy of sections reveals various types of anomalies in the number of cores, core filaments and mitochondria embedded in the cytoplasmic droplets.Abnormalities in the principal portion of the tail such as duplication, unusual thickness and length are shown under the scanning electron microscope.The investigation indicates that scanning electron microscopy is suited for the clinical as well as cytological examination of human ejaculate spermatozoa.  相似文献   
几种哺乳动物精子顶体膜囊泡形成的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
在猪、绵羊、地鼠这几种哺乳动物的精子体外获能后,在顶体反应的超显微结构中观察到:精子顶体膜囊泡化呈现多种形态,但囊泡都是由精子顶体的双层外膜多位点自我融合而形成的,质膜并不参与囊泡化,这一结果与前人报道的不同。  相似文献   
In Ciona intestinalis, sperm penetration through the egg vitelline coat is an essential event of fertilization. We investigated whether trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like enzymes are involved in this event. Inhibitors and peptide substrates for chymotrypsin-like enzymes blocked the overall process of fertilization in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibitory activity was specifically exerted on the step of sperm penetration. Chymotrypsin-like protease activity was identified in spermatozoa with the fluorogenic synthetic substrate Suc-Ala-Ala-Phe-AMC, which was the most effective substrate in blocking sperm penetration. These data indicate that a chymotrypsin-like protease activity is a sperm lysin of Ciona intestinalis.  相似文献   
In vitro fertilization in the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) was investigated by observation of the early nuclear events. Ova retrieved from the fimbria following ovulation were inseminated in vitro with 10(6)-10(7) spermatozoa in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) for 10 min and then further incubated in DMEM + albumen for 1, 2, 3, or 4 hr. These eggs were histologically examined by epifluorescent microscopy after staining with 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Nuclei of spermatozoa at various stages of transformation were observed in the ova incubated for 1-3 hr. Close pairing of two pronuclei, presumed to be male and female juxtaposition, was detected in ova incubated for 4 hr. These data provide direct evidence for the in vitro fertilization of fowl eggs and suggested that the early process of in vitro fertilization is comparable to that of in vivo fertilization.  相似文献   
The synthesis and secretion of proteins in the different regions of the human epididymis were studied in vitro. Epididymal tissues obtained from patients undergoing castration for prostatic carcinoma or from cadavers were incubated in the presence of [35S]methionine, and the resulting radiolabeled proteins were analysed on SDS-PAGE. The corpus region was found to be the most active segment in total protein synthesis. Significant qualitative and quantitative changes were observed in the pattern of proteins secreted from the different epididymal regions. To establish those epididymal proteins that interact with maturing sperm, the secreted products were immunoreacted with antibodies raised against a Triton X-100 extract of ejaculated human sperm heads. The antibodies react mainly with the head region of ejaculated spermatozoa as judged by indirect immunofluorescence. Protein A-gold labeling of freeze-fracture images showed gold particle distribution on the sperm plasma membrane. Western blot analysis of the secreted proteins revealed four bands (66, 37, 32, and 29 kDa) in the proximal regions and six additional bands (80, 76, 48, 27, 22, and 17 kDa) in the distal part of the epididymis. Immunoprecipitation of the secreted proteins with these antibodies revealed six radioactive bands of 170, 80, 76, 60, 48, and 37 kDa, which indicates that certain proteins of epididymal origin bind to the sperm plasma membrane.  相似文献   
The cytoskeleton exerts a direct effect on the function of sperm by influencing the distribution of subcellular organelles and plasma membrane molecules. We have prepared six monoclonal antibodies to Triton X-100-insoluble components of the bull sperm cytoskeleton. One of the antibodies reacts with a detachable portion of the bull sperm acrosome. The remainder include an antibody that recognizes the principal and end piece of the tail and another that is specific to the middle piece. Two of the antibodies yield dissimilar staining patterns of the neck region and the tail, and the final monoclonal antibody stains the subacrosomal region and a detachable acrosomal domain of bull sperm. The cross reactivities of the antibodies with hamster sperm and PtK2 cells are described, as is the recognition of bull sperm polypeptides on western blots. The results suggest that these antibodies will provide interesting insights concerning the role of the cytoskeleton in sperm development and function.  相似文献   
Human follicular fluid (hFF), which has been treated with either unspecific proteases or dextran-coated charcoal (DCC) to remove proteins and/or steroids, cannot successfully induce the acrosome reaction (AR). After the removal of steroids, AR-inducing activity can be restored to hFF by supplementation with exogenous progesterone, but only in the presence of intact protein. Gel filtration experiments with 3H-progesterone-labelled hFF showed elution of the radioactive signal in the high molecular weight range, corresponding to bound progesterone. AR-inducing activity was seen in exactly the same fraction. Based on these results, the acrosome reaction-inducing substance (ARIS) appears to be a complex of progesterone and a progesterone-binding protein, which was shown to be identical with the plasma protein corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) by immunological techniques. AR induction was only observed in the presence of both CBG and progesterone, suggesting a combined effect of the two components. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The majority of cellular responses to changing environmental conditions is regulated by protein kinases. Spermatozoa have many special properties, including motility with demonstrated chemotaxis, the ability to undergo capacitation, and the acrosome reaction, which are in part controlled by extracellular signals and in which sperm kinases are considered to be involved. We have previously reported that there is a protein kinase activity, which phosphorylates the synthetic substrate poly-(Glu, Tyr) with a Km value of 2.3 μM, and is inhibited by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor tyrphostin, in the protein extract from boar spermatozoa (Berruti and Porzio, 1992: Biochim Biophys Acta 1118:149–154). Now we have demonstrated that the enzyme is cytosolic, is active as a monomer of Mr 42,000, is stimulated by Mg2+ > Mn2+ but not by Ca2+, is renaturable, and can phosphorylate native protein substrates such as microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) and histone H2B both on the tyrosine and serine residues. N-terminal sequence analysis suggests that it is a novel protein. These new findings imply that the boar sperm 42 kD kinase may be a novel member of the emerging class of dual-specificity protein kinases, and they raise the intriguing question of its function in the protein kinase network mediating signal transduction in mammalian spermatozoa. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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