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The current study aimed to investigate the important reproductive biology and morphology of A.m. jemenitica queens and drones through measuring the weight of virgin and mated queens, size and weight of spermathecae, weight of ovaries, number of ovarioles, quantity and viability of semen in queen and drones. Accordingly, the average weights of 0.139 ± 0.01 g and 0.143 ± 0.013 g recorded for virgin and mated queens respectively. The sizes of spermathecae were 1.248 ± 0.103 mm and 1.25 ± 0.022 mm for virgin and mated queens respectively. The mean weight of ovaries was 0.013 ± 0.003 g and the numbers of ovarioles varied from 124 to 163 with the mean of 142.9 ± 9.47 and with no significant difference between virgin and mated queens. The average number of stored sperm per spermathecae of mated queen was estimated to be 4.202 ± 0.613 million with the viability of 80.39%. The average number of sperm per drone recorded was 8,763,950 ± 1,633,203.15 with viability of 79.54 ± 6.70%. In general, the current study revealed that the values recorded for reproductive biology and morphological characters of A. m. jemenitica queens and drones were relatively lower than values recorded for other Apis mellifera races. This mainly could be associated with the body size of the race which is known to be the smallest race among A. mellifera races. Moreover, the harsh environmental conditions of the regions, high temperature, low humidity and limited resources may have contributed for the smaller biological and morphological values. The information will serve as a base in future selection and breeding of program of the race.  相似文献   
Copula duration and sperm storage patterns can directly or indirectly affect fitness of male and female insects. Although both sexes have an interest in the outcome, research has tended to focus on males. To investigate female influences, we compared copula duration and sperm storage of Queensland fruit fly females that were intact, or had been incapacitated through decapitation or abdomen isolation. We found that copulations were far longer when females had been incapacitated, indicating that constraints imposed on copula duration by intact females had been relaxed. Repeatability of copula duration for males was very low regardless of female treatment, and this is also consistent with strong female influence. Number of sperm in the spermathecae was not influenced by female treatment, suggesting that female abdominal ganglia control the transport of sperm to these long-term storage organs. However, more sperm were found in the ventral receptacles of incapacitated females compared to intact females. Overall, results implicate cephalic ganglia in regulation of copula duration and short-term sperm storage in the ventral receptacle and abdominal ganglia in regulation of long-term sperm storage in the spermathecae.  相似文献   
地龙是一种中药材,地龙的药原动物为蚯蚓,即环节动物门寡毛纲后孔目动物。此类动物有数千种之多,地龙的药原动物仅为这些动物中的数种陆生种类。在《中华人民共和国药典》和民间对地龙的药原动物的认定存在一定的差异。地龙的药原动物之间,以及药原动物与其他蚯蚓间在化学成分上存在差异。为此,本文对地龙的药原动物进行考证,并对蚯蚓的分类鉴定指标进行讨论,为地龙正伪品的鉴别提供参考依据。认为在定义地龙药原动物的过程中,综合考虑药效、化学成分、产地、药农的采集习惯等因素,有益于地龙药原动物的准确认定。  相似文献   
Sperm storage in female insects is important for reproductive success and sperm competition. In Drosophila melanogaster females, sperm viability during storage is dependent upon secretions produced by spermathecae and parovaria. Class III dermal glands are present in both structures. Spermathecal glands are initially comprised of a three-cell unit that is refined to a single secretory cell in the adult. It encapsulates an end-apparatus joining to a cuticular duct passing secretions to the spermathecal lumen. We have examined spermatheca morphogenesis using DIC and fluorescence microscopy. In agreement with a recent study, cell division ceases by 36 h after puparium formation (APF). Immunostaining of the plasma membrane at this stage demonstrates that gland cells wrap around the developing end-apparatus and each other. By 48–60 h APF, the secretory cell exhibits characteristic adult morphology of an enlarged nucleus and extracellular reservoir. A novel finding is the presence of an extracellular reservoir in the basal support cell that is continuous with the secretory cell reservoir. Some indication of early spermathecal gland formation is evident in the division of enlarged cells lying adjacent to the spermathecal lumen at 18 h APF and in cellular processes that bind clusters of cells between 24 and 30 h APF.  相似文献   
东海三疣梭子蟹纳精囊形态结构与内含物的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005~2006年通过定期采样,对东海三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)纳精囊的形态、组织结构、内含物及相应卵巢的发育状况进行了较为深入的研究.交配前期,4~6月份,纳精囊囊壁较薄,背腹囊腔分离;随后囊壁皱缩(7~9月份),背部囊壁上皮出现分泌层;最后囊壁增厚,单层多核柱状细胞消失,腔内只含琥珀色胶状物质.交配期(10~11月份),囊腔膨大,囊壁变薄.背部近交接处出现"凸"或"丁"字型突起;相应地,腹囊腔内亦出现含角质层褶皱.精子塞是三疣梭子蟹成功交配的特征,是雌雄梭子蟹共同作用的产物,由雄性基质、雌性分泌物、精子塞不定部分和精子塞半透明部分4种物质组成;精荚仅存于雄性基质中.三疣梭子蟹的精子塞在不到2个月的时间内消失殆尽,并不能保护和滋养精子.背部突起对调控纳精囊容积起主要作用,其形成与消退与精荚运输关系密切.交配后期(12月至翌年3月),纳精囊皱缩完全;裂解完全的精荚在背腹囊腔交接处集中,最后贮藏在腹囊腔内,为后续受精做好准备.纳精囊与卵巢关系紧密,进化上可能有重要意义.纳精囊与卵巢发育相联系,可以更好地反映三疣梭子蟹的资源动态.  相似文献   
本文对雌性瑶山肥螈的泄殖腔进行了比较解剖学研究,发现雌性瑶山肥螈泄殖腔具有和其它有尾两栖类相似的皮肤形态。虽然不同部位皮肤组织的厚度存在一定差异,但都具有表皮和真皮等相同的基本结构。雌性瑶山肥螈的泄殖腔还具有和精子储藏相关的特殊腺体结构,即储精管腺和腹腺等腺体,以及与这些腺体结构相关的泄殖腔管。这表明该物种雌性个体的泄殖腔具备了精子储藏功能的形态结构,为其进行多次交配,分批产卵提供了基础。  相似文献   
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