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Each year severe winter storms (≈ice storms) damage trees throughout the southern USA. Arkansas and Oklahoma have a history of severe winter storms. To extend that history back beyond the reach of written records, a distinctive tree ring pattern or signature is needed. Storm-caused breakage, branch loss and bending stress provide that signature. We found a severe storm signature in shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata). We used three published site chronologies, a set of five new site chronologies from a growth-and-yield study conducted by Oklahoma State University and the unpublished Shortleaf Canyon chronology from a master’s thesis at the University of Arkansas. Our method is based on two ring width values for the first and second growing seasons after the storm standardized to the ring widths of the seven growing seasons after the storm. Concordance between storm years predicted by tree ring patterns and actual storm years was tested using Cohen’s Kappa. Concern about confounding of ice storm signals by droughts led us to test concordance between severe storms and drought in July, August and September; results were inconclusive but stand as a warning that these two phenomena cannot be distinguished with certainty in the tree ring record. Damaging severe storms occurred in about 2.8% of all years. Two out of three storms identified as “severe” produced glaze icing.  相似文献   
Snow dominates the hydrology and climate of the United States’ central Pacific Coast, but because local measurements of snowpack and winter precipitation often extend back only a few decades, observations by themselves are not adequate to describe potential amplitude of wintertime conditions. Here we present a set of updated and extended mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana [Bong.] Carr.) tree-ring width records from Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, and use these data to make inferences about snowpack prior to the start of instrumental monitoring. In July and August 2013, we collected cores from 228 trees at seven high-elevation hemlock stands that surround the crater’s rim. The oldest tree had an inner ring date of CE 1474, and the longest ring-width chronology maintained a satisfactory common signal back to the middle of the 16th century. The growth of high-elevation mountain hemlock is strongly and inversely related to cool-season precipitation, making these records some of the most southerly examples of a robust inverse cool-season moisture signal in North American tree rings. The growth of these snow-limited forests does not appear to have been affected by the substantial decline in spring snowpack observed in the past two decades across the broader Cascade Range, and we did not find any indication of changing relationships between tree growth and either monthly or seasonal winter precipitation since the early 1990s. The exceptional three-year sequence in Crater Lake tree rings between CE 1809 and 1811, which includes the narrowest ring since CE 1540 and anatomical abnormalities produced by cold weather, leads us to conclude that 1809–1810 was the most snowy and severe winter to affect south-central Oregon during the past four and a half centuries.  相似文献   
Vegetation is a major environmental factor influencing habitat selection in bird species. High resolution mapping of vegetation cover is essential to model the distribution of populations and improve the management of breeding habitats. However, the task is challenging for grassland birds because microhabitat variations relevant at the territory scale cannot be measured continuously over large areas to delineate areas of higher suitability. Remote sensing may help to circumvent this problem. We addressed this issue by using SPOT 5 imagery and phytosociological data. We mapped grassland vegetation in a floodplain using two methods. We (i) mapped the continuous Ellenberg index of moisture and (ii) identified 5 vegetation classes distributed across the wetness gradient. These two methods produced consistent output maps, but they also provided complementary results. Ellenberg index is a valuable proxy for soil moisture while the class approach provided more information about vegetation structure, and possibly trophic resources. In spite of the apparent uniformity of meadows, our data show that birds do not settle randomly along the moisture and vegetation gradients. Overall birds tend to avoid the driest vegetation classes, i.e. the highest grounds. Thus, vegetation maps based on remote sensing could be valuable tools to study habitat selection and niche partition in grassland bird communities. It is also a valuable tool for conservation and habitat management.  相似文献   
白清泉  左凌仁 《动物学杂志》2022,57(5):667,677,688-156
近年来,随着观鸟活动和鸟类科研工作在辽宁的持续开展(Baietal.2015,汤姆·滨客2016),辽宁各地不断发现鸟种分布新记录种(白清泉等2019)。2012至2020年间,在丹东、大连、抚顺等市先后发现小鸦鹃(Centropus bengalensis)、雪鹀(Plectrophenax nivalis)、红翅凤头鹃(Clamator coromandus)、宝兴歌鸫(Turdus mupinensis)和黄眉姬鹟(Ficedula narcissina)5种,经查阅相关资料(邱英杰等2006,郑光美2017),确定为辽宁省鸟类分布新记录种。  相似文献   
许多长距离迁徙的雀形目鸟类的种群数量正在持续下降,田鹀(Emberiza rustica)种群数量下降趋势更为突出。通过对田鹀种群数量长期监测和迁徙动态分析,可为此物种保护提供科学依据。从2001年开始,陆续在黑龙江省高峰、青峰、帽儿山、新青和大沾河,吉林省珲春和吉林市,辽宁省的辽宁鸟类研究中心(大连)和旅顺老铁山,以及内蒙古乌尔其汗鸟类栖息的临水林缘处布网环志。截至2018年,累计环志田鹀184181只,其中春季88571只,秋季95610只;各年度环志数量波动较大,总体呈现急速下降趋势。幼鸟的越冬损失率高达41.3%。田鹀106只次的回收信息表明,自然条件下田鹀寿命可达11年以上;日迁飞距离最快可达到300 km,飞行速度可达30 km/h。中国东北地区是田鹀等鸟类的重要迁徙途经地;田鹀的迁徙路线相对稳定,在瑞典北部繁殖的种群经中国东北地区迁徙到天津以南越冬。通过环志发现,近些年田鹀种群数量急速下降。通过比对,发现中国东北地区田鹀的环志数量变化趋势与瑞典的田鹀环志数量变化趋势相似;相对于环志数量最多的年份,环志数量下降95%以上,值得关注。栖息地破碎化、非法猎捕等是影响田鹀生存的主要受威胁因素。建议依据田鹀等鸟类生物学习性,加强鸟类栖息地的保护,坚持长期标准化的鸟类环志监测,进一步探索鸟类迁徙规律,以助于鸟类种群的恢复。  相似文献   
利用微卫星DNA标记,对来自青海囊谦县、治多县以及甘肃阿克塞县3个地区的36份雪豹(Panthera uncia)粪便DNA样品进行了遗传多样性研究。结果显示,在8个微卫星位点上共检测到57个等位基因,有效等位基因数为2.190~5.488,平均每个位点的等位基因数为7.130,基因频率分布不均匀;期望杂合度为0.543~0.847,平均0.759;多态信息含量为0.458~0.829,平均0.722;表明这8个微卫星位点均为高度多态性位点,有较丰富的遗传多样性。3个样地雪豹居群之间的遗传距离与地理距离相关,地理距离最近的青海省囊谦县和治多县的雪豹居群遗传距离最小。根据雪豹平均遗传分化度Fst(0.053)、平均基因流(4.488)以及STRUCTURE聚类分析结果(当K=1时,ln P(D)值最大),推测3个居群间虽然有一定的遗传距离,但均来自同一个种群,暂无分化现象。  相似文献   
雪豹(Panthera uncia)是一种仅公布于中亚高山地区的珍稀濒危大型猫科动物,被IUCN红皮书列为濒危物种,并被收录入CITES公约附录Ⅰ,在中国雪豹被列为国家一级重点保护动物(杨奇森和冯祚建,1998).  相似文献   
A snow manipulation experiment aimed to assess risks of direct freezing injury, freeze-induced dehydration and winter desiccation in the absence of snow cover on lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). Frames with sheet-plastic sides and removable lids were used in this experiment for two purposes: to prevent accumulation of snow in mid-winter and to provide extra heat during early spring. Leaves were analyzed for frost hardiness, tissue water content and osmotic concentrations, and photoinhibition (Fv/Fm) during the period from the 10th of February to the 7th of April. The natural snow accumulation was low indicated by a minor difference in minimum temperatures between the frame treatment and naturally snow-covered plots. The heating effect of the frames started gradually at the end of February along with increasing solar elevation angles, and was highest at the beginning of April. Frost hardiness peaked in March as a consequence of cold periods, but it was practically lost by the beginning of April. Tissue water content decreased gradually at first, becoming greatly decreased later due to the extra heat. In accordance, the tissue osmotic concentrations increased first gradually, followed by a dramatic increase. Photoinhibition increased uniformly with increasing solar radiation, but at the end showed a sharp increment within a few days, obviously also indicating the effect of heating. It was concluded that neither lethal freezing stress nor significant freeze-induced dehydration occurred during the experiment. However, plants that overwintered without snow suffered from severe winter desiccation injuries due to the combination of solar heat and frozen soil. Although the desiccation stress was possibly a lethal factor, it was preceded by long-term and continued photoinhibition. It was concluded that during overwintering, chamaephyte species may suffer from both freezing and winter desiccation in the absence of protecting snow cover. However, during mild winters provided by climatic change scenarios, the risk of winter desiccation will be more probable. In relation to the future climate, it was concluded that winter desiccation and photoinhibition may develop gradually during a snowless winter and would, even if they did not reach a lethal level by themselves, possibly reduce frost hardiness.  相似文献   
Climate change may cause a decrease in snow cover in northern latitudes. This, on the other hand, may result in more severe soil frost even in areas where it is not common at present, and may lead to increased stress on the tree canopy. We studied the effects of snow removal and consequent changes in soil frost and water content on the physiology of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) needles and implications on root biomass. The study was conducted at a 47-year-old Norway spruce stand in eastern Finland during the two winters of 2005/06 and 2006/07. The treatments in three replicates were: (i) natural snow accumulation and melting (CTRL), (ii) artificial snow removal during the winter (OPEN), and (iii) the same as OPEN, but the ground was insulated in early spring to delay soil thawing (FROST). In spite of the deeper soil frost in the OPEN than in the CTRL treatment, soil warming in spring occurred at the same time, whereas soil warming in the FROST was delayed by 2 and 1.5 months in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The soil water content was affected by snow manipulations, being at a lower level in the OPEN and FROST than CTRL in spring and early summer. The physiological measurements of the needles (e.g. starch, carbon and nitrogen content and apoplastic electrical resistance) showed differences between soil frost treatments. The differences were mostly seen between the CTRL and FROST, but also in the case of the starch content in early spring 2007 between the CTRL and OPEN. The needle responses in the FROST were more evident after the colder winter of 2006. The physiological changes seemed to be related to the soil temperature and water content in the early growing season rather than to the wintertime soil temperature. No difference was found in the fine root (diameter < 2 mm) biomass between the treatments assessed in 2007. In the future, conditions similar to the OPEN treatment may be more common than at present in areas experiencing a thick snow cover. The present experiment took place over the course of two years. It is possible that whenever thin snow cover occurs yearly, the reduced starch content during the early spring may be reflected in the tree growth itself as a result of reduced energy reserves.  相似文献   
Cold adaptation in the phytopathogenic fungi causing snow molds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Snow molds are psychrophilic or psychrotrophic fungal pathogens of forage crops, winter cereals, and conifer seedlings. These fungi can grow and attack dormant plants at low temperatures under snow cover. In this review, we describe the biodiversity and physiological and biochemical characteristics of snow molds that belong to various taxa. Cold tolerance is one of the important factors related to their geographic distribution, because snow molds develop mycelia under snow cover and because they should produce intra- and extracellular enzymes active at low temperatures for growth and infection. Basidiomycetous snow molds produce extracellular antifreeze proteins. Their physiological significance is to keep the extracellular environment unfrozen. The psychrophilic ascomycete Sclerotia borealis shows normal mycelial growth under frozen conditions, which is faster than that on unfrozen media at optimal growth temperature. This fungus does not produce extracellular antifreeze proteins, but osmotic stress tolerance enables the fungus to grow at subzero temperatures. In conclusion, different taxa of snow molds have different strategies to adapt under snow cover.  相似文献   
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