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Lithofacies analysis of the upper part of the Pliocene succession of the Valdelsa basin (central Italy) unravelled a number of depositional environments, ranging from alluvial plain to coastal, to marine. Strata are arranged in a hierarchy of elementary and composite unconformity-bounded units. A palaeoecological study of macro- (molluscs) and microfossils (pollen, dinocysts, foraminifera) allowed to finely reconstruct sub-environments within fine-grained terrestrial, coastal and marine deposits and thence to track the spatial and temporal change of physical conditions. The stacking pattern of sedimentary units highlights the lateral switching of onshore-offshore gradients and documents relative sea-level changes. These units are interpreted in a sequence stratigraphic framework. Elementary depositional sequences are arranged to form six composite depositional sequences, in turn encased within two major synthems. This hierarchy of unconformity-bounded sedimentary units suggests that sea-level variation has occurred at different time-frequencies. Glacio-eustasy and active tectonism are discussed as the main forcing factors regulating the different scales of sedimentary cyclicity.  相似文献   
Résumé Ce travail concerne l'étude morphologique de la glande coquillière non pigmentée ou blanche d'Artemia salina. La structure de celle-ci est comparée à celle de la glande coquillière brune de la même espèce. Les différences sont apparemment plus fondamentales qu'une simple variation de la quantité de produit de sécrétion ou de la pigmentation des cellules.Là où les glandes coquillières brunes formeraient la coque chez les animaux ovipares les glandes coquillières blanches pourraient sécréter les produits nécessaires ou utiles au développement des nauplii chez les animaux ovovivipares.
Morphological study of the white shell gland of Artemia salina leach
Summary The white shell glands of Artemia salina have been investigated. Our results, compared to those obtained in the brown-coloured shell glands, occuring within the same species, reveal differences not only in the aspect of the secretory granules but also in the structure of the nucleus and the cytoplasm. These differences between the two types of glands appear to be more striking than a simple variation in the quantity of secretion or in the pigmentation of the gland. As the brown glands are supposed to contribute to the formation of the egg shells in oviparous animals, the secretion of white glands could favour the development of nauplii in ovoviviparous animals.
The Devonian cemented brachiopod Schuchertellopsis durbutensis has proved difficult to classify and its possible taxonomic relationships are unknown. Morphologically Schuchertellopsis resembles more closely members of the Orthotetidina than the Davidsoniidina. Examination of the shell structure, a key diagnostic feature of the Orthotetidina, shows that Schuchertellopsis has the cross laminar secondary shell typical of all orthotetidines. However, the presence of both pseudopunctate and incipient an extropunctate fabric within the ventral valve is unique amongst orthotetidine brachiopods and is thought to represent a phase of shell fabric experimentation. Schuchertellopsis probably fits most comfortably within the Schuchertellidae, and is the earliest representative of that family.  相似文献   

Many studies have investigated shell‐related behaviour in hermit crabs. Few studies, however, have focused specifically on the intraspecies aggression associated with shell competition. We examined intraspecies aggression in hermit crab (Pagurus samuelis) pairs as it relates to competition for a limiting resource, gastropod shells. Pairs of hermit crabs were observed in the laboratory in four different treatments that varied the presence or absence of shells for one or both of the crabs. Measurements of the latency to respond, the number of bouts, and the fight durations were recorded. There was a significant difference among treatments for all three measurements, and naked hermit crabs were much more aggressive than housed hermit crabs. There was no significant difference in aggression between males and females in any of the three treatments. The heightened aggression observed in naked P. samuelis is likely in service of acquiring a protective shell.  相似文献   
The interaction between the hermit crab, Pagurus longicarpus, and the shell epibiont, Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus, varies from mutualism to parasitism based on the environmental context. We tested the hypothesis that this interaction also varies as a function of hermit crab sex. Given that recent work showed a negative effect of Hydractinia on female reproduction, we predicted a greater frequency of males in Hydractinia shells in the field and a stronger preference by males than females for shells with Hydractinia. Field collections documented a significantly greater proportion of males than females occupying shells with Hydractinia, and a significantly greater proportion of ovigerous females than non-ovigerous females in shells with Hydractinia. In laboratory shell-switching experiments, a greater proportion of males than females chose to enter shells with Hydractinia, but there was no difference in the proportions of males and females that vacated shells with Hydractinia.We examined whether the presence of Hydractinia influenced predation rates. Blue crabs fed on more than twice as many hermit crabs in shells with Hydractinia as compared to bare shells, but there was no significant difference for stone crabs. Laboratory experiments showed that the force required to crush shells was significantly greater for shells without Hydractinia. Thus, the lower occupancy and preference exhibited by females than males for shells with Hydractinia appears to result both from the decreased reproduction shown in past studies and an increase in predation risk.  相似文献   
Telmatochromis vittatus (Cichlidae) is a Tanganyikan substrate brooder which spawns in the gastropod-shell nests of a cichlid, Lamprologus callipterus. We describe male reproductive tactics of T. vittatus in and around the shell nests, where males of various sizes were found. Based on utilization patterns of the shell nests, interactions among males, and spawning behaviors, males could be categorized into four types based on reproductive tactics and in order of body size: sneaker males, satellite males, territorial males and piracy males. Size range of males in tactic groups rarely overlapped. Territorial males defended shell nests harboring multiple females, but during pair-spawning they were occasionally taken over by large piracy males that visited several nests repeatedly. Small sneaker males darted to pair-spawning territorial males and might ejaculate sperm. Satellite males did not perform parasitic spawning but pair-spawned in a single shell outside the nests. Spawning of satellite males was infrequently parasitized. The largest gonado-somatic index (GSI) was found in sneaker males followed by piracy males, territorial males and satellite males, suggesting that gonadal investment of males using the four tactics may be consistent with intensity or risk of sperm competition.  相似文献   
Predatory traces, in which the tracemaker has damaged the prey animal's skeleton to kill and consume it, have a deep fossil history and have received much scientific attention. Several types of predatory traces have been assigned to ichnotaxa, but one of the most studied predatory traces, the wedge-shaped excision produced as a result of attacks mainly by crustaceans on the apertures of gastropod shells, has yet to be described as an ichnotaxon. We propose the ichnogenus Caedichnus to describe the shell damage produced by aperture peeling behavior. Caedichnus is produced by predators that are unable to crush their prey's shells outright. Depending on the predator's peeling ability and the prey's withdrawal depth within the shell, the trace can extend through several whorls of the shell. Aperture peel attacks may fail, allowing such damage to be repaired by surviving gastropods. Thus, the types of attacks that produce Caedichnus may exert selective pressure on prey to evolve better-defended shells (in the case of gastropods) or to inhabit better-defended shells (in the case of hermit crabs). The identification of these trace fossils will enhance our understanding of how predation influences the morphological, and even behavioral, evolution of prey organisms.  相似文献   
采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对湛江地区的丽文蛤(Meretrix lusoria)、琴文蛤(M.lyrata)、文蛤(M.meretrix)、波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)、菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)、杂色蛤仔(R.variegata)、伊萨伯雪蛤(Clausinella isobellina)、格粗饰蚶(Anadara clathrata)、泥蚶(Tegillarca granosa)、栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)、尖紫蛤(Sanguinolaria aauta)、锈色朽叶蛤(Coecella turgida)和栉江珧(Atrina pectinata)这6科13种双壳类的贝壳形态微观结构特征进行观察。结果表明,不同种的贝壳表面和横切面微观结构有一定差异。这些差异主要表现在晶体的组成和排列方式两个方面。贝壳角质层根据表面形态特征分为5种类型:光滑平整、颗粒状、不规则多边形、蜂窝状和沟壑状。贝壳棱柱层的晶体形状有棱柱状、短柱状、片状和不规则形状。不同贝壳的晶体有两种排列方向,垂直于横切面和平行于横切面。13种贝壳珍珠层的晶体有颗粒状、砖块状、圆形、块状和不规则的多边形。不同种的贝壳角质层、棱柱层和珍珠层的厚度也不同。研究贝壳微观结构之间的差异,可以为分类提供基本资料。  相似文献   
微卫星标记在不同壳色虾夷扇贝家系亲权鉴定的适用性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实验选取8 个多态性微卫星位点, 用于虾夷扇贝4 个不同壳色全同胞和半同胞家系160 个子代的亲权鉴定。在亲本未知和一亲本已知的情况下, 8 个微卫星位点累积排除概率分别为0.823 和0.961。鉴于亲权分析时子代的亲本在已知和未知情况下位点的累积排除概率不同, 实验采用了两种方法用于家系的亲权鉴定。方法1: 当子代的父母本情况未知时, 根据子代基因型数据, 通过CERVUS 2.0 软件计算子代所对应的候选亲本的LOD 值, 直接将候选亲本中具有最大的两个LOD 值的亲本确定为子代的父母本; 方法2: 在子代的亲本未知情况下, 视具有最大LOD 值的候选亲本为子代的第一候选亲本, 然后将该亲本视为已知, 通过CERVUS 2.0 软件重新计算每个侯选亲本的LOD 值, 再从中选择具有最大LOD 值的候选亲本作为该子代的第二候选亲本。结果表明, 采用方法2 得到的家系亲权鉴定成功率达到95%以上, 确定了微卫星标记在虾夷扇贝家系鉴定中的可行性。所检测的微卫星位点在子代中出现无效等位基因现象, 而无效等位基因存在会引起子代与亲本的错配。实验在家系鉴定时采用了无效等位基因存在(情况1)和缺失(情况2)两种子代基因型文件进行分析, 不同情况下同一方法家系鉴定成功率相差无几。这表明了基于多个微卫星位点计算候选亲本LOD 值大小寻找子代真实父母本可以降低由无效等位基因引起的错配的几率。研究表明了微卫星标记适合于不同壳色虾夷扇贝家系亲权鉴定工作。    相似文献   
This study reports on the haemocyte responses after induction of shell regeneration in the hydrothermal mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. Haemolymph was drawn from live mussels collected at Menez Gwen hydrothermal vent site (850 m depth) at the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and was compared with those collected following laboratory acclimatisation (1 atm and Ca-rich algal diet) and also with induced specimen for up to 30 days. Simultaneously, histological changes in mantle micro-morphology with the histochemical detection of Ca mobilisation in tissues were conducted.On the basis of light- and transmission electron microscopy, it is concluded that the physiological equipment involved in shell regeneration in the deep sea bivalve closely resembles that in littoral mytilids, a group that B. azoricus is closely related. This in spite of previously alleged molecular and cellular adaptations to extreme conditions typical at deep sea hydrothermal vents. Three types of blood cells were identified sharing various morphological similarities with those in many non-vent bivalves. Significant increase in the number of circulating haemocytes was detected from day 5 after induction shell regeneration. It is suggested that the increase may be a result of migration of haemocytes from the connective tissue, probably to the shell growth frontline. It is alleged that a first peak in haemocyte number is a non-specific immune response related wound healing, which renders changes in the pallial fluid that are favourable for CaCO3 deposition. The conspicuous presence of an unidentified, acid soluble, highly refractive structure in the haemolymph of induced mussels was detected, which may play a role in Ca nucleation.This study has set the stage for investigations underway on the influence of hydrostatic pressure on shell biomineralisation in B. azoricus subjected to post-capture hyperbaric simulations.  相似文献   
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