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Parasitic plants demonstrate a diversity of growth strategies, life histories, and developmental and physiological characteristics. Most research to date has focused on a narrow range of parasitic taxa, particularly in the Orobanchaceae, while the other independent origins of parasitism have largely gone unstudied. One type of parasite that has received relatively little attention are the endophytic parasites, which have a fascinating growth strategy where the parasite is embedded within the host tissue, with the flower the only externally visibly plant part. Endophytic growth makes it challenging to understand basic aspects of species biology, such as the size of a given parasite, the number of parasites per host, and the genetic diversity of populations. Recent studies by Barkman et al. (2017) and Pelser et al. (2017) have used microsatellite genotyping to investigate the population biology of endoparasitic Rafflesiaceae species in Asia. They show the potential for extensive parasite spread within a host vine and the strong partitioning of genetic diversity by host. These species are also shown to have an outcrossing mating system. However, these studies suggest different reproductive strategies, one supporting monoecy and one suggesting dioecy. Overall, these studies partly “lift the lid” on the cryptic biology of Rafflesia and the Rafflesiaceae and open the door for future comparative studies between endophytic and free-living parasitic plants.  相似文献   
马来西亚沙巴因为东南亚最高的山--基纳巴卢山(Mt. Kinabalu,海拔4095 m,在当地被称为神山)而闻名于世。但沙巴也是全世界生物多样性最为丰富的地区之一,仅兰花的种类就多达1500种以上。在这里生长的大花草也吸引大量的游客,当地土著人每发现一处有大花草开花的地方都会围起来,派专人管理,并向游客收取门票。  相似文献   
Fates and growth of Rafflesia patma buds and insect visitation to the flowers were monitored in an evergreen tropical rain forest in the Pangandaran Nature Reserve, Java, Indonesia, Of 59 buds marked in December 1985, 44 percent died before flowering, 7 percent flowered, and 49 percent were still in bud in May 1986. Mammals and birds caused the deaths of buds before they reached maturity. Only four buds flowered between December 1985 and May 1986; all were male. Rate of increase in diameter (cm/d) was much faster in large than in small buds. Once opening began, the flower opened fully in 24 to 48 hours; the flower remained open for three to five days before rotting. Only two genera of insects visited a male flower of R. patma: Lucilia and Sarcophaga (Diptera). Insect visitation was highest in the afternoon (1300–1700 h) and on the second or third day after flower opening. The increased number of flies visiting the flower coincided with the increasing odor emitted from it. Results of the present study were combined with information from the literature to construct a life cycle diagram of R. patma.  相似文献   
Is Rafflesia an endothermic flower?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
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