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【目的】地红蝽Pyrrhocoris tibialis是一种重要的农业植食性害虫,寄主范围广泛。本研究测定地红蝽对不同植物的取食偏好及分析寄主植物物理性状和营养物质在地红蝽成虫寄主选择行为中的作用,以期从寄主理化性状的角度来探讨地红蝽寄主选择行为机制,为指导作物抗虫育种提供依据。【方法】通过自由选择方法研究地红蝽成虫对5种寄主植物(谷子Setaria italica、高粱Sorghum bicolor、绿豆Vigna radiata、大豆Glycine max和玉米Zea mays)叶片的取食选择性;使用Y型嗅觉仪进一步检测地红蝽对5种植物叶片气味的趋性反应;测定分析5种植物叶片物理性状及主要营养物质含量与地红蝽取食选择性的相关性。【结果】地红蝽成虫对5种寄主植物叶片的取食选择率存在显著性差异,依次为谷子>高粱>绿豆=大豆>玉米,与对这5种寄主植物叶片气味的趋性反应百分率结果一致。相关性分析表明,地红蝽成虫的取食选择性与叶片长宽比、含水量和背面茸毛密度呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.881, 0.884和0.906,而与地红蝽成虫取食前后寄主植物叶片可溶性糖含量变化和总蛋白质含量变化呈显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.915和-0.951。通径分析表明,寄主植物叶片背面茸毛密度和总蛋白质含量变化是地红蝽寄主选择性的重要决定因素。【结论】地红蝽成虫对不同寄主植物存在取食选择和趋向性差异,地红蝽成虫取食选择与寄主植物叶片长宽比、背面茸毛密度、含水量以及可溶性糖和总蛋白质含量变化有关。  相似文献   
We have investigated ultrastructural changes in the integuments of larval–adult and larval–pupal intermediates produced by exogenous application of juvenile hormone (JH) analogues in Pyrrhocoris apterus (Hemiptera), and Galleria mellonella and Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera). Ultrastructural analysis of the epidermis of these intermediates always revealed the presence of only two types of epidermal cell, which produced morphologically perfect cuticles of the previous and future developmental stages. There were no intermediate cuticles at the level of individual cells. It has been determined that a single epidermal cell constitutes the lowest elementary unit in the perception and realization of the developmental messages conveyed by JH to its target tissues. Further investigations revealed that the responses of individual epidermal cells to JH were strictly autonomous and qualitative, i.e. they were executed according to the ''yes-or-no'' or ''all-or-none'' rule. The neighbouring epidermal cells could realize independently, side-by-side, the quite dissimilar +JH (somatic growth) or -JH (metamorphosis) developmental programmes, although each of them formed biochemically, functionally, and ontogenetically different structures. The qualitative on- and off- signal given by JH for induction of the stationary (+JH) developmental cycle was limited to relatively short, genetically determined, and stage-specific developmental periods of cellular susceptibility to JH. The mosaic mixtures of the heterochronic, larval–pupal or adult epidermal cells, which we found in different proportions on the bodies of the intermediates, revealed two variable, development-related factors: (i) the presence or absence of a minimum effective concentration of JH, and (ii) positive or negative sensitivity of a particular epidermal cell to JH.  相似文献   
Abstract. Macropterous females of Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) reared under short-day conditions (LD 12:12 h) were analysed for temporal patterns of feeding and drinking behaviour, activities of digestive enzymes in the gut, and lipid and glycogen content in the haemolymph and fat body. Peaks of drinking activity were recorded at days 3, 7 and 10 during the first 14 days after imaginal ecdysis. Feeding activity peaked on the third day, ceasing completely after the fourth day of adult life. Esterase, protease, amylase and aminopeptidase activities exhibited the highest overall activity in the first days after imaginal emergence; then enzyme activities decreased. In the fat body, the content of lipids was highest on day 5, then a decrease of about 40% was observed at day 14; the amount of glycogen was highest on day 1 at 11 μg of glucose equivalents/mg of fat body, then decreased to 2 μg at day 14 after the imaginal moult. In the haemolymph, the lipid content rose until day 8 when it reached almost 0.3 μmol/μl; at day 14 the value was slightly lower. The association of fasting with reproductive arrest in macropterous females of P. apterus, accompanied by a decrease in digestive enzyme activities and a mobilization of lipid reserves from the fat body, was demonstrated.  相似文献   
Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are getting cheaper and easier and hence becoming readily accessible for many researchers in biological disciplines including ecology. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Sudakaran et al. (2012) show how the NGS revolution contributes to our better and more comprehensive understanding of ecological interactions between gut symbiotic microbiota and the host organism. Using the European red firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus as a model system, they demonstrated that the gut microbiota consists of a small number of major bacterial phylotypes plus other minor bacterial associates. The major bacteria are localized in a specific anoxic section of the midgut and quantitatively account for most of the gut microbiota irrespective of host's geographic populations. The specific gut microbiota is established through early nymphal development of the host insect. Interestingly, the host feeding on different food, namely linden seeds, sunflower seeds or wasp larvae, scarcely affected the symbiont composition, suggesting homoeostatic control over the major symbiotic microbiota in the anoxic section of the midgut. Some of the minor components of the gut microbiota, which conventional PCR/cloning/sequencing approaches would have failed to detect, were convincingly shown to be food‐derived. These findings rest on the robust basis of high‐throughput sequencing data, and some of them could not be practically obtained by conventional molecular techniques, highlighting the significant impact of NGS approaches on ecological aspects of host–symbiont interactions in a nonmodel organism.  相似文献   
为阐明越冬期间始红蝽应对低温胁迫的耐寒策略及其影响因素,从生理生化水平探讨始红蝽成虫的耐寒能力,逐月测定了12月至翌年3月始红蝽低温驯化前后的过冷却点、低温存活率、LT_(50)以及始红蝽体内耐寒物质含量。结果表明,越冬期间始红蝽自然种群过冷却点最低为(-14.01±0.53)℃,-5、-10℃驯化30min后的始红蝽过冷却点最低降至为(-19.32±0.86)℃、(-25.56±1.09)℃。0℃驯化30min后暴露于-5、-10、-15℃1h的最高存活率依次为100%、39.1%±8.6%、10%;始红蝽自然种群LT_(50)最低为-8.53℃,0℃驯化后降至-9.21℃。越冬期间雌雄始红蝽体内自由水/结合水比值和游离蛋白质含量先下降后上升,12月达到最大值,雌雄分别为144.50±26.22和140.32±21.92,(15.81±0.10)mg/g和(15.47±0.01)mg/g;脂肪、海藻糖和甘油含量先上升后下降,2月达到最大值,雌雄脂肪含量分别为(16.33±0.48)mg/g和(13.15±1.32)mg/g,海藻糖含量分别为(11.98±0.01)mg/g和(10.88±0.02)mg/g,甘油含量分别为(14.74±0.01)mg/g和(15.06±0.03)mg/g。研究证明,低温驯化后始红蝽的过冷却点和LT_(50)明显降低,低温存活率显著提高,越冬期间始红蝽可通过调整体内抗逆物质含量以增强虫体耐寒能力。  相似文献   
The reproductive and diapausing adult females of brachypterous morph and macropterous females with reproductive arrest of non-diapause type, originating from the laboratory cultures of Pyrrhocoris apterus, were studied for their feeding and drinking behaviour, digestive enzyme activities, and carbohydrate and lipid contents. The highest feeding and drinking activities were observed in reproductive brachypters, the lowest in macropters. Macropters also differed from brachypters by lower activities of gut lipase, peptidase and protease, lower concentration of haemolymph sugars, and lower weight of fat body, which probably reflects their low feeding activity. The total content of fat body lipids was also lower in macropters (0.6 mg) than in reproductive and diapausing brachypters (4.6 and 7.5 mg, respectively) on day 14. A very high amount of glycogen was found in the fat body of diapausing brachypters, 363 micrograms on day 14, as opposed to 15 and 80 micrograms in macropterous and reproductive brachypterous females, respectively. The obtained data indicate that the most important difference between macropterous and brachypterous females with different types of reproductive arrest consists of an enhanced mobilization of lipids for dispersal in macropters and accumulation of energetic reserves for hibernation in brachypters.  相似文献   
Numerous studies have shown warning coloration to facilitate the discrimination of edible and inedible prey. However, inedible insect species may possess cryptic coloration as well. It has been shown that some other visual features (especially characteristic body shape) are sufficient for the recognition of some insect taxa (e.g. ladybirds, ants, wasps). We tested the ability of wild‐caught great tits (Parus major) to discriminate between the identically coloured edible (roach – Blaptica dubia) and the inedible (firebug – Pyrrhocoris apterus) as prey according to subtle peripheral visual traits (shape of legs and antennae, body posture, and means of locomotion). Both prey species were offered either simultaneously or alternately. The ability of the birds to learn was tested by means of fourteen trial repetitions in two sessions. In general, great tits were not able to learn to discriminate between firebugs and roaches by subtle shape cues alone during the two sessions. However, multivariate analysis of individual bird behaviour showed that they adopted one of three different attitudes to the presented prey. Most of the birds never attacked any or always attacked both prey. In addition, a small proportion of the birds was able to discriminate between the two prey types and attacked only roaches. Nevertheless, firebugs survived most of the attacks, which suggests that in case of chemically protected prey, the evolution of conspicuous coloration is not always the best/only option.  相似文献   
The resting activity was studied in filiform sensilla of the firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus). Three functional types (T1, T2 and T3) were detected on the abdomen. A resting discharge of nerve impulses is present in all—always in types T1 and T2 and occasionally in type T3. In T1 the mean rate is 57, in T2 3.3 and in T3 0.5 imp/s. Shortening the hair length had a negligible effect on the resting discharge, which indicates an intrinsic origin. The resting activity is highly temperature dependent. In T1, the activation energy was 56.8, in T2 84 and in T3 61.4 kJ/mol (Q 10: 2.27, 5.6 and 5.5, respectively). Such values are typical for mechano-transduction, suggesting the involvement of the transduction mechanism itself. The destruction of the hair base in T1 caused halving of the original discharge rate and shifted the discharge to a regular interval mode. The activation energy decreased to 38 kJ/mol. The destruction of the hair bases in T2 and T3 completely abolished the discharge. It appears that at least two mechanisms are involved in the generation of the resting activity in T1 units while only one can be assumed in case of T2 and T3.  相似文献   
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