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Scattered populations of the same tree species in montane forests through Africa have led to speculations on the origins of distributions. Here, we inferred the colonization history of the Afromontane tree Prunus africana using seven chloroplast DNA loci to study 582 individuals from 32 populations sampled in a range-wide survey from across Africa, revealing 22 haplotypes. The predominant haplotype, HT1a, occurred in 13 populations of eastern and southern Africa, while a second common haplotype, HT1m, occurred in populations of western Uganda and western Africa. The high differentiation observed between populations in East Africa was unexpected, with stands in western Uganda belonging with the western African lineage. High genetic differentiation among populations revealed using ordered alleles (N(ST) = 0.840) compared with unordered alleles (G(ST) = 0.735), indicated a clear phylogeographic pattern. Bayesian coalescence modelling suggested that 'east' and 'west' African types likely split early during southward migration of the species, while further more recent splitting events occurred among populations in the East of the continent. The high genetic similarity found between western Uganda and west African populations indicates that a former Afromontane migration corridor may have existed through Equatorial Africa.  相似文献   
东莞凤岗镇臀果木-黄桐风水林群落特征分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于样方调查,对东莞凤岗镇臀果木(Pygeum topengii)-黄桐(Endospermum chinense)风水林群落特征进行分析.结果表明,该群落属于南亚热带低地常绿阔叶林的代表性恢复类群.在2 000 m2的样地中,共有维管束植物64种,隶属于39科56属,区系成分以热带亚热带成分为主,占总属数的94%.群落的主要优势树种为臀果木、黄桐、银柴、浙江润楠和小盘木.群落外貌常绿,季相较为明显,生活型以高位芽植物占优势,达67.19%.群落的垂直层次结构分化明显,可划分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层以及由藤本植物和附生植物构成的层片结构.Shannon多样性指数在各层次表现出乔木层>灌木层>藤本植物>草本层的格局,整个群落的Margalef丰富度指数为6.8354,Shannon多样性指数为3.8874,Pielou均匀度指数为0.6479.通过对10个优势树种种群的年龄结构、空间分布格局以及种问协变分析,表明臀果木-黄桐群落处于进展演替阶段,优势种群分布呈现由集群向随机的扩散趋势,并朝着优势种群种间相关关系减弱的方向进行.  相似文献   
I studied the uses of the African cherry (Prunus africana) by four ethnic groups who live near the Kilum-Ijim Forest Preserve on Mount Oku, Cameroon. Prunus africana is valued for its timber, which is used for tool handles and for fuel, and it is an important wildlife food. However, its greatest value is for traditional medicines. Healers use the bark and leaves to treat more than 30 human ailments and several animal diseases and it is the most important plant used in their practices. This study is the first to document this importance, particularly for animal medicines. I also examined the growing worldwide herbal use to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. Market demand has caused resource depletion and an erosion of traditional resource protection practices. Preservation of the species will depend on sustainable harvesting methods and on cultivation.
La Cerise Africaine (Prunus Africana): Du Manche De Houe Au Marche International D’herbes
Résumé  J’ai etudié I’emploi de la cerise africaine (Prunus africana) par quatre groupes ethniques residant prés de la préserve forestiére Kilum-Ijim surle Mont Oku, au Cameroun. Prunus africana est prisé pour son bois, qui est utilisé pour fabriquer des manches d’outils, et comme combustible. C’est également un aliment important pour la faune sauvage. Pourtant, sa plus grande valeur est dans la medecine traditionnelle. Les guerisseurs en utilisent l’écorce et les feuilles pour trailer plus de 30 maladies humaines et plusieurs maladies animates; c’est la plante la plus importante utilisée dans leurs cures. Cette étude est la premiére á documenter cette importance, particuliérement dans le domaine des médicaments pour les animaux. J’ai aussi examiné son usage mondial croissant comme traitement de I’hypertrophie bénigne de la prostate. La demande économique a causé une dépletion des ressources et une érosion des pratiques traditionnelles de protection des ressources. La préservation de cette espéce exigera des méthodes de moisson soutenables ainsi que la cultivation.
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