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Summary The developing pigment strand of rice (Oryza sativa L.) was studied by conventional electron microscopy and also by use of thick sections post-fixed with zinc iodide and osmium (ZIO).When the rice caryopsis achieves maximum length, a suberised adcrusting wall layer is laid down over the original primary walls of the pigment strand. Concomitant with suberin deposition a proliferation of tubular endoplasmic reticulum occurs in the cytoplasm giving rise to numerous interconnected vesicles which bear ribosomes. The vesicles in the general cytoplasm retain their ribosomes while those close to the wall become smooth and contain an electron-opaque granular material which is eventually deposited to the outside of the plasmalemma. This granular material may be the precursor(s) from which suberin is polymerised. The suberised wall attains about six times the width of the original primary wall and plasmodesmata, which traverse both primary wall and suberised wall layers, become greatly elongated.Lipid bodies increase in both size and frequency during development, eventually coalescing to form a complete plug across the pigment strand and occluding the symplast of this tissue. The significance of these ultrastructural observations is discussed in relation to the previously demonstrated role of the pigment strand as a translocation pathway for water and assimilates during grain filling.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - ZIO zinc iodide-osmium fixation  相似文献   
Sodium iodate damages retinal pigment epithelium specifically, but the reason for this specificity is not well understood. The work reported here describes an effect of sodium iodate on melanin, a major component of the retinal pigment epithelium. Sodium iodate increases the ability of melanin to convert glycine to glyoxylate. Almost ten times as much glyoxylate is formed when sodium iodate is present compared to the amount formed with melanin alone, although iodate alone does not convert glycine to glyoxylate. A chemical reaction between sodium iodate and melanin is suggested as a partial explanation of the specificity of iodate toxicity towards retinal pigment epithelium.  相似文献   
The autoxidation of dopa to melanin in culture media causes toxicity to retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and endothelial cells. The damage is specific to cell type and to the ambient oxygen concentration. To determine whether RPE cells influence the oxidation of dopa to media, we compared light absorbing dopa derivatives in the media exposed to cells with those found in the media incubated without cells. Dopa was extensively oxidized in the presence of RPE cells, and more light absorbing substances were generated with higher dopa and oxygen concentrations. However, an increase in ambient oxygen concentration decreased the quantity of several dopa derivatives which had been formed. The data provided evidence that RPE modulated dopa metabolism. Quinolic derivatives produced from a tyrosinase reaction and dopa-melanin formation moved the peak absorbance wavelength of dopa into the visible range. The spectrum between the dopa-derived compounds in the media has an absorbance at 240–275 nm and a maximum around 300 nm wth a shoulder near 375 nm. Gaussian analysis (peak separation) resolved these spectra into five components: a sharp band at 248 nm, a band at 295 nm, a large band at 359 nm, and two broad bands at 459 and 585 nm.  相似文献   
Pseudochattonella verruculosa is a heterokont flagellate and has frequently been found associated with multi-species harmful algal blooms in Wellington Harbour. In this study the partial sequences of the nuclear encoded LSU rDNA and the large subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcL) of Pseudochattonella isolated from Wellington Harbour indicate that it is similar to P. verruculosa, while sequences of mitochondrial encoded COI, are similar to those of Pseudochattonella farcimen. As with P. farcimen, the Wellington Pseudochattonella lacked violaxanthin, lutein and anteroxanthin, three pigments detected only in P. verruculosa. The Wellington isolate also contains zeaxanthin which is absent in P. farcimen. Among all Pseudochattonella, cells of the Wellington isolate are the most variable in terms of both size and shape. Mucocysts of the Wellington Pseudochattonella also have the greatest degree of variation – from small, ‘bullet’-shape to large oval, oblong or ‘sausage’-like. In the sexual reproduction phase two gametes of the Wellington isolate fuse to form a zygote which gives rise to a large multi-nucleate cell. At times two or more of these large multi-nucleate cells fuse further to form a ‘massive’, plasmodium-like aggregate (up to 200 μm long). Positive feeding and toxicity tests on rotifers confirmed that the Wellington Pseudochattonella is cytotoxic and probably also contributed to the May 2010 fish kills. As molecular phylogenies do not conclusively support the separation of the Wellington Harbour Pseudochattonella from P. verruculosa or P. farcimen, it is tentatively named as Pseudochattonella cf. verruculosa.  相似文献   
天然酚类色素的研究与应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物花色素的研究已经非常广泛和深入,多酚类化合物作为重要的天然食用色素越来越受到人们的重视.本文结合近年来的最新研究成果,从酚类色素的种类与结构、理化性质、提纯与鉴定、稳定性及影响因素、生物功能和应用价值等方面进行了综述,并对酚类的研究热点进行了展望,对人们全面认识和开发利用酚类色素具有一定的参考文献:价值.  相似文献   
Defolliculated fully grown oocytes of Xenopus laevis were treated with cytochalasin D (10 micrograms/ml) and their protein synthesis was studied by labelling with S-35 methionine. This treatment brought about an alteration in pigment pattern as well as a reduction in amino acid uptake by the oocytes. However, the radioactive amino acid taken by cytochalasin-treated oocytes was incorporated into protein in the same proportion as in untreated oocytes. These results suggested that subcortical pigment distribution and amino acid uptake in fully grown oocytes were microfilament-dependent processes, whereas protein synthesis in the oocyte was not.  相似文献   
The kinetic properties and subcellular distribution of an esterifying enzyme in the pigment epithelium of bovine retina have been studied using both [1-3H]retinol and [3H]retinol bound to cellular retinol-binding protein as substrates. The most active esterifying fraction in pigment epithelial cell preparations was the microsomes, but the lysosome plus mitochondria fraction also showed some activity, probably due to endoplasmic reticulum present as an impurity. The microsomal enzyme showed optimum activity at pH 7.5, and the reaction was linear up to 30 μg protein and for the first 10–15 min. The apparent Km values were 16.6 · 10?6 and 5.5 · 10?6 M for [3H]retinol and bound [3H]retinol, respectively. This is the first time that retinol bound to cellular retinol-binding protein has been shown to undergo metabolic stransformation. The microsomal esterifying activity was destroyed by boiling for 1 min, or after freezing for 2 months. No clear requirement for ATP, CoA or fatty acid could be demonstrated.Of all the other tissues examined under the same experimental conditions as those used for the pigment epithelium, onlt intestine showed measurable activity. With larger amounts of tissue protein and longer incubation periods, activity was also detectable in microsomes of liver, testis and retina  相似文献   
Summary Observations of a number of vertebrate chromatophores have revealed the presence of more than one type of pigment organelles, suggesting that the different types are all derived from an equipotential organelle able to differentiate into any of the major pigment-containing organelles (Bagnara, 1972). Observations are presented concerning the occurrence of hybrid pigment inclusions, i.e., all kinds of intergrades between melanosomes, pterinosomes, and reflecting platelets in pigment cells of the daddy-long-legs. It therefore seems possible that pigment organelles in some invertebrates may also be derived from a common pluripotential primordial organelle.Supported from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   
Résumé La morphologie (forme, taille, structure) des corps myéloïdes de l'épithelium pigmentaire rétinien est décrite, ainsi que leur répartition chez les différentes classes de vertébrés. On définit les critères d'identification de ces corps: Ils ne sont jamais limités par une membrane, sont en continuité avec le reticulum endoplasmique lisse, sont formés de saccules aplatis, liés deux à deux par des complexes de jonction. Ils établissent des relations de continuité avec la membrane nucléaire. Les confusions entre corps myéloïdes et diverses autres structures (phagosomes en particulier) sont discutées. Il n'existe pas de corps myéloïdes dans la rétine des Mammifères.
Myeloid bodies of the retinal pigment epitheliumI. Distribution, morphology and connections with cytoplasmic organels
Summary The morphology (shape, dimensions, structure) of the myeloid bodies of the retinal pigment epithelium and their distribution through several classes of vertebrates is described. The criteria of identity of these bodies are defined: They are never membrane-bounded, they are in direct continuity with the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, they are made of flattened discs linked two and two by junction complexes. They are in direct relation with the nuclear membrane. The confusion between myeloïd bodies and other structures, like phagosomes, is discussed. The retina of Mammals does not contain myeloïd bodies.
Chargé de recherche à l'INSERM. Travail réalisé grace à une subvention de l'INSERM.  相似文献   
The fine structure and photosynthetic cost of structural leaf variegation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The leaves of some plants display an optical patchiness on their upper side, displaying light- and dark-green areas with high and low reflectance, respectively. In this investigation, we studied the fine structure of the corresponding sectors and we asked whether the lost reflected light entails a photosynthetic cost to these leaves. Four species, i.e. Arum italicum, Ranunculus ficaria, Cyclamen hederifolium and Cyclamen persicum were investigated. Scanning electron microscope examination revealed that epidermal cells of light-green sectors of all species are more bulgy than corresponding cells of neighboring dark-green leaf sectors. The comparative anatomical study revealed that (i) epidermis thickness of the light-green areas and the number of mesophyll cell layers does not differ from those of the adjacent dark-green leaf sectors and (ii) palisade cells of light-green sectors are slightly larger and more loosely arranged, allowing a much higher percentage of intercellular air spaces. The latter histological feature seems to provide the structural basis for the different optical properties between the two leaf sectors. Contrary to expectations, net photosynthetic rates (expressed on a leaf area basis) were similar in the light-green and the dark-green areas of the two cyclamen species. Yet, in C. persicum net photosynthesis was higher in the light-green areas, if expressed on a dry mass basis. The small size of the light-green spots in the rest of the test plants precluded CO2 assimilation measurements, yet maximum linear photosynthetic electron transport rates displayed no differences between the two sectors in all plants. Thus, the assumption of a photosynthetic cost in the light-green areas was not confirmed. On the contrary, a higher construction cost was evident in the dark-green areas of three species, displaying a significantly higher specific leaf mass, without any photosynthetic benefit. The results on net photosynthesis were compatible with leaf optical properties and pigment levels. Thus, in spite of the considerably higher reflectance of the light-green areas and their lower (yet normal for a green leaf) chlorophyll levels, corresponding differences in absorptance were slight. In addition, dry mass-based pigment contents in dark-green areas were higher, while chlorophyll a/b (in two species) and carotenoid/chlorophyll ratios (in three species) were lower, pointing to a shade adaptation in these sectors. We conclude that in variegated leaves of this kind, dark-green areas are more costly to build and probably less photosynthetically active. We argue that the high pigment contents of dark-green areas establish steep light gradients in the corresponding mesophyll, rendering deeper chloroplast layers more shade adapted.  相似文献   
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