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Using matK and rbcL sequences (3,269 bp in total) from 113 genera of 45 families, we conducted a combined analysis to contribute to the understanding of major evolutionary relationships in the monocotyledons. Trees resulting from the parsimony analysis are similar to those generated by earlier single or multiple gene analyses, but their strict consensus tree provides much better resolution of relationships among major clades. We find that Acorus (Acorales) is a sister group to the rest of the monocots, which receives 100% bootstrap support. A clade comprising Alismatales is diverged as the next branch, followed successively by Petrosaviaceae, the Dioscoreales–Pandanales clade, Liliales, Asparagales and commelinoids. All of these clades are strongly supported (with more than 90% bootstrap support). The sister-group relationship is also strongly supported between Alismatales and the remaining monocots (except for Acorus) (100%), between Petrosaviaceae and the remaining monocots (except for Acorus and Alismatales) (100%), between the clade comprising Dioscoreales and Pandanales and the clade comprising Liliales, Asparagales and commelinoids (87%), and between Liliales and the Asparagales–commelinoids clade (89%). Only the sister-group relationship between Asparagales and commelinoids is weakly supported (68%). Results also support the inclusion of Petrosaviaceae in its own order Petrosaviales, Nartheciaceae in Dioscoreales and Hanguanaceae in Commelinales.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10265-003-0133-3  相似文献   
Japonolirion osense, the sole species of the genus, endemic to Japan, which is placed together with Petrosavia in the Petrosaviaceae and the order Petrosaviales, is still poorly known with respect to systematic characters. Here I present an embryological study of the anther, ovule, and seed of J. osense. Japonolirion is characterized by a glandular anther tapetum, simultaneous cytokinesis in the microspore mother cell, two-celled mature pollen grains, anatropous and crassinucellate ovules, a two-cell-layered nucellar cap formed early in ovule development, antipodal cells hypertrophied in post-fertilization stages, the ab initio cellular mode of endosperm formation, and exotegmic seeds. Comparisons with the basal monocots Acorus (Acorales) and Araceae (Alismatales), and with the more derived monocots Nartheciaceae (Dioscoreales) and Velloziaceae/Triuridaceae (Pandanales), showed that Japonolirion is clearly distinct from those basal and more derived monocots, supporting a distinct position for Petrosaviaceae or Petrosaviales within the monocots. Extensive comparisons further suggest that the two-cell-layered nucellar cap, whose cells are rich in cytoplasm at the time of fertilization in Japonolirion and thus obviously function as the obturator, is likely to be a common characteristic of the basal monocots and may even be a link with the magnoliids.  相似文献   
Japonolirion, comprising Japonolirion osense Nakai, which occurs on serpentinite at two widely separated localities in Japan, has been considered as an isolated taxon, but more recently has been proved by molecular evidence to be a sister group to an achlorophyllous, mycoheterotrophic genus, Petrosavia. In an effort to research possible characters linking these groups, we analyzed the flavonoid compounds obtained from leaves of Japonolirion using UV spectra, mass spectrometry and 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, and acid hydrolysis of the original glycosides as well as direct thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography comparisons with authentic specimens. As a result, we identified seven flavonoids, of which two were major components identified as 6-C-glucosylquercetin 3-O-glucoside and isoorientin. The remaining five were minor components identified as 6-C-glucosylkaempferol 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-arabinoside, vicenin-2 and orientin. Both 6-C-glucosylquercetin 3-O-glucoside and 6-C-glucosylkaempferol 3-O-glucoside were recorded for the first time in nature. Because of their restricted occurrence in angiosperms, both C-glycosylflavonols and 3-O-glycosides of C-glycosylflavonols may be significant chemical markers for assessing relationships of J. osense.  相似文献   
近期在缅甸北部进行野外植物考察中,发现了一种菌类寄生植物,疏花无叶莲(Petrosavia sakurai),是缅甸被子植物一新记录科和新记录目——无叶莲科和无叶莲目。对其进行了详细的报导,并提供特征描述等数据。疏花无叶莲主要特征为茎上的鳞片状叶较疏离且彼此相距1~2 cm、总状花序、花苞片稍短于花梗、花被约1/3贴生于子房上。  相似文献   
Most systematists have favored placing Petrosaviaceae close to the Triuridaceae (formerly positioned within Alismatidae) by focusing on the mycoheterotrophic habit and nearly free carpels of Petrosaviaceae. Others have favored a position near the melanthioid lilies, perhaps serving as a linking-family to the Triuridaceae. We discuss the results of recently published, independent, and combined DNA sequence analyses that indicate a strongly supported sister relationship betweenPetrosavia (Petrosaviaceae) andJaponolirion (Japonoliriaceae). Molecular data show no connection of these genera to the Alismatales (including Tofieldiaceae), the Melanthiaceae s. str., the Liliales, or the Triuridaceae (now in Pandanales), although there are morphological similarities to each of these groups. A relationship to the Pandanales has been indicated in some molecular analyses, but this is not supported by bootstrap/jackknife analyses or by most morphological characters. BothPetrosavia andJaponolirion are native to high-evelation habitats and have bracteate racemes, pedicellate flowers, six persistent tepals, septal nectaries, three nearly distinct carpels, simultaneous microsporogenesis, monosulcate pollen, and follicular fruits. Outside of the Alismatales, no other monocotyledons share this combination of features. We therefore suggest that the Petrosaviaceae be re-circumscribed to includeJaponolirion. If the family's isolated position among the monocot orders continues to be found in phylogenetic studies, then recognition of the already published order Petrosaviales would be appropriate.  相似文献   
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