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Due to being a virtually monomorphic wader species, migration dynamics and sex-related migration patterns in the Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola) have rarely been investigated. We captured spring migrants at an important stopover site in northeastern Austria. Birds were individually color-marked, and sex was determined by an analysis of DNA from tail feather material. Among temporary residents (birds seen again after day of capture), males migrated on average 3 days earlier than females. However, since sexes did not differ in fat score, the length of stay and the proportion of transients (birds not seen again after day of capture) and temporary residents, we suggest that males and females adopt similar migration strategies in the spring. The large number of transients captured as well as shorter stopover durations in later temporary residents indicate that Wood Sandpipers minimize time at this stage of their northbound migration. Temporary residents earlier in the season exhibited lower fat stores than later ones. Nevertheless, since the fat stores of transients and temporary residents were similar even after the progress of the season had been accounted for, we assume that Wood Sandpipers may afford to exhibit individual flexibility in migration strategy and the use of stopover sites, especially early in the season. This variability may be a necessary adaptation to cope with possible varying environmental conditions at dynamic and unpredictable inland stopover sites. After having reached North Mediterranean regions, mean body mass of spring migrants gradually increases during successive stopovers, indicating that Wood Sandpipers follow a ‘hopping’ migration strategy. This emphasizes the high conservation value of even small artificial mudflat pools as important stepping stones in order to maintain a continuous network of wetland habitats for this continental migrant.  相似文献   
Objectives: Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer among women and a common cause of cancer-related deaths. Early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer is critical in disease prognosis. Breast density is known to have a correlation with breast cancer. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the investigation of computer-aided methods for early diagnosis of breast cancer. In this study, a new fully-automated deep learning-based cascaded model was proposed for breast density assessment. In the first stage, the segmentation of adipose, fibroglandular, and pectoral muscle tissues from the digitized film mammograms of the Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) was investigated using various types of U-nets. Features extracted from the breast tissue segmentation predictions were then used to assess breast density in the second stage. Material and methods: 66 and 296 mediolateral oblique mammograms were selected from DDSM dataset for segmentation and breast density assessment systems, respectively. Different U-nets with varying number of layers and filters were implemented and the model having the highest performance was determined. U-net performance was investigated using categorical cross-entropy, Dice, Tversky, Focal Tversky, and logarithmic cosine-hyperbolic Dice loss functions. The performances of U-nets having different types of connections were investigated. The performances of U-nets having pre-trained weights from VGG16, VGG19, and ResNet50 networks in the encoding path were also investigated. Segmentation results were improved by using an image processing pipeline based on morphological operators. Segmentation performance was presented in terms of accuracy, balanced accuracy, intersection over union, and Dice's similarity coefficient (DSC) metrics. The segmentation system predictions were then used to estimate mammographic density using a machine learning pipeline by extracting features related to the fibroglandular tissue percentage. Results: Using ResNet50-U-net on the test data, average DSC scores of 82.71%, 73.39%, and 95.30% were obtained for adipose, fibroglandular, and pectoral muscle tissue segmentation, respectively. The mammogram segmentation results are 3%-12% better than the current state-of-the-art DSC in the literature when considering all of the foreground tissues concurrently. A breast density classification accuracy of 76.01% was achieved on a separate mammogram dataset, which is comparable to the recent studies in the literature. Conclusion: The proposed system can be used for automatic segmentation of mammogram into adipose, fibroglandular, and pectoral muscle tissues. The segmentation model enables the estimation of the fibroglandular-adipose tissue interface, which is recently found to be an important region for breast cancer investigations. The proposed fully-automatic breast density assessment system has a comparable performance to the ones in the literature.  相似文献   
四种鹤的胸骨和肩带骨比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对国家一类保护动物丹顶鹤、白枕鹤、白头鹤、白鹤的胸骨与肩带骨进行了比较,阐明白鹤与鹤属的3种鹤在骨胳特征上的重要差别,进一步论证把白鹤从鹤属分离出来与肉垂鹤合为一个属是正确的。本文首次就胸骨和肩带骨特征提出4种鹤的检索表。文中附有胸骨和肩带骨的量度和12幅鹤的胸骨图。  相似文献   
Synopsis Ages determined by counts of apparent annuli on scales, sagittae, vertebrae, pectoral fin ray and dorsal fin spine cross sections of largemouth bass from northern populations, which are older and slower growing fish than in the southern parts of its native range, were compared to establish the accuracy of each method. Linear regression techniques indicated strong agreement (r> 0.9) among ages assigned from the examination of scales, sagittae, and vertebrae. The pattern of growth zones on pectoral fin ray and dorsal fm spine cross sections proved too variable for accurate age determination. Limited data suggest that ages greater than 7+ assigned from scales were more likely to underestimate true ages than the other body parts used, although none of these methods gave satisfactory results. Examination of scales from recovered tagged fish, and the similarity between back-calculated lengths of fish through age 7+ to annulus I and observed lengths of juvenile largemouth bass near the end of their first growing season, support the validity of ages determined from scales. Despite a very limited amount of habitat suitable for largemouth bass and severe climatic conditions, growth of this species in Tadenac Lake was similar to growth in other waters north of the Great Lakes. Differences in physical characteristics among these waters does not appear to influence growth rates of largemouth bass, but probably affects production and biomass.  相似文献   
The Alpine swift (Apus melba) forages on insects caught exclusively on the wing, implying that dependent nestlings face acute food shortage in periods of cold and rainy weather. Therefore, there should be strong selection on nestling swifts to evolve physiological strategies to cope with periods of undernutrition. We have investigated intra-individual changes in nestling pectoral muscle and body temperature in response to a 1-week period of inclement weather. The pectoral muscle is the largest reserves of proteins, and nestlings have to devote a large amount of energy in the maintenance of body temperature. The results show that nestling pectoral muscle size and body temperature were significantly reduced during the episode of inclement weather. Assuming that these physiological changes are adaptive, our study suggests that nestling swifts spare energy by a pronounced reduction (up to 18°C) in body temperature and use proteins from the pectoral muscle as a source of extra energy to survive prolonged periods of fasting.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   Different scoring systems have been developed for assessing fat stores in birds. Most have been used with passerines, and there is no widely used standard for studies of shorebirds. I developed a new fat-scoring classification scheme for shorebirds that was tested in Poland with juvenile Dunlins ( Calidris alpina ) during autumn and Wood Sandpipers ( Tringa glareola ) during spring migration. My proposed fatness scale is based on a qualitative assessment of the amount of fat in the axillary region and, if necessary, the furcular region. The resulting fat scores do not predict the actual amount of fat carried by a bird, but can be used to assign birds to a particular state of fatness and allow comparison of birds with different scores. Analysis revealed that the relationship between fat scores and predicted fat mass was approximately linear for both Dunlins and Wood Sandpipers. Although the scale I propose was tested with 20 species of shorebirds, sample sizes for larger species were small and consisted exclusively of lean and moderately fat birds. As a result, my proposed fat-scoring system should be evaluated using larger and fatter shorebirds because it has only been validated for one small and one medium-sized species.  相似文献   
半滑舌鳎仔鱼的摄食与生长   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在水温23.4-24.0℃、盐度33.00、pH7.78-8.02的培养条件下,半滑舌鳎初孵仔鱼全长为3.55±0.161mm(n=60),依照公式4/3π.R/2.(r/2)2计算其卵黄囊体积为0.606±0.106mm3(n=60)。1日龄仔鱼,全长为4.99±0.211mm(n=10),卵黄囊体积较初孵仔鱼缩小近10倍,约为0.066±0.008mm3(n=10);2日龄,仔鱼的巡游模式建立,仔鱼全长为5.61±0.069mm,卵黄囊体积为0.030±0.002mm3(n=10),口初开;2.5日龄,口完全裂开,口裂0.24±0.024mm(n=10),仔鱼进入摄食期;3日龄,仔鱼的外源性摄食关系初步建立;4日龄,仔鱼的摄食率达100%,完成了内源性营养向外源性营养的转换;5日龄,仔鱼的卵黄完全被吸收,仅剩聚成一团的小油球,仔鱼的混合营养期持续2.5天时间;21日龄,稚鱼全长为12.96±0.611mm(n=11),仍有40%的个体残余的油球还没有完全被吸收,其体积仅为0.0000005±0.000003mm3(n=11)。仔鱼发育过程中,其长度的生长存在内源性营养阶段的快速生长、混合营养阶段的慢速生长以及饥饿期间的负生长三个生长期相,平均增长率为0.45mm/d,依照TL=aD3 bD2 cD d方程式对仔鱼的全长与日龄进行回归,其生长模型为TL(mm)=0.0026D3-0.0704D2 0.7993D 3.55(R2=0.9811,n=324)。仔鱼耐受饥饿的时间临界点发生在孵化后第10天(即9日龄)。仔鱼具有摄食能力的时间约6天,不可逆转饥饿期的时间约3天。残余的油球较长时间的存在,相对地延长了仔鱼混合营养期的时间,对仔鱼的发育、生长和存活有着至关重要的作用。5-20日龄的个体都具有胸角这个明显的形态学特征,只是饥饿个体和不可逆转饥饿期个体的胸角比摄食个体更为明显和尖锐,胸角不能作为区分健康仔鱼和饥饿仔鱼的形态学依据之一[动物学报51(6)1023-1033,2005]。  相似文献   
Developmental regulation of Tbx5 in zebrafish embryogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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