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海南岛位于我国南部, 地处热带北缘, 其独特的岛屿气候环境孕育了丰富的生物资源, 为我国生物多样性热点地区之一。为探究岛内的翼手目物种多样性状况, 本研究组使用雾网、蝙蝠竖琴网等工具, 于2002年至2016年先后对海南岛进行了15次翼手目多样性调查, 并根据其外形与头骨特征及系统发育学方法进行标本鉴定。共获取了1,025号标本, 隶属5科15属31种, 其中2016年12月21日在海南琼中捕获的艾氏管鼻蝠(Murina eleryi)为海南岛蝙蝠分布新记录。结合前人调查及发表结果统计, 岛内共有翼手类8科20属41种。同时基于本调查采集位点和前人调查位置信息(共计363个位点), 结合WorldClim 32种气候数据, 运用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)对海南岛翼手目物种的分布进行预测, 结果显示五指山、吊罗山、鹦哥岭、尖峰岭及海口火山口国家地质公园等地为翼手目物种多样性较丰富的区域, 而三亚、澄迈、屯昌、临高、琼海等地翼手目物种多样性较低。本研究结果为海南岛翼手目资源分布及多样性状况提供了基础资料, 也为岛内后续开展翼手目资源保护管理、蝙蝠疾病防控等提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   
为进一步阐明蝙蝠在保存乙脑病毒中的作用,于1997年7月,在云南省耿马县捕捉蝙蝠64只,取脑组织作病毒分离,从一只金管鼻蝠脑组织中分离出1株病毒,该毒株能引起BHK21细胞病变和乳鼠发病死亡,在pH5.75-7.4时能凝集鸽红血球,经用单克隆抗体血凝抑制和免疫荧光试验鉴定,证明为乙型脑炎病毒。进一步证明蝙蝠在乙型脑炎病毒保存和扩散中具有重要作用。从金管鼻蝠体内分离出乙型脑炎病毒属国内外首次报道。  相似文献   
2009年9月在广东省南岭采集到5只森林型蝙蝠,其鼻孔突出成短管状,背部毛棕褐色,前臂长34.3~36.8mm;核型为2n=44,FN=50.经鉴定为蝙蝠科管鼻蝠亚科的中管鼻蝠(Murina huttonii),为广东省翼手类分布新纪录.用蝙蝠超声波接收器(Anabat Ⅱ)录制并分析其回声定位声波,为FM型.中管鼻蝠...  相似文献   
Studying the diet of echolocating, insectivorous bats can provide important insights into their foraging behaviors and ecological constraints they are facing. By examining an extensive data set covering a period of 2 years, the present study identifies the dietary composition of three sympatric insectivorous bat species in rural areas of Beijing municipality. Each species clearly has different preferences for particular food items. Greater horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, preferred to catch nocturnal, actively flying insects, mostly moths (Lepidoptera), and to a lesser percentage flies (Diptera), beetles (Coleoptera), and flying ants and termites (Hymenoptera). Other nocturnal insects which do not exhibit any perceptible wing movements, such as true bugs (Homoptera), or strictly diurnal insects that hardly ever fly in the dark, such as grasshoppers (Orthoptera) and dragon- and damselflies (Odonata), were never found in droppings of horseshoe bats. Large mouse-eared bats, Myotis chinensis, preferentially glean relatively large terrestrial prey of the order Coleoptera (mostly carabid beetles) and Orthoptera, whereas greater tube-nosed bats, Murina leucogaster, consume predominantly smaller, diurnal Coleoptera (mostly soldier beetles, Cantharidae, and ladybugs, Coccinellidae). Our findings also indicate previously not described, significant spectro-temporal differences in the echolocation signals of M. chinensis and M. leucogaster. The results suggest that in our study area the dramatic differences in the dietary composition of these three bat species are mainly based upon differences in their foraging behaviors, including differences in their echolocation signal structure. The dietary data provide important background information for conservational efforts, such as habitat protection.  相似文献   
小蝙蝠亚目即通常所说的蝙蝠,是哺乳动物中群居程度最高的类群之一,主要依靠声学信号在黑暗环境中进行交流并维持社群结构,很多蝙蝠种类的交流声波具有极高的多样性,但是目前关于特定种类蝙蝠交流声波的研究还比较缺乏。我们通过录制白腹管鼻蝠(Murina leucogaster)成体的声波,深入研究其交流声波声谱特征,根据交流声波在声谱图上的形状对声波类型进行初步划分,并利用主成分分析(PCA)和判别分析(DFAs)进行验证。结果表明,其交流声波在声谱结构上具有较高多样性,分为16种不同的音节类型,其中包括13种简单音节和3种组合音节,大多数音节都具有多谐波结构。简单音节可分为9种调频音节、2种准恒频音节和2种噪音,组合音节由简单音节无间隔地组合而成。第一谐波最大频率、第一谐波带宽、持续时间为与调频音节类型相关的主要参数。本研究结果为今后进一步开展研究蝙蝠发声行为的行为学意义和声波交流的神经生理学机制方面的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
2007年7月17日在湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州永顺县境内的小溪国家级自然保护区一民居屋檐下捕获1只体型较小的雄性蝙蝠,经鉴定为艾氏管鼻蝠(Murina eleryi),是在湖南省首次发现该物种。标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   
正管鼻蝠属(Murina)是一类鼻部呈短管状的林栖型食虫性蝙蝠,隶属于翼手目蝙蝠科(Chiroptera:Vespertilionidae),其种类记录已达34种,在我国分布有16种(王晓云等,2016)。2016年3月13日,在对武陵山地区洞栖型蝙蝠的调查过程中,于湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州龙山县里耶镇八面山燕子洞(北纬28°51'56″,东经109°16'15″,海  相似文献   
Prolonged disuse of skeletal muscle causes significant loss of myofibrillar contents, muscle tension, and locomotory capacity. However, hibernating mammals like bats appear to deviate from this trend. Although low functional demands during winter dormancy has been implicated as a factor contributing to reduced muscle loss, the precise mechanism that actively prevents muscle atrophy remains unclear. We explored proteomic and molecular assessments of bat muscle to test a hypothesis that expression levels of major myofibrillar proteins are retained during hibernation, with periodic arousals utilized as a potential mechanism to prevent disuse atrophy. We examined changes in myofibrillar contents and contractile properties of the pectoral or biceps brachii muscles of the bat Murina leucogaster in summer active (SA), hibernation (HB) and early phase of arousal (AR) states. We found the bat muscles did not show any sign of atrophy or tension reduction over the 3-month winter dormancy. Levels of most sarcomeric and metabolic proteins examined were maintained through hibernation, with some proteins (e.g., actin and voltage dependent anion channel 1) 1.6- to 1.8-fold upregulated in HB and AR compared to SA. Moreover, expression levels of six heat shock proteins (HSPs) including glucose-regulated protein 75 precursor were similar among groups, while the level of HSP70 was even 1.7-fold higher in HB and AR than in SA. Thus, considering the nature of arousal with strenuous muscle shivering and heat stress, upregulation or at least balanced regulation of the chaperones (HSPs) would contribute to retaining muscle properties during prolonged disuse of the bat.  相似文献   
李明  梁冰  张树义 《兽类学报》1999,19(1):56-61
用随机扩增DNA多态(RAPD)方法分析白腹管鼻蝠在华北和东北两地冬眠群群内与群间个体之间的亲缘关系,探讨冬眠群的结构组成及其相互关系。结果显示:华北两个白腹管鼻蝠冬眠群内个体间遗传相似性平均分别为0858和0933,两群之间的遗传相似性平均为0842,群内与群间个体之间在遗传相似性方面没有明显差别;东北冬眠群内的遗传相似性平均为0604;华北和东北两地冬眠群间的相似性只有0513和0521。据此可认为,在同一及邻近洞中形成的白腹管鼻蝠冬眠群的组成可能是选择来自同一种群中亲缘关系较近的个体,在华北冬眠的种群和在居留地东北冬眠的种群之间的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   
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