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外来入侵种--紫茎泽兰花芽分化和胚胎学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
贺俊英  强胜 《植物学通报》2005,22(4):419-425
应用石蜡切片法对紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)从花芽分化到胚胎形成的全过程进行系统观察,结果表明:紫茎泽兰从刚孕花序至头状花序的直径(d)大小为1.6~1.8 mm时为花芽分化期;d在1.8~2.0和3.8~4.0 mm范围内为大小孢子及雌雄配子体发育期,其中d在2.3~3.5 mm之间时为减数分裂的主要过程;药壁分化过程为双子叶型,胞质分裂为同时型,绒毡层发育属腺质绒毡层,成熟花粉粒为3-细胞型;胚囊发育属蓼形,胚珠倒生,单珠被,薄珠心;胚胎发育过程中有双胚现象.  相似文献   
Summary In Gasteria and Chamaenerion, microtubular configurations were visualized immunocytochemically during meiosis and megasporogenesis in order to study their relationship to cell development, meiotic divisions and selection of the functional megaspore. In Chamaenerion, the intensity of the fluorescence found in megaspores was weaker than that found in Gasteria. Both plants exhibited concentrations of microtubules around the meiocyte nuclei during pachytene-diplotene. Preprophase bands were not observed. In Chamaenerion, cytoplasmic microtubules radiating from meiocyte nuclei were found at late prophase, the dyad stage and in the functional megaspore; in Gasteria, they were observed only at the dyad stage and in the functional megaspore. During the second meiotic division of Gasteria, dividing cells and their nuclei exhibited differences in volumes. Also, the two microtubular spindles of the dyad cells had different widths. Fluorescence indicating the presence of the cytoskeleton diminished during maturation of the large functional megaspores in both plants, whereas in the three degenerating smaller megaspores, fluorescence intensity persisted. Our conclusion is that only an indirect relationship exists between the organization of the microtubular cytoskeleton and selection of the functional megaspore.  相似文献   
 The processes of megasporogenesis and early megagametogenesis were cytologically investigated in Cupressus sempervirens L. in order to elucidate, at the cellular level, the origin of the megagametophyte. After pollination, sporogenous tissue developed in the chalazal region of the nucellus, but only one megaspore mother cell differentiated and divided meiotically without cell-wall formation. This led to the development of a cell with four nuclei which directly functioned as a megaspore. The C. sempervirens megagametophyte is thus tetrasporic, in contrast to the majority of conifers where the megagametophyte is monosporic. The consequenses of this observation are discussed from a genetics point of view. Received: 15 August 1997 / Accepted: 19 September 1997  相似文献   
H. Kuroiwa  T. Ohta  T. Kuroiwa 《Protoplasma》1996,192(3-4):235-244
Summary The preferential development of giant mitochondria and their nuclei (nucleoids) in the egg cells ofPelargonium zonale Ait. during megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis was examined by fluorescence microscopy, after Technovit embedding and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining, fluorimetry for DNA content, using a video-intensified microscope photon-counting system (VIMPICS), and by three-dimensional reconstruction of mitochondrial nuclei (mt-nuclei). Reproductive cells during the megaspore mother cell, meiosis, tetrad, and functioning megaspore stages contained many small mitochondria with characteristic, uniformly DAPI-stained mt-nuclei about 0.3 m in diameter, containing a small amount of DNA (0.3 Mbp). During formation of the 2-, 4-, and 8-nucleate embryo sac, mt-nuclei did not markedly change in shape or DNA content. When the embryo sac formed and differentiation of each cell began, mitochondria and their nuclei in the egg cell took on a small ring or string-like shape. Accompanying the maturation of the embryo sac, they underwent progressive enlargement and gradually altered to long thick strings, or stacks of concentric or half concentric rings. By flower opening, they have developed to an extremely large size. One of these stacks of mt-nuclei was reconstructed in three dimensions; each ring in the stack was cup- or plate-shaped; 5 to 10 rings made up the stack, though each remained discontinuous from the others. From serial sections, we counted 44 mitochondria in one egg cell. Fluorometry using VIMPICS revealed that DNA amount within the stacked mitochondrion increased to 40 times that of the megaspore mother cell stage; a single stack of mitochondria contained 340–1700 Mbp DNA; which means that one egg cell contains at least 15000 Mbp mt-DNA, a value greater than the cell-nuclear DNA content.  相似文献   
水曲柳大孢子发生及雌配子体发育的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王秀华  魏春茹 《植物研究》1995,15(4):536-538
水曲柳(FraxinusmandshuicaRupr.)子房为二心皮;二室,中轴胎座,每室内具二个倒生胚珠,薄珠心,单珠被。单个孢原细胞分化于珠心顶端表皮之下,直接发育成为大孢子母细胞,大孢子四分体为直线形,通常为合点端第一大孢子具功能,胆囊发育为蓼型。  相似文献   
New data on the development of polarity in the ovules during megasporogenesis and early stages of embryo sac development inOenothera-hybrids are presented. It is confirmed that allOe. hookeri-hybrids show a strong tendency to form heteropolar tetrads, with the micropylar megaspore developing into an embryo sac. This preference is seen in the delay of the second meiotic division on the chalazal side, the absence of callose in the lateral wall of the micropylar megaspore, and the accumulation of starch in this megaspore. However, homopolar tetrads, chalazal preference, and ovules with two developing embryo sacs are also observed with considerable frequency. Quantitative data on the frequency of the different developmental types are compared with earlier genetic results about competition in the haplophase. There is sufficiently good agreement to support the hypothesis ofRenner that there is a correlation between the developmental processes in the megaspore tetrad and the genetic phenomena of competition in the haplophase.  相似文献   
珠毛蟹甲草的大小孢子发生及雌雄配子体发育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
珠毛蟹甲草 ( Parasenecio roborowskii)是菊科千里光族中款冬亚族蟹甲草属的一种植物 ,在藏药上全草入药 ,有治疗哮喘等疾病 〔1〕之功效。本文首次观察了珠毛蟹甲草的大小孢子发生、雌雄配子体的发育 ,旨在为开发与利用该种植物提供有性生殖过程方面的基础资料。1  小孢子发生与雄配子体发育花药有 4个药室。小孢子母细胞来源于花药原基的下表皮细胞。孢原细胞经平周分裂形成初生壁细胞和初生造孢细胞。初生壁细胞平周分裂形成两层 :内层发育为绒毡层细胞 ,外层再分裂一次形成药室内壁与中层 ,成熟的花药壁细胞由表皮、药室内壁、中层和…  相似文献   
单穗升麻的柱头和雌配子体发育及胚胎发生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
单穗升麻的雌蕊群由1~5枚离生心皮组成。子房单室,4~9枚倒生胚珠,双珠被,厚珠心;大孢子四分体呈线形或T形排列,合点端一个具功能。胚囊发育为蓼型。成熟胚囊中3个单核反足细胞,胞质浓密,在球形胚时期尚能观察到其退化痕迹。极核融合早,次生核位于合点端。胚胎发生为柳叶菜型;核型胚乳。雄蕊凋谢后1~2天花柱顶端腹缝线周围出现乳突细胞,雄蕊凋谢后3~5天延长成柱头毛。讨论了单穗升麻与南川升麻柱头可授期与花粉生活力的差异对传粉效果和结籽率的显著影响。  相似文献   
观光木的大孢子发生与雌配子体形成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对观光木(Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun)的大孢子发生,雌配子体形成过程的观察结果显示,观光木子房单心皮,心皮腹面壁上着生2-5个胚珠;胚珠倒生型,厚珠心,两层珠被;孢原细胞一个,并且自表皮下1-2层处分化。胚囊发育为蓼型。在四分体和成熟胚囊时期观察到了异常发育现象。初步探讨了观光木濒危的生殖生物学原因。  相似文献   
星星草大、小孢子发生与雌、雄配子体发育的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用常规石蜡制片法研究了星星草[Puccinellia tenutiflora(Griseb.)Scribn.et Merr.]大、小孢子发生及其雌、雄配子体的发育过程。主要结论是:(1)小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中的胞质分裂为连续型,四分孢子为左右对称型;(2)成熟的花粉为三细胞型,具单萌发孔;(3)花药壁由4层结构组成,最外层为表皮,其内分别为药室内壁、中层、绒毡层,绒毡层为分泌型,花药壁的发育属于单子叶型;(4)星星草为单子房,单胚珠,双珠被,薄珠心,倒生型胚珠。大孢子母细胞经减数分裂形成线形排列的4个大孢子,合点端大孢子具功能;(5)胚囊发育属于蓼型,成熟胚囊形成时,反足细胞经无丝分裂形成4~6个反足细胞,反足细胞内可能存在多次DNA复制过程。  相似文献   
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