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The small white‐marmorated longicorn beetle, Monochamus sutor (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), is widely distributed throughout Europe and Asia. It is a potential vector of the pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer) Nickle, the causal agent of the devastating pine wilt disease. Volatiles were collected from both male and female beetles after maturation feeding. In analyses of these collections using gas chromatography (GC) coupled to mass spectrometry, a single male‐specific compound was detected and identified as 2‐(undecyloxy)‐ethanol. In analyses by GC coupled to electroantennography the only consistent responses from both female and male antennae were to this compound. Trapping tests were carried out in Spain, Sweden, and China. 2‐(Undecyloxy)‐ethanol was attractive to both male and female M. sutor beetles. A blend of the bark beetle pheromones ipsenol, ipsdienol, and 2‐methyl‐3‐buten‐2‐ol was also attractive to both sexes in Spain and Sweden, and further increased the attractiveness of the 2‐(undecyloxy)‐ethanol. The host plant volatiles α‐pinene, 3‐carene, and ethanol were weakly attractive, if at all, in all three countries and did not significantly increase the attractiveness of the blend of 2‐(undecyloxy)‐ethanol and bark beetle pheromones. 2‐(Undecyloxy)‐ethanol is thus proposed to be the major, if not only, component of the male‐produced aggregation pheromone of M. sutor, and its role is discussed. This compound has been reported as a pheromone of several other Monochamus species and is another example of the parsimony that seems to exist among the pheromones of many of the Cerambycidae. Traps baited with 2‐(undecyloxy)‐ethanol and bark beetle pheromones should be useful for monitoring and control of pine wilt disease, should M. sutor be proven to be a vector of the nematode.  相似文献   
记录了中国天牛科2新纪录属和8新纪录种:显毛天牛属Cristaphanes Vives,2009和毛长角天牛属Trichacanthocinus Breuning,1963;泰森显毛天牛Cristaphanes tysoni Vives,2017、狭拟裂眼天牛Dymasius angustatus(Pic,1925)comb.nov.、多毛绿虎天牛Chlorophorus capillatus Holzschuh,2006、门字纹艳虎天牛Rhaphuma subvarimaculata GressittRondon,1970、查氏脊虎天牛Xylotrechus chatterjeei(Gardner,1940)、金斑类蜡天牛Cereopsius aureomaculatus Breuning,1968、毛长角天牛Trichacanthocinus rondoni Breuning,1963和斜带艾格天牛Egesina partealboantennata Breuning,1965。  相似文献   
记述泥色天牛属 Uraecha的主要特征及地理分布 ,并报道 1新种 :龙州泥色天牛 Uraecha longzhouensis,sp.nov.,编制了我国已知 9种的检索表。新种的模式标本保存在西南农业大学植物保护系昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence that pheromone chemistry within the large coleopteran family Cerambycidae is often highly conserved, with numerous related species sharing the same pheromone components. As a result, traps containing these components can attract multiple cerambycid species simultaneously. In the present study, we exploited this concept in the identification of the male‐produced aggregation‐sex pheromone of the South American species Psapharochrus maculatissimus (Bates) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, subfamily Lamiinae, tribe Acanthoderini). Initially, live adults of both sexes were caught using a trap baited with a lure containing a blend of known cerambycid pheromone components. Headspace volatiles were collected from live beetles and analyzed by coupled gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. Males of P. maculatissimus sex‐specifically produced a 1:38 blend of (R)‐fuscumol acetate ([2R,5E]‐6,10‐dimethylundeca‐5,9‐dien‐2‐yl acetate) and (S)‐fuscumol acetate, which were both components of the pheromone lures to which they had been attracted. In more focused field trials, traps baited with the (S)‐enantiomer, or a blend approximating the natural 1:38 ratio of (R)‐ to (S)‐enantiomers, attracted adults of both sexes in approximately equal numbers. During bioassays, adults of the lamiine species Eupromerella plaumanni (Fuchs) (tribe Acanthoderini) and Hylettus seniculus (Germar) (Acanthocinini) also were attracted, but to different lures, with E. plaumanni being attracted to the racemic mixture of the two enantiomers of fuscumol acetate, whereas H. seniculus was attracted specifically to (R)‐fuscumol acetate. Our results suggest that differences between these sympatric species in the stereochemistry of fuscumol acetate impart species‐specificity to pheromone communication channels, similar to what has been found recently with lamiine species from other continents.  相似文献   
南方锦天牛Acalolepta speciosa属鞘翅目天牛科沟胫天牛亚科锦天牛属昆虫,是近年在油茶Camellia oleifera上新出现的一种蛀干害虫.本文首次对该天牛的形态特征,包括雌雄生殖器结构进行了详细的描述,以期为该虫的鉴定提供可靠的依据,并首次报道了该虫生物学特性.  相似文献   
We observed behaviors and compiled activity budgets of adult Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) given a choice of different species of living trees as hosts in a greenhouse. Frequency of observation of beetles on different tree species provided a good overall indicator of host preference. Beetles were most often observed resting; they were least active early in the day and most active late in the day, but mating was observed with equal frequency during all 4-h time intervals between 0800 and 2400 h. Adults of both sexes were promiscuous, mating repeatedly and with different partners. Males engaged in mate guarding for periods of several hours or more to ensure paternity of the guarded female's progeny.  相似文献   
本文记述天牛科沟胫天牛亚科1新属,球胸天牛属Gibbohammusgen.nov.和1新种:缩颈球胸天牛Gibbohammusstricticollissp.nov。  相似文献   
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