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上海市进口火龙果软腐病病害分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔志婧  王奕文  于岳  许玲 《微生物学通报》2011,38(10):1499-1506
应用病原形态学和真菌rDNA-ITS分子标记及Fusarium oxysporum种特异性序列分析, 对引起上海市水果市场销售的进口火龙果软腐的市场病害进行了分离与鉴定, 明确了两种主要的致病真菌为尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)和单隔镰刀菌(Fusarium dimerum)。其中, F. oxysporum为引起进口火龙果采后软腐的最主要病原真菌, 该菌最适生长温度和致病温度均为25 °C, 光照条件下的致病性强, 在15 °C和35 °C条件下致病性明显降低, 5 °C和45 °C条件下该菌无法正常生长和致病, 并且该菌还能够引起香蕉、番茄、葡萄等多种水果腐烂。系统研究引起进口火龙果采后软腐病病原真菌的生物学特性, 为进口火龙果采后病原真菌有效控制方法的制定提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   
Within the last fifteen years Spain and Portugal have begun to experience a phenomenon that occurred in northern Europe three or four decades earlier. Rising prosperity, an ageing population, and growing labour shortages have triggered a demand for foreign labour in the Iberian economies. This survey article identifies the changing trends and developments of recent immigration to two southern European countries, and the problems of labour market integration. It compares and contrasts the insertion process in Spain and Portugal and highlights the policy dilemma that, like most of the rest of the EU, the Iberian economies require immigrant workers, but have yet to develop effective mechanisms for integrating them. It argues that the labour market is not only the principal mechanism by which immigrants are integrated, but is beginning to transform attitudes towards immigration. Employer organizations have played a lead role in pressing for a shift from restriction and control to the management of immigrant integration. However, the needs of employers, who require a supply of cheap, flexible labour clashes with the government's exclusion policy, as the case study based on Lorca, Spain demonstrates.  相似文献   
This note discusses the analytic tools available for studying the interrelations between the economy and the ecological system. It points out the importance of the concept of cooperative games as an addition to the emphasis on non-cooperative games in both economics and ecology. The relation between both concepts of the games and the market system is discussed.  相似文献   
目的:从产品开发角度分析免疫细胞治疗类药物的发展现状和未来趋势。方法:检索科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)的Cortellis数据库的数据,利用定量分析法和对比分析法对检索结果进行分析。结果:目前已有2种免疫细胞治疗类药物上市,1种免疫细胞治疗类药物处于预注册阶段,4种药物处于临床Ⅲ期,同时大量处于临床Ⅱ/Ⅰ期药物显示未来市场上将有更多免疫细胞治疗类药物。产品交易方面,目前在免疫细胞治疗类药物的商业交易也趋向频繁。通过列举分析目前已发生的交易金额前十的交易,发现其中药物开发及商业化许可是最主要的交易模式。结论:目前免疫细胞治疗类药物市场尚处于起步阶段,但随着未来技术的不断发展改进,相信未来有更多的药物进入商用市场,为癌症及其他疾病的治疗提供新的契机。  相似文献   
In the humid forest zone of Southern Cameroon, farmers generally associate cocoa with native and exotic trees in complex agroforestry systems. Despite the socio-economic and ecological importance of these systems, few studies have investigated their plant composition. We investigated tree composition of cocoa agroforests along a gradient of market access, population density and resource use intensity in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon, comprising (i) the sub-region of Yaoundé, (ii) the sub-region of Mbalmayo, and (iii) the sub-region of Ebolowa. Market access, population density and resource use intensity all decreased from the first to the third sub-region. We quantified the diversity of tree species associated with cocoa within individual agroforests, among agroforests in the same region, and among the three sub-regions, and classified the tree species according to their main uses. A total of 9.1 ha belonging to 60 cocoa agroforests were inventoried in 12 villages. We encountered a total of 206 tree species with an average of 21 tree species per agroforest. In the more urbanized area around Yaoundé, agroforests were less diverse than in the other sub-regions. In all of the agroforests, food producing tree species tended to be more frequent than other species. Two thirds of the food trees were native forest species and one third was introduced. From Ebolowa to Yaoundé, the density of food producing trees doubled and the density of exotic food-producing species increased relative to native species. Some local species producing high-value non-timber forest products were found in the agroforests, but their density was far lower than that of exotic tree species. The agroforests also provide medicine, charcoal and other products for household consumption and sale. We conclude that unless there are specific efforts to promote local forest tree species in cocoa agroforests, these will progressively lose importance with increasing market access, population pressure and land use intensity.  相似文献   
目的 从产品开发角度分析寡核苷酸类药物的发展现状和未来趋势。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the edible insect industry in South Korea and present suggestions for future pricing and promotion strategies. In the first section of this paper, this study outlines the current status and challenges of the edible insect industry in the food market, the material market, the animal feed market, and the medicinal market. The second section of this paper suggests different pricing and promotion strategies for each market segment. This study describes how the consideration of personal traits, information framing, and increasing familiarity can enhance consumer consumption of insect‐based foods.  相似文献   
本文系统化的综述了当前一个热门的研发领域-疫苗工业,并详细分析了其背景和潜在的市场,以及中国疫苗工业在发展中可能遇到的机遇和挑战。此外,还对中国疫苗工业存在的某些问题提出了解决方法。只有加强中国生物技术公司在高端疫苗领域的技术水平才能在根本上与国外制药业巨头竞争一席之地,向广大民众提供更好的药物。  相似文献   
干细胞由于其巨大的研究和应用潜力而成为全球关注焦点。许多国家的政府、研究机构和企业对其加大投入,并取得了巨大的进展。与干细胞相关的论文和专利数量在2001年后均快速增加,其临床和临床前研究的数量也越来越多,但目前仍以脐血干细胞项目为主。美国在干细胞研究领域的各个方面均处于世界顶级地位。中国与干细胞相关的论文和专利数量也居世界前十位,但没有一家机构居世界先进行列,也缺乏新产品研发。面对美国相关政策的放宽所带来的格局变化,中国应该积极应对。  相似文献   
目的:基于市场角度分析生物技术药物发展现状和未来趋势。方法:检索Thomson Reuters Cortellis数据库、全球医药市场研究机构Evaluate Pharma和美国食品药品监督管理局公布的数据,利用对比分析方法对检索结果进行分析。结果:得益于生物技术药物本身的优势特点,全球生物技术药物市场比例将由2013年的22%增长至2020年的27%,2020年全球市场中罗氏仍然保持最大的市场份额,市场销售额将达435亿美元。尽管中国生物技术药物的市场总额占全球市场的比例仅为2%,但未来发展空间较大,且目前已经形成了以国药集团为龙头的产业集群。结论:随着疾病治疗需求的增加,生物技术药物发展潜力巨大,未来市场将进一步扩大。  相似文献   
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