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棘腹蛙(Quasipaaboulengeri)是无尾目(Anura)叉舌蛙科(Dicroglossidae)棘胸蛙属的两栖动物。因其以农业和森林害虫为食且对生存环境要求高的特点,故有保护和监测环境的生态功能。但由于生态环境恶化和过度捕捉等原因,造成野生棘腹蛙数量急剧下降,被《中国脊椎动物红色名录》列为易危种。本文从棘腹蛙的习性、生存环境特征、系统进化、人工养殖和资源保护等方面进行了综述,为进一步研究棘腹蛙提供基础资料和理论依据。  相似文献   
The diet of channel catfish captured near the mouth of a channel carrying heated waters was not significantly different from the diet of catfish captured elsewhere in the same reservoir during the cool months of the year. In summer months, however, the diet of catfish captured near the effluent was significantly different from the diet of catfish from other locations and seemed to indicate that catfish were foraging in cool, deeper waters beneath the thermal plume.Department of Biological Sciences, North Texas State UniversityFinancial support for the study was provided by a Faculty Research Grant at North Texas State University.  相似文献   
茴香薄翅野螟生物学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茴香薄翅野螟是黑龙江省油菜和十字花科蔬菜的一种害虫,幼虫蛀食果荚、籽粒。1年2代,以幼虫在土中结茧越冬。第二年5月中下旬开始化蛹,6月羽化。6月中旬至7月上旬是第一代幼虫危害期,第二代幼虫发生于8月。幼虫有吐丝结网习性,成虫羽化当天即可交配产卵,卵产在嫩角果或柄上。成虫有趋光性,寿命4—16天。  相似文献   
Synopsis Observations on trawl caught fishes from two bottom depth ranges in Southern New England shelf waters provide evidence that some species regurgitate at different rates when sampled at various depths and further, that fish which regurgitate can't always be detected by external or internal examination. Generally, gadoid fishes are much more prone to regurgitate than flatfish. The consequence of unrecognized regurgitation is discussed in relation to consumption estimates derived by traditional methods.  相似文献   
为了解普氏蹄蝠(Hipposideros pratti)栖息地的特征、微环境条件及影响该物种栖息地选择的因素,2016年6月至2019年9月,在我国中、南部的10个省或直辖市,对83个洞穴进行测量,记录洞穴微环境,评估洞穴内普氏蹄蝠的受干扰程度,对普氏蹄蝠生态习性进行初步观察。运用独立样本t检验和卡方检验评估普氏蹄蝠的栖息地偏好,主成分分析检验影响栖息地选择的因素。结果显示,有蝙蝠栖息的洞穴66个,有普氏蹄蝠栖息的洞穴17个,普氏蹄蝠的繁殖地主要是天然洞穴;与其他蝙蝠栖息地相比,普氏蹄蝠栖息地具有更高的洞穴最大高度与更低的洞内温度;与普氏蹄蝠非繁殖地相比,繁殖地具有更大的洞穴入口宽度、更高的温度和湿度及更短的水源距离;与非冬眠地相比,冬眠地相对湿度高而光照度低。调查发现,多数栖息地被严重干扰,许多已被开发为旅游景点,可能严重影响普氏蹄蝠的种群数量;普氏蹄蝠通常栖息在距离洞口不远的最高处,个体间保持10~15cm的距离,傍晚出洞时间晚于小体型蝙蝠,冬眠期为11月中下旬至次年4月,冬眠时一般栖息在洞穴深处。研究表明,普氏蹄蝠对栖息地具有强烈选择性。  相似文献   
The isopod crustaceans are diverse both morphologically and in described species numbers. Nearly 950 described species (∼9% of all isopods) live in continental waters, and possibly 1,400 species remain undescribed. The high frequency of cryptic species suggests that these figures are underestimates. Several major freshwater taxa have ancient biogeographic patterns dating from the division of the continents into Laurasia (Asellidae, Stenasellidae) and Gondwana (Phreatoicidea, Protojaniridae and Heterias). The suborder Asellota has the most described freshwater species, mostly in the families Asellidae and Stenasellidae. The suborder Phreatoicidea has the largest number of endemic genera. Other primary freshwater taxa have small numbers of described species, although more species are being discovered, especially in the southern hemisphere. The Oniscidea, although primarily terrestrial, has a small number of freshwater species. A diverse group of more derived isopods, the ‘Flabellifera’ sensu lato has regionally important species richness, such as in the Amazon River. These taxa are transitional between marine and freshwater realms and represent multiple colonisations of continental habitats. Most species of freshwater isopods species and many genera are narrow range endemics. This endemism ensures that human demand for fresh water will place these isopods at an increasing risk of extinction, as has already happened in a few documented cases. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   
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