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中国燕麦种质资源国外引种与利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了中国从国外引进燕麦种质资源及其利用情况。经过长期努力,中国从28个国家引进29个物种的燕麦种质资源共计2099份,大大增加了中国燕麦种质资源的数量,丰富了中国保存燕麦种质资源的物种和遗传多样性。与此同时,利用国外燕麦种质资源改良和培育出了一批优良品种,极大地提高了中国燕麦生产水平。利用引进的燕麦野生资源,开展了燕麦种质创新、起源进化和遗传学研究,取得了显著进展。建议继续加强国外燕麦种质资源的引进,对野生燕麦进行深入鉴定评价和利用,同时加强燕麦种质资源国际合作研究。  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate different vitrification methods using distinct cryoprotectants (CPAs) for the preservation of collared peccary ovarian preantral follicles (PFs). Ovarian pairs from six females were fragmented and three fragments (fresh control group) were immediately evaluated for morphology, viability, cell proliferation capacity (assessed by quantifying the number of argyrophilic nucleolus organizer regions – NORs), and apoptosis (by the identification of activated caspase-3 expression). The remaining 18 fragments were vitrified using the solid surface vitrification (SSV) method or the ovarian tissue cryosystem (OTC) with 3 M ethylene glycol (EG), 3 M dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), or a combination of the two (1.5 M EG/1.5 M DMSO). After two weeks, samples were rewarmed and evaluated as described previously. The OTC with any of the CPAs provided a similar conservation of morphologically normal PFs as the fresh control group (75.6 ± 8.6%); however, the SSV was only efficient with DMSO alone (63.9 ± 7.6%). Regarding the viability or cell proliferation, all tested groups provided post rewarming values similar to those observed for the fresh control group, 84.0 ± 2.9% viable cells with 2.0 ± 0.2 NORs. Related to apoptosis analysis, only the OTC with EG (46.7%) and the SSV method with EG (43.4%) or the combination of EG and DMSO (33.4%) provided similar values to those found for the fresh control group (36.7%). Our findings indicate the utilization of a closed system, the OTC, with 3 M EG as the CPA for the vitrification of collared peccary ovarian tissue.  相似文献   
随着环境污染加剧和人们对自身健康关注度的提高,功能性食品在全球范围内蓬勃发展。彩色稻米作为稻米家族中的一员,由于富含微量元素、花色苷、生物碱等功能性成分,已成为当前功能性食品研究开发的热点之一。本研究利用粳稻品种龙锦1号/香软米1578杂交组合214个F_5家系,对水稻糙米总花色苷含量、粒色等级和千粒重的变异及其相关性进行了分析。糙米粒色等级变异范围为1~9,平均值为4.98,变异系数为57.87%;糙米总花色苷含量变异范围为0~5459.34 mg/kg,平均值为834.47 mg/kg,变异系数为191.96%;糙米千粒重变异范围为11.96~26.24 g,平均值为17.75 g,变异系数为12.89%。糙米总花色苷含量、粒色等级和千粒重在F5家系中不符合正态分布,表现为右偏态,其中糙米总花色苷含量的偏斜程度最大。糙米总花色苷含量和千粒重的峰度系数为正值,表明为尖顶峰;而糙米粒色等级的峰度系数为负值,表明为平顶峰。糙米总花色苷含量与粒色等级呈极显著正相关,相关系数为0.69;糙米总花色苷含量、粒色等级均与千粒重呈极显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.20和-0.34。与高亲龙锦1号相比,27个家系的糙米总花色苷含量极显著提高,占214个F_5家系的12.62%,为高花色苷水稻种质创新奠定了基础。  相似文献   
为了解橄榄[Canarium album(Loureiro)Raeuschel]花序表型性状的遗传多样性,对90份橄榄种质资源的花序性状进行观测分析。结果表明,橄榄花序的类型、支轴紧密度、着生位置和花性等表现出较丰富的多样性;从数量性状看,花序花朵数的变异系数最大,其次为支轴花朵数,变异系数最小的是花蕾直径,此外橄榄雄花花序的多样性较雌花丰富。花蕾直径与花瓣长度呈极显著正相关关系,与花序长度、花序支轴数、花序花朵数和支轴花朵数呈极显著负相关。聚类分析结果表明,橄榄种质资源的花序类型可分为3类,大部分雄花和雌花类群间差异较明显。因此,橄榄花序表型性状存在多样性和复杂性,且花序重要单一性状可能影响整体表型。  相似文献   
为了解甘蔗(Saccharum spp.)亲本特性,以ROC22为对照,对12个重要Ho CP系列亲本种质进行了初步鉴定与评价。结果表明,Ho CP系列品系具有出苗率高、分蘖性好、有效茎数多、早熟高糖等特性。Ho CP01-564含糖量最高,Ho CP00-1142产量最高,Ho CP02-610发芽率和有效茎数最高,Ho CP07-613蔗糖分最高。聚类分析表明,12个Ho CP系列品系(种)可分为4类。因此,根据这些品系(种)特性可以合理配制杂交组合。  相似文献   
There is a pressing need for practical and successful conservation efforts to establish long-term germplasm collections of recalcitrant and tropical species, given the challenge and threat that these plants are facing. Cryopreservation is the only way of conserving some of these species, especially those with temperature or desiccation sensitive (recalcitrant) seeds. This review covers reports on cryopreservation studies of shoot tips (apical and axillary) of tropical and subtropical plants. Since many of these species have recalcitrant seeds, the cryopreservation successes, failures and problems involved with these seeds are also discussed. The methodologies, important factors and steps involved in successful cryopreservation protocols are analyzed. Finally strategies are suggested to develop a successful cryopreservation protocol for new plant species, in particular those with tropical recalcitrant seeds.  相似文献   
项目实施13年。收集、保护了一批濒临灭绝的黍稷种质;对国家长期库黍稷种质进行了繁殖更新与补充鉴定;研究制定了黍稷种质资源繁种更新与鉴定评价技术规范;为国家长期种质库提供了黍稷新的种质资源、数据资源;建立国家黍稷种质中期保存库;评价创新了一批黍稷种质资源,为生产、育种、加工提供了优异种质(品种),取得了明显的社会经济效益。  相似文献   
种质资源的遗传多样性是育种工作的基础,本研究利用SSR标记对鹰嘴豆资源进行遗传多样性分析,旨在发掘鹰嘴豆资源中丰富的遗传变异。从48对鹰嘴豆SSR引物中筛选出18对核心多态性引物,对96份不同来源的鹰嘴豆种质资源进行SSR标记的遗传多样性分析。结果表明,18对SSR引物共检测到115个等位变异,占总检测位点的52.99%,每对SSR引物可检测出3~10个等位变异,平均6.39个;平均每个位点多态信息量(PIC)为0.8107,变化范围为0.6661~0.8984。Shannon's信息指数平均为1.4769,变化范围为0.0607~1.9584。PGMA聚类结果表明,在遗传相似系数0.59处,可将96份鹰嘴豆资源分为6个类群,类群Ⅰ包含9份资源,类群Ⅱ包含2份资源,类群Ⅲ包含28份资源,类群Ⅳ包含4份资源,类群Ⅴ包含40份资源,类群Ⅵ包含13份资源。本研究对我国鹰嘴豆种质资源的评价与利用、优异基因的挖掘、育种亲本材料的选择等提供科学依据。  相似文献   
为开展四川重要茶树种质资源古蔺牛皮茶种质资源的收集、保存与评价工作,在古蔺牛皮茶树资源中选取了具代表性的8种不同类型茶树(Ⅰ~Ⅷ类)作为研究对象,并对其植物学特征、生物学特性及主要生化成分进行了观测。结果表明:供试茶树在形态特征、遗传和品质性状等方面,表现出较丰富的多样性。其种群多为灌木,树姿半开张状;芽叶绿色,茸毛中等,叶为椭圆形,叶尖渐尖;花多为中花型,花柱3~4裂;果实多为球形和肾形,种子多为球形,主要表现出栽培型茶树性状。古蔺牛皮茶春梢的生化成分含量较丰富,其茶多酚含量为(19.71±0.39)%~(30.16±0.22)%,游离氨基酸总量为(2.20±0.11)%~(4.88±0.12)%,咖啡碱含量为(3.45±0.17)%~(4.41±0.09)%。结合主要生化成分含量、酚/氨值和儿茶素组分等可推论,Ⅴ、Ⅵ类适制红茶,其他类型则适制绿茶。综合供试茶树的形态和生化成分含量特征,初步鉴定供试的牛皮茶树分属茶组植物分类系统中的秃房茶和茶,Ⅴ和Ⅵ类茶树较为原始,其他类型则进化程度较高。供试茶树中存在具育种价值的资源,其中Ⅴ类和Ⅵ类可作为高儿茶素含量的育种材料,Ⅱ类可作为选育优质绿茶品种的育种材料。  相似文献   


The Eurasian grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is the most widely cultivated and economically important horticultural crop in the world. As a one of the origin area, Anatolia played an important role in the diversification and spread of the cultivated form V. vinifera ssp. vinifera cultivars and also the wild form V. vinifera ssp. sylvestris ecotypes. Although several biodiversity studies have been conducted with local cultivars in different regions of Anatolia, no information has been reported so far on the biochemical (organic acids, sugars, phenolic acids, vitamin C) and antioxidant diversity of local historical table V. vinifera cultivars grown in Igdir province. In this work, we studied these traits in nine local table grape cultivars viz. ‘Beyaz Kismis’ (synonym name of Sultanina or Thompson seedless), ‘Askeri’, ‘El Hakki’, ‘Kirmizi Kismis’, ‘Inek Emcegi’, ‘Hacabas’, ‘Kerim Gandi’, ‘Yazen Dayi’, and ‘Miskali’ spread in the Igdir province of Eastern part of Turkey.


Variability of all studied parameters is strongly influenced by cultivars (P < 0.01). Among the cultivars investigated, ‘Miskali’ showed the highest citric acid content (0.959 g/l) while ‘Kirmizi Kismis’ produced predominant contents in tartaric acid (12.71 g/l). The highest glucose (16.47 g/100 g) and fructose (15.55 g/100 g) contents were provided with ‘Beyaz Kismis’. ‘Kirmizi Kismis’ cultivar had also the highest quercetin (0.55 mg/l), o-coumaric acid (1.90 mg/l), and caffeic acid (2.73 mg/l) content. The highest ferulic acid (0.94 mg/l), and syringic acid (2.00 mg/l) contents were observed with ‘Beyaz Kismis’ cultivar. The highest antioxidant capacity was obtained as 9.09 μmol TE g-1 from ‘Inek Emcegi’ in TEAC (Trolox equivalent Antioxidant Capacity) assay. ‘Hacabas’ cultivar had the highest vitamin C content of 35.74 mg/100 g.


Present results illustrated that the historical table grape cultivars grown in Igdir province of Eastern part of Turkey contained diverse and valuable sugars, organic acids, phenolic acids, Vitamin C values and demonstrated important antioxidant capacity for human health benefits. Further preservation and use of this gene pool will be helpful to avoid genetic erosion and to promote continued agriculture in the region.  相似文献   
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