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为了分析在不同聚块大小条件下,天敌对蜡蝉类Fulgoroidea空间上跟随关系的密切程度、聚集原因和聚集范围,为评价蜡蝉类的天敌优势种和确定样方大小提供科学依据,运用聚块样方方差分析法、灰色关联度法、空间聚集强度指数法、种群聚集均数法和ρ指数法对安徽省合肥市乌牛早茶园不同大小聚块条件下的蜡蝉类及其8种天敌进行分析。蜡蝉类与其8种天敌均方差峰值时聚块样方数的关联度分析结果表明:与蜡蝉类空间上跟随关系密切的前三位天敌依次是茶色新圆蛛Neoscona theisi(0.8010)、草间小黑蛛Erigonidium graminicolum(0.7617)和三突花蟹蛛Misumenops tricuspidatus(0.7613)。在聚块内基本样方数K为1、2、4、8时,随着聚块内基本样方数的增多,聚集分布格局时的扩散系数C不断增大,均匀和随机格局时扩散系数不断减小。聚块内基本样方数K为1、2、4、8时其相互之间的蜡蝉类及其天敌的空间分布聚集程度差异均不显著。蜡蝉类及其天敌的种群聚集均数λ多数情况均大于2,其聚集是该虫本身原因引起的,并且λ的绝对值随着聚块内基本样方数的增加而不断增大。用蜡蝉类不同大小聚块的ρ指数判断个体群聚集时的最小范围是聚块中有4个基本样方,即本文的16 m~2。为该虫抽样时确定样方大小提供了科学依据。聚块样方方差分析法是分析害虫与天敌空间关系的一种简便而又实用的方法。  相似文献   
Two new species of Varma Distant, 1906, V. falcata Chang & Chen, sp. n. (China: Guizhou) and V. lobata Chang & Chen, sp. n. (China: Guizhou) are described and illustrated. The female genitalia of four speices including two known species are described and illustrated for the first time. The diagnostic characters of this genus are redefined. A checklist to the species of Varma in China is given. The Keys on male and female genitalia to the Chinese species of Varma are provided.  相似文献   
记述中国袖蜡蝉科薇袖蜡蝉属2新种四斑薇袖蜡蝉Vinata quattumaculata sp.nov.及三斑薇袖蜡蝉Vinata trimaculata  相似文献   
记述璐蜡蝉科 Lophopidae1个中国新记录属 :阿柯璐蜡蝉属 AcothruraMelichar,new record 和 1新记录种 :红缘阿柯璐蜡蝉 Acothrura impunctata(Jacobi) ,new record以及 1新种 :褐带阿柯璐蜡蝉 Acothrura fucizona,sp.n.。模式标本保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆  相似文献   
Two new species of the genus Doryphorina Melichar, 1912, D. conglobatus Zheng, Yang & Chen, sp. n. and D. guizhouensis Zheng, Yang & Chen, sp. n., from China are described and illustrated. A key is given to identify all the known species of Doryphorina.  相似文献   
The family Tropiduchidae is revised taxonomically comprising five genera and five species from Korea. Catullia vittata Matsumura is redescribed here on the basis of a series of males recently collected in Korea. Cixiopsis punctatus Matsumura and Catullia vittata Matsumura were transferred from Achilidae to Tropiduchidae and are redescribed here with male genitalia for the first time from Korea. Ommatissus binatatus Fieber previously reported was an incorrect identification of Ommatissus lofouensis Muir. Another species, Trypetimorpha koreana Kwon and Lee, is the macropterous form of Trypetimorpha japonica Ishihara. All Korean species of the Tropiduchidae are redescribed and illustrated, and an identification key to the genera of Tropiduchidae is provided.  相似文献   
A new planthopper species Dictyotenguna angusta sp. n. is described and illustrated from Guangxi, China. The photographs of the adults of the species are presented.  相似文献   
近200年来,全世界共报道半翅目蜡蝉次目化石昆虫28科、216属、400余种.本文回顾了蜡蝉次目化石昆虫的研究历史,统计了中国已报道的该类群化石种类名录,总结了蜡蝉次目化石昆虫的地质历史、地理分布和年代、以及属种组成特征,提出了该类群化石昆虫研究中有待解决的问题以及未来的研究前景.  相似文献   
综述蒙瓢蜡蝉属的分类研究历史,记述中国蒙瓢蜡蝉属Mongoliana Distant 7种,其中包括5新种矛尖蒙瓢蜡蝉Mongoliana lanceolata, sp. nov.,三角蒙瓢蜡蝉Mongoliana triangularis, sp. nov.,锯缘蒙瓢蜡蝉Mongoliana serrata, sp. nov.,褐斑蒙瓢蜡蝉Mongoliana naevia, sp. nov. 和曲纹蒙瓢蜡蝉Mongoliana sinuata, sp. nov.;绘制了雄性外生殖器及前翅主要特征图,并列有分种检索表.新种模式标本均保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   
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