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鄱阳湖保护区白琵鹭越冬种群分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年10月至2010年3月3个冬季的调查显示,鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区白琵鹭(Platakakucorodia)种群数量在12月或1月达到峰值,3个越冬期最大种群数量分别为4 757只、10 385只和7 268只.大湖池、沙湖、常湖池是白琵鹭主要的栖息地,每个越冬期在这3个湖泊栖息的白琵鹭种群数量占保护区总数量的...  相似文献   
男性型脱发(male pattern baldness,MPB)是一种雄激素依赖性的遗传性脱发疾病,对个人形象、心理产生较大的消极影响.近期欧美人群中进行的大样本全基因组关联分析(genome wide association studies,GWAS)已报道大量与MPB相关的遗传易感性单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms,SNPs)位点,但这些位点在东亚人群中的遗传效应尚不清楚.本研究基于我国684个亚欧混合人群(Eurasian)样本,对在英国生物样本库(UK Biobank) 205 327个欧洲男性GWAS分析发现的624个与MPB相关的SNPs进行人群异质性分析,基于多基因风险打分(polygenic risk scores,PRS)建立预测模型,并对预测因子数量与模型预测性能的关系进行了研究.通过质控的467个SNPs中6.9%与MPB显著相关(P0.05).结合年龄、体质指数(body mass index,BMI)和25个SNPs建立的线性回归和逻辑回归模型,效果较好(R~2=28.9%,AUC=0.82).年龄对模型效果影响较大(R~2=22.9%,AUC=0.77),结合BMI及68个SNPs时AUC达到最大(约0.89).本研究表明MPB在欧洲和东亚人群中存在较强的遗传异质性,选取SNPs子集能达到与全集相近的预测准确性,预测模型有助于东亚人群MPB遗传机制的理解及疾病的早期诊断和预防.  相似文献   
The highway from Zagreb to Rijeka stretches 68.5 km through a wildlife core area in Gorski kotar (Croatia). It has 43 viaducts and tunnels, and one specifically constructed (100 m wide) green bridge (Dedin). One quarter of the total highway length consists of possible crossing structures. At Dedin green bridge, a total of 12,519 crossings have been recorded during 793 different days of active infrared monitors being in operation, or 15.8 crossings per day. Two monitored tunnel overpasses had 11.2 and 37.0 crossings per day, respectively, whilst 4.3 crossings occurred per day under one monitored viaduct. Of those crossings, 83.2% were by ungulates and 14.6% by large carnivores. Radio-tracked large carnivores, brown bear (Ursus arctos), grey wolf (Canis lupus) and Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), expressed strong positive selection for tunnels and viaducts, whilst avoiding small underpasses or bridges. Selection for the use of Dedin green bridge was equal to its availability. We conclude that this green bridge, constructed as a measure to mitigate the negative effects of the studied highway, served its purpose acceptably. Territorial and dispersing radio-tracked large carnivores crossed the highway 41 times, using both sides of the highway as parts of their home ranges. Overall, the highway in Gorski kotar does not seem to be a barrier. This demonstrates that it is possible to maintain habitat connectivity during the process of planning the highway route.  相似文献   
The diet of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in the Republic of Ireland was studied by examination of the stomach contents of 686 badgers, collected between March 2005 and September 2006. It was found that the relative importance of different food types, as indicated by their frequency of occurrence and ingested bulk in the diet, fluctuated seasonally. Tipulid larvae (Cl. Insecta, Ord. Tipulidae) dominated the diet in spring; Anura (Cl. Amphibia) and Aculeata (Ord. Hymenoptera) during the summer; and Noctuid larvae (Cl. Insecta, Ord. Noctuidae) in autumn and winter. Thus this type of foraging behaviour supports the contention that badgers are generalist foragers with seasonal food preferences. This feeding behaviour is more similar to that of badgers in Italy and Spain than to badgers in England.  相似文献   
Question: How is tundra vegetation related to climatic, soil chemical, geological variables and grazing across a very large section of the Eurasian arctic area? We were particularly interested in broad‐scale vegetation‐environment relationships and how well do the patterns conform to climate‐vegetation schemes. Material and Methods: We sampled vegetation in 1132 plots from 16 sites from different parts of the Eurasian tundra. Clustering and ordination techniques were used for analysing compositional patterns. Vegetation‐environment relationships were analysed by fitting of environmental vectors and smooth surfaces onto non‐metric multidimensional scaling scattergrams. Results: Dominant vegetation differentiation was associated with a complex set of environmental variables. A general trend differentiated cold and continental areas from relatively warm and weakly continental areas, and several soil chemical and physical variables were associated with this broad‐scaled differentiation. Especially soil chemical variables related to soil acidity (pH, Ca) showed linear relationships with the dominant vegetation gradient. This was closely related to increasing cryoperturbation, decreasing precipitation and cooler conditions. Remarkable differences among relatively adjacent sites suggest that local factors such as geological properties and lemming grazing may strongly drive vegetation differentiation. Conclusions: Vegetation differentiation in tundra areas conforms to a major ecocline underlain by a complex set of environmental gradients, where precipitation, thermal conditions and soil chemical and physical processes are coupled. However, local factors such as bedrock conditions and lemming grazing may cause marked deviations from the general climate‐vegetation models. Overall, soil chemical factors (pH, Ca) turned out to have linear relationship with the broad‐scale differentiation of arctic vegetation.  相似文献   
Capsule We report on the courtship behaviour of the Eurasian Bittern from direct observation in rice fields.  相似文献   
The submerged aquatic plant Myriophyllum spicatum L. (Eurasian water milfoil) has been suggested as an efficient plant species for the treatment of metal-contaminated industrial wastewater. The process of metal removal by plants involves a combination of rapid sorption on the surface and slow accumulation and translocation in the biomass. This study focussed on the sorption/desorption characteristics of the surface of M. spicatum for Co, Cu, Ni and Zn. Batch sorption tests with mixed metal solutions covering a range of 0, 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 mg l−1 of each metal, were performed. For Co, Ni and Zn, the sorption process was well described by the Langmuir model, whereas sorption of Cu was better described by the Freundlich model. The biomass showed the highest affinity for Cu and Zn. Langmuir sorption maxima of Co, Ni and Zn were 2.3, 3.0 and 6.8 mg g−1 DM, respectively. At the highest initial concentration of 100 mg l−1, a maximum of 29 mg g−1 DM of Cu was sorbed onto the surface of the biomass. Desorption by 0.1 M HCl did not fully recover the metals sorbed onto the surface and there was evidence of leaching from within the biomass. Recovery of heavy metals and regeneration of the biomass by washing with 0.1 M HCl was therefore not suggested as a viable strategy.  相似文献   
Movement is the process by which individual organisms are displaced over time to eat, reproduce and defend resources. Fractal analysis is a technique used to study animal movement that measures spatial complexity of path tortuosity; here, we apply it to characterize the movement patterns of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in a Mediterranean landscape. We calculated path tortuosity overall and seasonally, and for individuals of different sexes and social groups. The influence of variables related to badgers’ resources (food, shelter, water), human infra-structures and weather conditions were analysed with respect to the tortuosity of each badger’s path. A total of 55 search paths from six badgers were considered for this study. Although badgers generally displayed convoluted movement, there were two exceptions: (a) males overall and (b) all badgers in summer; for both, movements had a lower fractal value, i.e. were less tortuous. The convoluted movement pattern generally observed is probably adapted to the clumped distribution of food in the study area. Nevertheless, our results suggest that the use of dens and latrines were the principal determinants of tortuosity of badgers’ paths while foraging.  相似文献   
猞猁(Lynxlynx)是内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区内的顶级捕食者,在维持该地区生态平衡和调节猎物数量上具有重要地位。分析猞猁粪便样品残留物不仅能明确其猎物构成,了解与同域分布其他捕食者的关系,还能为制定物种保护措施和栖息地管理策略提供科学参考。本研究在2006至2008年间利用样线法在该区域收集到35份猞猁粪便样品。通过相对出现频率法对粪样进行食性分析,发现猞猁的主要食物组成以蒙古兔(Lepus tolai,30.85%)和植物(28.72%)较多;年度(χ~2=18.696,P <0.001)和季节性(χ~2=74.695,P <0.001)食物构成均存在显著差异。结果表明,蒙古兔在猞猁的食物组成中占最重要地位;猞猁的食物构成与季节有关,寒冷季节捕食大型猎物,而温暖季节捕食的小型猎物更常见。  相似文献   
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