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Abstract .Males and females of the dung fly species Coproica vagans Haliday 1833 (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) mate soon after emergence from the puparium. At this time females still have immature ovaries. Therefore, mating precedes vitellogenesis in this species. Data presented here show that mating enhances oogenesis in C. vagans females. Mated females mature their first egg batch sooner and oviposit four days earlier than virgin conspecifics. Mating-related enhancement of oogenesis could be explained either through nutritional benefits to females or male chemical or stimulatory manipulation of the females. Oogenesis was divided into six arbitrary stages, with vitellogenesis beginning in stage 4. Ovarian development beyond stage 4 is rapid compared with pre-vitellogenetic development. Virgin females pause oogenesis in stage 4. The genital opening of mated females is blocked by a mating plug that persists until oviposition begins. The plug seems to ensure the paternity of the last male to mate by preventing females from remating. The operational sex ratio in C. vagans populations is presumed to be strongly male-biased.  相似文献   
Although the sexual behavior of female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) has been reported to decrease during pregnancy, systematic studies have been largely confined to reports of male behavior. Therefore, we designed a study to examine changes in female sexual behavior during pregnancy. Six cycling multiparous female rhesus macaques were paired during the periovulatory period of the menstrual cycle and during the first and second halves of pregnancy with six sexually experienced males of the same species. Each female was paired with the same male in all tests. The means of the behavioral measures scored on days 11–13 of the menstrual cycle, 35–56 of pregnancy, and 147–168 of pregnancy were compared. Females showed a significant decrease in the present contact ratio and the rate of threat-aways during pregnancy. Males showed lower rates of threatening-away, contacting, mounting, intromitting, and ejaculating when females were pregnant. The extent to which the decrease in male sexual behavior can be accounted for by an increase in female rejection is uncertain, but it is probably as significant as any loss of attractiveness that might accompany pregnancy.  相似文献   
目的:探讨siRNA 沉默整合素茁1 基因对子宫内膜癌细胞侵袭、转移的影响。方法:选取子宫内膜癌ECC-1细胞系(ER阳性) 和KLE细胞系(ER阴性),分别转染Integrin beta1 siRNA 质粒(Integrin beta1 siRNA 组)、无义序列siRNA质粒(无义序列对照组)和空载 质粒(空载对照组),利用实时荧光定量PCR 检测各组细胞中Integrin 茁1 mRNA的表达,Western blot 检测各组细胞中Integrin beta1、 beta-catenin 和C-Myc 蛋白的表达,Transwell 小室检测各组细胞迁移和侵袭能力,MTT 法检测各组细胞的增殖情况。结果:Integrin beta1 siRNA 组ECC-1 细胞和KLE 细胞中Integrin beta1 mRNA 和蛋白相对表达量均低于无义序列对照组和空载对照组(P<0.05); Integrin beta 1 siRNA组ECC-1 细胞和KLE细胞中beta-catenin 蛋白和C-Myc 蛋白相对表达量均低于无义序列对照组和空载对照组, 差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);Integrin beta1 siRNA组ECC-1 细胞和KLE 细胞中迁移细胞数和侵袭细胞数均低于无义序列对照组 和空载对照组(P<0.05);Integrin beta1 siRNA 组ECC-1细胞和KLE 细胞的A 值均低于无义序列对照组和空载对照组(P<0.05)。结 论:特异性抑制Integrin beta1 基因可抑制子宫内膜癌细胞迁移、侵袭和增殖,可能与抑制Wnt信号传导有关。  相似文献   
目的:观察电针结合红外线照射对反复着床失败(RIF)患者子宫内膜容受性、胚胎移植及妊娠情况的影响。方法:选取102例于2015年5月-2018年5月在我院行复苏胚胎移植的RIF患者,按照随机数字表法将患者分为电针结合红外线照射治疗组(A组,38例)、安慰针刺组(B组,34例)及空白对照组(C组,30例)。比较三组治疗前后血清雌二醇、孕酮水平,于治疗前后检测子宫内膜容受性超声学指标,包括子宫内膜厚度、内膜容积、血管血流指数(VFI)、内膜血流指数(FI)、阻力指数(RI),比较三组胚胎移植及妊娠情况。结果:三组治疗前后血清雌二醇、孕酮水平比较无统计学差异(P0.05)。治疗后A组子宫内膜厚度、内膜容积大于治疗前及B组、C组,VFI、FI高于治疗前及B组、C组,RI低于治疗前及B组、C组(P0.05)。三组移植胚胎数、生化妊娠率、临床妊娠率比较无统计学差异(P0.05),A组胚胎着床率高于B组、C组(P0.05)。结论:电针结合红外线照射治疗RIF患者可以改善子宫内膜容受性,提高胚胎着床率。  相似文献   
目的:探讨辅酶Q10联合金凤丸对体外授精-胚胎移植患者卵巢功能及子宫内膜容受性的影响。方法:选择2017年7月~2017年10月接诊的185例体外授精-胚胎移植患者进行研究,通过随机数表法将其分为观察组(n=95)和对照组(n=90)。对照组采用金凤丸进行治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上加用辅酶Q10进行治疗。治疗后,比较两组血清卵泡刺激素(FSH)、促黄体生成素(LH)、睾酮(T)、雌二醇(E_2)、胰岛素(INS)、子宫内膜厚度、孕激素(P)水平、获卵数、受精率及妊娠率。结果:治疗后,两组患者血清FSH、LH、T、E_2、INS水平均较治疗前明显下降,且观察组以上指标水平均显著低于对照组(P0.05);两组患者子宫内膜厚度和血清P水平均较治疗前明显升高,且观察组以上指标均显著高于对照组(P0.05);两组患者获卵数无明显差异,观察组患者受精率、妊娠率均显著高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:辅酶Q10联合金凤丸可明显增加子宫内膜厚度,提高妊娠率。  相似文献   
目的:评价内膜厚度及内膜形态对于体外受精-胚胎移植中冷冻胚胎解冻复苏移植的临床妊娠结局的预测价值。方法:回顾性分析1521个冷冻胚胎解冻复苏移植周期,将患者按子宫内膜厚度分为4组,子宫内膜≤6 mm、6.1-8.0 mm、8.0-12 mm、12.0 mm,根据子宫内膜形态分为A型内膜、B型内膜、C型内膜。分别比较不同内膜厚度分组及不同内膜形态分组患者的年龄,移植胚胎数目、内膜准备方案构成比、移植胚胎类型(卵裂期胚胎、囊胚)构成比及各组间的临床妊娠率和活产率。采用ROC曲线分析子宫内膜厚度、形态对临床妊娠结局的预测价值。使用逐步回归分析内膜厚度、形态、年龄及移植胚胎类型与妊娠结局的相关性。结果:纳入1521个解冻复苏周期中按内膜厚度分为4组,各组周期数分别为96周期、454周期、893周期、78周期,各组间平均年龄分别为34.1±5.5岁、33.3±5.4岁、32.5±5.2岁、33.7±6.0岁(P0.05)。内膜厚度≤6 mm组临床妊娠率为31.3%,子宫内膜≤6mm、6.1-8.0 mm、8.0-12 mm、12.0 mm组临床妊娠率分别为48.5%、51.8%、47.4%(P0.05)。子宫内膜≤6 mm、6.1-8.0 mm、8.0-12 mm、12.0 mm组间活产率分别为18.8%、37.7%、44.6%、39.7%(P0.05)。A型、B型及C型内膜组周期数分别为920周期、189周期及412周期,三组间平均年龄分别为32.3±5.1、33.0±5.7、34.2±5.5岁(P0.05)。A型/B型及C型内膜组临床妊娠率分别为51.2%、46.6%及46.4%,三组间活产率分别为42.1%、36.0%及37.1%,三组间差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。子宫内膜厚度ROC曲线下面积为0.534(95%可信区间0.505-0.564),子宫内膜形态ROC曲线下面积为0.526(0.476-0.955)。逐步回归分析纳入内膜厚度、内膜形态、年龄、胚胎类型4个可变量,女方年龄(OR=0.929,P0.001),移植胚胎中囊胚比例(OR=1.595,P0.001)与临床妊娠率明显相关,内膜厚度(OR=1.054,P=0.05)及内膜形态(OR=0.864)与临床妊娠率无相关性。结论:虽然子宫内膜薄临床妊娠率下降,但是子宫内膜厚度与内膜形态不能够预测体外受精-胚胎移植解冻复苏周期临床妊娠率,患者年龄以及移植胚胎的发育潜能才是预测临床妊娠率的参考指标。  相似文献   
Circular RNA (circRNA) is involved in a wide range of life processes including tumorigenesis. However, the molecular mechanisms of circRNA in endometrial carcinoma (EC) carcinogenesis remain unclear. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the potential modulation of hsa_circ_0002577 on EC progression. Here, we showed that hsa_circ_0002577 expression was significantly upregulated in EC tissues, and high hsa_circ_0002577 expression was associated with advanced FIGO stage, lymph node metastasis, and poor overall survival rate of EC patients. In function assays, we demonstrated that hsa_circ_0002577 knockdown significantly reduced EC cells proliferation, migration, invasion ability in vitro and decreased tumor growth in vivo. In mechanism study, we revealed that hsa_circ_0002577 might act as a sponge for miR-197, and CTNND1 was revealed to be a target gene of miR-197. In addition, we revealed that the oncogenic effects of hsa_circ_0002577 were attributed to the regulation of miR-197/CTNND1/Wnt/β-catenin axis. Taken together, we indicated that hsa_circ_0002577 could play critical functions by hsa_circ_0002577/miR-197/CTNND1/Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, which served as a novel therapeutic application for EC treatment.  相似文献   
BackgroundOvarian cysts represent a common condition among women. Epidemiologic studies are inconsistent in determining if women with cysts are more likely to develop endometrial cancer (EC) regardless of overweight/obesity. We investigated the combined role of cysts and body mass index (BMI) on EC risk.MethodsWe pooled data from three case-control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland on 920 women with EC and 1700 controls. The prevalence of cysts was 5% among both cases and controls, with 63% of cases being overweight/obese. We estimated odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using logistic regression models, adjusting for potential confounders. We conducted stratified analyses according to BMI, and estimated the interaction between cysts and BMI; we carried out additional analyses according to age at diagnosis of cysts.ResultsOverall, history of cysts was not associated to EC (OR=1.27, 95% CI=0.82–1.97, P = 0.29). Normal weight women reporting cysts had an increased risk of EC (OR=2.49, 95% CI=1.31–4.74), while no such effect was found among overweight/obese women (OR=0.65, 95% CI=0.36–1.18; P for interaction=0.004). The association was limited to women below 65 years of age and was stronger in those who reported cysts at age 48 or older.ConclusionsCysts appeared to be a risk factor for EC in lean women but not in overweight/obese ones; these results are consistent with an effect of cysts and obesity on EC along common pathways.  相似文献   
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