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Observations of Yellowhammers flying from nests to foraging sites were used to assess use of foraging habitats in relation to availability. Selection of invertebrates by foraging Yellowhammers was studied using analysis of nestling faecal samples in relation to invertebrate samples taken from farmland habitats. Both data sets were analysed using compositional analysis. Broad-leaved crops and sparsely vegetated areas were favoured early in the breeding season, but cereal crops were increasingly used as these ripened. Unripe cereal grain formed a major component of nestling diet, but invertebrates were fed to all broods. Lepidoptera larvae, Araneae and Tipulidae were consumed more than other invertebrate groups. Nestling mortality was high during cold weather when these invertebrates would have been inactive. We suggest that farming systems that increase habitat diversity and reduce pesticide application to arable crops will benefit Yellowhammers and other farmland buntings.  相似文献   
Capsule Woodland birds were significantly less likely to occur in gardens in years of high beechmast crop.

Aim To test the hypothesis that woodland species that feed on beechmast will have significantly lower occurrence rates at garden feeders in mast years.

Methods Weekly winter occurrence rates at garden feeders between 1970/71 and 1999/2000 for 40 species were analysed in relation to annual beechmast abundance, classified into low, medium and high years. A repeated-measures logistic regression model was used to assess whether beechmast abundance explained further significant variation additional to underlying seasonal and annual trends.

Results Seven species that commonly feed on beechmast showed significantly lower occurrence in gardens in years of highest beechmast abundance: Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major, Woodpigeon Columba palumbus, Great Tit Parus major, Coal Tit Periparus ater, Nuthatch Sitta europaea, Jay Garrulus glandarius and Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs. Blackbird Turdus merula and Siskin Carduelis spinus, which showed similar significant patterns, are likely to take beechmast as elements of their diet. Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba was the only insectivorous species to show significant effects, but occurrence was lowest in years of intermediate beechmast abundance. For the latter species, this may have been due to confounding effects of temperature, but there were no such confounding effects of either temperature, or the number of bird feeders provided in gardens, for the other nine species.

Conclusion Use of artificial food sources by birds in gardens is influenced by resources in the surrounding countryside, suggesting that food provided in gardens may play a significant part in the population dynamics of these species, that population monitoring without consideration of the garden habitat may be deficient, and that volunteer-based garden bird recording may provide data that can be used as an indicator of changes in the wider countryside.  相似文献   
We investigated whether a climatic change in temperature affected daily food intake in migrating male redheaded buntings. Groups of adult male birds (n = 18) were photoinduced into migratory phenotype under increasing spring daylengths (NDL); as the birds began to exhibit night restlessness, Zugunruhe, these were allocated into groups, either with ambient (NDL, variable daily temperature: maximum – 29–44 °C and minimum – 16–33 °C; for food intake (six birds) and activity recording, six birds) until 2 weeks after they concluded migration or with constant temperature (NDT, 22 ± 1 °C; for food intake (six birds)) conditions. As day length increased March onwards, daily food intake increased (hyperphagia) in NDL and NDT groups. However, hyperphagia was slower in NDT birds as compared to NDL birds, suggesting that altered ambient temperature affects daily food intake in migrating buntings. Another group of 12 birds were held under constant daylengths (12L:12D; EDT and constant temperature 22 ± 1 °C). Although the onset of Zugunruhe was delayed under EDT, the day of onset of Zugunruhe was taken as day 0. Daily food intake and body weight before and during migration of EDT birds were compared with that of NDT and NDL groups. Daily food intake and body weight increased in all migrating birds, but hyperphagia continued post-migration in NDT birds. The study suggests that constantly suboptimal temperature despite increasing daylength, NDT, appeared to affect feeding and body weight of migratory buntings as evident from continued hyperphagia and body weight gain, even after concluding migrating activity.  相似文献   
对分布于吉林白城地区草原生境中栗斑腹巫鸟的窝卵数、营巢成功率和繁殖成功率的初步研究结果表明 ,繁殖期栗斑腹巫鸟种群的平均窝卵数为 5 .0 9± 0 .5 8枚 /巢 ;窝卵数与产卵期、出巢数与产卵期、窝卵数与卵大小之间呈负相关 ,产卵期与孵化率之间存在极显著的负相关关系 ,巢外径与窝卵数之间存在显著的正相关关系 ,巢的其余指标均与窝卵数呈正相关 ;平均孵化期为 12± 0 .4 9d ,孵化率为 36 .3% ,繁殖成功率为 11.11% ;7日龄以上的雏鸟群体大小为 2 .5 6± 1.5 3只 ,栗斑腹巫鸟的雏鸟存活率为 2 7.6 9% .  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships of genus Passer (Old World sparrows) have been studied with species covering their complete world living range. Mitochondrial (mt) cyt b genes and pseudogenes have been analyzed, the latter being strikingly abundant in genus Passer compared with other studied songbirds. The significance of these Passer pseudogenes is presently unclear. The mechanisms by which mt cyt b genes become pseudogenes after nuclear translocation are discussed together with their mode of evolution, i.e., transition/transversion mitochondrial ratio is decreased in the nucleus, as is the constraint for variability at the three codon positions. However, the skewed base composition according to codon position (in 1st position the percentage is very similar for the four bases, in 2nd position there are fewer percentage of A and G and more percentage of T, and in 3rd codon position fewer percentage of G and T and is very rich in A and C) is maintained in the translocated nuclear pseudogenes. Different nuclear internal mechanisms and/or selective pressures must exist for explaining this nuclear/mitochondrial differential DNA base evolutive variability. Also, the phylogenetic usefulness of pseudogenes for defining relationships between closely related lineages is stressed. The analyses suggest that the primitive genus Passer species comes from Africa, the Cape sparrow being the oldest: P. hispaniolensis italiae is more likely conspecific to P. domesticus than to P. hispaniolensis. Also, Passer species are not included within weavers or Estrildinae or Emberizinae, as previously suggested. European and American Emberizinae sparrows are closely related to each other and seem to be the earliest species that radiated among the studied songbirds (all in the Miocene Epoch). Received: 29 November 2000 / Accepted: 22 March 2001  相似文献   
We have investigated the seasonal changes in food intake, body weight, gonadal volume and plasma concentrations of thyroxine, luteinizing hormone and testosterone in male blackheaded bunting (Emberiza melanocephala) in captivity under natural daylengths at 29° N. The cycles in food intake, body weight and testis size in buntings appeared to be phase related. While the changes in body weight and testicular size were parallel to each other and correspond to the increasing daylengths of spring and early summer, cycle in food intake was almost antiphase to the cycles in body weight and testicular growth and development. Furthermore, buntings showed a distinct seasonal cycle in plasma concentrations of thyroxine, luteinizing hormone and testosterone. It is suggested that these seasonal cycles in buntings are endogenously programmed and their entrainment to the environmental photoperiod ensures the occurrence of different physiological functions at temporally fixed time of the year.  相似文献   
Post-breeding habitats of nine passerine species were studied in the permanently flooded reed beds of ponds near the village Pusté úlany (SW Slovakia) in 2002. Structural features of reed beds and the abundance of all birds studied were sampled at two sites and eight study plots. The reed bed structure and abundance of four passerines differed considerably between the individual study plots. The variations in vegetation structure were also caused by winter reed burning in the SE part of study area. Stems in burnt reed beds were smaller and thinner than unburnt. Abundance of the reed warbler and to a lesser extent sedge warbler was higher in tall reed beds, while the bearded tit preferred thick reed stems. Position of reed beds along the shore — open water gradient was an important factor in terms of abundance at the study plots in the case of the reed bunting. This species showed a strong preference for the reed bed edge with open water. Horizontal distribution of other species seems to be random, however, the birds with the exception of Savi’s warbler preferred the upper stratum of reed bed in vertical distribution. Our field data corroborate with those found in experimental studies concerning with ecomorphological characteristics of birds. Some inconsistencies, however, could also be caused by other factors (e.g. foraging preferences). Comparison of breeding and post-breeding habitat requirements of the studied bird species confirmed a more or less random distribution of the majority of species in the post-breeding period. Some variation was found in the cases of only the reed warbler and bearded tit.  相似文献   
2013年08月—11月,在西藏昌都地区拍摄到3种鸟类,经过分类鉴定分别为白领凤鹛(Yuhina diademata)、小鹀(Emberiza pusilla)和黑颈(Podiceps nigricollis)。查阅资料后,证实这三种鸟为西藏的新纪录。  相似文献   
The yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella is a common European bird that sings in dialects that for decades have been distinguished by the existence of one single element (called a “specific”). In this study we looked into other possibilities for dialect discrimination, measuring 24 different variables. For the first time, multivariate statistics were used to discriminate dialect in yellowhammer song. Two similar dialects (XlB and XsB) that are not clearly defined in the literature were studied. Statistics incorporated (1) all variables, (2) no variables of “specific” elements, and (3) no variables under the influence of these “specific” variables. Multivariate statistics support dialect discrimination by ear and confirmed that only one element in yellowhammer song characterises dialect. In addition, we looked for local differences within two dialects and found that one local observation area showed a higher separation than the other sites (Meck1). However, as yet there is insufficient evidence for the existence of a new subdialect. The experiments comply with the current laws of the study area.  相似文献   
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