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目的:桥本甲状腺炎是一种自身免疫性甲状腺疾病,且其发病率呈逐年上升趋势,在医疗实践中,HT 被认为是原发性甲状腺 功能减退最常见的原因,同时较易发生甲状腺癌和淋巴瘤。另外,HT 缺乏早期诊断标准,临床上发病隐匿且表现多样,病人多不 易察觉而延误治疗。本文旨在应用microRNA 芯片技术系统筛查HT病变甲状腺组织,以此研究并揭示其HT 的miRNA 表达谱 变化。方法:本研究首先采用microRNA芯片技术,对正常甲状腺组织及桥本甲状腺炎甲状腺组织中microRNA 的表达进行比较, 筛选桥本甲状腺炎中差异性表达的miRNAs。结果:与正常甲状腺相比,在桥本甲状腺炎及其合并甲状腺乳头状癌的一侧桥本甲 状腺炎中分别有39 个和25 个miRNAs 分子发生了差异性表达(P<0.05),比较2 组中共有的miRNAs 发现,miR-142-3p、 miR-338-3p、miR-454、miR-146a、miR-29b-1*、miR-150、miR-223 表达上调,miR-654-5p、miR-601、miR-198、miR-1226* 表达下调 (log2 FC≥ 2,P<0.05);而miR-142-5p 在原发性桥本甲状腺炎中表达显著性升高近8 倍(log2 FC=7.959,P<0.01)。结论:我们通 过microRNA芯片,首次直接系统筛查了桥本甲状腺炎病变组织相关miRNA 表达谱,总体上初步掌握了与正常甲状腺相比,桥 本甲状腺炎及合并甲状腺乳头状癌时其miRNA 表达谱的变化情况,为我们后续的研究提供了方向与基础。  相似文献   
The condition of Africans in the diaspora proffers insight into not just their adaptation to their new countries, but also the nature of racial stratification at their destinations. We examine race differences in earnings between black and white Africans in America and find sizeable differences among immigrants who have relatively similar human capital profiles. Whites have annual earnings 80 per cent higher than their black counterparts, and the gap in hourly wage is almost 48 per cent. More significantly, more than half (53 per cent) of the race difference in wages remains unexplained by earnings-related attributes such as education, occupation, and hours worked. We discuss these results against the backdrop of the ongoing debate on discrimination and the significance of race for socio-economic attainment in America.  相似文献   
Sampling strategies for estimating difference of population means are proposed. The original sample is fragmented into three subsamples. The use of a purposive device permits to measure only one of the variables in two samples. Bootstrap procedures are employed to evaluate distribution of the errors of estimators.  相似文献   
The registration of volumetric structures in real space involves geometric and density transformations that align a target map and a probe map in the best way possible. Many computational docking strategies exist for finding the geometric transformations that superimpose maps, but the problem of finding an optimal density transformation, for the purposes of difference calculations or segmentation, has received little attention in the literature. We report results based on simulated and experimental electron microscopy maps, showing that a single scale factor (gain) may be insufficient when it comes to minimizing the density discrepancy between an aligned target and probe. We propose an affine transformation, with gain and bias, that is parameterized by known surface isovalues and by an interactive centering of the “cancellation peak” in the surface thresholded difference map histogram. The proposed approach minimizes discrepancies across a wide range of interior densities. Owing to having only two parameters, it avoids overfitting and requires only minimal knowledge of the probe and target maps. The linear transformation also preserves phases and relative amplitudes in Fourier space. The histogram matching strategy was implemented in the newly revised volhist tool of the Situs package, version 2.6.  相似文献   
Remotely-sensed vegetation indices, which indicate the density and photosynthetic capacity of vegetation, have been widely used to monitor vegetation dynamics over broad areas. In this paper, we reviewed satellite-based studies on vegetation cover changes, biomass and productivity variations, phenological dynamics, desertification, and grassland degradation in China that occurred over the past 2–3 decades. Our review shows that the satellite-derived index (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI) during growing season and the vegetation net primary productivity in major terrestrial ecosystems (for example forests, grasslands, shrubs, and croplands) have significantly increased, while the number of fresh lakes and vegetation coverage in urban regions have experienced a substantial decline. The start of the growing season continually advanced in China's temperate regions until the 1990s, with a large spatial heterogeneity. We also found that the coverage of sparsely-vegetated areas declined, and the NDVI per unit in vegetated areas increased in arid and semi-arid regions because of increased vegetation activity in grassland and oasis areas. However, these results depend strongly not only on the periods chosen for investigation, but also on factors such as data sources, changes in detection methods, and geospatial heterogeneity. Therefore, we should be cautious when applying remote sensing techniques to monitor vegetation structures, functions, and changes.  相似文献   
Genetic modification of plants may result in unintended effects causing potentially adverse effects on the environment. A comparative safety assessment is therefore required by authorities, such as the European Food Safety Authority, in which the genetically modified plant is compared with its conventional counterpart. Part of the environmental risk assessment is a comparative field experiment in which the effect on non‐target organisms is compared. Statistical analysis of such trials come in two flavors: difference testing and equivalence testing. It is important to know the statistical properties of these, for example, the power to detect environmental change of a given magnitude, before the start of an experiment. Such prospective power analysis can best be studied by means of a statistical simulation model. This paper describes a general framework for simulating data typically encountered in environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants. The simulation model, available as Supplementary Material, can be used to generate count data having different statistical distributions possibly with excess‐zeros. In addition the model employs completely randomized or randomized block experiments, can be used to simulate single or multiple trials across environments, enables genotype by environment interaction by adding random variety effects, and finally includes repeated measures in time following a constant, linear or quadratic pattern in time possibly with some form of autocorrelation. The model also allows to add a set of reference varieties to the GM plants and its comparator to assess the natural variation which can then be used to set limits of concern for equivalence testing. The different count distributions are described in some detail and some examples of how to use the simulation model to study various aspects, including a prospective power analysis, are provided.  相似文献   
目的:探究小肠CT及双气囊小肠镜诊断克罗恩病患者的差异性。方法:选择2017年4月至2019年3月于我院接受治疗的60例克罗恩病患者,分别实施小肠CT及双气囊小肠镜检测,对比两种检测方式对克罗恩病患者诊断准确率及病变范围、病变位置、活动度和并发症的检测差异。结果:CT检出克罗恩病的准确率96.67%,双气囊小肠镜检出克罗恩病的准确率为93.33%,其差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。小肠CT主要表现为肠腔狭窄50例(83.33%),肠壁增厚52例(86.67%),肠外淋巴结46例(76.67%),肠系膜水肿及血管改变21例(35.00%),肠外炎症10例(16.67%),瘘管3例(5.00%),瘘道1例(1.67%);双气囊小肠镜表现为环形溃疡、不规则溃疡、环状溃疡等共计46例(76.67%),阿弗他溃疡22例(36.67%),黏膜充血、水肿等26例(43.33%),结节样增生6例(10.00%),小肠肠腔节段性狭窄16例(26.67%),假性息肉9例(15.00%);经病理学检测表现为淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞等炎性浸润,淋巴组织及肉芽组织出现增生小肠CT发现肠外炎症、瘘道、瘘管等合计14例,而双气囊小肠镜未发现并发症。结论:相比于双气囊小肠镜,小肠CT能够更为准确的判断克罗恩病患者是否处于炎症状态,也能够更有效的发现肠外并发症的存在,但小肠CT及双气囊小肠镜联合应用监测效果更佳。  相似文献   
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