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菊方翅网蝽Corythucha marmorata(Uhler,1878)是我国新近发现的外来入侵害虫,研究明确菊方翅网蝽在我国的潜在分布范围对其监测预警及科学防控具有重要意义。本研究根据菊方翅网蝽的地理分布数据及相关环境变量,运用Maxent生态位模型与ArcGIS预测了菊方翅网蝽在中国的潜在地理分布范围。预测结果表明:菊方翅网蝽在我国的适生区主要分布于100°~125°E,20°~40°N的亚热带、暖温带区域,其中高适生区主要集中在长江中下游地区,包括浙江、江苏、湖南、上海大部分地区、安徽南部、湖北南部、江西西部及南部、贵州东部、福建东部、广西北部、山东中部、河南南部以及重庆、台湾局部;此外,极端气温、平均气温、最干月份降雨量对菊方翅网蝽的潜在分布影响较大。菊方翅网蝽已在我国成功入侵并迅速蔓延成灾,应在疫区边缘地带加强监测,并采取措施防止其进一步扩散。  相似文献   
为了解近年来入侵我国的菊方翅网蝽的生物学特性,并为该昆虫种群在我国未来发展的趋势及防治提供科学依据,我们在温度(25±2) ℃、湿度(80±5)%、光周期L∶D=14∶10的实验室条件下,饲养、观察并记录了其各龄幼虫的形态特征,测定了该虫生长发育历期、存活率和产卵量等,构建了实验种群繁殖特征生命表,并计算了种群动态的相关参数.结果表明: 菊方翅网蝽的卵期为(14.58±1.17) d,若虫期为(14.88±1.45) d,成虫寿命为(59.88±5.85) d,单雌产卵量为(87.2±17.8)粒.该实验种群的内禀增长率(rm)为0.05,周限增长率(λ)为1.06,世代平均历期(T)为46.11 d,净繁殖率(R0)为11.88,种群加倍时间(t)为12.91 d;此外,在种群的稳定年龄组配中,若虫期占59.3%,成虫期占40.7%.预计菊方翅网蝽有可能会在中国进一步扩散并造成潜在的危害.  相似文献   
The presumptive choline transporter, CTL1, was initially identified through functional complementation of a triple yeast mutant (ctr ise URA3) with deficiencies in both choline transport and choline neosynthesis under selective conditions that cause perturbations in membrane synthesis and growth. After transformation of these yeasts with a heterologous yeast expression library made from Torpedo electric lobe cDNAs, several colonies showed increased growth but only one clone increased the accumulation of external choline. The corresponding full-length cDNA was isolated and encodes a protein with 10 transmembrane domains. Northern analysis of Torpedo mRNA indicates that CTL1 is expressed at high levels in the spinal cord and brain. In Xenopus oocytes, Torpedo CTL1 expression was associated with the appearance of sodium independent high-affinity choline uptake. We propose that CTL1 plays a role in providing choline for membrane synthesis in the nervous system.  相似文献   
The gecko Oedura marmorata was studied in two different climatic zones: the arid zone of central Australia and in the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia. Doubly labelled water was used to measure field metabolic rate (FMR) and water flux rates of animals in the field during the temperate seasons of spring, summer and winter, and during the tropical wet and dry seasons. FMRs were highest in the tropical wet season and lowest in the temperate winter. The geckos in central Australia expended less energy than predicted for a similarly sized iguanid lizard, but geckos from the tropics expended about the same amount of energy as predicted for an iguanid. Water flux rates of geckos from the arid zone were extremely low in all seasons compared to other reptiles, and although water flux was higher in tropical geckos, the rates were low compared to other tropical reptiles. The standard metabolic rates (SMRs) of geckos were similar between the two regions and among the seasons. Geckos selected higher body temperatures (T bs) in a laboratory thermal gradient in the summer (33.5°C) and wet (33.8°C) seasons compared to the winter (31.7°C) and dry (31.4°C) seasons. The mean T bs selected in the laboratory thermal gradient by geckos from the two regions were not different at a given time of year. The energy expended during each season was partitioned into components of resting metabolism, T b and activity. Most of the energy expended by geckos from central Australia could be attributed to the effects of temperature on resting lizards in all three seasons, but the energy expended by tropical geckos includes a substantial component due to activity during both seasons. This study revealed variability in patterns of ecological energetics between populations of closely related geckos, differences which cannot be entirely attributed to seasonal or temperature effects. Received: 14 November 1997 / Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   
1. The ESR spectra of both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine spin labels reveal an immobilized lipid component (τR ? 50 ns), in addition to a fluid component (τR ~ 1 ns), in acetylcholine receptorrich membranes prepared from Torpedo marmorata electroplax according to the method of Cohen et al. (Cohen, J.B., Weber, M., Huchet, M. and Changeux, J.P. (1972) FEBS Lett. 26, 43–47). 2. The ESR spectra of the androstanol spin label display a component corresponding to molecules which are immobilized with respect to rotation about the long molecular axis (
), in addition to the fluid lipid bilayer component in which the molecules are rotating rapidly about their long axes (
). This immobilized component is observed throughout the temperature range 2–22°C, at an approximately constant relative intensity of approx. 45% of the total, which is quantitatively the same as previously observed with fatty acid spin labels.  相似文献   
Abstract: Multiple molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase from electric organ and electric lobe of Torpedo marmorata were examined at various developmental stages by sucrose density sedimentation. Four major forms were characterized by their apparent sedimentation coefficients of 6 S, 11 S, 13 S, and 17 S. Embryonic lobe possessed at early stages predominantly the 11 S form. With maturation the 17 S form became the most abundant. The early embryonic stages of the electric organ were characterized by predominating amounts of 6 S and 11 S forms. With differentiation of the postsynaptic membrane of the developing electrocytes, 13 S and 17 S forms replaced the slower-sedimenting forms. Concomitant with the formation of synaptic contacts, a transient increase in the 13 S form was followed by a dramatic accumulation of rapid-sedimenting 17 S form. The establishment of fully functional synapses was accompanied by an increase in the amount of the hydrophobic 6 S form. At birth, equal amounts of 6 S and 17 S form were found, with the other forms present in only trace amounts. The observed characteristic changes correlated with morphological and physiological events, indicating a close functional relationship between the accumulation of the 17 S form and synapse formation and the accumulation of the 6 S form and onset of function.  相似文献   
Summary— A major antigen of the brush border membrane of Torpedo marmorata kidney was identified and purified by immunoprecipitation. The sequence of its 18 N terminal amino acids was determined and found to be very similar to that of mammalian aminopeptidase N (EC Indeed aminopeptidase N activity was efficiently immunoprecipitated by monoclonal antibody 180K1. The purified antigen gives a broad band at 180 kDa after SDS-gel electrophoresis, which, after treatment by endoglycosidase F, is converted to a thinner band at 140 kDa. This antigen is therefore heavily glycosylated. Depending on solubilization conditions, both the antigen and peptidase activity were recovered either as a broad peak with a sedimentation coefficient of 18S (2% CHAPS) or as a single peak of 7.8S (1% CHAPS plus 0.2 % C12E9), showing that Torpedo aminopeptidase N behaves as an oligomer stabilized by hydrophobic interactions, easily converted into a 160 kDa monomer. The antigen is highly concentrated in the apical membrane of proximal tubule epithelial cells (600 gold particles/μm2 of brush border membrane) whereas no labeling could be detected in other cell types or in other membranes of the same cells (basolatéral membranes, vacuoles or vesicles). Monoclonal antibodies prepared here will be useful tools for further functional and structural studies of Torpedo kidney aminopeptidase N.  相似文献   
悬铃木方翅网蝽触角感器扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆佳伟  苏鹏  常虹  郝德君 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1643-1647
利用扫描电镜对悬铃木方翅网蝽Corythucha ciliata(Say)雌、雄成虫触角背面和腹面进行观察。结果表明:悬铃木方翅网蝽触角为棒状,共4节,分为柄节、梗节和鞭节。触角上共有4种感器,分别为刺型感器、锥形感器、毛型感器和芽型感器;这些感器不存在性二型现象。其中,刺型感器分为大刺型感器和小刺型感器2种类型;芽型感器首次在异翅亚目昆虫触角上发现。雄成虫触角感器数量明显多于雌成虫,不同类型的感器在触角各节上的数量与分布各不相同。  相似文献   
Information about the effects of biological soil crusts (BSC) on germination, seedling survival and growth of vascular plants is controversial because they can have positive, neutral or negative effects. This controversy may be because most studies conducted until now have just analysed one or two recruitment stages independently. To understand the BSC effects on vascular plants, it is necessary to consider each stage of the recruitment process and synthesise all this information. The goal of this study was twofold. First, we analyse germination, seedling survival and growth of three vascular plants (Agave marmorata, Prosopis laevigata and Neobuxbaumia tetetzo) on BSC (cyanobacteria and mixed crust) from a tropical desert region of south-central México. Second, we synthesise the information to determine the total effect of BSC on plant species performance. We conducted experiments under controlled conditions to evaluate the proportion of germinated seeds, proportion of surviving seedlings and seedling dry weight in BSC and bare soil. Results showed that BSC have different effects on germination, seedling survival and growth of plant species. Plant species performance was qualitatively higher on BSC than bare soil. The highest performance of A. marmorata and P. laevigata was observed on cyanobacteria and mixed crusts, respectively. The highest performance of N. tetetzo was on both crust types.  相似文献   
悬铃木方翅网蝽: 一种正在迅速扩张的城市外来入侵害虫   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鞠瑞亭  李博 《生物多样性》2010,18(6):638-27
悬铃木方翅网蝽(Corythucha ciliata)是新近入侵我国城市生态系统的外来害虫, 严重危害城市行道树悬铃木(Platanus spp.), 自2002年该虫在湖南长沙首度报道以来, 已在我国11个省(直辖市)的25个城市发生, 尤其在长江流域呈现爆发态势。本文系统介绍了悬铃木方翅网蝽的生活史、生活习性、繁殖潜力等生物学特性, 以及扩散速度与方式、影响发生的主要环境因素、种群的耐寒耐热能力等生态学特性。最后, 在分析该虫的寄主及危害特点的基础上, 对其控制与管理对策进行了综述, 以为其管理提供参考。  相似文献   
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