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Abstract. Habitat fragmentation affects both plants and pollinators. Habitat fragmentation leads to changes in species richness, population number and size, density, and shape, thus to changes in the spatial arrangement of flowers. These changes influence the amount of food for flower-visiting insects and the quantity and quality of pollinations. Seed set in small populations is often reduced and genetic variation is expected but not always found to be low. The majority of studies show that low flower densities have reduced pollination success and higher inbreeding. Density effects are stronger than size effects. Most studies concluded that species richness in flower-visiting insects is directly related to richness in plant species. However, the consequences of low insect species richness for pollination are not always clear, depending on the studied pollinator-plant relationship. The effects of the presence of simultaneously flowering species are highly dependent on the circumstances and may range from competition to facilitation. Other flowering plant species may play a role as stepping stones or corridor in the connection between populations. In the absence of stepping stones even short distances between populations act as strong barriers for gene flow. We illustrate the present review paper with own data collected for three plant species, rare in The Netherlands: Phyteuma spicatum ssp. nigrum (Campanulaceae), Salvia pratensis (Labiatae) and Scabiosa columbaria (Dipsacaceae). The species differ in their breeding systems and in the assemblage of visitor species. Data are shown on the effects of population size on species richness with consequences for seed set. Effects of flower density and isolation on pollen exchange are given. Since plant reproduction depends on the behaviour of individual insects and not on the overall behaviour of the species, the examples all point to individual insects and extrapolate to effects at the species level.  相似文献   
样点法在森林鸟类调查中的运用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
吴飞  杨晓君 《生态学杂志》2008,27(12):2240-2244
样点法由于具有易于实施、更易做到随机化或系统化以及适合于复杂及斑块化生境等优点,已成为目前使用最为广泛的森林鸟类调查方法。本文在介绍样点法的假设条件、类型和影响鸟类调查准确性因素的基础上,重点介绍了样点法在调查森林鸟类需要考虑的样本大小、样点布设、调查时间、每点的停留时间和调查周期等。同时也分析了样点法的不足,并提出样点法与网捕法结合是提高调查结果准确性的有效途径。  相似文献   
Connectivity for large mammals across human-altered landscapes results from movement by individuals that can be described via nested spatial scales as linkages (or zones or areas) with compatible land use types, constrictions that repeatedly funnel movement (as corridors) or impede it (as barriers), and the specific paths (or routes) across completely anthropogenic features (such as highways). Mitigation to facilitate animal movement through such landscapes requires similar attention to spatial scale, particularly when they involve complex topography, diverse types of human land use, and transportation infrastructure. We modeled connectivity for Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and gaur (Bos gaurus) in the Shencottah Gap, a multiple-use region separating two tiger reserves in the Western Ghats, India. Using 840 km of surveys for animal signs within a region of 621 km2, we modeled landscape linkages via resource selection functions integrated across two spatial resolutions, and then potential dispersal corridors within these linkages using circuit theoretical models. Within these corridors, we further identified potential small-scale movement paths across a busy transportation route via least-cost paths and evaluated their viability. Both elephants and gaur avoided human-dominated habitat, resulting in broken connectivity across the Shencottah Gap. Predicted corridor locations were sensitive to analysis resolution, and corridors derived from scale-integrated habitat models correlated best with habitat quality. Less than 1% of elephant and gaur detections occurred in habitat that was poorer in quality than the lowest-quality component of the movement path across the transportation route, suggesting that connectivity will require habitat improvement. Only 28% of dispersal corridor area and 5% of movement path length overlapped with the upper 50% quantile of the landscape linkage; thus, jointly modeling these three components enabled a more nuanced evaluation of connectivity than any of them in isolation.  相似文献   
水资源约束下西北干旱区城市经济发展与城市化阈值   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
方创琳  乔标 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2413-2422
城市化水平阈值是指在水资源硬约束下,在确保经济发展达到一定速度与规模、生态环境建设得到基本保障、并具备足以支撑城市接纳一定数量农民进城转为非农人口的经济能力时,能达到的“农转非”人口占总人口的最大比例。以干旱区河西走廊为例,分析了在水资源约束下城市经济发展总量及其对应的城市化阈值。采用阈值模型计算表明,未来30a在不跨区调水的前提下,河西走廊总需水量的上限阈值为7.81×109m3,其中生态需水、生产需水和生活需水比例调整为13.2:83.5:3.3,总需水量对应的国内生产总值为1.81×1011元,历年平均增长速度最快可达到6.91%,第一、二、三产业结构调整为18.99:47.20:33.81。在总需水量阈值、经济总量、需水结构与产业结构调整优化和经济增长速度不低于7%、农业需水按0.61%的速度退水9.12×108m3、生态需水比例不低于13%等多重条件约束下,求得河西走廊未来30a能够达到的总人口为5.82×106人,城镇非农业人口可达到2.05×106人,城市化水平可达到35.14%,这一水平仅相当于中国2001年的平均城市化水平。在跨区调水1.31×109m3的条件下,城市化水平可望达到47.17%。进而采用总人口人均拥有的GDP、非农业人口人均拥有的第二、三产业增加值、农业人口人均拥有的第一产业增加值3项经济指标对水资源约束下经济发展总量对城市化水平的保障程度进行了验证分析。由于各城市的缺水状况、取水条件、发展性质、发展阶段与经济发展实力与前景等各不相同,致使不同城市之间对应的总需水量、经济总量、经济增长速度和城市化水平等均表现出较大的差异性。  相似文献   
王永健  陶建平  张炜银  臧润国  丁易  李媛  王微 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3525-3532
通过样带调查和TWINSPAN、DCCA分析,从植物种、植物群落及其多样性与环境关系方面,研究了岷江上游土地岭大熊猫走廊带恢复植被的干扰状况。结果表明:应用TWINSPAN分类,并结合优势种组成、干扰状况分析及DCCA排序,可将植被划分为6个群落类型,同时划分出响应型、迟钝型、中度干扰忍耐型和重度干扰忍耐型4类干扰响应的植物类型。以样方物种和以样方多样性指数的DCCA分析结果基本一致,物种及群落的空间分布呈明显的聚集格局,反映其与环境因子间的密切关系。DCCA排序图上,海拔差、坡形、与公路距离、坡度及道路条数对群落和物种分布有明显的影响,与干扰相关性最大的坡度、样地道路数目、与公路间的距离3个因子反映了植被的干扰梯度。干扰对土地岭恢复植被影响显著,干扰降低了群落的物种多样性,同时阻碍了演替进程。  相似文献   
基于1985、1995、2000、2011年的Landsat TM影像解译数据,以河西走廊20个县(市、区)为基本研究单元,运用生态系统服务价值估算法,依据生态系统服务价值指数(ESV)和生态经济协调度指数(EEH),对河西走廊1985—2011年生态经济系统协调度进行评价.结果表明: 研究期间,研究区土地类型结构发生了较大变化,林草地面积减少幅度较大,建设用地和耕地面积增加较快.ESV整体呈下降趋势,研究区东、中部石羊河流域和黑河流域中游ESV变化幅度较大,经济开发方式在本时段发生过显著变化,研究区西部疏勒河流域ESV变化不大.2000年后,研究区经济增长速度明显加快,资源型城市和区域性中心城市是经济增长的热点区,整体上沿走廊中心向两侧递减.研究区生态经济关系整体上经历了“初步恶化-进一步恶化-低度协调”的演变过程,研究区东、中部的石羊河流域和黑河流域中游EEH有较大幅度的变化,生态经济经历了“冲突-进一步冲突-小幅度缓和”的过程,西部疏勒河流域EEH变化幅度较小,石羊河流域和黑河流域高强度的开发模式以及随后的流域综合治理对区域生态经济协调性产生了较大影响.
生态安全是社会经济可持续发展的基本保障,研究区域生态安全时空格局历史演变与发展趋势具有重要意义。本文选取河西走廊地区5个地级市为对象,建立基于PSR-EES模型的生态安全评价指标体系,采用综合指数法计量其2008-2017年期间10年生态安全值,进而采用ARIMA-ANN模型预测未来该区域生态安全变化趋势。结果表明:河西走廊地区生态安全呈波动上升状态,演变特征与区域的生态保护规划与政策措施相吻合;各地级市生态安全等级与理想状态存在不同程度的差距;张掖、金昌、酒泉三市存在一定的生态风险;采用ARIMA单项模型、ARIMA-ANN组合模型对河西走廊区域生态安全变化趋势进行预测的平均相对误差、相关系数分别为2.01%、0.8852(ARIMA)和1.09%、0.9665(ARIMA-ANN);ARIMA-ANN组合模型预测河西走廊地区2020年的生态安全值达0.8107,处于V级。本研究证明,ARIMA-ANN组合模型在区域生态安全演变评价和发展趋势预测中获得较高的准确度和精度,对优化区域生态空间布局和安全管理具有实践价值。  相似文献   
河西走廊水生植物多样性格局、群落特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水生植物是湿地生态系统重要组成部分,研究水生植物多样性分布格局及其影响因素对地区水生植物资源保护具有重要意义。通过野外调查并结合气候等环境因素,研究了河西走廊主要水生植物群落类型、数量特征、水生植物多样性分布格局及影响因素,并对中域效应假说进行了验证。研究结果表明:(1)河西走廊地区共有水生植物29科42属84种,群落的聚类分析可将河西走廊水生植物群落划分为15个主要群落类型;(2)河西走廊水生植物群落类型主要受到水温、海拔、经纬度等环境因子影响,群落物种多样性指数与盐度以及溶解性固体总量呈显著性相关;(3)河西走廊水生植物多样性空间格局呈现出"∩"型的单峰格局,中域效应模型能较好地解释该地区水生植物多样性水平的纬度格局及海拔垂直分布格局,对该区域水生植物物种丰富度在纬度和海拔梯度上的变异解释率分别为57.56%、63.5%。分析表明,河西走廊水生植物物种丰富度格局由几何(边界)限制和随机过程及其他未知因素共同控制,且几何(边界)限制和随机过程贡献率较大;同时本研究中未考虑的环境异质性、气候、人为干扰等因素也对河西走廊水生植物多样性空间分布产生重要影响。  相似文献   
Roe deer is a protected species in Iran as its population and distribution in the country have considerably declined. Roe deer are threatened by several factors such as habitat fragmentation and road mortality, so studying their distribution and movement through the increasing habitat destruction and fragmentation is necessary. This will become increasingly important because climate change will transform the species’ future habitat and connectivity patterns. We evaluated the roe deer’s potential distribution range in northern Iran and, for the first time, developed connectivity models and designed corridors for the present and future to make better conservation plans. We collected 91 points indicating the presence of roe deer in the study region. After developing ensemble models using six species distribution algorithms, we defined high-ranked habitat cores using the concept of landscape suitability prioritization. From these, we designed connectivity and corridors in two time-frames with the help of least-cost paths and circuit theories to predict the potential movement throughout the study area. We estimated that the overall core habitats for roe deer in the present and future periods are, respectively, around 1200 km2 and 2600 km2, corresponding to 2 and 4 percent of the whole area. This suggests that the habitat core will expand in the future as a result of climate change. Similarly, the connectivity among the cores will strengthen. We also conclude that the temperature-driven and anthropogenic variables significantly affect the distribution of roe deer in northern Iran. It is necessary that conservationists and managers consider the designed corridors in the present study while planning conservation strategies.  相似文献   
Width is an essential element of the spatial configuration of riparian forests and may be fundamental in determining their corridor function. In the present study we tested the effect of forest width on floristic structure (tree species composition and diversity) in 15 fragments of riparian forest in an agricultural fragmented landscape of SE Brazil. All these fragments were chosen in a geomorphological homogeneous river reach under similar soil, topographic and human disturbance conditions in order to minimize the influence of these factors. The forest widths considered ranged from 30 to 650 m. The results showed that total species richness and climax species richness were significantly greater when we consider larger fragments, as has been observed in other studies. Nevertheless, species diversity and evenness were not significantly correlated with forest width. The analysis of species composition showed that the narrowest fragments were characterized by species well adapted to temporary flood conditions, while medium and wide fragments showed a composition typical of drier upland areas. Therefore, the effect of forest width on floristic structure appears to be more strongly linked to the effect of river floods in the case of the fragments studied. The existence in riparian corridors of a drier forest, in general richer and more diversified than the annually flooded forest, seems to favor the maintenance of regional species diversity in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   
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