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Calculating the required sample size for a desired power at a given type I error level, we often assume that we know the exact time of all subject responses whenever they occur during our study period. It is very common, however, in practice that we only monitor subjects periodically and, therefore, we know only whether responses occur or not during an interval. This paper includes a quantitative discussion of the effect resulting from data grouping or interval censoring on the required sample size when we have two treatment groups. Furthermore, with the goal of exploring the optimum in the number of subjects, the number of examinations per subject for test responses, and the total length of a study time period, this paper also provides a general guideline about how to determine these to minimize the total cost of a study for a desired power at a given α-level. A specified linear cost function that incorporates the costs of obtaining subjects, periodic examinations for test responses of subjects, and the total length of a study period, is assumed, primarily for illustrative purpose.  相似文献   
To investigate the potential for and constraints on the evolution of compensatory ability, we performed a greenhouse experiment using Asclepias syriaca in which foliar damage and soil nutrient concentration were manipulated. Under low nutrient conditions, significant genetic variation was detected for allocation patterns and for compensatory ability. Furthermore, resource allocation to storage was positively, genetically correlated both with compensatory ability and biomass when damaged, the last two being positively, genetically correlated with each other. Thus, in the low nutrient environment, compensatory ability via resource allocation to storage provided greater biomass when damaged. A negative genetic correlation between compensatory ability and plant biomass when undamaged suggests that this mechanism entailed an allocation cost, which would constrain the evolution of greater compensatory ability when nutrients are limited. Under high nutrient conditions, neither compensatory ability nor allocation patterns predicted biomass when damaged, even though genetic variation in compensatory ability existed. Instead, plant biomass when undamaged predicted biomass when damaged. The differences in outcomes between the two nutrient treatments highlight the importance of considering the possible range of environmental conditions that a genotype may experience. Furthermore, traits that conferred compensatory ability did not necessarily contribute to biomass when damaged, demonstrating that it is critical to examine both compensatory ability and biomass when damaged to determine whether selection by herbivores can favor the evolution of increased compensation. Received: 2 April 1999 / Accepted: 21 September 1999  相似文献   
In this paper, we study a two-species competitive system where both the species produce toxin against each other at some cost to their growth rates. A much wider set of outcomes is possible for our system. These outcomes are important contrasts to competitive exclusion or bistable attractors that are often the outcomes for competitive systems. We show that toxin helps to gain an advantage in competition for toxic species whenever the cost of toxin production remains within some moderate value; otherwise it may result in the extinction of the species itself.  相似文献   
We carried out an ecosystem service (ES) assessment at Soto de Pajares, a 400 ha active gravel quarry site located close to protected areas in the southeast of the Community of Madrid, Spain. The currently approved restoration plan is for quarry‐made excavations to be restored back to agricultural land. However, the site has been identified as being important for nature, so different restoration strategies should be considered. To better understand how these compare in terms of ES provision, which had not previously been done at mineral extraction sites in Spain, we used an established toolkit: the Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site‐based Assessments (TESSA). We compared the agriculture‐focused restoration plan and two nature‐focused alternative scenarios, one without public access (conservation scenario) and the other with public access (compromise scenario). Monetary estimations of the value of agricultural production, climate change mitigation, and recreation were calculated in three scenarios. Results indicated that the compromise scenario provided the greatest annual value (€91,409), mainly due to its potential visitors, surpassing both agricultural (€68,504) and conservation (€48,556) scenarios. Considering the higher costs associated with restoring sites to agricultural production, nature conservation may be an attractive option for extraction companies. The use of TESSA at this site has provided valuable information to quarry managers to help guide their decision‐making.  相似文献   
pathmatrix is a tool used to compute matrices of effective geographical distances among samples using a least‐cost path algorithm. This program is dedicated to the study of the role of the environment on the spatial genetic structure of populations. Punctual locations (e.g. individuals) or zones encompassing sample data points (e.g. demes) are used in conjunction with a species‐specific friction map representing the cost of movement through the landscape. Matrices of effective distances can then be exported to population genetic software to test, for example, for isolation by distance. pathmatrix is an extension to the geographical information system (GIS) software arcview 3.x.  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨过表达CXCR4的人脐带间充质干细胞(human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell, hUC-MSCs)移植后对糖尿病肾病的治疗作用。方法:构建CXCR4的慢病毒表达载体,并建立过表达 CXCR4 的人脐带间充质干细胞(CXCR4-MSCs)。采用8周龄健康雌性SD大鼠75只,其中15只为正常对照组,60只为实验组。实验组糖尿病成模后一个月,将糖尿病实验大鼠60只随机分为4组:①移植CXCR4-MSCs组(CXCR4基因转染MSCs组),即CXCR4组;②移植null-MSCs组(空质粒未转染CXCR4基因的MSCs组),即null-MSCs;③移植MSCs组( MSCs组);④PBS组(未移植任何的MSCs,单纯PBS注射,PBS组)。将CXCR4-MSCs、null-MSCs及MSCs消化离心,取含1×106个细胞悬液经尾静脉分别注入CXCR4-MSCs组、null-MSCs组及MSCs组大鼠体内,PBS组注射l mL PBS。干细胞治疗8周后,处死五组大鼠。各组大鼠处死前放代谢笼留取24 h尿,计算尿量,保存送检。处死前尾静脉采血检测血糖、称体重并记录。观察血糖、肾脏肥大指数、肾重、体重、24小时尿蛋白排泄量,并观察肾脏组织病理学改变。结果:60只SD雌性大鼠糖尿病模型成功率达100%,至实验8周糖尿病大鼠总共死亡14只,存活率达76.67%。实验开始后的8周,所有CXCR4组、Null-MSCs组、MSCs组、PBS组大鼠与正常组比较,体重均明显减轻(P<0.01),血糖明显升高(P<0.01)。MSCs治疗后8周,除正常组外,其余各组大鼠血糖、肾重、肾重/体重比、24小时尿蛋白均显著增高,体重显著降低(P<0.05);与PBS组相比,CXCR4组、null-MSCs组,MSCs组大鼠的肾重、肾重/体重比、24小时尿蛋白均明显降低(P<0.05),体重无明显增加,血糖无明显降低(P>0.05)。CXCR4组大鼠的肾重、肾重/体重比、24小时尿蛋白较除正常组外的各组均明显降低(P<0.05)。糖尿病成模后,给予大鼠尾静脉注射干细胞悬液或等量培养液,注射后8周,除正常组外,其余各组PAS染色可见大鼠肾小球肥大,肾小球基底膜增厚、系膜增生、系膜基质增多,部分肾小球出现明显硬化,符合糖尿病肾病中期病理表现。CXCR4组大鼠肾小球系膜基质增生较其余各组大鼠减少(P<0.05)。结论:转染CXCR4的MSCs可改善糖尿病肾病。  相似文献   
Direct field measurements of the energetic expenditure on parental care and within-nest reproductive success of individual male smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui were determined by measuring the change in total body mass as well as by total body electroconductivity analysis (TOBEC™). With TOBEC, the change in total body lean mass of the same live individual was measured non-destructively at the beginning and end of the parental care period. Lean mass was the primary source of energy utilized during parental care indicating starvation and potential loss of future reproduction. Individual loss in lean mass was related positively to reproductive success suggesting that the energy expended during parental care does affect individual fitness.  相似文献   
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