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Major knowledge gaps exist with respect to light-quality regimes in the coastal-zone Strandzha Quercus frainetto (Q.f.) forest region adjoining the southern Bulgarian Black Sea. This paper presents preliminary results that help narrow these gaps. In conjunction with leaf area index (LAI) field campaigns we undertook measurements with an array of 7 broad-band (ca 40 nm) sensors covering the range 0.40–0.94 μm, plus 1 sensor for UVB (0.297 μm peak) and 1 for photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Measurements focused on inside-forest shade conditions at sites 0 to ca 15 km from the Black Sea and at altitudes up to ca 120 m above sea level. Some of the sites were also studied using a high-resolution spectroradiometer. A sequential measuring strategy was necessary. This involves potentially large uncertainties, here addressed through estimations of the variability around the sinusoidal course of daylight. Light-quality regimes were found to be in general support of earlier studies of deciduous forests. Our data from the broad-band sensors and from the spectroradiometer are mutually supportive. They indicate a stronger red-shift below Q.f. canopies than below canopies in enclaves dominated by Fagus orientalis and Pinus sylvestris. Transmission in the range 0.50–0.55 μm increases beneath the three types of canopies, most pronounced in the Q.f. case. Analysis of relationships between the inside-forest to open-field irradiance ratio and LAI supports the use of Beer’s Law. We found a fairly strong relationship between the red (0.66 μm) to far-red (0.73 μm) irradiance ratios (R/FR) and LAI for the Q.f. forest. In quantitative terms, the result is new for this Q.f. region, and suggests further research to explore whether a two-sensor approach (0.66 and 0.73 μm) might offer possibilities for further low-cost mapping of the spatio-temporal patterns of R/FR and LAI in Strandzha. Such mapping would assist in further studies of the region’s forest biogeochemistry and vitality.  相似文献   
Hypersensitive response of wheat to the Hessian fly   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hessian flyMayetiola destructor (Say) larvae are able to obtain food from their host plant without inflicting mechanical damage to the plant surface, apparently by secreting substances which elicit release of nutrients from plant cells surrounding the feeding site. Cells of fully susceptible plants retain their normal appearances, while in resistant plants extensive areas of cellular collapse occur. These responses indicate that hypersensitivity is the basis of wheat's resistance to the Hessian fly. The fly's feeding mechanism more closely resembles that of a pathogen than of a phytophagous insect; correspondingly, both the genetic relationship and resistance mechanism of the host plant to the parasite are of the sorts commonly associated with bacterial and fungal pathogens.  相似文献   
This article examines a recently reported generalization. Materials from more than a score of invetigations are drawn upon. These materials show there is not a substantial research base for the claim that interbreeding in the United States between black people of African ancestry and white people of European ancestry has resulted in increased lower limb height relative to sitting height.  相似文献   
The horned soldier aphids of the Cerataphidini, unlike most social insects that reside in nests, live on the open surface of plants. The lack of a nest and other obvious ecological correlates makes it unclear why secondary-host soldiers might have evolved. Here I present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of 32 species of the Cerataphidini, including 10 species from the genera Ceratovacuna and Pseudoregma that produce horned soldiers. The phylogeny suggests that horned soldiers evolved once and were lost once or twice. Most horned soldiers are a morphologically specialized caste and two species that have unspecialized soldiers are independently derived from species with specialized castes. The genus Ceratovacuna appears to have undergone a relatively rapid radiation. Mapping secondary-host plants and geographic ranges onto the phylogeny suggests that bamboos were the ancestral secondary-host plants and that the Asian tropics and subtropics were the ancestral geographic regions for the genera Astegopteryx, Ceratoglyphina, Ceratovacuna Chaitoregma, and Pseudoregma and possibly for the entire tribe. There is evidence for vicariant events that separate the tropical and subtropical lineages in all of the major lineages of the tribe and for dispersal of some lineages. Based on these results, I present hypotheses for the causes and consequences of horned-soldier evolution.  相似文献   
Recovery time after experience of a given minimum temperature below torpor threshold is related to the value of that minimum, the length of time spent at that minimum, and the temperature prevailing during the recovery period above torpor threshold. A model can predict recovery time for flies experiencing a given temperature fluctuation if the length of time spent at the minimum is expressed as a proportion of LE50 at that minimum.The model has applications in defining the optimal protocol for chilling insects for use in the Sterile Insect Release Method. The model was confirmed by experiments showing that it is likely that flies will recover from non-lethal frosts before ant predators become active.
Résumé Le temps de récupération après avoir subi une température minimal située au-dessous du seuil d'engourdissement dépend de la valeur de ce minimum, du temps passé à ce minimum, et de la température au-dessus du seuil d'engourdissement pendant la période de récupération. Un modèle mathématique permet d'estimer le temps de récupération après avoir subi une chute de température déterminée, en fonction du temps passé au minimum thermique exprimé comme une fraction du LE50 (temps nécessaire pour tuer 50% des mouches) à ce minimum.Ce modèle s'est trouvé étayé par des observations montrant qu'il est probable que les mouches se remettent des gelées sublétales avant la reprise d'activité des fourmis prédatrices. Ce modèle peut être utilisé pour définir les conditions optimales de refroidissement des insectes utilisés lors de la libération d'individus stériles.
Gabriel Warburg, Islam, Nationalism and Communism in a Traditional Society: the case of the Sudan. (Frank Cass, London, 1978.) 253 pp. £11.00  相似文献   
Cattle besnoitiosis caused by Besnoitia besnoiti (Eucoccidiorida: Sarcocystidae) is a re‐emerging disease in Europe. Its mechanical transmission by biting flies has not been investigated since the 1960s. The aim of this study was to re‐examine the ability of Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) to transmit virulent B. besnoiti bradyzoites from chronically infected cows to susceptible rabbits. Three batches of 300 stable flies were allowed to take an interrupted bloodmeal on chronically infected cows, followed by an immediate bloodmeal on three rabbits (Group B). A control group of rabbits and a group exposed to the bites of non‐infected S. calcitrans were included in the study. Blood quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analyses, and clinical, serological and haematological surveys were performed in the three groups over 152 days until the rabbits were killed. Quantitative PCR analyses and histological examinations were performed in 24 tissue samples per rabbit. Only one rabbit in Group B exhibited clinical signs of the acute phase of besnoitiosis (hyperthermia, weight loss, regenerative anaemia and transient positive qPCR in blood) and was seroconverted. Parasite DNA was detected in four tissue samples from this rabbit, but no cysts were observed on histological examination. These findings indicate that S. calcitrans may act as a mechanical vector of B. besnoiti more efficiently than was previously considered.  相似文献   
Reproductive data were collected on individually-held adult oriental fruit flies, Dacus dorsalis, melon flies, Dacus cucurbitae, and Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata including age-by-parity relations, birth interval, frequency distribution of individual egg production levels and the concentration of reproduction among females in a cohort. Specific findings include: i) delay in reproductive peaks in a cohort after eclosion is due almost entirely to the variance in attainment of reproductive maturity among individuals; ii) low reproductive output of reproductively mature melon flies is due mostly to long birth intervals; iii) high egg production in both the medfly and the oriental fruit fly is due to their consistency of egg laying levels and frequency (short birth intervals). Discussion stresses the importance of viewing reproduction, not as a singular and discrete life history trait, but as consisting of subcomponents of daily parity, cumulative parity and birth interval.
Résumé Les informations sur la reproduction ont été obtenues à partir d'adultes de Dacus dorsalis, D. cucurbitae, C. capitata, élevés individuellement. Elles portent sur les paramètres suivants: distribution par âge en fonction de la fécondité, échelonnement des pontes, distribution des niveaux quotidiens de ponte, fréquence des pondeuses par cohorte.Différents caractères spécifiques ont été mis en évidence: 1) La variabilité de la date d'apparition de la maturité reproductive est pour l'essentiel responsable du retard dans les dates de reproduction maximale; 2) De 30 à 50% des femelles de D. dorsalis âgées de 10 jours pondent plus de 50 oeufs/jour pendant les deux semaines qui suivent, tandis que seulement 10 à 20% des femelles des deux autres espèces parviennent à pondre cette quantité d'oeufs à n'importe quel âge; 3) D. cucurbitae ayant atteint sa maturité pond environ pendant 40% des jours (c.à.d. chaque 2,5 j), tandis que les deux autres espèces pondent au moins quelques oeufs pendant 80% des jours (c.à.d. chaque 1,25 j); 4) La production élevée d'oeufs de C. capitata et de D. dorsalis est due à la régularité de leur niveau de ponte et à la fréquence (faible espacement); 5) Les fractions des effectifs qui ont pondu au moins 600 oeufs en 30 jours étaient approximativement de 0,8, 0,7, et 0,4 pour D. dorsalis, C. capitata, D. cucurbitae; 6) 50% des femelles de chacune des trois espèces contribuent en gros pour 65% à la ponte.
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