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许多长距离迁徙的雀形目鸟类的种群数量正在持续下降,田鹀(Emberiza rustica)种群数量下降趋势更为突出。通过对田鹀种群数量长期监测和迁徙动态分析,可为此物种保护提供科学依据。从2001年开始,陆续在黑龙江省高峰、青峰、帽儿山、新青和大沾河,吉林省珲春和吉林市,辽宁省的辽宁鸟类研究中心(大连)和旅顺老铁山,以及内蒙古乌尔其汗鸟类栖息的临水林缘处布网环志。截至2018年,累计环志田鹀184181只,其中春季88571只,秋季95610只;各年度环志数量波动较大,总体呈现急速下降趋势。幼鸟的越冬损失率高达41.3%。田鹀106只次的回收信息表明,自然条件下田鹀寿命可达11年以上;日迁飞距离最快可达到300 km,飞行速度可达30 km/h。中国东北地区是田鹀等鸟类的重要迁徙途经地;田鹀的迁徙路线相对稳定,在瑞典北部繁殖的种群经中国东北地区迁徙到天津以南越冬。通过环志发现,近些年田鹀种群数量急速下降。通过比对,发现中国东北地区田鹀的环志数量变化趋势与瑞典的田鹀环志数量变化趋势相似;相对于环志数量最多的年份,环志数量下降95%以上,值得关注。栖息地破碎化、非法猎捕等是影响田鹀生存的主要受威胁因素。建议依据田鹀等鸟类生物学习性,加强鸟类栖息地的保护,坚持长期标准化的鸟类环志监测,进一步探索鸟类迁徙规律,以助于鸟类种群的恢复。  相似文献   
蝙蝠的采集标记与重捕   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴毅  徐剑 《动物学杂志》2001,36(5):33-35
介绍了不同栖息环境中蝙蝠的采集方法,并对蝙蝠的标记方法,标记工具,注意事项以及蝙蝠重捕后对标记环的回收等进行了介绍,可为蝙蝠生态,分类等的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
大仓鼠的核型与B染色体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用骨髓细胞染色体制片法,对分布于山东济南、泰山、东北长白山和陕西西安的大仓鼠的染色体组型、G-带、C-带和银染核型进行了分析研究。济南、西安和长白山的标本的二倍体数目和核型相似,2n=28,22t+4m+XY(st,m)。泰山标本的二倍体数目为2n=28~29,即在675%的中期相中多出了一条形态最小的端着丝粒染色体,这条染色体为B染色体,可能起源于X染色体。泰山标本的A染色体组与上述3地标本相同。4地标本的G-带、C-带和银染核型相似。除B染色体外,每个端着丝粒染色体都具有着丝粒异染色质,AgNORs较恒定地出现在Nos2,4,8,9,13染色体上。也就是说大仓鼠的B染色体为C-带阴性,不携带核仁组织者。这种B染色体C-带阴性的特征在赤狐、黑家鼠和大林姬鼠朝鲜亚种中亦有报道。  相似文献   
三种姬鼠的染色体比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用染色体分带技术(G-,C-带和银染色),对中华姬鼠(Apodemusdraco)、大林姬鼠(A.peninsulae)和大耳姬鼠(A.latronum)的核型进行了观察分析。结果表明:3种姬鼠的2n均为48。中华姬鼠的染色体均为端着丝点染色体。大林姬鼠的常规核型中,除1对中着丝点染色体(No.23)外,其余均为端着丝点染色体。大耳姬鼠的核型中,有13对端着丝点染色体,2对亚端着丝点染色体,1对亚中着丝点染色体和7对中着丝点染色体。中华姬鼠C-带核型中,所有染色体着丝点C-带都呈强阳性,异染色质非常丰富,Y染色体整条深染。在大林姬鼠C-带核型中,Nos.7,11,15,21,22着丝点C-带弱化甚至近阴性,其余染色体着丝点异染色质C-带都呈现程度不同的阳性。且Nos.2,4,7有强弱不同的端位异染色质带。X染色体着丝点区有大块的异染色质斑带出现,Y染色体整条深染。大耳姬鼠除Nos.3,4,10,12,13染色体着丝点C-带很弱外,其余染色体着丝点C-带均呈阳性,并有8对(Nos.16-23)染色体出现异染色质短臂。从总体上看,大林姬鼠和大耳姬鼠的着丝点异染色质明显比中华姬鼠的少。中华姬鼠的Ag-NOR  相似文献   
白豆杉的核型和性染色体的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
管启良  俞仲辂 《遗传学报》1993,20(2):155-158
白豆杉pseudotaxus chienii(Cheng)Cheng是我国裸子植物特有属之一,雌雄异常,根尖 细胞染色体分析表明:雌株有一对异形性染色体,异配性别,属ZW型;雄株是同配性别,属ZZ型,雌株的型为2n=2x=24=22m(2SAT ZW) 2T,雄株的核型为2n=2x=24=22m(2SAT ZZ) 2T。Giemsa C-带,显示,Z染色体长短臂均具端带,W染色体不显带。  相似文献   
Understanding the biology and conducting effective conservation of migratory species requires an understanding of migratory connectivity – the geographic linkages of populations between stages of the annual cycle. Unfortunately, for most species, we are lacking such information. The North American Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) houses an extensive database of marking, recaptures and recoveries, and such data could provide migratory connectivity information for many species. To date, however, few species have been analyzed for migratory connectivity largely because heterogeneous re‐encounter probabilities make interpretation problematic. We accounted for regional variation in re‐encounter probabilities by borrowing information across species and by using effort covariates on recapture and recovery probabilities in a multistate capture–recapture and recovery model. The effort covariates were derived from recaptures and recoveries of species within the same regions. We estimated the migratory connectivity for three tern species breeding in North America and over‐wintering in the tropics, common (Sterna hirundo), roseate (Sterna dougallii), and Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia). For western breeding terns, model‐derived estimates of migratory connectivity differed considerably from those derived directly from the proportions of re‐encounters. Conversely, for eastern breeding terns, estimates were merely refined by the inclusion of re‐encounter probabilities. In general, eastern breeding terns were strongly connected to eastern South America, and western breeding terns were strongly linked to the more western parts of the nonbreeding range under both models. Through simulation, we found this approach is likely useful for many species in the BBL database, although precision improved with higher re‐encounter probabilities and stronger migratory connectivity. We describe an approach to deal with the inherent biases in BBL banding and re‐encounter data to demonstrate that this large dataset is a valuable source of information about the migratory connectivity of the birds of North America.  相似文献   
陈增建  禹宏 《遗传学报》1989,16(4):251-255
利用C-带和N-带分别及连续处理技术对提莫菲维小麦(Triticum timopheevi Zhuk.)的染色体带型及异染色质的类型与分布进行比较分析。结果表明,提莫菲维小麦的4A染色体以及G-染色体组带型丰富,并具有明显的端带,其异染色质是多样化的。4G和6G为随体染色体,随体显带明显。在提莫菲维小麦的染色体中异染色质类型有:(1)只有C~ N~ 型(4A、4G、6G和7G染色体);(2)只有C~ N~-型(1A、5A、6A和7A染色体);(3)C~ N~ 和C~ N~-型(2A、3A、1G、2G、3G和5G染色体)。在C-带和N-带连续处理中,N-带异染色质的消失部位在1G、2G、3G和5G染色体的端部,3A染色体的着丝点附近以及染色体1A、2A、5A、6A和7A的着丝点附近及端部。本文还讨论了C-带和N-带异染色质的异同以及端部异染色质在G染色体组进化中的可能作用。  相似文献   
石貂的染色体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对分布在我国的石貂北方亚种染色体进行了较详细的研究。结果表明2n=38,核型为14(M)+4(SM)+18(ST),XY(M,A)。C-带显示该亚种的一些染色体着丝粒区域结构异染色质弱化或消失。No,9染色体的短臂完全异染色质化;X染色体长臂丰出现插入杂色质带;Y为完全结构异染色质组成。  相似文献   
树鼩(Tupaia belangeri Wagner)三个亚种的染色体比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对中国西南部树鼩(Tupaia belangeri)三个亚种的染色体特征进行了详细比较。结果表明滇西亚种(T.b.chinensis),越北亚种(T.b.tonquinia)和瑶山亚种(T.b.yaoshanensis)的染色体数目均为62:G带和C带基本相似;Ag-NORs的数目相同(4—6个),有相似的分布。应用复制带的技术,确定了雄性树鼩的Y染色体。本结果为树鼩的分类鉴定提供了细胞遗传学依据。  相似文献   
A new small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) sample environment optimized for studying the microstructure of complex fluids under simple shear flow is presented. The SANS shear cell consists of a concentric cylinder Couette geometry that is sealed and rotating about a horizontal axis so that the vorticity direction of the flow field is aligned with the neutron beam enabling scattering from the 1-2 plane of shear (velocity-velocity gradient, respectively). This approach is an advance over previous shear cell sample environments as there is a strong coupling between the bulk rheology and microstructural features in the 1-2 plane of shear. Flow-instabilities, such as shear banding, can also be studied by spatially resolved measurements. This is accomplished in this sample environment by using a narrow aperture for the neutron beam and scanning along the velocity gradient direction. Time resolved experiments, such as flow start-ups and large amplitude oscillatory shear flow are also possible by synchronization of the shear motion and time-resolved detection of scattered neutrons. Representative results using the methods outlined here demonstrate the useful nature of spatial resolution for measuring the microstructure of a wormlike micelle solution that exhibits shear banding, a phenomenon that can only be investigated by resolving the structure along the velocity gradient direction. Finally, potential improvements to the current design are discussed along with suggestions for supplementary experiments as motivation for future experiments on a broad range of complex fluids in a variety of shear motions.  相似文献   
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