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Spiders can use air particle movements to localize moving prey. We studied the responses of 32 wind-sensitive interneurones in the hunting spider Cupiennius salei to prey stimuli. Stimulation with a tethered flying fly or with artificial air pulses activated plurisegmental interneurones that responded to changes in air movement velocity and were thus well suited to represent the highly fluctuating air stream typical of prey stimuli. In most interneurones (n = 18) the responses to the stimulation of different legs were not significantly different from each other. Different interneurones had different response characteristics and their latencies largely overlapped suggesting that there is parallel processing of the signals by populations of interneurones with different response characteristics. In two interneurones the number of spikes and the spiking pattern elicited by stimulation of each of the eight legs markedly differed depending on the leg stimulated. These neurones may play an important role in directional information processing. Stimulation of the adjacent legs from front to back or from back to front revealed two interneurones sensitive to the direction of successive stimulation of the legs. These neurones may be able to detect the motion of an air movement source in a preferred direction and thus act as nearfield motion detectors to localize a moving prey item. Accepted: 28 September 1996  相似文献   
Documenting local space use of birds that move rapidly, but are too small to carry GPS tags, such as swallows and swifts, can be challenging. For these species, tracking methods such as manual radio‐telemetry and visual observation are either inadequate or labor‐ and time‐intensive. Another option is use of an automated telemetry system, but equipment for such systems can be costly when many receivers are used. Our objective, therefore, was to determine if an automated radio‐telemetry system, consisting of just two receivers, could provide an alternative to manual tracking for gathering data on local space use of six individuals of three species of aerial insectivores, including one Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota), one Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), and four Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica). We established automated radio‐telemetry systems at three sites near the city of Peterborough in eastern Ontario, Canada, from May to August 2015. We evaluated the location error of our two‐receiver system using data from moving and stationary test transmitters at known locations, and used telemetry data from the aerial insectivores as a test of the system's ability to track rapidly moving birds under field conditions. Median location error was ~250 m for automated telemetry test locations after filtering. More than 90% of estimated locations had large location errors and were removed from analysis, including all locations > 1 km from receiver stations. Our automated telemetry receivers recorded 17,634 detections of the six radio‐tagged birds. However, filtering removed an average of 89% of bird location estimates, leaving only the Cliff Swallow with enough locations for analysis of space use. Our results demonstrate that a minimal automated radio‐telemetry system can be used to assess local space use by small, highly mobile birds, but the resolution of the data collected using only two receiver stations was coarse and had a limited range. To improve both location accuracy and increase the percentage of usable location estimates collected, we suggest that, in future studies, investigators use receivers that simultaneously record signals detected by all antennas, and use of a minimum of three receiver stations with more antennas at each station.  相似文献   
Differences in δ13C and δ15N values in stream biota are caused by several environmental conditions. Variations in abundance, species richness and the assemblage structure of stream biota are also caused by several environmental conditions. Hence, abundance, species richness and the assemblage structure of stream biota are expected to be strongly correlated with the differences in value of stable isotopes. In this study, the gaps in δ13C and δ15N between periphyton and charr are discussed in terms of the abundance, genus richness, and assemblage of benthic invertebrates at each site. Gaps in δ13C between periphyton and charr were strongly correlated with some aspects of mountainous area and the genus richness of benthic invertebrates at each site. The gaps in δ15N between periphyton and charr were strongly correlated with the abundance and assemblage structure of benthic invertebrates at the location tested. The δ13C values of predators were correlated with some aspects of mountainous area and the assemblage structure of the benthic invertebrates. The δ15N values of predators were correlated with genus richness and the assemblage structure of the benthic invertebrates. These results suggest that the value gaps in δ13C and δ15N can be used to assess biodiversity and could provide indices for estimating the biodiversity in a stream.  相似文献   
This review of literature describes the cellular and molecular biology of orthodontic tooth movement, including various theories and effect of chemical mediators on tooth movement. The better understanding of the tooth movement mechanism will inspire the clinicians to design and implement effective appliances that will result in maximum benefits and minimum tissue damage to the patients. This paper also emphasizes the applied aspect of different medication and hormones, during orthodontic treatment, on the signaling molecules which produce bone remodeling.  相似文献   
Aim In aquatic ecosystems, standing (lentic) and running (lotic) waters differ fundamentally in their stability and persistence, shaping the comparative population genetic structure, geographical range size and speciation rates of lentic versus lotic lineages. While the drivers of this pattern remain incompletely understood, the suite of traits making up the ability of a species to establish new populations is instrumental in determining such differences. Here we explore the degree to which the association between habitat type and geographical range size results from differences in dispersal ability or fundamental niche breadth in the members of the Enochrus bicolor complex, an aquatic beetle clade with species across the lentic–lotic divide. Location Western Mediterranean, with a special focus on North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and Sicily. Methods DNA sequences for four loci were obtained from species of the E. bicolor complex and analysed using phylogenetic inference. Dispersal and establishment abilities were assessed in lentic–lotic species pairs of the complex, using flight wing morphometrics and thermal tolerance ranges as surrogates, respectively. Results There were clear differences in range size between the lotic and lentic taxa of the complex, which appears to have had a lotic origin with two transitions to standing waters. Only small differences were observed in temperature tolerance and acclimation ability between the two lotic–lentic sister species studied. By contrast, wing morphometrics revealed clear, consistent differences between lotic and lentic Enochrus species pairs, the latter having a higher dispersal capacity. Main conclusions We hypothesize that there have been two habitat shifts from lotic to lentic waters, which have allowed marked expansions in geographical range size in western Mediterranean species of the E. bicolor complex. Differences in dispersal rather than in establishment ability appear to underlie differences in geographical range extent, as transitions to lentic waters were associated with changes in wing morphology, but not in thermal tolerance range. In this lineage of water beetles, selection for dispersal in geologically short‐lived lentic systems has driven the evolution of larger range sizes in lentic taxa compared with those of their lotic relatives.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Für den physiologischen Farbwechsel bei Vertebraten und Evertebraten gilt die Vorstellung, daß eine Pigmentbewegung innerhalb einer formkonstanten Zelle stattfindet. Am Seeigel Centrostephanus longispinus wird nun der Nachweis einer amoeboiden Bewegung von Pigmentzellen geführt: Die Epidermis von Centrostephanus enthält große braune Chromatophoren, die bei Belichtung eine Pigmentdispersion, bei Verdunkelung eine Konzentration des Pigments zeigen. Die Chromatophoren sind außerordentlich stark verzweigte Zellen, deren Arme dicht mit Pigmentgrana erfüllt sind. Im geballten Zustand ist die allgemeine Zellform mehr oder weniger ovoid, wobei die Zellarme eingezogen und dicht um die Zellmitte angeordnet sind. Dispersion des Pigments wird hervorgerufen durch Ausstrecken der pigmentierten Zellarme in den Interzellularraum des umgebenden Gewebes. Innerhalb der Zelle werden filamentöse Elemente nachgewiesen, die vermutlich für die Zellbeweglichkeit verantwortlich sind. — Ferner wird der zelluläre Aufbau des Integuments beschrieben.
Amoeboid pigment cells in the epithelium of the sea urchin Centrostephanus longispinus A novel colour change mechanism
Summary Rapid colour changes in vertebrate and invertebrate species are considered to be due to movement of pigment granules within pigment cells of constant shape. Evidence is presented in this study to show that an amoeboid movement of chromatophores occurs in the epidermis of the Echinoderm Centrostephanus longispinus. The epidermis in this species contains large brown chromatophores, which display a dispersion of pigment on illumination and its concentration on darkening. The chromatophores are extensively branched cells, and their branches are densely packed with pigment granules. In the state of pigment concentration, the shape of the cell is more or less ovoid, and the cell branches are drawn in and closely arranged around the cell centre. Dispersion is attained by a stretching out of the pigmented cell branches into the intercellular spaces of the surrounding tissue. Within the cell, filamentous elements, which may be functional in the motility of the pigment cell, can be demonstrated.—Additionally the cellular composition of the integument is described.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Frl. A. Mikolaczick danken wir für sorgfältige technische Assistenz.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Long-term changes in the numbers of Zonocerus at oviposition sites reflect changes in the maturity of the general population.
2. Short-term changes in the numbers of Zonocerus at oviposition sites are associated partly with normal diurnal behaviour in which roosting occurs at night.
3. Immigration of Zonucems , particularly females, into the oviposition site occurs prior to periods of oviposition activity. Emigration follows oviposition.
4. The majority of Zonocerus move upwind into the oviposition site suggesting an odour and/or sound attraction.
5. Periods of intense oviposition activity follow heavy rainfall.  相似文献   
Summary Neck muscles of Calliphora erythrocephala, situated in the anterior prothorax, are innervated on each side by 8 motor neurons arising in the brain (cervical nerve neurons, CN1–8) and at least 13 motor neurons arising in the prothoracic ganglion (anterior dorsal and frontal nerve neurons, ADN1,2 and FN1-11). Three prominent motor neurons (CN6 and FN1,2) are described in detail with special emphasis on their relationships with giant visual interneurons from the lobula plate, haltere interneurons, and primary afferents from the prosternal organs and halteres. These sensory organs detect head movement and body yaw, respectively. Neuronal relationships indicate that head movement is under multimodal sensory control that includes giant motion-sensitive neurons previously supposed to mediate the optomotor response in flying flies. The described pathways provide anatomical substrates for the control of optokinetic and yaw-incurred head movements that behavioural studies have shown must exist.  相似文献   
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