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叶绿体是植物细胞内一种重要的细胞器.它不仅是光合作用的场所,还是其它多种中间代谢的场所.叶绿体起源于蓝细菌,与其原核祖先类似,通过二分裂方式进行增殖.最近的研究表明,叶绿体的分裂装置包含原核起源和真核起源的蛋白质,它们在叶绿体的内膜内侧和外膜外侧协同作用以完成叶绿体的分裂.在过去十几年里,包括丝状温度敏感蛋白Z(FtsZ)、Min系统蛋白、质体分裂蛋白(PDV)和ARC蛋白等在内的多个叶绿体分裂相关组分被分离鉴定.本文简要介绍了叶绿体分裂装置各成员的发现、叶绿体被膜的收缩和叶绿体分裂位点的选择机制.另外,植物发育过程中叶绿体分裂可能受到细胞的控制,但目前对细胞如何调控叶绿体分裂知之甚少.本文对该领域的最新研究进展也进行了综述.  相似文献   
Chloroplast development depends on the synthesis and import of a large number of nuclear-encoded pro- teins. The synthesis of some of these proteins is affected by the functional state of the plastid via a process known as retrograde signaling. Retrograde plastid-to-nucleus signaling has been often characterized in seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to norflurazon (NF), an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis. Results of this work suggested that, throughout seedling development, a factor is released from the plastid to the cytoplasm that indicates a perturbation of plastid homeostasis and represses nuclear genes required for normal chloroplast development. The identity of this factor is still under debate. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) were among the candidates discussed as possible retrograde signals in NF-treated plants. In the present work, this proposed role of ROS has been analyzed. In seedlings grown from the very beginning in the presence of NF, ROS-dependent signaling was not detectable, whereas, in seedlings first exposed to NF after light-dependent chloroplast formation had been completed, enhanced ROS production occurred and, among oth- ers, 1O2-mediated and EXECUTER-dependent retrograde signaling was induced. Hence, depending on the developmental stage at which plants are exposed to NF, different retrograde signaling pathways may be activated, some of which are also active in non-treated plants under light stress.  相似文献   
以‘鄂烟1号’为供试品种,于湖北恩施选取高、中、低3个海拔(海拔高度分别为1 560m、1 200m、800m)种植区,研究不同海拔白肋烟主要生育期(旺长期、成熟期)内烟叶质体色素含量及其合成代谢过程中相关基因表达的差异,探讨白肋烟质体色素代谢对海拔高度的生理响应机制。结果表明:烟叶叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素总量及旺长期类胡萝卜素总量均以中海拔地区最高,且显著或极显著高于其他海拔梯度;成熟期高海拔烟叶类胡萝卜素总量最高,且较旺长期明显增加。叶绿素及旺长期类胡萝卜素合成有关的基因均为中海拔表达最强,成熟期类胡萝卜素合成基因在高海拔表达最强。结果说明‘鄂烟1号’更适宜种植在中海拔地区。  相似文献   
采用来源于产碱杆菌(Alcaligenes eutrophus)的PHB合成酶基因phbA,经PCR扩增后,将验证正确的phbA插入到烟草质体表达载体pBio3-GFP中,取代载体中的gfp,形成prrn-phbA-aadA-TpsbA-ter表达盒,得到质体表达载体pCTHBA,通过基因枪介导,用包裹有质粒pCTHBA的金粉子弹轰击拟南芥无菌苗叶片,经壮观霉素筛选后获得拟南芥抗性植株12株;PCR验证初步表明,phbA已整合进拟南芥的质体基因组中;对转基因拟南芥植株的花器官表型和花粉显微观察表明,phbA基因在拟南芥中得到表达,显现出雄性不育的性状.  相似文献   
在植物叶肉细胞的脱分化、再分化过程中伴随着叶绿体与质体相互转化的过程。已高度分化的叶肉细胞脱分化为分生状态细胞时.其中的原质体主要由叶绿体出芽生殖产生.偶尔可以看到某些叶绿体分裂或分裂与出芽同时出现的情况。此外,叶绿体在出芽产生原质体的同时自身逐渐被巨大的淀粉粒所充满.从而转变为淀粉体。  相似文献   
高等植物叶绿体基因工程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶绿体基因工程作为一项新技术具有一系列传统核基因工程所不具备的优点,在基础性及应用性研究中极具吸引力,已经成功应用于了解质体基因组,调控植物代谢系统,农作物抗旱、抗虫、抗病、抗除草剂及以植物为生物反应器生产抗体、疫苗等方面的研究。本文主要介绍叶绿体基因工程的原理、操作体系及其在高等植物中的应用。  相似文献   
植物叶绿体发育及调控研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物的光合作用几乎是所有生物生存和发展的物质基础。叶绿体是绿色植物进行光合作用的重要细胞器。尽管叶绿体发育及调控一直受到人们的关注,但其装备及调控的分子机制尚不完全清楚。该文对叶绿体装备过程、叶绿体发育调控及质体-细胞核反向信号的研究进展进行概述,以使人们从整体上认识叶绿体发育及调控机制。  相似文献   
Chloroplasts (plastids) possess a genome and their own machinery to express it. Translation in plastids occurs on bacterial-type 70S ribosomes utilizing a set of tRNAs that is entirely encoded in the plastid genome. In recent years, the components of the chloroplast translational apparatus have been intensely studied by proteomic approaches and by reverse genetics in the model systems tobacco (plastid-encoded components) and Arabidopsis (nucleus-encoded components). This work has provided important new insights into the structure, function, and biogenesis of chloroplast ribosomes, and also has shed fresh light on the molecular mechanisms of the translation process in plastids. In addition, mutants affected in plastid translation have yielded strong genetic evidence for chloroplast genes and gene products influencing plant develop- ment at various levels, presumably via retrograde signaling pathway(s). In this review, we describe recent progress with the functional analysis of components of the chloroplast translational machinery and discuss the currently available evidence that supports a significant impact of plastid translational activity on plant anatomy and morphology.  相似文献   
分别构建了两个烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)质体分裂基因NtFtsZ1和NtFtsZ2与编码绿色荧光蛋白的gfpS65A、V68L、S72A基因相融合的原核表达载体,并导入大肠杆菌( Escherichia coli ) JM109菌株中进行表达.全长NtFtsZs∶GFP融合蛋白在菌体中有规律地定位,暗示NtFtsZs能识别大肠杆菌潜在的分裂位点,并能与大肠杆菌的内源FtsZ发生聚合作用;融合蛋白的诱导表达抑制了宿主菌的分裂,形成了明显的丝状菌体,证明真核生物的 ftsZ 基因与大肠杆菌的 ftsZ 基因有相似的作用.同时构建了NtFtsZs不同缺失的原核表达载体,对这两个基因所编码蛋白不同结构域的功能做了初步分析.实验结果表明,烟草FtsZ蛋白的C端结构域与其在大肠杆菌细胞中的正确定位有关;而N端结构域与NtFtsZs∶GFP融合蛋白的聚合有关.  相似文献   
白花罗勒成熟的盾状腺毛头部细胞中 ,质体含量丰富 ,体积较大 ,其中有大量的嗜锇物质积累 ;在分泌过程中 ,分泌细胞出现质壁分离现象 ;嗜锇物质向外分泌的途径有两条 :一条是以胞吐的方式 ,另一条是以渗透的方式  相似文献   
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