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目的:建立CroweW型发育性髋关节脱位儿童骨盆三维有限元模型,对发育性髋关节脱位儿童真性髋臼及假性髋臼的生物力学进行初步分析.方法:采用单侧发育性髋关节脱位儿童骨盆CT扫描DICOM数据,通过Mimics10.0对图像DICOM数据进行重建,经Geomagic Proe5.0进行网格优化,在Hepermesh 10.0中进行有限元网格划分后输入ANSYS12.0中,在ANSYS中根据解剖部位建立骨盆主要韧带,行单腿站立载荷加载,计算该加载方式下骨盆的应力及位移分布情况.结果:模拟患者单腿(患侧)站立状态下身体重心通过假关节的中心,骨盆极度倾斜约45°,给予生理载荷,应力主要集中在假髋臼和骶髂关节面之间,耻骨上肢内侧是应力集中区但是应力小于骶髂关节周围部分;患侧骨盆位移以髂骨翼前侧向后侧逐渐减弱.结论:建立的有限元模型在静载荷下特征部位的应力及位移能够反映CroweⅣ型髋关节脱位儿童骨盆的力学结构特性,模型的准确性高,可以成为CroweⅣ型髋关节脱位儿童骨生物力学研究的工具,满足临床研究需要.  相似文献   
临床实践证明双层滑动型接骨板治疗四肢长骨骨折是疗效较好的内固定方法。本文从生物力学角度对24具湿润新鲜尸体股骨进行力学试验。测定了骨折固定部位的应力、应变、位移的分布,证明了这种固定方法是符合生物力学原理的,从载荷、应力、位移等一系列曲线表明它的松动、移位,钉板断裂很少发生,它能促进新骨生长和加速骨折愈合。  相似文献   
猪眼角膜的生物力学特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对猪眼角膜进行了有系统的单轴拉伸实验,通过实验来确定其极限强度,断裂能、显著非线性的应力-应变关系和滞后环.在不同的应变水平下进行了应为松弛实验并确定了连续松弛谱的各参数.从极限强度、断裂能和应力松弛来看,角膜的纵向和横向之间无重大的差异,据此,各向同性假定可用于初步的角膜力学模型.  相似文献   
目的:应用三维有限元技术评估发育性髋关节脱位(developmental dysplasia of the hip,DDH)患儿在Dega骨盆截骨术后不同中心边缘角(center-edge angle,CEA)状态下髋臼的应力分布,为术前的手术规划提供有参考价值的生物力学结果。方法:使用已建立的DDH患者髋关节三维有限元模型,以术后CEA27°为中间值,每3°为一个变量,在Mimics誖10.0软件的模拟手术模块分别构建7组髋臼截骨术后的模型。在单腿站立和双腿站立状态下测量不同CEA状态下髋臼的应力分布。结果:单腿站立情况下,CEA为24°、27°、30°和33°的术后模型患侧髋臼的峰值应力接近正常侧。双腿站立情况下,CEA为24°时双侧髋臼的峰值应力最为接近。结论:对于该患者而言,在7组术后CEA中,24°时患侧髋臼的峰值应力与健侧最为接近,可以认为是最佳的术后CEA。有限元技术能够为Dega手术的术前规划提供个性化的指导方案。  相似文献   
As one of the most important daily motor activities, human locomotion has been investigated intensively in recent decades. The locomotor functions and mechanics of human lower limbs have become relatively well understood. However, so far our understanding of the motions and functional contributions of the human spine during locomotion is still very poor and simultaneous in-vivo limb and spinal column motion data are scarce. The objective of this study is to investigate the delicate in-vivo kinematic coupling between different functional regions of the human spinal column during locomotion as a stepping stone to explore the locomotor function of the human spine complex. A novel infrared reflective marker cluster system was constrncted using stereophotogrammetry techniques to record the 3D in-vivo geometric shape of the spinal column and the segmental position and orientation of each functional spinal region simultaneously. Gait measurements of normal walking were conducted. The preliminary results show that the spinal column shape changes periodically in the frontal plane during locomotion. The segmental motions of different spinal functional regions appear to be strongly coupled, indicating some synergistic strategy may be employed by the human spinal column to facilitate locomotion. In contrast to traditional medical imaging-based methods, the proposed technique can be used to investigate the dynamic characteristics of the spinal column, hence providing more insight into the functional biomechanics of the human spine.  相似文献   
利用植物稳定山体边坡是一种环保、经济、可持续的生物工程措施,符合生态文明建设新理念。以亚热带典型散生竹种毛竹和雷竹地下系统结构为研究对象,描述毛竹和雷竹根系在土壤中的空间分布状况,探究影响毛竹和雷竹地下系统生物力学性质的因素。结果表明:随着土层的深入,3个径级的毛竹和雷竹根系长度和体积所占比重均表现出逐渐减少的趋势,0—40 cm土层中集中了80%以上的根系。毛竹和雷竹径级D≤1 mm根系占全部根系长度的比重均为最大,大小依次为雷竹鞭根(83.62%)>雷竹竹根(80.46%)>毛竹鞭根(75.70%)>毛竹竹根(70.45%),毛竹径级D≥2mm根系体积所占比重最大,分别为竹根78.73%和鞭根70.23%,雷竹径级D≥2mm(43.60%)和D=1—2mm(39.76%)竹根体积比例相当,径级D=1—2mm鞭根体积为最大(50.78%);毛竹和雷竹不同生长阶段竹鞭抗拉强度和弹性模量之间均存在显著差异,中龄竹鞭抗拉强度显著高于幼龄和老龄,而中龄竹鞭的弹性模量显著低于幼龄和老龄,说明生长阶段是影响竹鞭抗拉强度和弹性模量的因素;饱和含水率条件下,毛竹和雷竹根系抗拉强度与...  相似文献   
赵资奎 《化石》2013,(4):11-16
恐龙是卵生爬行动物。它们的卵同现生鸟类或鳄类的卵一样,有一层坚硬的、主要由方解石微晶组成的壳单元、以不同排列方式构架成蛋壳,包裹着卵白和卵黄。由于恐龙生存的年代大约在距今24000-6500万年前的中生代,离我们现在太久远,在一般人的心目中,  相似文献   
肢骨的形态结构可以反映人类进化、古代人群的生存适应性活动和生存环境等重要信息。基于“骨骼功能适应”和“杠杆原理”,有学者对不同生计方式的古代人群下肢股骨开展了大量的研究工作,但是,国内外尚未有关于农业人群和游牧人群股骨之间差异性研究的报道。本文选取两个具有代表性的古代人群,即内蒙古和林格尔土城子戍边农业人群和内蒙古林西井沟子游牧人群进行对比研究。通过对股骨骨干中部横断面生物力学分析发现,农业人群股骨粗壮度与游牧人群之间具有显著差异。前者的平均粗壮度较大,后者女性组下肢骨的活动强度明显较小,这可能与游牧人群经常从事骑马活动而下肢骨活动强度相对较少有关。农业人群股骨指数的变异范围均大于游牧人群,这可能与前者男性的士兵身份有关;同时,也提示土城子男性组股骨所反映的行为活动信息并不代表真正意义上的纯农业人群下肢骨行为模式,而是一种农业和士兵行为的混合模式。在性别分工上,井沟子组的男女性均从事骑马活动,两侧股骨受力较为一致,在两侧不对称性程度和骨干横断面形状上的男女差异不大;男性股骨的粗壮度要明显大于女性,这与井沟子组男性还从事一定的狩猎行为有关。与游牧人群女性较为纤细的股骨不同,土城子组女性作为典型的农业人群代表,其下肢骨整体的活动强度较大,几乎与同组的男性和井沟子组男性相当,组内的性别差异相对较小;骨干横断面形状的显著性差异说明,土城子组内部男性和女性的行为活动方式存在明显的性别分工。本文研究结果说明农业人群女性的下肢骨活动强度较大,在行为活动方式上,戍边农业人群具有更为明显的性别分工。  相似文献   
While total knee replacement is successful, hemiarthroplasty is necessary for some young, obese and active patients who are especially not suitable for unicompartmental or total knee prostheses. Hemiarthroplasty also provides an opportunity for children with bone tumors. The design ofhemiarthroplasty should be patient-specific to reduce contact stress and friction as well as instability, compared to conventional hemi-knee prosthesis. A novel bipolar hemi-knee prosthesis with two flexion stages was developed according to a healthy male's knee morphological profile. The motion mode of the bipolar hemi-knee prosthesis was observed through roentgenoscopy in vitro experiment. The biomechanical properties in one gait cycle were evaluated though finite element simulation. The bipolar hemi-knee prosthesis was found to produce knee flexion at two stages through X-ray images. The first stage is the motion from upright posture to a specified 60~ flexion, followed by the second stage of motion subsequently to deep flexion. The finite element simulation results also show that the designed hemi-knee prosthesis has the ability to reduce stresses on the joint contact surfaces. Therefore, it is possible for the bipolar hemi-knee prosthesis to provide better biotribological performances because it can reduce stresses and potentially wear on the opposing contacting surface during a gait cycle, orovidin~ a t~romisin~ treatment strate~v in future Joint renair znd renlneement  相似文献   
有限元技术在骨科的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有限元分析法(finite element analysis)以离散化的区段即单元对连续场作逼近,单元间以结点相连,单元内场变量变化规律以某些近似函数表示,求解以有限矩阵形式出现的场的方程,得到整个系统的结点场变量值,确定单元内的场变量值,从而确定连续场的场变量值。 有限元法应力分析有四十余年研究历史。1972年Brekelman等首次将其引入矫形  相似文献   
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