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中国西南高山地区的四川白蛉冷延家,张玲敏暨南大学医学院医学寄生虫学教研室广州510632冷、尹 ̄[1]自川西北报道了四川白蛉Phlebotomus(Adlerius)sichuanensis冷&尹,1983,此后它被指控为四川、陕西、甘肃、青海的内脏...  相似文献   
鳗草在北半球温带海域广有分布,受到不同程度的人为干扰和环境胁迫,海草床面积急剧退化.为探讨鳗草对不同环境胁迫的适应性,于2014年11月—2015年10月对荣成天鹅湖草床的潮间带和潮下带的斑块区、鳗草草场边缘和鳗草草场内部4个生境的鳗草形态和繁殖能力进行了研究.结果表明: 叶长、叶宽、节间长度/直径、地上生物量/地下生物量和分枝频率在不同月份和生境间差异显著,其中除了分枝频率最大值出现在草场边缘(88.4%)外,其他各项指标的最大值均出现在草场内部(分别为78.54 cm、7.93 mm、7.03和3.88).地上生物量/地下生物量的可塑性指数在各站位均较高(0.77~0.92),叶宽的可塑性(0.41~0.64)略小.不同生境中单株鳗草佛焰苞数差异不显著,而单位面积的佛焰苞数差异显著,在草场内部偏向于克隆生殖,而在人为干扰较大的斑块区倾向于有性生殖.  相似文献   
虾须草属Sheareria (菊科Compositae)是我国特有的单型属.国内学者将其置于向日葵族Helianthereae米勒菊亚族MiUeriinae,而Robinson和Nesom则认为该属应归属于紫菀族Astereae.我们比较该属与向日葵族、紫菀族代表植物种类的微形态学、解剖学和细胞学特征.虾须草S. nana舌片近轴面细胞为线形,具横向条纹,细胞中央纵向隆起,与紫菀族代表种相同或相近,而与向日葵族的代表种中的细胞近圆形、表面具乳突存在显著区别.在舌状花子房壁横切面上维管柬(肋)间部分的结构上,5种向日葵族植物具有如下共同特征:子房壁含3-4层结构,即表皮、下皮层、小细胞区,有的还有薄壁细胞层;表皮与下皮层细胞大小和形态一致,排列整齐.虾须草与5种紫菀族植物的子房壁均只由表皮和薄壁组织组成.虾须草为二倍体,核型公式为2n=2x=18sm.虾须草与紫菀族的染色体基数均为x=9,而和向日葵族普遍存在的染色体基数x=10不同.所有的证据都表明虾须草属应置于紫菀族,而不是向日葵族中.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships of species are fundamental to any biological investigation, including all evolutionary studies. Accurate inferences of sister group relationships provide the researcher with an historical framework within which the attributes or geographic origin of species (or supraspecific groups) evolved. Taken out of this phylogenetic context, interpretations of evolutionary processes or origins, geographic distributions, or speciation rates and mechanisms, are subject to nothing less than a biological experiment without controls. Cypriniformes is the most diverse clade of freshwater fishes with estimates of diversity of nearly 3,500 species. These fishes display an amazing array of morphological, ecological, behavioral, and geographic diversity and offer a tremendous opportunity to enhance our understanding of the biotic and abiotic factors associated with diversification and adaptation to environments. Given the nearly global distribution of these fishes, they serve as an important model group for a plethora of biological investigations, including indicator species for future climatic changes. The occurrence of the zebrafish, Danio rerio, in this order makes this clade a critical component in understanding and predicting the relationship between mutagenesis and phenotypic expressions in vertebrates, including humans. With the tremendous diversity in Cypriniformes, our understanding of their phylogenetic relationships has not proceeded at an acceptable rate, despite a plethora of morphological and more recent molecular studies. Most studies are pre-Hennigian in origin or include relatively small numbers of taxa. Given that analyses of small numbers of taxa for molecular characters can be compromised by peculiarities of long-branch attraction and nodal-density effect, it is critical that significant progress in our understanding of the relationships of these important fishes occurs with increasing sampling of species to mitigate these potential problems. The recent Cypriniformes Tree of Life initiative is an effort to achieve this goal with morphological and molecular (mitochondrial and nuclear) data. In this early synthesis of our understanding of the phylogenetic relationships of these fishes, all types of data have contributed historically to improving our understanding, but not all analyses are complementary in taxon sampling, thus precluding direct understanding of the impact of taxon sampling on achieving accurate phylogenetic inferences. However, recent molecular studies do provide some insight and in some instances taxon sampling can be implicated as a variable that can influence sister group relationships. Other instances may also exist but without inclusion of more taxa for both mitochondrial and nuclear genes, one cannot distinguish between inferences being dictated by taxon sampling or the origins of the molecular data.  相似文献   
柳属的分支系统学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于61个广义的形态学性状,以杨属为外类群对柳属进行了分支系统学分析.经简约性分析,得到了21个同等简约的分支树,其严格一致树支持柳属为一个自然的分类群,但不支持将钻天柳属和心叶柳属从柳属中划分出去独立成属,也不支持对柳属进行属级水平上的细分,后两个结果得到孢粉学和分子系统学研究的支持.柳亚属为一个单系分支,皱纹柳亚属和黄花柳亚属也形成了一个单系分支.根据本研究的结果,建议将柳属划分为钻天柳亚属、柳亚属及黄花柳亚属3个亚属.由于较低的靴带支持率,其系统发育关系难于探讨.鉴于分支分析的一致性指数、保持性指数、各分支内部的支持率均不高,柳属的属下分类系统的划分有待进一步的研究.  相似文献   
为了探索睡莲目与泽泻目个体发育早期的共性,追踪观察了大花睡莲种子至种苗的发育过程。结果发现:种子胚苗端发育先于根端;萌发时首先出现下胚轴,继而末端膨大产生下胚轴毛,最后胚根分化;初生根短命;节生根后发生但较粗壮,浮水叶开始产生时根茎第一节以下部分随即烂掉;种苗的各器官中均有发达的通气组织等基本上与芡、泽泻和黑藻相似。  相似文献   
利用扫描电镜法、徒手切片法对中国产的2种异蒴藓进行观察分析。分别观察了孢子大小、颜色、叶片和茎的长度和宽度等。结果表明异蒴藓属植物叶片的一些形态学和解剖学性状表现出了金发藓科植物所共有的特征,异蒴藓属在金发藓科中气孔较明显属于进化性状,而孢壁纹饰则属于原始性状。  相似文献   
应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对安徽大学校内水池中眼子菜科植物菹草的花粉形态进行了观察和研究.结果表明花粉粒球形至近球形,花粉大小为21.0-29.0 μm,平均为24.5 μm.无萌发孔.光学显微镜下,花粉外壁纹饰为网状,外壁厚约4.1μm,两层明显,外层较内层厚.在扫描电镜下花粉表面具粗网状纹饰,网脊窄.在透射电镜下,花粉外壁为三层组成,即覆盖层、柱状层和基层.外壁内层不明显.覆盖层不连续,为半覆盖层;柱状层小柱发达;基层较厚.同时研究了菹草花粉的地理分布及其与生态因子的关系.根据菹草植物赖以生存的生态因子,得出菹草花粉分布区的主要生态因子,包括地理位置、海拔高度、年降水量、年积温及生境,为利用地层中眼子菜科化石花粉重建古气候、古环境及气候变迁提供了现代孢粉学资料和依据.  相似文献   
目的:观察运动训练对大鼠局灶性脑梗死区周围皮质的胶质纤维酸性蛋白(glial fibrillary acidic protein,GFAF)和生长相关蛋白-43(growth-associated protein,GAP-43)表达的影响.方法:成年健康雄性sD大鼠42只,随机分为3组:运动组,静止组,假手术对照组.运动组造模后给予电动跑台训练,每天30min;静止组造模后置于普通笼中饲养,不予康复训练;假手术对照组仅给予麻醉及头皮切开、缝合.采用光化学方法建立局灶性脑梗死模型,每组大鼠于术后7d,14d,21d处死,应用免疫组化方法观察各组大鼠不同时期梗死灶周围皮质GFAP和GAP-43的表达结果:运动组梗死灶周围皮质GFAP的表达在14d和21d显著高于静止组和假手术对照组.运动组大鼠GAP-43表达在7d为最高,14d后开始下降,但均显著高于静止组和假手术对照组.静止组大鼠GAP-43表达在7d和14d高于假手术对照组.21d时三组大鼠GAP-43表达无明显差异.结论:运动训练能促进梗死灶周围皮质GFAP和GAP-43的表达,促进脑缺血后的突触发生与重建.  相似文献   
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