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刘宏迪  曹旭 《微生物学报》1990,30(2):98-104
A new system for selection of transformed Aspergillus foetidus was reported. In this system, TK- A. foetidus which were constructed by homologous recombination of mutated TK gene of vaccinia virus with TK gene of A. foetidus were screened by adding BUdR in agar plates. Conditions for screen of TK+ A. foetidus strain, transformation of A. foetidus and selection of transformed TK- A. foetidus have been studied. By using this system, several transformed A. foetidus which contained HBsAg gene derived bf a promoter H8 cloned from genomic DNA of A. foetidus were isolated. It was demonstrated that HBsAg gene was integrated into the chromosome DNA of A. foetidus by Southern blot after many passages of spores. ELISA showed that HBsAg was positive in the growth medium (p/n = 20). The 22 nm particles which were very similar to the HBsAg particles in human serum were found in the growth medium by immunoelectromicroscope. Western blot also gave the specific bands. All these data showed that HBsAg gene was expressed in A. foetidus and the products were secreted into the growth medium. The selection system using TK gene as marker could generally be used to study the expression of foreign gene in A. foetidus.  相似文献   
自然保护区规划是保护生物多样性的有效方式.传统保护区规划方法只能识别物种保护的重点区域,无法科学确定保护区的适宜面积.地块选择方法基于数学模型,从规划区域中选择部分地块组成自然保护区,保护特定物种或生态系统,是缓解生态保护与开发利用矛盾的重要手段.现有地块选择法未考虑各单元生态差异,且最优化算法存在计算效率的瓶颈.本文首先构建适用于森林生态系统的生态值赋分评价体系,据此计算戴云山生态值并绘制其分布图;然后,结合生态值建立生态集合覆盖模型(ESCP),并基于ESCP嵌入空间紧凑性提出空间生态集合覆盖模型(SSCP);最后,利用寻优性能良好的自学习禁忌搜索算法(STS)搜索各保护目标下的近似最优选址方案,给出福建省戴云山现有建成区优化方案.结果表明: 戴云山生态值计算结果在空间分布上存在明显差异;ESCP比原集合覆盖模型(SCP)能产生生态值更高的选址方案;SSCP在ESCP基础上对生态值较高区域有聚集作用,且周长权重越大,聚集效果越明显;建议现保护区可向外拓展136 km2,并将西北向分布长苞铁杉的地块纳入保护区范围.研究结果为实现戴云山保护区可持续发展及土地资源优化配置提供了优化方案,也可为我国森林生态系统类型的自然保护区设计提供新思路.  相似文献   
1971年,福克曼提出了癌症发育过程中血管形成假说,从而开创了癌症发生机理研究的新领域,同时也为癌症的治疗提供了新的选择.30多年的研究表明,抗血管形成药物在癌症及相关疾病的治疗方面具有取得了巨大的优势成功,而福克曼也成为该领域的大师级的科学家.对福克曼的生平及贡献进行阐述,从而了解癌症抗血管疗法的发展过程.  相似文献   
This study compares results on reconstructing the ancestral state of characters and ancestral areas of distribution in Cornaceae to gain insights into the impact of using different analytical methods. Ancestral character state reconstructions were compared among three methods (parsimony, maximum likelihood, and stochastic character mapping) using MESQUITE and a full Bayesian method in BAYESTRAITS and inferences of ancestral area distribution were compared between the parsimony-based dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA) and a newly developed maximum likelihood (ML) method. Results indicated that among the six inflorescence and fruit characters examined, "perfect" binary characters (no homoplasy, no polymorphism within terminals, and no missing data) are little affected by choice of method, while homoplasious characters and missing data are sensitive to methods used. Ancestral areas at deep nodes of the phylogeny are substantially different between DIVA and ML and strikingly different between analyses including and excluding fossils at three deepest nodes. These results, while raising caution in making conclusions on trait evolution and historical biogeography using conventional methods, demonstrate a limitation in our current understanding of character evolution and biogeography. The biogeographic history favored by the ML analyses including fossils suggested the origin and early radiation of Cornus likely occurred in the late Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary in Europe and intercontinental disjunctions in three lineages involved movements across the North Atlantic Land Bridge (BLB) in the early and mid Tertiary. This result is congruent with the role of NALB for post-Eocene migration and in connecting tropical floras in North America and Africa, and in eastern Asia and South America. However, alternative hypotheses with an origin in eastern Asia and early Trans-Beringia migrations of the genus cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
糖胶树育苗造林技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结报导了糖胶树在临沧耿马大洪山林场和临翔区两地育苗和造林试验技术总结,包括了采种时期、种子千粒重、场圃发芽试验、苗木生长量、造林地选择、造林时间和方法等7个方面的技术措施.  相似文献   
长江口中华鲟幼鱼对底质的选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用单因子实验方法,研究了中华鲟幼鱼对沙(直径<0.2 cm)、小砾石(直径1~2 cm)、中砾石(直径4~5 cm)、大砾石(直径13~15 cm)4种底质类型的选择.结果表明:单尾鱼实验时,中华鲟幼鱼(体长283.0 mm±18.6 mm,体质量86.2 g±17.8 g,n=30)在4种底质中的时间百分比分别为沙51.50%±21.20%、小砾石20.27%±9.70%、中砾石18.03%±6.17%、大砾石10.20%±11.20%,幼鱼在沙底质中时间明显长于其它3种底质,且差异极显著(P<0.01);多尾鱼实验时,中华鲟幼鱼(体长278.0 mm±14.3 mm,体质量79.2 g±19.6 g,n=30)在4种底质中的数量百分比分别为沙46.25%±8.06%、小砾石19.38%±7.72%、中砾石18.75%±7.19%、大砾石15.63%±8.92%,幼鱼在沙质底质中的数量明显高于其它3种底质,且差异极显著(P<0.01);多尾鱼实验中,活动鱼(在水层中游动,不贴底)在4种底质中的数量无显著差异(P>0.05);非活动鱼(贴底游动或静止)在沙底质中的数量显著高于其它3种底质(P<0.01).单尾鱼(从时间角度)和多尾鱼(从数量角度)实验均表明,中华鲟幼鱼明显选择沙底质.  相似文献   
普通野生稻小种群的交配系统与遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小种群的遗传动态是保育遗传学关注的核心问题之一,而种群遗传动态又与交配系统密切相关.普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)是具有重要经济价值的濒危物种,目前其种群规模都较小,研究其小种群交配系统与遗传变异性对普通野生稻的保护具有重要意义.运用7对SSR引物,对采自江西东乡普通野生稻小种群的36份种茎和其中20个家系共计601份子代进行了分析.结果显示:该种群的表观异交率为0.318,多位点法估计(MLTR)的多位点异交率为0.481;50%以上的子代共享亲本,非随机交配明显;东乡普通野生稻种群交配系统属于混合交配类型.比较亲本和子代种群的遗传变异性显示:子代种群比亲本种群遗传变异性更丰富;子代种群的杂合子不足与种群变小自交比例上升有关;而亲本种群杂合子过剩可能与杂合基因型的选择优势有关.这些结果说明创造条件扩大种群规模对普通野生稻的原生境保护显得尤为重要.  相似文献   
畜尿排泄特征及其对草地植被和家畜选择采食的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于应文  南志标 《生态学报》2008,28(2):777-785
综述了畜尿特征及其对草地植被和家畜选择采食的作用.畜尿主要成分为尿素,尿斑N浓度一般为20~80 g N/m2.家畜排尿量和尿斑大小与家畜种类、饮水次数和放牧季节有关.畜尿空间分布表现为数量和浓度的不同,常呈线形函数形式随机分布于家畜采食路线周围,尿斑中心与边缘的尿N浓度差别很大.通常,畜尿对草地植物的影响限于尿斑区域,约为尿斑面积的2倍,作用时间可持续6~12个月;对草地植物生长具长期促进和短期灼烧作用,其效应大小与尿N浓度和施尿时期有关.一般畜尿促进禾草生长,抑制豆科草的生长和固氮作用.尿斑处植物的N成分比非施尿斑块高,植物吸收的N量随家畜年排泄N不同而异,尿排泄对植物生长的正效应发生于≤250 kg N/(hm2·a)情况下.畜尿排泄增加草地植物多度、丰富度和群落多样性,并受放牧、培育措施的影响.不同植物对畜尿的响应不同,放牧家畜对尿斑不同植物的选食性和补偿性生长差异,是引起和维持草地异质性的重要因素之一.放牧家畜具优先选食和反复采食尿斑植物或高营养斑块的特点,亦经常在远离高营养植被斑块的地方采食.具体草地管理与生产实践中,可通过在草地采食不足的地方设置饮水点、补饲料及搭荫棚等措施,提高家畜对整个草地的利用,以降低家畜对尿排泄物密集区高N植被斑块的过度采食.  相似文献   
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