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The phylogenetic relationships within the fungus gnat tribe Exechiini have been left unattended for many years. Recent studies have not shed much light on the intergeneric relationship within the tribe. Here the first attempt to resolve the phylogeny of the tribe Exechiini using molecular markers is presented. The nuclear 18S and the mitochondrial 16S, and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes were successfully sequenced for 20 species representing 15 Exechiini genera and five outgroup genera. Bayesian, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses revealed basically congruent tree topologies and the monophyly of Exechiini, including the genus Cordyla , is confirmed. The molecular data corroborate previous morphological studies in several aspects. Cordyla is found in a basal clade together with Brachypeza , Pseudorymosia and Stigmatomeria . The splitting of the genera Allodiopsis s.l. and Brevicornu s.l. as well as the sistergroup relationship of Exechia and Exechiopsis is also supported. The limited phylogenetic information provided by morphological characters is mirrored in the limited resolution of the molecular markers used in this study. Short internal and long-terminal branches obtained may indicate a rapid radiation of the Exechiini genera during a short evolutionary period.  相似文献   
干旱,半干旱地区作物育种的困惑与出路   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
粮食问题主要取决于一年生谷类作物产量。作物产量低而不稳的原因主要是病虫害及各种胁迫生境,其中干旱缺水为最大的产量限制因素,提高作物生产力的途径有二:其一是改善作物的生长环境,其二是通过育种手段选育在各肿胁迫环境中具有优良表现的基因型(品种)。矮秆化育种手段使水肥充裕区小麦产量有显著的提高,是通过提高收获指数获得的。干旱、半干旱地区育种却未能获得显著效果,要提高干旱、半干旱地区小麦育种的成效,对干旱  相似文献   
目的:通过分析北京市方庄地区儿童全血微量营养素的含量及影响因素,研究探讨微量营养素缺乏的防治措施。方法:2011年1月至12月北京中医药大学东方医院儿科门诊1887例健康体检儿童,收集末梢血,采用原子吸收光谱仪检测全血5种微量营养素铜、锌、钙、镁、铁的含量,并从性别、年龄、季节(月份)方面进行比较分析。结果:全血5种微量营养素含量无性别差异(P0.05),但存在季节差异,4-6月铜、锌含量降低;7-9月钙、镁含量降低;10-12月铁含量降低(P0.05)。全血锌、铁含量存在年龄差异,婴幼儿最低(P0.05)。1887例儿童中,缺乏较多的元素依次为铁(38.8%)、钙(22.3%)、锌(12.8%),其中,4-7岁(17.0%)、7-12岁(21.5%)年龄段组以锌缺乏居多。1岁以内(51.2%)、1-3岁(44.6%)年龄段组以铁缺乏居多。全血铜、锌、钙、铁缺乏无性别差异(P0.05)。全血5种微量营养素缺乏存在季节差异,1-3月镁缺乏明显,4-6月铜、锌缺乏明显,10-12月钙、铁缺乏明显(P0.05)。结论:北京市方庄地区儿童主要存在锌、钙、铁的缺乏,以秋冬季及初春明显。其中婴幼儿以铁缺乏为主,学龄前期及学龄期儿童以锌缺乏为主。应加强对此地区儿童的营养宣教和饮食指导。  相似文献   
The activity of NTPDase (EC, apyrase, CD39) was verified in platelets from patients with increasing cholesterol levels. A possible association between cholesterol levels and inflammatory markers, such as oxidized low-density lipoprotein, highly sensitive C-reactive protein and oxidized low-density lipoprotein autoantibodies, was also investigated. Lipid peroxidation was estimated by measurement of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in serum. The following groups were studied: group I, < 150 mg.dL(-1) cholesterol; group II, 151-200 mg.dL(-1) cholesterol; group III, 201-250 mg.dL(-1) cholesterol; and group IV, > 251 mg.dL(-1) cholesterol. The results demonstrated that both ATP hydrolysis and ADP hydrolysis were enhanced as a function of cholesterol level. Low-density lipoprotein levels increased concomitantly with total cholesterol levels. Triglyceride levels were increased in the groups with total cholesterol above 251 mg.dL(-1). Oxidized low-density lipoprotein levels were elevated in groups II, III, and IV. Highly sensitive C-reactive protein was elevated in the group with cholesterol levels higher than 251 mg.dL(-1). Oxidized low-density lipoprotein autoantibodies were elevated in groups III and IV. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance content was enhanced as a function of cholesterol level. In summary, hypercholesterolemia is associated with enhancement of inflammatory response, oxidative stress, and ATP and ADP hydrolysis. The increased ATP and ADP hydrolysis in group IV was confirmed by an increase in CD39 expression on its surface. The increase in CD39 activity is possibly related to a compensatory response to the inflammatory and pro-oxidative state associated with hypercholesterolemia.  相似文献   
罗建  汪书丽 《西北植物学报》2012,32(8):1704-1705
描述了桔梗科蓝钟花属裂叶蓝钟花(Cyananthus lobatus Wall.ex Benth.)的一个新变型——白花裂叶蓝钟花(Cyananthus lobatus Wall.ex Benth.f.albiflorus J.Luo et S.L.Wang)。原变型的花冠为紫蓝色至淡蓝色,而新变型花冠为白色。  相似文献   
生物复苏——大绝灭后生物演化历史的第一幕   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
生命史是一部生物界短期,快速剧变与长期,慢速稳定相互交替的历史。大绝灭(即集群绝灭)事件反映了全球环境的大突变,点断了地质历史中的生命记录及其发展历程,预示着生物界的演化出现了最有意义的飞跃,近年来尝试研究大绝灭后全球生物界的残存-复苏及其基本型式,并探索复苏的控制因素,标志着地质科学中一个重心的转移(即从大绝灭转向其后的生物残存与复苏的研究)。生物复苏揭示了大绝灭后生物演化历史的第一幕,其研究的  相似文献   
To test whether ATP synthesis could occur via a mechanism of rotational catalysis in which the alpha and beta subunits of F1 would rotate with respect to the minor subunits, we have measured the rate of ATp synthesis after binding various masses of antibodies to F1. If the rotation was an essential feature of the mechanism, the rate of ATP synthesis should be inhibited either completely or proportionately to the load carried by F1. Bivalent immunoglobulins (IgG) or monovalent Fab fragments of an anti-alpha monoclonal antibody (7B3) were bound to F1 present in electron-transport particles in a ratio of 2 Fab or 2 IgG per F1. This binding similarly inhibited the rate of ATP synthesis by a maximum of about 50%. When anti-mouse immunoglobulins were added to the F1-7B3 (IgG) complex, no significant change in the rate of inhibition was observed. In conclusion, the rate of ATP synthesis was the same when F1 was loaded with 100 kDa (2 Fab), 300 kDa (2 IgG, 7B3) or 900 kDa (2 IgG + 4 ant-mouse IgG). It is concluded that the rotation of the alpha subunits is extremely unlikely to play an essential role in the mechanism of ATP synthesis.  相似文献   
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