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研究注意如何影响基于相邻性组织和连接性(UC)的知觉单元的形成. 实验一在视野中心呈现排成一行的三个由相邻性或UC形成的字母, 要求被试识别刺激阵列中位于中间的字母,刺激与掩蔽之间的SOA在180 ms到500 ms之间变化. 实验发现在适中的SOA条件下, 对相邻性靶子的反应速度比对UC靶子的反应速度慢, 而在长SOA和短SOA条件下, 对两种靶子的反应速度没有差别. 与靶子不一致的侧翼字母使得对靶子的反应变慢, 这种侧翼一致性效应在侧翼刺激是由UC决定时比起侧翼刺激由相邻性决定时要大. 实验二研究空间线索提示对相邻性或UC靶子的分辨反应时的影响. 与刺激出现在线索提示的位置相比, UC刺激相对于相邻性刺激的优势在未被线索提示的位置更明显. 这些结果提示在刺激没有得到完全注意的情况下形成知觉单元时, UC具有相对于相邻性组织的优势; 注意对相邻性知觉组织有所助益.  相似文献   
Palmer等人提出连接性先于经典的Gestalt规律决定视知觉的基本单元, 但是, Han等人发现在字母分辨任务中空间相邻性组织可以和连接性组织发生得一样快. 在3个实验中进一步研究连接性和空间相邻性组织的关系, 发现当视野中呈现一个或两个整体字母时, 检测由连接性和空间相邻性决定的靶目标的反应一样快. 但是, 当视野中的整体字母增多时, 检测由连接性决定的靶目标的反应比检测由空间相邻性决定的靶目标的反应快, 而且连接性的这种优势不受整体字母间距离的影响. 表明在多物体条件下决定知觉的基本单元过程中, 连接性比空间相邻性更有效. 讨论了这些结果的可能的原因.  相似文献   
Palmer and Rock proposed that uniform connectedness (UC) occurs prior to classical Gestalt factors to define the primitive units for visual perception. Han, Humphreys and Chen, however, found that grouping by proximity can take place as quickly as that based on UC in a letter discrimination task. The present study employed a letter detection task to examine the relationship between UC and proximity grouping in 3 experiments. We showed that reaction times to targets defined by proximity or UC were equally fast when one or two global objects were presented in the visual field. However, as the number of global objects was increased, responses were faster to targets defined by UC than to targets defined by proximity. In addition, the advantage of UC over proximity was not affected by the space between global objects. The results suggest that UC was more effective than proximity in forming perceptual units under multiple object conditions. Possible reasons for this finding are discussed.  相似文献   
The different processing of global and local properties of compound visual stimuli was studied with event-related brain potentials (ERPs) in the present experiment. It was found that, compared with the identification of global properties, the discrimination of local properties elicited longer RTs, lower accuracies, increased amplitudes of P1, decreased amplitudes of N1, and longer latencies of N2 and P3. The conflict of global and local properties increased the amplitudes of P2, decreased the amplitudes of P3, and prolonged latencies of N2 and P3. These results indicated that the advantage of global processing occurs at an early perceptual stage, and the attentional mechanisms for global and local processing may be different.  相似文献   
1 Introduction The visual world is composed of complex visual scenes that are projected, as two-dimen- sional images, onto the retina. Chunking of visual information is critical for object recognition, because it produces primitive perceptual units for subsequent analyses[1]. Integration of discrete local elements into a global configuration is one of the functions of perceptual grouping (e.g., combining local rectangles into a global letter as shown in fig. 1(b)). When multiple global object…  相似文献   
张昕  曹礴  韩世辉 《中国科学C辑》2007,37(3):363-370
以往研究表明, 右侧和左侧大脑半球分别主要负责复合图形的整体和局部知觉. 本研究使用经颅磁刺激(TMS)研究对复合刺激的整体知觉是否需要双侧皮层的协同工作. 在实验一中, 被试辨别复合字母的整体或者局部属性, 在施加单脉冲TMS或者伪TMS的同时记录反应时. 尽管观测到了整体优势效应(即对整体目标的反应快于局部目标, 整体对于局部有更强的干扰), 但是TMS减弱了整体对局部加工的干扰并且增强局部对整体加工的干扰. 实验二排除了实验一中观测到的效应是知觉学习后果的可能性. 实验三利用复合图形刺激, 观测到了与实验一相似的TMS效应, 而且发现TMS延长对整体的反应时(RTs)并减少对局部的反应时. 最后, 实验一和实验三中观测到的TMS效应在左半球或者右半球没有显著差异. 这些结果支持了协同假设, 该假设认为复合刺激的整体知觉依赖于双侧视皮层的协同工作  相似文献   
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