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以梁栋材院士和中国生物物理学会理事长赵南明教授为首的中国生物物理学会代表团一行8人(其它6人:王书荣,张志鸿,王志珍,王宝翰,沈恂,王宏伟)参加了1999年9月19-24日在印度新德里举行的第13届国际生物物理大会,来自50多个国家和地区的650名生物物理学家出席了这次大会。大会期间还召开了IUPAB(国际纯粹与应用生物物理联盟)代表大会,选举产生了新一届执委会。本次大会共举行了5次全体大会,25个专题讨论会,和1次大会讨论。5个大会邀请报告和25个专题讨论会的议题如下:1.大会邀请报告1.1蛋…  相似文献   
1999年8月12日,广东省生态学会在广东科学馆召开了龙头山规划学术讨论会。梁苏祥、张社尧、陈桂珠、丁培强、张金泉、王绍增、王新成、李贞祥、王俊亭、梁丽华、周长久、钟晓青等同志出席了会议。会议由广东省生态学会副理事长兼秘书长张社尧同志主持。在这次学术讨论会上,黄埔区绿委办李贞祥同志作了题为“关于加强龙头山山林保护及规划建设公园的探讨”的报告。课题组组长、中山大学环境科学研究所陈桂珠教授作了题为“建立黄埔区龙头山森林公园是改善广州市生态环境的需要”的报告。广东省生态学会副秘书长、中山大学生命科学…  相似文献   
The fermentation broth of yeast strain SH-2 (FSH-2) which could enhance the biological potency of human interferon alpha (huIFN-α) was detected. Its enhancing ratio was 1.64~6.86 fold. A group of proteins was seperated and purified from the fermentation supernatant by chromatography on Sephadex G-75 and HPLC. Each protein showed the similar band on PAGE and SDS-PAGE. Their molecular weights ranged from 52 to 72 kD. The proteins were stainded with periodic acid Schiff's agent. Lowry's method and sulfuric acid-phenol method were respectively used to determine the contents of proteins and neutral sugars. The results showed the ratio of protein to sugar was 3∶1. These results indicated that the proteins were extracellular glycoproteins (YEGPs) secreted by yeast strain SH-2. YEGPs could significantly enhance the biological potency of huIFN-α. It was veritied by the experiment of cytopathic effect inhibition in Wish cells. The enhancing ratios were 1.6~2.8 fold and 1.4~4.0 fold, respectively. The enhancing ratio of the elution protein of FSH-2 seperated by Sephadex G-75 was 2.01~5.68 fold. YEGPs alone could not enhance the potency of huIFN-α and had no biological activity as IFNs.  相似文献   
利用中国第四纪孢粉数据库提供的 116个 6kaBP (± 5 0 0年 )和 39个 18kaBP (± 2ka)的花粉数据 ,根据生物群区化方法 (biomization)重建了中国中全新世 (6kaBP)和未次盛冰期 (18kaBP)两个关键时段的生物群区。结果表明 ,中全新世东部森林系统地向北推进 ,温带落叶阔叶林向北推进约 4个纬度。大部分森林明显向草原区推进 ,青藏高原的冻原大面积退缩 ,在西南地区局部和热带地区气候较今略为冷湿 ,热带季雨林转变为热带雨林。末次盛冰期 ,草原大面积向南扩张 ,抵达现代的常绿阔叶林区的北缘 ,热带森林消失 ,常绿阔叶林退缩到现代热带区域边缘。  相似文献   
Using nystatin-perforated whole-cell recording configuration, the modulatory effect of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) on γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-activated whole-cell currents was investigated in neurons freshly dissociated from the rat sacral dorsal commissural nucleus (SDCN). The results showed that: (i) NMDA suppressed GABA-and muscimol (Mus)-activated currents (Igaba and IMus), respectively in the Mg2+-free external solution containing 1 μmol/L glycine at a holding potential (V H ) of −40 mV in SDCN neurons. The selective NMDA receptor antagonist, D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV, 100 γmol/L), inhibited the NMDA-evoked currents and blocked the NMDA-induced suppression of Igaba; (ii) when the neurons were incubated in a Ca2+-free bath or pre-loaded with a membrane-permeable Ca2+ chelator, BAPTA AM (10 μmol/L), the inhibitory effect of NMDA on IGAba disappeared. Cd2+ (10 μmol/L) or La3+ (30 μmol/L), the non-selective blockers of voltage-dependent calcium channels, did not affect the suppression of Igaba by NMDA application; (iii) the suppression of IGAba by NMDA was inhibited by KN-62, a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) inhibitor. These results indicated that the inhibition of GABA response by NMDA is Ca2+-dependent and CaMKII is involved in the process of the Ca2+-dependent inhibition.  相似文献   
1.关于长江流域整体综合治理的建议 长江是我国的第一大河,流经青、滇、川、藏、鄂、湘、赣、皖、苏、沪等十余省、市、自治区、是我国文化、经济的巨大动脉,它的生态环境演变关系着伟大祖国的繁荣富强。所以把长江流域的事情办好,就是把国土的四分之一治理好了。对长江流域的自然环境和生产建设的发展。理所当然地会引起举国上下的普遍关注。  相似文献   
中国古生物学会轮藻学科组于1986年12月6—10日在福建省三明市举行了第一次学术讨论会。会议得到福建省区调队领导和矿产室有关同志的大力支持和帮助,并给予赞助。三明市科委、三明市地质学会、区调队的领导分别出席了开幕式和闭幕式。 出席这次会议的代表共35人,来自15个省、市、自治区的地质、石油、煤炭、化工、高校和科学  相似文献   
经各学科组推荐,学会评审组评议和二届三次理事会讨论通过,李前裕等6位青年微体古生物工作者荣获1988年青年优秀成果奖。在1988年10月19日于洛阳召开的微体古生物学会第三届会员代表大会开幕式上举行了授奖仪式。现将获奖者及获奖成果公布如下:  相似文献   
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