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Acaulescent species of Streptocarpus Lindl. show unusual patterns of growth, characterized by anisocotyly (i.e. the unequal growth of cotyledons after germination) and lack of a conventional embryonic shoot apical meristem (SAM). A SAM-like structure appears during post-embryonic development on the axis of the continuously growing cotyledon. Since we have shown previously that KNOX genes are involved in this unusual morphology of Streptocarpus rexii, here we investigated the expression pattern of WUSCHEL (WUS), which is also required for the indeterminacy of the SAM, but is expressed independently from KNOX in Arabidopsis thaliana. In A. thaliana WUSCHEL is involved in the maintenance of the stem cell fate in the organizing centre. The expression pattern of the WUS ortholog in S. rexii (SrWUS) strongly deviates from that of the model plant, suggesting a fundamentally different spatial and temporal regulation of signalling involved in meristem initiation and maintenance. In S. rexii, exogenous application of growth regulators, i.e. gibberellin (GA3), cytokinin (CK) and a gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor (PAC), prevents anisocotyly and relocates meristematic cells to a position of conventional SAMs; this coincides with a re-localization of the two main pathways controlling meristem formation, the SrWUS and the KNOX pathways. Our results suggest that the establishment of a hormone imbalance in the seedlings is the basis of anisocotyly, causing a lateral dominance of the macrocotyledon over the microcotyledon. The peculiar morphogenetic program in S. rexii is linked to this delicate hormone balance and is the result of crosstalk between endogenous hormones and regulatory genes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Social behavior changes dramatically during primate adolescence. However, the extent to which testosterone and other gonadal hormones are necessary for adolescent social behavioral development is unknown. In this study, we determined that gonadectomy significantly impairs social dominance in naturalistic settings and changes reactions to social stimuli in experimental settings. Rhesus macaques were castrated (n =  6) or sham operated (n = 6) at age 2.4 years, group-housed for 2 years, and ethograms were collected weekly. During adolescence the gonadally intact monkeys displayed a decrease in subordinate behaviors and an increase in dominant behaviors, which ultimately related to a rise in social status and rank in the dominance hierarchy. We measured monkey's reactions to emotional faces (fear, threat, neutral) of conspecifics of three ages (adult, peer, infant). Intact monkeys were faster to retrieve a treat in front of a threatening or infant face, while castrated monkeys did not show a differential response to different emotional faces or ages. No group difference in reaction to an innate fear-eliciting object (snake) was found. Approach and proximity responses to familiar vs unfamiliar conspecifics were tested, and intact monkeys spent more time proximal to a novel conspecific as compared to castrates who tended to spend more time with a familiar conspecific. No group differences in time spent with novel or familiar objects were found. Thus, gonadectomy resulted in the emergence of significantly different responses to social stimuli, but not non-social stimuli. Our work suggests that intact gonads, which are needed to produce adolescent increases in circulating testosterone, impact social behavior during adolescences in primates.  相似文献   
Clonal species are characterised by having a growth form in which roots and shoots originate from the same meristem so that adventitious nodal roots form close to the terminal apical bud of stems. The nature of the relationship between nodal roots and axillary bud growth was investigated in three manipulative experiments on cuttings of a single genotype of Trifolium repens. In the absence of locally positioned nodal roots axillary bud development within the apical bud proceeded normally until it slowed once the subtending leaf had matured to be the second expanded leaf on the stem. Excision of apical tissues indicated that while there was no apical dominance apparent within fully rooted stems and very little in stems with 15 or more unrooted nodes, the outgrowth of the two most distal axillary buds was stimulated by decapitation in stems with intermediate numbers of unrooted nodes. Excision of the basal branches from stems growing without local nodal roots markedly increased the length and/or number of leaves on 14 distally positioned branches. The presence of basal branches therefore prevented the translocation of root-supplied resources (nutrients, water, phytohormones) to the more distally located nodes and this caused the retardation in the outgrowth of their axillary buds. Based on all three experiments we conclude that the primary control of bud outgrowth is exerted by roots via the acropetal transport of root-supplied resources necessary for axillary bud outgrowth and that apical dominance plays a very minor role in the regulation of axillary bud outgrowth in T. repens.  相似文献   
Entropy-related biodiversity indices deriving their conceptual basis from Shannon’s information theory have a long history of use in ecology for quantifying community structure and diversity. In addition, in the last two decades, numerous information–theoretical indices, such as the landscape dominance index, have been extensively applied to characterize landscape diversity in space and time. In this contribution, we offer a simple analytical relation between Pielou’s evenness J and landscape dominance D within the broader context of Hill’s parametric diversity family. Within this context, we recommend the use of Hill’s diversity number evenness E1,0 to overcome the shortcomings both of Pielou’s evenness J and the landscape dominance index D.  相似文献   
The adaptive significance of female selection of copulationpartners remains unresolved, particularly in polygamous specieswhere males do not provide paternal care. In these species thepossibility that direct benefits other than paternal care mayplay an important role in the evolution of female choice hasreceived little attention. I tested whether direct benefitsare associated with female choice in the polygamous feral fowl,Gallus g. domesticus, where females prefer socially dominantcopulation partners and males do not care for the young butdo provide females with three commodities: food, vigilance,and sperm. I used a combination of empirical and experimentaldata to show that male propensity to offer food and vigilance,but not sperm, was positively associated with male social status,suggesting that the provision of these resources may be costlyand condition dependent in males. Copulation success was correlatedwith male status but not with the number of feedings a femalereceived from a male, indicating that a female preferred dominantpartners that in general provided any female with more food,rather than partners that provided only her with more food,consistent with the idea that females may use male resourceprovisioning as a proximate mechanism to assess male condition.Together, these results indicate that male resources provisioningis (1) tightly linked to male social status, (2) a potentialindicator of male condition and possibly genetic quality, and(3) a potential criterion for females to select dominant partners,thus playing an important role in the evolution of partner choiceeven in polygamous species lacking paternal care.  相似文献   
水稻OsTB1基因的结构及其表达分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
TCP基因是一类植物中新发现的、可能具有转录因子活性的基因家族,成员包括金鱼草的Cyclodiea (Cyc)、玉米的Teosinte Branched1 (TB1)以及水稻中的PCF1、PCF2等.玉米的TB1基因有维持玉米顶端优势的作用,与分蘖的发生密切相关;水稻和玉米同属禾本科,在发育的过程中都有分蘖的发生.通过筛选水稻的基因组文库,得到了水稻中的一个TB1同源基因Oryza sativa Teosinte Branched1 (OsTB1).该基因不含内含子,基因编码一个长度为388个氨基酸的蛋白,在氨基酸水平上与TB1的同源性为70%,含有保守的TCP区和R区,是属于TCP基因家族的一个成员.RT-PCR和mRNA原位杂交分析结果表明,OsTB1在水稻的侧芽中有很强的表达,在花序中有较弱的表达.以上结果显示该基因可能在水稻侧芽和花序的起始和发育过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   
Studies of fish behaviour have demonstrated the existence of social interactions that result in dominance hierarchies. In environments in which resources, such as food, shelter and mates, are limited, social competition results in some fish becoming dominant and occupying the most profitable positions. This behaviour has been observed in natural environments and also in many laboratory‐based experiments. When two fish have been confined in a small tank, one of them usually has exhibited behaviour that suggests it is dominant over the other submissive animal. Physiological consequences of social interaction can be seen in both dominants and subordinates but are more extreme in the subordinate. However, this scenario is without doubt an artificial situation. Fewer experiments have been conducted using laboratory experiments that are more socially and physically complex than those experienced by dyads in tanks. In simple fluvial tanks, through which water is recirculated, the physiological responses of fish to social competition have generally been qualitatively similar to those recorded among dyads. However, when environmental disturbances, complex resource distributions, increase in water flushing, presence of predators and competing species of fish have been included in experimen‐tal designs, there have been fewer, diminished or no physiological dierences between dominant and subordinate fish. There have been very few studies of physiology in relation to dominance in natural habitats, and those that have been conducted suggest that under some circumstances hierarchies may cause less intense physiological responses than have been suggested based on results of laboratory studies in simple environments. Possible reasons for these variations are discussed. The need is identified for a well structured experimental approach to the investi‐gation of the causes and consequences of hierarchies if the ecology of wild fish is to be modelled eectively based on physiological processes. It is also suggested that the further development and application of techniques for monitoring physiologies of fish in the wild is important.  相似文献   
Axillary buds from the second primary scale excised from 21-day-old pea(Pisum sativum L. cv. Vladan) plants were used as a modelsystem for studying the release of buds from apical dominance. The isolatedbudswere transferred onto basal medium with or without a supplement of growthregulators and cultivated up to 24 h in short-term and up to 4weeks in long-term experiments. In both sets of experiments endogenous IAA,cytokinins and the uptake of labelled zeatin were analysed. The development ofbuds was monitored by image analysis, estimation of their weight, and byanatomical studies. Generative meristems were found in isolated axillary budsalready in 21-day-old plants at the beginning of the experimental period. Theonset of bud growth was recorded as soon as 2 h after the budexcision by image analysis. The bud growth was accompanied by a rapid transientincrease of the endogenous IAA level within the first 2 h,followedby an increase of iPA within 24 h. The uptake of the exogenouscytokinin ([3H]Z) reached its peak between the 6 and 8hafter the release from apical dominance. The cytokinin analyses of bothshort-term and long-term bud cultures revealed the increase of free cytokininsand their glucosides, indicating de novo synthesis ofcytokinins in the buds themselves.  相似文献   
【目的】研究转Bt基因水稻"赣绿1号"对田间节肢动物群落的影响。【方法】以含有转cry1Ab/Ac基因水稻与常规对照为材料,2012和2013连续两年在江西南昌县开展田间试验。【结果】转Bt基因水稻"赣绿1号"田间节肢动物群落结构物种数、优势集中度、香农指数和均匀性指数与对照相比,均无显著差异;"赣绿1号"田间节肢动物5类功能团的优势度与对照田均无显著差异;"赣绿1号"田与对照田田间节肢动物群落相异性数值大多较低。【结论】转Bt基因水稻"赣绿1号"对田间节肢动物群落结构没有明显的不利影响。  相似文献   
Stability of ‘state’ has been suggested as an underlying factor explaining behavioural stability and animal personality (i.e. variation among, and consistency within individuals in behavioural responses), but the possibility that stable social relationships represent such states remains unexplored. Here, we investigated the influence of social status on the expression and consistency of behaviours by experimentally changing social status between repeated personality assays. We used male domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus), a social species that forms relatively stable dominance hierarchies, and showed that behavioural responses were strongly affected by social status, but also by individual characteristics. The level of vigilance, activity and exploration changed with social status, whereas boldness appeared as a stable individual property, independent of status. Furthermore, variation in vocalization predicted future social status, indicating that individual behaviours can both be a predictor and a consequence of social status, depending on the aspect in focus. Our results illustrate that social states contribute to both variation and stability in behavioural responses, and should therefore be taken into account when investigating and interpreting variation in personality.  相似文献   
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