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为了探明华北落叶松(Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii)人工林的碳循环过程, 该研究以河北围场地区的华北落叶松人工林为例, 基于CO2FIX模型, 以在当地的实际调查数据、文献数据作为输入数据, 从生物量、土壤和木质林产品碳库3个方面探讨了华北落叶松人工林的碳循环过程和碳汇能力。结果表明: 华北落叶松人工林土壤碳库最大, 生物量碳库次之, 林产品碳库最小, 但是林产品碳库随时间呈逐渐增加的趋势; 在一个轮伐期内(50年), 每公顷华北落叶松人工林约固定了250 t碳, 其中约70%通过凋落物和采伐剩余物的方式进入土壤碳库, 约30%进入木质林产品碳库; 华北落叶松人工林在生长的大部分时间是一个碳的吸收汇, 而在森林采伐时成为暂时的排放源, 从长时间尺度上看, 每公顷华北落叶松人工林每年大约固定0.3 t左右的碳。该研究结果表明了木质林产品碳库在人工林碳循环中的重要作用, 这将有助于更加全面地认识人工林的碳循环过程和碳汇能力。  相似文献   
准确评估土壤无机碳库的大小及其分布特征有助于全面理解陆地生态系统碳循环与气候变暖之间的反馈关系.然而, 由于深层土壤剖面信息匮乏, 使得目前学术界对深层土壤无机碳库的了解十分有限.该研究基于342个3 m深度和177个50 cm深度的土壤剖面信息, 采用克里格插值方法估算了青藏高原高寒草地不同深度的土壤无机碳库大小, 并在此基础上分析了该地区土壤无机碳密度的分布特征.结果显示, 青藏高原高寒草地0-50 cm,0-1 m,0-2 m和0-3 m深度的土壤无机碳库大小分别为8.26,17.82,36.33和54.29 Pg C, 对应的土壤无机碳密度分别为7.22,15.58,31.76和47.46 kg C·m-2.研究区土壤无机碳密度总体呈现由东南向西北增加的趋势; 高寒草原土壤的无机碳密度显著大于高寒草甸的无机碳密度.整体上, 不同深度的高寒草原无机碳库约占整个研究区无机碳库的63%-66%.此外, 深层土壤中储存了大量无机碳, 1 m以下土壤无机碳库是1 m以内无机碳库的2倍.两种草地类型土壤无机碳的垂直分布存在差异: 对高寒草原而言, 0-50 cm土壤无机碳所占的比例最大; 但对高寒草甸而言, 在100-150 cm深度土壤无机碳出现富集.这些结果表明青藏高原深层土壤是一个重要的无机碳库, 需在未来碳循环研究中予以重视.  相似文献   
中国生物多样性监测网络建设: 从CForBio到Sino BON   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>生物多样性监测网络的建设在近年来得到了快速发展,特别是在联合国《生物多样性公约》爱知目标(2011–2020生物多样性战略规划,www.cbd.int/sp/)的推动下(马克平,2011a),从全球到区域和国家尺度,都在加强生物多样性监测工作,以期为生物多样性保护及其进展评估提供翔实可靠的数据(马克平,2011b)。全球尺度上有代表性  相似文献   
为了探究黄土高原灌丛群落中优势物种的根、茎和叶等营养器官之间碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)及其比值等化学计量特征的环境分异性及其与土壤养分的耦合性, 在甘肃省和宁夏回族自治区境内的3个灌丛集中分布区(甘肃南部、宁夏北部和甘肃西部)沿水热梯度选取41个样点进行样地调查。结果显示: 1)甘肃、宁夏灌丛群落的有机物质含量及P资源相对匮乏, 而N资源相对丰富。2)从甘肃南部、宁夏北部到甘肃西部, 生长季温度递增、年降水量递减, 与此耦合, 土壤养分也逐级递减, 沿着土壤养分梯度, 黄土高原优势灌丛根、茎和叶的C、N、P储量减少, 根和茎的C:N下降, 根、茎和叶的N:P上升, 但在宁夏北部和甘肃西部间差异不显著。同时, 3个优势灌丛分布区的优势灌丛各器官间营养元素的分配格局不同。3)土壤养分相对较高的区域优势灌丛间各器官营养元素储量无差异, 而土壤养分较低区域亲缘关系较远的优势灌丛间各器官的营养元素储量差异显著, 而亲缘关系较近的优势灌丛各器官营养元素储量差异不显著。黄土高原优势灌丛各器官C、N、P化学计量特征是植物体与土壤中化学元素耦合的结果, 当土壤养分逐渐升高时, 植物体内的化学元素储量也逐渐增多。该研究不仅有助于认识黄土高原优势灌丛化学计量环境分异规律, 而且有助于洞察不同土壤条件下C、N、P在优势灌丛营养器官间的分配格局和植物资源分配策略, 并为黄土高原植被的管理和恢复提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   
外界光强和光质对植物的影响在植物生理生态研究领域中一直受到高度关注。而测定光强的光量子计不能测定光质; 测定光质的光谱仪不能直接测定光强, 两者均不能同步测定光强和光质。该文作者建立了一个基于光谱仪测定条件的能量与光量子的经验转换公式, 用4只不同波长的窄带发光二极管(LED)光源结合光量子计(LI-190SB)对便携式光谱仪(AvaSpec-ULS2048×64)所获得的光谱进行了快速标定, 实现了用便携式光谱仪同步直接测定光量子通量密度和光质的目的。在自然光照条件下, 采用转换公式计算出光量子通量密度(PPFD)与实测的PPFD之间误差在-2%-5%范围内, 证实了这种方法的可靠性。通过这个新方法, 可以极大地拓宽便携式光谱仪的适用范围: 1)实验室内或野外只需用便携式光谱仪即可对光源及植物生长的光强和光质环境进行同步精确测定和计算; 2)可以计算光谱仪测定范围内任意波长区段的光量子通量密度; 3)无需采用标准光源即可获得绝对辐射(光)通量值。因此, 这项技术在植物生理生态研究领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
盘锦芦苇湿地空气动力学参数动态及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用盘锦芦苇生态系统观测场的涡动相关通量和小气候梯度系统的观测资料,采用涡动相关与小气候梯度观测相结合的方法估算了研究区芦苇下垫面空气动力学参数,并分析了其影响因素.结果表明:该方法可较好地估算芦苇湿地的空气动力学参数;芦苇湿地零平面位移(d)和粗糙度(z0)的季节变化均呈先增后减的单峰曲线变化. z0和d均在9月达到最大,分别为0.24和1.85 m; 12月达最小,分别为0.03和0.02 m.芦苇湿地z0和d的季节变化主要受株高(h)和叶面积指数(LAI)的影响. d随h的增加而线性增加,z0与h呈二次曲线关系.d/h和z0/h均与LAI呈幂函数关系,复相关系数分别为0.99和0.78.  相似文献   
猪粪中铜对东北黑土的污染风险评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
集约化养殖使用大量铜(Cu)作为饲料添加剂,养殖废物的排放和利用可导致一定的环境问题.本文以东北黑土为供试材料,通过在盆栽试验中添加不同Cu浓度的猪粪来模拟不同施肥年限的菜园土,研究土壤中Cu累积对小白菜地上部分Cu浓度、地上部分生物量、土壤微生物生物量碳和土壤酶(脱氢酶、脲酶、酸性磷酸酶)活性的影响.结果表明:单独施用猪粪显著增加了小白菜地上部分生物量,对其Cu浓度则没有显著影响.猪粪的施用在一定时期内显著促进了脱氢酶和脲酶的活性,但随土壤Cu浓度的增加,脱氢酶、脲酶、酸性磷酸酶活性逐渐受到抑制.当土壤全Cu浓度达到301.3 mg·kg-1后,小白菜地上部分生物量、土壤微生物生物量碳及脱氢酶、脲酶、酸性磷酸酶活性均受到强烈抑制.小白菜地上部分Cu浓度与土壤全Cu和水溶态Cu浓度呈显著正相关(P<0.01),而地上部分生物量与土壤全Cu浓度呈显著负相关(P<0.05).研究表明,可用于种植蔬菜的黑土Cu浓度阈值应小于301.3 mg·kg-1.  相似文献   
草地生态系统土壤呼吸对放牧干扰的响应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草地占地球陆地总表面积的40%, 是陆地生态系统的主体类型之一。草地生态系统碳贮量大, 土壤呼吸又是陆地生态系统将碳释放到大气的重要环节, 这类生态系统土壤呼吸对全球碳循环的贡献不可忽视。研究草地生态系统环境变化和人类活动干扰对土壤呼吸的影响对于估算未来碳循环前景和气候变化具有重要意义。放牧是人类对草地生态系统最重要的利用和干扰方式, 在全球变化背景下, 近年来草地生态系统土壤呼吸对放牧干扰的响应成为碳循环研究中的一项重要内容。现有研究结果显示, 土壤呼吸对放牧干扰的响应具有一定的不确定性, 其原因同这一过程所涉及的复杂机制有关。这些机制包括: 放牧改变了植物凋落物的产量和质量、植物同化产物的分配和根系生物量、微生物生物量和多样性、与呼吸有关的酶的活性、土壤养分状况、土壤温度和水分状况等。对于土壤呼吸及其组分而言, 上述机制有的具有促进作用, 有的具有抑制作用, 且在不同时间和地点起主导作用的机制各不相同, 从而在放牧干扰的作用下, 土壤呼吸会呈现出升高、降低或无反应等多种结果。由于根据现有这些不一致的结果, 无法精确估算人类的放牧干扰活动对全球碳循环的影响, 因此, 今后要从土壤呼吸各个组分的区分入手, 量化解析放牧干扰对土壤呼吸影响的机制过程及构建机理模型等方面加强该领域的研究。  相似文献   
Aims As the second largest C flux between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems, soil respiration plays a vital role in regulating atmosphere CO2 concentration. Therefore, understanding the response of soil respiration to the increasing nitrogen deposition is urgently needed for prediction of future climate change. However, it is still unclear how nitrogen deposition influences soil respiration of shrubland in subtropical China. Our objectives were to explore the effects of different levels of nitrogen fertilization on soil respiration, root biomass increment, and litter biomass, and to analyze the relationships between soil respiration and soil temperature and moisture.
Methods From January 2013 to September 2014, we conducted a short-term simulated nitrogen deposition experiment in the Rhododendron simsii shrubland of Dawei Mountain, located in Hunan Province, southern China. Four levels of nitrogen addition treatments (each level with three replicates) were established: control (CK, no nitrogen addition), low nitrogen addition (LN, 2 g·m-2·a-1), medium nitrogen addition (MN, 5 g·m-2·a-1) and high nitrogen addition (HN, 10 g·m-2·a-1). Soil respiration was measured by LI-8100 soil CO2 efflux system. At the same time, we measured root biomass increment and litter biomass in each plot.
Important findings Soil respiration exhibited a strong seasonal pattern, with the highest rates found in summer and the lowest rates in winter. Annual accumulative soil respiration rate in the CK, LN, MN and HN was (2.37 ± 0.39), (2.79 ± 0.42), (2.26 ± 0.38) and (2.30 ± 0.36) kg CO2·m-2, respectively. Annual mean soil respiration rate in the CK, LN, MN and HN was (1.71 ± 0.28), (2.01 ± 0.30), (1.63 ± 0.27) and (1.66 ± 0.26) μmol CO2·m-2·s-1, respectively, and it was 17.25% higher in the LN treatment compared with CK (p = 0.06). The root biomass increment was increased by LN, MN, and HN treatments by 18.36%, 36.49% and 61.63%, respectively, compared to CK. The litter biomass was increased by LN, MN, and HN treatments by 35.87%, 22.17% and 15.35%, respectively, compared with CK. Soil respiration exhibited a significant exponential relationship with soil temperature (p < 0.01, R2 is 0.77 to 0.82) and a significant linear relationship with soil moisture at the depth of 5 cm (p < 0.05, R2 is 0.10 to 0.15). The temperature sensitivity (Q10) value of CK, LN, MN and HN plots was 3.96, 3.60, 3.71 and 3.51, respectively. These results suggested that nitrogen addition promoted plant growth and decreased the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration. The increase of root biomass under N addition may be an important reason for the change of soil respiration in the study area.  相似文献   
Aims Our objective is to: 1) explore the dynamics of soil nitrogen (N) mineralization in a grassland ecosystem in response to the changes in precipitation intensity and temporal distribution, and 2) identify the controlling factors.Methods The two study sites located in a typical steppe of the Nei Mongol grassland were fenced in 2013 and 1999, respectively. Our field experiment includes manipulations of three levels of precipitation intensity (increased 50%, decreased 50%, control) in three temporal patterns (increased or decreased precipitation for three years; increased or decreased precipitation for two years and no manipulation for one year; increased or decreased precipitation for one year and no manipulation for one year).Important findings 1) The soil net N mineralization and net nitrification rates decreased with changes in the temporal distributions of precipitation from one year to three years, with the maximum values of soil net N mineralization and nitrification rates observed in the treatments of increased or decreased precipitation for one year and no manipulation for one year (+PY1 or -PY1). This indicates that the high precipitation intensity and longer precipitation may have negative effects on soil net N mineralization and nitrification rates, while the moderate soilmoisture and temperature may stimulate soil mineralization. 2) The soil net N mineralization and nitrification rates, soil cumulative N mineralization, and nitrification in the fenced site in 1999 were higher than those in the site fenced in 2013, implying that a long-term enclosure may have promoted nutrient storage and soil quality restoration. 3) The long-term treatments of increased or decreased precipitation had significant effects on soil water content and temperature, whereas the short-term, discontinuous precipitation produced minor effects on soil moisture and temperature. Moreover, the controlling factors for soil N mineralization were different between the two fields. Soil moisture had a major effect on soil inorganic N content and net N mineralization rate in the site fenced in 2013, while soil temperature played a dominant role in the site fenced in 1999, with the net N mineralization rate depressed by higher soil moisture. Our findings suggest that the precipitation intensity and temporal distribution had important impacts on soil N mineralization in the Inner Mongolia grassland; these effects was site-dependent and particularly related to soil texture, community composition, and disturbance, and other factors.  相似文献   
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