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Cryptodicus muriformis and Schizoxylon gilenstamii (Stictidaceae, Ostropales, Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota) are described as new to science from collections made in Europe (Sweden, Austria, Switzerland) and North America (Arizona), based on phylogenetic analyses of three loci. Both species show unique morphological characters that distinguish them from closely related species; Cryptodiscus muriformis, growing on decorticated or sometimes corticated branches of Picea abies and Pseudotsuga menziesii, that resembles C. foveolaris and C. tabularum in the yellowish-orange ascomatal disc, but is clearly distinguished by the muriform ascospores. Schizoxylon gilenstamii grows on dead stems of Globularia vulgaris and has a characteristic unique red-purple pigment in the epithecium and upper part of the excipulum that changes to bluish-green with KOH. We also report for the first time the anamorph of Stictis brunnescens.  相似文献   
Nitrogen mineralization dynamics in grass monocultures   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Although Wedin and Tilman (1990) observed large differences in in situ N mineralization among monocultures of five grass species, the mechanisms responsible were unclear. In this study, we found that the species did not change total soil C or N, and soil C: N ratio (range 12.9–14.1) was only slightly, but significantly, changed after four years. Nor did the species significantly affect the total amount of N mineralized (per g soil N) in year-long aerobic laboratory incubations. However, short-term N mineralization rates in the incubations (day 1–day 17) differed significantly among species and were significantly correlated with annual in situ mineralization. When pool sizes and turnover rates of potentially mineralizable N (No) were estimated, the best model treated No as two pools: a labile pool, which differed among species in size (Nl, range 2–3% of total N) and rate constant (h, range 0.04–0.26 wk–1), and a larger recalcitrant pool with a constant mineralization rate across species. The rate constant of the labile pool (h) was highly correlated with annual in situ N mineralization (+0.96). Therefore, plant species need only change the dynamics of a small fraction of soil organic matter, in this case estimated to be less than 3%, to have large effects on overall system N dynamics.  相似文献   


Accurate estimations of life expectancy are important in the management of patients with metastatic cancer affecting the extremities, and help set patient, family, and physician expectations. Clinically, the decision whether to operate on patients with skeletal metastases, as well as the choice of surgical procedure, are predicated on an individual patient''s estimated survival. Currently, there are no reliable methods for estimating survival in this patient population. Bayesian classification, which includes Bayesian belief network (BBN) modeling, is a statistical method that explores conditional, probabilistic relationships between variables to estimate the likelihood of an outcome using observed data. Thus, BBN models are being used with increasing frequency in a variety of diagnoses to codify complex clinical data into prognostic models. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of developing Bayesian classifiers to estimate survival in patients undergoing surgery for metastases of the axial and appendicular skeleton.


We searched an institution-owned patient management database for all patients who underwent surgery for skeletal metastases between 1999 and 2003. We then developed and trained a machine-learned BBN model to estimate survival in months using candidate features based on historical data. Ten-fold cross-validation and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis were performed to evaluate the BNN model''s accuracy and robustness.


A total of 189 consecutive patients were included. First-degree predictors of survival differed between the 3-month and 12-month models. Following cross validation, the area under the ROC curve was 0.85 (95% CI: 0.80–0.93) for 3-month probability of survival and 0.83 (95% CI: 0.77–0.90) for 12-month probability of survival.


A robust, accurate, probabilistic naïve BBN model was successfully developed using observed clinical data to estimate individualized survival in patients with operable skeletal metastases. This method warrants further development and must be externally validated in other patient populations.  相似文献   
For 76 annual, biennial, and perennial species common in the grasslands of central Minnesota, USA, we determined the patterns of correlations among seven organ-level traits (specific leaf area, leaf thickness, leaf tissue density, leaf angle, specific root length, average fine root diameter, and fine root tissue density) and their relationships with two traits relating to growth form (whether species existed for part of the growing season in basal, non-caulescent form and whether species were rhizomatous or not). The first correlation of traits showed that grasses had thin, dense leaves and thin roots while forbs had thick, low-density leaves and thick roots without any significant differences in growth form or life history. The second correlation of traits showed a gradient of species from those with high-density roots and high-density erect leaves to species with low-density roots and low-density leaves that were held parallel to the ground. High tissue density species were more likely to exist as a basal rosette for part of the season, were less likely to be rhizomatous, and less likely to be annuals. We examined the relationships between the two axes that represent the correlations of traits and previously collected data on the relative abundance of species across gradients of nitrogen addition and disturbance. Grasses were generally more abundant than forbs and the relative abundance of grasses and forbs did not change with increasing nitrogen addition or soil disturbance. High tissue density species became less common as fertility and disturbance increased.  相似文献   
SSU rDNA was sequenced from the lichenized fungiBunodophoron scrobiculatum andLeifidium tenerum (Sphaerophoraceae), andStereocaulon ramulosum andPilophorus acicularis (Stereocaulaceae) and analysed by maximum parsimony with 44 homologous ascomycete sequences in a cladistic study. A small insertion (c. 60 nt.) was found in the sequence ofLeifidium tenerum. Sphaerophoraceae constitutes a strongly supported monophyletic group which groups together withLecanora dispersa and theStereocaulaceae. Together withPorpidia crustulata, this larger group is a sistergroup to thePeltigerineae. This analysis thus supports theLecanorales as monophyletic, includingSphaerophoraceae and thePeltigerineae, but does not provide strong support for this monophyly. The analysis also suggests that the prototunicate ascus in theSphaerophoraceae is a reversion to the plesiomorphic state. Based on morphological, anatomical and chemical reasons,Sphaerophoraceae is proposed to belong to one of the groups presently included in the paraphyletic suborderCladoniineae within theLecanorales.  相似文献   
Craine  J. M.  Wedin  D. A.  Chapin III  F. S.  Reich  P. B. 《Plant and Soil》2003,250(1):39-47
Dependence of the properties of root systems on the size of the root system may alter conclusions about differences in plant growth in different environments and among species. To determine whether important root system properties changed as root systems aged and accumulated biomass, we measured three important properties of fine roots (tissue density, diameter, and C:N) and three biomass ratios (root:shoot, fine:coarse, and shallow:deep) of monocultures of 10 North American grassland species five times during their second and third years of growth. With increasing belowground biomass, root tissue density increased and diameter decreased. This may reflect cortical loss associated with the aging of roots. For non-legumes, fine root C:N decreased with increasing root biomass, associated with decreases in soil solution NO3 concentrations. No changes in fine root C:N were detected with increasing belowground biomass for the two legumes we studied. Among all 10 species, there were generally no changes in the relative amounts of biomass in coarse and fine roots, root:shoot, or the depth placement of fine roots in the soil profile as belowground biomass increased. Though further research is needed to separate the influence of root system size, age of the roots, and changes in nutrient availability, these factors will need to be considered when comparing root functional traits among species and treatments.  相似文献   
Plant and Soil - Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are important for plant nutrient and water acquisition. Much is known about how nutrient addition and environment affect AMF, but little is known...  相似文献   
Here, we tested hypothesized relationships among leaf and fine root traits of grass, forb, legume, and woody plant species of a savannah community. CO2 exchange rates, structural traits, chemistry, and longevity were measured in tissues of 39 species grown in long-term monocultures. Across species, respiration rates of leaves and fine roots exhibited a common regression relationship with tissue nitrogen (N) concentration, although legumes had lower rates at comparable N concentrations. Respiration rates and N concentration declined with increasing longevity of leaves and roots. Species rankings of leaf and fine-root N and longevity were correlated, but not specific leaf area and specific root length. The C3 and C4 grasses had lower N concentrations than forbs and legumes, but higher photosynthesis rates across a similar range of leaf N. Despite contrasting photosynthetic pathways and N2-fixing ability among these species, concordance in above- and below-ground traits was evident in comparable rankings in leaf and root longevity, N and respiration rates, which is evidence of a common leaf and root trait syndrome linking traits to effects on plant and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   
We analysed data on mass loss after five years of decomposition in the field from both fine root and leaf litters from two highly contrasting trees, Drypetes glauca, a tropical hardwood tree from Puerto Rico, and pine species from North America as part of the Long‐Term Intersite Decomposition Experiment (LIDET). LIDET is a reciprocal litterbag study involving the transplanting of litter from 27 species across 28 sites in North and Central America reflecting a wide variety of natural and managed ecosystems and climates, from Arctic tundra to tropical rainforest. After 5 years, estimated k‐values ranged from 0.032 to 3.734, lengths of Phase I (to 20% mass remaining) from 0.49 to 47.92 years, and fractional mass remaining from 0 to 0.81. Pine litter decomposed more slowly than Drypetes litter, supporting the notion of strong control of substrate quality over decomposition rates. Climate exerted strong and consistent effects on decomposition. Neither mean annual temperature or precipitation alone explained the global pattern of decomposition; variables including both moisture availability and temperature (i.e. actual evapotranspiration and DEFAC from the CENTURY model) were generally more robust than single variables. Across the LIDET range, decomposition of fine roots exhibited a Q10 of 2 and was more predictable than that of leaves, which had a higher Q10 and greater variability. Roots generally decomposed more slowly than leaves, regardless of genus, but the ratio of above‐ to belowground decomposition rates differed sharply across ecosystem types. Finally, Drypetes litter decomposed much more rapidly than pine litter in ‘broadleaved habitats’ than in ‘conifer habitats’, evidence for a ‘home‐field advantage’ for this litter. These results collectively suggest that relatively simple models can predict decomposition based on litter quality and regional climate, but that ecosystem‐specific problems may add complications.  相似文献   
Results of molecular studies regarding the phylogenetic placement of the order Ostropales and related taxa within Lecanoromycetes were thus far inconclusive. Some analyses placed the order as sister to the rest of Lecanoromycetes, while others inferred a position nested within Lecanoromycetes. We assembled a data set of 101 species including sequences from nuLSU rDNA, mtSSU rDNA, and the nuclear protein-coding RPB1 for each species to examine the cause of incongruencies in previously published phylogenies. MP, minimum evolution, and Bayesian analyses were performed using the combined three-region data set and the single-gene data sets. The position of Ostropales nested in Lecanoromycetes is confirmed in all single-gene and concatenated analyses, and a placement as sister to the rest of Lecanoromycetes is significantly rejected using two independent methods of alternative topology testing. Acarosporales and related taxa (Acarosporaceae group) are basal in Lecanoromycetes. However, if the these basal taxa are excluded from the analyses, Ostropales appear to be sister to the rest of Lecanoromycetes, suggesting different ingroup rooting as the cause for deviating topologies in previously published phylogenies.  相似文献   
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