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翎翅野螟属Epiparbattia只包括模式种,分布在中国南部和印度。本文记述了采自云南和贵州的1新种。模式标本分别保存在南开大学生物系昆虫标本室和中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   
记述采自中国西藏的叶蝉科大叶蝉亚科窗翅叶蝉属Mileewa Distant 1新种——易贡窗翅叶蝉Mileewa yigongana Yang,sp.nov.和斑大叶蝉属Anatkina Young 1新种——多色斑大叶蝉Anatkina polycolora Yang,sp.nov.。模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫学系。  相似文献   
报道采自河南的兜姬蜂属Dolichomitus Smith 1新种:济源兜姬蜂Dolichomitus jiyuanensis Lin,sp.nov.。模式标本保存在国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站。  相似文献   
巴西甘薯叶亲脂性成分研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
巴西甘薯叶[Ipomoea batatas Lam.(cv.Simon)]的氯仿成分经反复硅胶柱层析分离得到了8个化合物,通过理化性质和波谱方法分别鉴定为:乙酰-β香树醇(1)、木栓酮(2)、表木栓醇(3)、三十烷醇(4)、β-谷甾醇(5)、咖啡酸乙酯(6)、东莨菪素(7)和胡萝卜苷(8)。其中3、4、6、7和8为首次从该植物中分得。  相似文献   
鹅掌楸属种间杂种与亲本花粉壁的超微结构的比较观察   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以杂种鹅掌楸及其亲本中国鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense)和北美鹅掌楸(L.tulipifera)为材料,研究花粉形状及花粉壁的超微结构.结果表明,杂种与亲本间花粉壁超微结构具有明显的差异,它们可作为种间及杂种与亲本的识别与区分的依据.从杂种鹅掌楸与双亲的花粉壁的纹饰的遗传关系来看,前者花粉壁表面皱疣状隆起的纹饰表明,北美鹅掌楸花粉壁纹饰特征在杂种鹅掌楸中得到充分表现.  相似文献   
其实每次草原蝗灾暴发,造成严重危害,都不是一种蝗虫引起的,而是几种模样迥异,习性不同的蝗虫共同泛滥为害的结果。在内蒙古草原可引起蝗灾的蝗虫包括有毛足棒角蝗、褐色雏蝗、宽须蚁蝗、皱膝蝗、白边痂蝗、小翅雏蝗、宽翅曲背蝗、红腹牧草蝗、条纹鸣蝗、异爪蝗、狭翅雏蝗等等。本文中的所有图片都是中国科学院康乐研究员所拍摄,这是他在草原上十多年研究期间积累下来的,是研究草原蝗虫珍贵的第一手资料,本刊为首发。  相似文献   
桑黄栽培子实体成分分析及其显微形态观察   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用扫描电子显微镜观察人工栽培桑黄子实体的显微形态及其结构,如菌管、子实层、担孢子、锥形刚毛及离散菌丝结构等。分析结果表明:桑黄幼嫩子实体中全氨基酸含量可达11.22%,是成熟子实体(4.28%)的2.62倍,其多糖含量(1.18%)也较成熟子实体(0.64%)高许多。其多糖组分主要为甘露糖、半乳糖、葡萄糖,摩尔比分别为3.820:0.314:1.000(幼嫩子实体)和3.260:0.112:1.000(成熟子实体)。  相似文献   
Spraying a 1-2 mmol/L solution of NaHSO3 on the leaves of wild-type rice (Oryza sativa L.)Kitaake (WT), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) transgenic (PC) rice and PEPC phosphate dikinase(PPDK) transgenic rice (PC PK), in which the germplasm was transformed with wild-type Kitaake as the gene receptor, resulted in an enhancement of the net photosynthetic rate by 23.0%, 28.8%, and 34.4%,respectively, for more than 3 d. It was also observed that NaHSO3 application caused an increase in the ATP content in leaves. Spraying PMS (a cofactor catalysing the photophosphorylation cycle) and NaHSO3 separately or together on leaves resulted in an increase in photosynthesis with all treatments. There was no additional effect on photosynthetic rate when the mixture was applied, suggesting that the mechanism by which NaHSO3 promotes photosynthesis is similar to the mechanism by which PMS acts and that both of compounds enhanced the supply of ATE After spraying a solution of NaHSO3 on leaves, compared with the WT Kitaake rice, a greater enhancement of net photosynthetic rate was observed in PEPC transgenic(PC) and PEPC PPDK transgenic (PC PK) rice, with the greatest increase being observed in the latter group. Therefore ATP supply may become the limiting factor that concentrates CO2 in rice leaves transformed with an exogenous PEPC gene and exogenous PEPC PPDK genes.  相似文献   
To know the mechanism of ammonia assimilation in non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis (L.) Makino) leaves regulated by chitosan (CTS), a CTS-binding protein was isolated from non-heading Chinese cabbage leaves using the chitosan affinity chromatography approach and this CTS-binding protein was partially characterized. The profile of the 53.1 kDa purified protein on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was compared with the native molecular weight of 106.5 kDa, which indicated that the purified protein was a dimer with identical subunits. After isoelectric focusing, a band was obtained at pH 8.25. The agglutination test and periodic acid-Schiff staining further revealed that the protein was a glycoprotein with lectin activity. Moreover, the purified protein contained 17.4% (w/w) neutral carbohydrate and 82.56% (w/w) protein. The comparison of this protein and the 67 kDa CTS-binding protein isolated previously from Rubus culture tissue exhibited some differences in characterization. According to results of peptide mass fingerprinting analysis, the protein purified in the present study does not show any similarity with any protein in the protein data bank. Thus, it was deduced that the protein purified in the present study is a novel CTS-binding protein.  相似文献   
以2n团头鲂为对照,对诱导产生的同源四倍体、自繁后代(4n-F1)和倍间交配后代(正交3n和反交3n)的染色体组型及形态遗传特征进行比较分析。结果发现:(1)团头鲂四倍体(包括4n和4n-F1)和正反倍间交配三倍体的染色体众数分别为96和72,是2n团头鲂的2倍和1·5倍;在四倍体团头鲂组型排列中,sm1的四条较大的染色体明显可见,可视为标记染色体;(2)9个比例性状的测量结果显示,多倍体的体长/体高、体长/头长比例值显著小于2n团头鲂(P<0·05);而对于背棘长/体长比例值,多倍体则显著大于2n团头鲂(P<0·05);(3)29个参数的主成分分析结果表明,团头鲂同源4n、4n-F1、倍间交配3n及2n团头鲂等5个不同倍性群体的传统形态差别很大部分是由躯干部的形态差异,主要是体长/体高引起的,可作为团头鲂多倍体与二倍体群体鉴别的形态依据;(4)聚类结果显示,正交3n和反交3n相聚类,亲缘关系最近,然后,它们与4n-F1聚类后,再与4n奠基群体聚类,与二倍体群体的聚类关系较远[动物学报51(3):455-461,2005]。  相似文献   
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