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Meicai Wei 《Insect Science》1997,4(2):112-120
Abstract Filixungulia gen. nov. belonging to Allantini and three new species, Filixungulia dbo-clypea sp. nov., F. crassitarsata sp. nov., and Macremphytus crasskornis sp. nov. are described from China. A synoptic key to the genera with three cubital cells in front wing of Allantini is proposed. The genera Tritobrachia Enderlein, Macremphytus MacGillivray and Linomorpha Malaise with Tritobrachia tenuicornis Enderlein are new records from China. Linamorpha flava (Takeuchi) is a new combination transferred from Emphytus Klug.  相似文献   
记述了采自中国河南省太行山区和福建光泽的叶蜂科粘叶蜂属1新种:半环粘叶蜂Caliroa semicincta Wei,sp.nov.。该新种与欧洲种C.annulipes(Klug,1814)比较近似,但后足胫节基部3/5和基跗节基部4/7白色,触角第3节等长于端部4节之和,前翅2r脉等长于Rs脉第4段,锯腹片锯刃内外侧均具2枚明显的亚基齿,刃间膜等宽于锯刃,并明显鼓起,节缝刺毛带很宽,最宽处等宽于带间距等,与后者不同。新种模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学模式昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
讨论了S.A.Rohwer记述的中国台湾叶蜂种类分类地位变化以及相关种类的异名关系.本文修订了3种,建立1个新异名和1个新组合,恢复1个有效种,并建立一个相关的新异名:Athlophorus melanocoxa Rohwer,1916,syn.nov.,被降为黑唇平背叶蜂Allantus luctifer(Smith,1874)的次异名;Athlophorus terminatus Rohwer,1916被移到前室叶蜂属Asiemphytus Takeuchi内,构成新组合:Asiemphytus terminatus (Rohwer,1911),comb.nov..白唇侧齿叶蜂Neostromboceros leucopoda Rohwer,1916从Pseudostromboceros atratus(Enslin,1911)的异名中移出,恢复为有效种,同时将Neostromboceros tonkinensis Forsius,1931,syn.nov.,降为Neostromboceros leucopoda Rohwer的次异名.  相似文献   
本文记述中国潜叶蜂族Fenusini6属8种,其中包括2新属6新种及4新组合种:大眼郑潜叶蜂Zhenginamegommagen.etsp.nov,吕氏华潜叶蜂Sinofeunsaluigen.etsp.nov,黑鳞丝潜叶蜂Messanigrotegulasp.nov,痕缝脊潜叶蜂Parnavestigialissp.nov,沟缝脊潜叶蜂Parnadistinctasp.nov,黄首原潜叶蜂Profenusaxanthocephalasp.nov.;槭树雅潜叶蜂Anafsnusaacericola(Xiao1992)comb.nov。恢复臀潜叶蜂属AfusaMalaise,将ParafenusaZhelochovtsev(1976)降为AfusaMalaise1964的次异名,原Paarafenusa属下的种类移入Afusa属,建立3个新组合:Afusapruni(Zhelochovtsev1976)comb.nov,Afusacerasi(Zhelochovtsev1976)comb.nov,Afusamaharibiana(Zhelochovtsev1976)comb.nov。新属新种附有主要形态特征图。文中还编制了潜叶蜂族的已知底检索表和Profenusa,Anafeausa,Parna属的已知种检索表。雅潜叶蜂属Anafenusa和脊潜叶蜂属Parna为中国新纪录属。迄今,潜叶蜂族已知24属约60种;中国已记述12属22种。  相似文献   
记述中国沟额叶蜂属2新种:廖氏沟额叶蜂Corrugia liaoae Wei et Liu,sp.nov.和弯刺沟额叶蜂Corrugia curvatispina Wei et Xiao,sp.nov.。编制了沟额叶蜂属亚洲已知种类分种检索表。新种模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室以及中国农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   
对膜翅目叶蜂科平背叶蜂亚科的细爪叶蜂属Filix-ungulia Wei进行了系统研究,描述了分布于中国河南省西部的1新种:Filixungulia cylindrica sp.nov.,该新种唇基黑色,后足跗节细长,不膨大加粗,无硬刺毛,可与同属已知的2种鉴别。细爪叶蜂属是中国特有属,仅分布于中国中部的秦岭山地和中国东北地区,目前已发现3种。该属各足爪十分细长,无内齿和爪基片,与狭义平背叶蜂族已知各属均不相同,容易鉴别。编制了细爪叶蜂属已知种分种检索表,各种给出了简要记述、重要特征图和鉴别特征。新种模式标本保存于中南林学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
神农架钩瓣叶蜂属二新种(膜翅目,叶蜂科)(英文)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
记述采自湖北神农架的钩瓣叶蜂属2新种:江氏钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya jiangi Wei et Zhao,sp.nov.和神农钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya shennongjiana Wei et Zhao,sp.nov.。2个新种均属于Macrophya sanguinolenta种团。编制了新种及其2个近缘种的分种检索表。模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室。  相似文献   
记述河南方颜叶蜂属2新种:骨刃方颜叶蜂Pachyprotasis scleroserrula Wei et Zhong,sp.nov.和内乡方颜叶蜂Pachyprotasis neixiangensis Wei et Zhong,sp.nov..新种模式标本保存在中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室.  相似文献   
The sawfly Athalia rosae L. (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) is a feeding specialist on plant species of the Brassicaceae, which are characterised by secondary metabolites, called glucosinolates. The larvae can take up the respective glucosinolates of their hosts and concentrate them in their haemolymph to protect themselves against predators. Oviposition preferences of naïve females were tested for three species, Sinapis alba L., Brassica nigra (L.) Koch, and Barbarea stricta Andrz., and were related to larval performance patterns. Larvae were reared on either one of these plants and it was investigated how host‐plant quality influences both the developmental times and growth of larvae (bottom‐up) and the defence efficiency against predators (top‐down). Innately, almost all adult females avoided B. stricta for oviposition and clearly preferred B. nigra over S. alba. On average, larvae developed best on B. nigra. Female larvae reached similar final body masses on all host‐plant species, but males reared on S. alba were slightly lighter. The developmental time of larvae reared on B. stricta was significantly longer than on the other two plants. However, larvae reared on B. stricta were best protected against the predatory wasp Polistes dominulus Christ (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). The wasps rejected these larvae most often, while they attacked larvae reared on S. alba most frequently. Thus, larvae feeding on B. stricta theoretically run a higher risk of predation due to a prolonged developmental time, but in practice they are better protected against predators. Overall, oviposition preferences of A. rosae seem to be more influenced by bottom‐up effects on larval performance than by top‐down effects.  相似文献   
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