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郭霞  韦伟  胡尚勤 《微生物学通报》2011,38(11):1726-1729
探讨了微生物双语教学中采用交互式教学以发挥学生主体地位以及教师鼓励作用的教学策略.为了“有助于达到人才培养目标”又保证培养质量,精选了英文原版教材和国内选编教材;基于双语教学资源平台,了解学情,灵活把握双语教学的中英文比例;通过微生物理论与实践相结合和英文演讲辩论等提升课堂活力;适度改革双语教学考核等方式提高微生物双语...  相似文献   
水稻耐盐碱鉴定标准评价及建议与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对国内外水稻耐盐碱鉴定评价标准进行了评述,指出目前采用的评价标准存在着对盐碱害判断不够全面、准确的问题,只适用对水稻进行生物耐盐力的鉴定,而不适合对水稻的农业耐盐力进行鉴定;提出了对水稻耐盐碱鉴定的标准品种、方法、鉴定胁迫浓度等进行改进的建议,强调对水稻进行全生育期的耐盐碱性鉴定。  相似文献   
于欣  于波  周莉  孙秀妮  王晶 《生物磁学》2011,(11):2150-2152
目的:探讨卒中单元管理模式对卒中患者康复效果的影响,并对此进行效果评价。方法:采用统计比较的方法,依据诊断标准,选取200例脑卒中患右,平均分为对照组和普通组,从康复依从性、生活能力、心理状态、平均住院日和住院费用进行分析。结果:对两组卒中患者进行康复依从性、生活能力、心理状态、平均住院日和住院费用进行统计分析,对照组与普通组间存在较大差异,有统计学意义。结论-卒中单元管理模式对脑卒中患者的康复有促进作用。  相似文献   
基于主成分分析的优质鸡肉质评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
优质鸡的内涵在于肉质,但目前肉质的评定还没有一个统一的标准.本研究通过对大恒优质肉鸡5个新品系共150个个体和与肉质有密切联系的8个理化指标进行主成分分析,8个原始指标被综合成了3个独立的新指标:主成分1,肉质因子;主成分2,口感和风味因子;主成分3,嫩度因子,筛选出的3个新指标包含了原有指标的大部分信息,累积贡献率达到88.42%.通过比较3个指标的综合得分大小对10个群体的优质鸡肉质进行了评价,结果表明:S01系肉质最好,S03系次之,而D99系肉质最差,而且母鸡肉质均优于公鸡.同时利用第一主成分制定了优质鸡的肉质指数.  相似文献   
An index of biotic integrity (IBI) is a frequently used approach for assessing the ecological integrity of streams with fish and macroinvertebrates the faunal assemblages most commonly used as indicator taxa. The IBI approach has been much less commonly applied to wetlands, despite the legal, policy and scientific need to assess wetland condition and develop ecological performance goals for wetland creation, restoration and enhancement. While some IBIs are sophisticated systems with statewide application that have undergone one or more testing iterations, many published IBIs are derived from single data sets of a single class of aquatic resource with limited geographic application. The State of Ohio initiated development of a wetland IBI using vascular plants in 1996. Sampling methods were investigated and ultimately a plot-based method was adopted. Potential attributes and different human disturbance gradients were evaluated in several studies. Ultimately, IBIs for emergent, forest and shrub dominated wetlands were developed. Data from the Vegetation IBI-emergent (VIBI-E) is presented to illustrate this process. Subsequent testing and refinement is a critical step in the development of a robust IBI with more than local application. Throughout its initial development (R2 = 0.863, p < 0.001), first major testing iteration (R2 = 82.2%, p < 0.001), second test iteration (R2 = 75.0%, p < 0.001) and third test iteration (R2 = 82.1%, p < 0.001), the VIBI-E has remained significantly correlated with the disturbance gradient. Eight of the original 10 metrics proposed continued to have significant and interpretable relationships with the disturbance gradient, with 4 metrics remaining completely unchanged, and 4 undergoing relatively minor modifications, and 2 being replaced. The VIBI-E and its component metrics were also evaluated against a new disturbance gradient (Landscape Development Index or LDI), derived from land use percentages within a 1 km radius of the wetlands, that was not used during VIBI-E development. The VIBI-E score and 9 of 10 metrics were significantly correlated with the LDI disturbance gradient providing separate confirmation of the VIBI. The Vegetation IBI-E consistently and reliably assessed wetland condition across the whole range of wetland types throughout Ohio's ecological regions.  相似文献   
微生物应用技术是水产养殖技术专业的一门集理论、实践和应用于一体的专业基础课。针对现有课程在授课内容、教学模式及评价方式方面存在的问题,在调研岗位需求和职业资格的基础上筛选课程内容,以工作过程系统化重构序化教学内容,并在"学校—企业—行业—产业"共建的数字化资源支撑下采用线上线下混合教学模式并开展四元二维评价。实践教学表明,我们所开发的课程能有效地激发学生的学习热情,并显著提高教学质量和教学效果。  相似文献   
目的:探讨静息态功能磁共振在急性酒精中毒患者认知功能障碍影响。方法:随机选取我院2018年4月-2019年4月收治治疗急性酒精中毒性脑病患者共60例,将患者作为研究组,另外选择健康实验成员30例作为对照组,对两组患者静息态功能磁共振检查结果及临床表现记录,有效观察和分析患者的认知功能障碍评分。结果:(1)研究组的模仿和回忆评分显著低于对照组(P0.05);(2)研究组的Rey-Osterrieth复杂图形测验(Complex figure test,CFT)测验结果异常比例为43.3%(26/60),对照组为20.0%(6/30),两组认知功能障碍差异对比有统计学意义(P0.05);(3)研究组简易智能量表测验(Mini-menta state examination,MMSE)、数字符号转换测试(Symbol Digit Modality Test,SDMT)和言语流畅性测验(Verbal fluency test,VFT)评分结果相比于对照组均显著降低(P0.05);(4)与对照组相比,研究组的左颞上回、右颞中回、右楔前叶、左后扣带回等脑区的功能连接均显著增强(P0.05)。结论:急性酒精患者由于乙醇代谢产物对人体的神经系统造成不利影响,因此对患者的认知功能障碍存在着不利影响,静息态功能磁共振对急性酒精中毒患者检测可以促使患者的认知功能障碍的变化情况更好显示出来,静息态功能磁共振对该病诊断价值较为显著。过量摄入酒精容易造成默认网络关键脑区损害问题突出,使得人体大脑基本功能受损。  相似文献   
基于网络的医学微生物学混合式教学的效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据医学微生物学的教学要求和特点,对临床医学专业采用混合式教学,即将总课时的80%用于传统课堂教学,20%用于网络课堂教学,通过对比分析考核成绩和问卷调查,评价该教学模式对医学微生物学教学效果的影响.结果显示混合式教学模式优于单一的传统课堂教学模式,并能显著提高医学微生物学的教学效果,对突破传统课堂教学的局限性和帮助学生自主学习具有重要意义.  相似文献   
紫花苜蓿的传粉昆虫种类及其访花行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)属典型的异花授粉植物,其种子生产主要依靠蜜蜂等传粉昆虫.本文对河西地区张掖实验站紫花苜蓿传粉昆虫种类及其访花行为进行了调查.结果表明:苜蓿访花昆虫共计22种,分别属于4个目,11个科,根据弹花效率初步确定鳞地蜂、黑颚条蜂、净切叶蜂、细切叶蜂和紫木蜂为河西地区主要传粉昆虫;主要传粉昆虫的日活动规律出现单峰型和双峰型2种,净切叶蜂、细切叶蜂和紫木蜂属于前者,只在11:30-15:30出现一个活动高峰,而鳞地蜂与黑颚条蜂则为双峰型,在9:30-11:30和16:30-18:30分别出现访花高峰,不同的传粉昆虫之间存在互补关系;主要传粉昆虫的弹花频率和小花停留时间存在显著差异,且访花行为与野生蜂体型紧密相关.  相似文献   
It is of significance to establish an integrated evaluation system of snow disaster in northern pastoral areas.Based on the NOAA satellite digital images,field observation data,and maps of grassland type and seasonal pastureland,this paper selected the winter and spring pasturelands in Aletai region of Xinjiang as the main area of snow disaster-remote sensing monitoring.With affecting factors of economy and the characteristics of natural resource distribution comprehensively analyzed,and using 3S techniques and field survey information,a fundamental information processing model for integrated evaluation of snow disaster was built up,and snow disaster-spatial evaluation indices and damage level systems were constructed.Natural and social systems and 20 indices were selected in snow disaster evaluation indicator system.Four principal factors,i.e.,snow cover area,snow depth on grassland,persistence days of low temperature,and livestock death rate,were used as the grading indices of snow disaster damage level,and the models of snow disaster identification and loss estimatation were set up to quantitatively analyze snow disaster.The results indicated that the system could accurately reflect the details of snow hazard grade and the situation of a disaster in temporal and spatial scales,which would help to carry out the dynamic monitoring and scientific estimatation of big area’s snow disaster in pastoral region.  相似文献   
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