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目的:探讨运动结合甲鱼油对老年肥胖大鼠脂肪因子chemerin的影响。方法:选取雄性SD大鼠50只,鼠龄3周,随机分为对照组(n=12)和实验组(n=32),对照组喂食普通饲料,实验组喂食高脂饲料。鼠龄达到60周后,随机选取喂食普通饲料的6只大鼠为对照组(C组);随机选取喂食高脂饲料、体重大于对照组平均体重120%的大鼠24只,随机分为4组(n=6):肥胖对照组(OC)、运动组(OE)、甲鱼油组(TO)、运动结合甲鱼油组(OET)。干预方案为:大鼠跑台运动,坡度0°、速度15 m/min,每组15 min、4组/次,组间休息5 min;甲鱼油灌胃0.3~0.4 ml/次,每日一次,5次/周,干预持续8周。8周后,检测内脏脂肪组织chemerin mRNA和蛋白表达以及血浆chemerin浓度,测定血糖和胰岛素浓度,计算胰岛素敏感性指数。结果:干预8周后,OE和TO组的chemerin蛋白表达明显低于OC组(P< 0.05),OET组的chemerin蛋白表达则明显低于OC、OE、TO组(P<0.01);OC组血浆c hemer in浓度明显高于C组(P<0.01),TO、OE和OET组血浆chemerin浓度均明显低于OC组(P<0.05,P<0.01);OC组血糖水平显著高于C组(P<0.01),OE、TO、OET组血糖水平均明显低于OC组(P<0.05);OC组胰岛素敏感性指数明显低于C组(P<0.05),OE、TO和OET组胰岛素敏感性指数则显著高于OC组(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论:老年肥胖大鼠血浆chemerin浓度及血糖水平增高,胰岛素敏感性降低;运动结合甲鱼油能明显降低老年肥胖大鼠内脏脂肪组织chem erin蛋白质表达,降低血浆chemerin浓度及血糖水平,提高胰岛素敏感性。推测运动结合甲鱼油干预可能是改善老年肥胖和预防肥胖相关疾病的有效手段。  相似文献   
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is characterized by inflammation of renal tissue. Glomerular endothelial cells (GEnCs) play an important role in inflammation and protein leakage in urine in DN patients. Chemerin and its receptor ChemR23 are inducers of inflammation. The aim of this study was to investigate the function of chemerin/ChemR23 in GEnCs of DN patients. Immunohistochemical staining and qRT‐PCR were used to measure the expression of chemerin, ChemR23 and inflammatory factors in renal tissues of DN patients. Db/db mice were used as animal model. ChemR23 of DN mice was knocked down by injecting LV3‐shRNA into tail vein. Inflammation, physiological and pathological changes in each group was measured. GEnCs were cultured as an in vitro model to study potential signalling pathways. Results showed that expression of chemerin, ChemR23 and inflammatory factors increased in DN patients and mice. LV3‐shRNA alleviated renal damage and inflammation in DN mice. GEnCs stimulated by glucose showed increased chemerin, ChemR23 and inflammatory factors and decreased endothelial marker CD31. Both LV3‐shRNA and SB203580 (p38 MAPK inhibitor) attenuated chemerin‐induced inflammation and injury in GEnCs. Taken together, chemerin/ChemR23 axis played an important role in endothelial injury and inflammation in DN via the p38 MAPK signalling pathway. Suppression of ChemR23 alleviated DN damage.  相似文献   
目的:研究4周有氧运动与饮食控制对2型糖尿病(DM)大鼠肝chemerin及其受体趋化因子样受体1(CMKLR1)的影响及其在改善糖脂代谢中的影响。方法:50只雄性SD大鼠随机分为正常对照组(Con,n=6)和糖尿病造模组(n=44)。采用高脂高糖饲料联合小剂量链脲佐菌素(STZ)(30 mg/kg)的方法制备2型糖尿病模型大鼠。造模成功的DM大鼠随机分为4组(n=6):糖尿病对照组(DM)、糖尿病运动组(EDM)、改喂普通饲料的糖尿病饮食控制组(NDM)和糖尿病运动+饮食控制组(ENDM)。运动组大鼠进行为期4周中等强度跑台有氧运动,每周运动6 d。采用罗氏血糖仪检测大鼠空腹血糖(FBG),全自动生化分析仪检测大鼠血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL)水平,real time PCR和Western blot分别检测大鼠肝chemerin、CMKLR1的mRNA和蛋白水平。结果:DM大鼠FBG和血清TC、TG、LDL水平显著升高的同时,肝chemerin和CMKLR1的mRNA和蛋白水平显著增加;4周有氧运动和/或饮食控制显著降低EDM、NDM和ENDM组FBG和血清TC、TG、LDL的同时,显著降低这3组大鼠的肝chemerin蛋白水平,其中ENDM组降低最显著(P<0.01);NDM和ENDM组大鼠的肝CMKLR1蛋白水平升高(P<0.01)。结论:4周有氧运动和/或饮食控制降低2型糖尿病大鼠的肝chemerin蛋白水平、增加CMKLR1蛋白水平,这可能与其改善糖尿病大鼠的糖脂代谢有关。  相似文献   
Neutrophil activation and adhesion must be tightly controlled to prevent complications associated with excessive inflammatory responses. The role of the anti‐inflammatory peptide chemerin15 (C15) and the receptor ChemR23 in neutrophil physiology is unknown. Here, we report that ChemR23 is expressed in neutrophil granules and rapidly upregulated upon neutrophil activation. C15 inhibits integrin activation and clustering, reducing neutrophil adhesion and chemotaxis in vitro. In the inflamed microvasculature, C15 rapidly modulates neutrophil physiology inducing adherent cell detachment from the inflamed endothelium, while reducing neutrophil recruitment and heart damage in a murine myocardial infarction model. These effects are mediated through ChemR23. We identify the C15/ChemR23 pathway as a new regulator and thus therapeutic target in neutrophil‐driven pathologies.  相似文献   
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