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Lung tumor xenografts grown in immunocompromised mice provide a renewable source of tumor tissue for research and a means to study individualized response to chemotherapy. Critical to this utility is verification that the xenograft cells retain core phenotypic characteristics of the original tumor. We compared eight non-small cell lung carcinomas with their corresponding xenografts grown in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency by way of histology, immunohistochemistry, and microRNA expression profiling. Six of the eight xenografts closely resembled their original tumor by light microscopy. The xenografts also largely retained key immunophenotypic features. With expression profiling of human microRNAs, however, xenografts clustered separately from the original tumors. While this may be partly due to contamination by non-neoplastic human and mouse stroma, the results suggest that miRNA expression may be altered in xenografts and that this possibility should be further evaluated.  相似文献   
目的:探讨髓细胞性白血病(AML)患儿PTEN蛋白表达及其与免疫表型的关系。方法:选择AML患儿143例,根据免疫表型的不同分为两组:免疫分型为LY+AML型59例,LY-AML84例。所有患儿都给予免疫表型分析,检测PTEN蛋白表达情况并进行相关性分析。结果:LY+AML患儿CD34+阳性、CD117+阳性比例显著高于LY-AML患儿(P 0.05),染色体核型异常比例显著低于LY-AML患儿(P 0.05)。LY+AML患儿的PTEN蛋白表达量为(65.33±2.34)%,阳性表达率为94.9%;而LY-AML分别为(20.11±4.11)%和13.1%,与LY+AML患儿对比差异都有统计学意义(P 0.05)。在AML患儿中,Spearman相关分析显示PTEN蛋白表达水平与免疫分型呈现显著相关性(r=0.653,P=0.000)。多因素logistic回归方法显示PTEN蛋白表达、CD34+阳性、CD117+阳性、染色体核型异常为影响AML患儿免疫表型的主要独立危险因素(OR=1.098、1.045、1.092、0.294,P 0.05)。结论:AML患儿骨髓单个核细胞的PTEN蛋白表达上调使得LY+AML型发生风险显著增加,可作为AML患儿病情判断与预后预测的参考指标之一。  相似文献   
目的:探讨流式细胞术(FCM)检测外周血淋巴细胞在淋巴瘤诊断中的应用价值。方法:通过筛选2011年8月至2017年8月期间初诊的皮肤淋巴瘤病例25例,淋巴节良性病变6例,采用FCM检测外周血淋巴细胞表面抗原分子,通过与病理切片HE染色和免疫组化法(金标准)比较,分析两种检测方法之间的差异。结果:在31例检测病例中,FCM检测结果与金标准检测结果一致性较高(Kappa=0.61):26例检查结果相同,5例检查结果不一致;检测19例T淋巴细胞淋巴瘤,FCM检测结果与金标准检测结果一致性也较高(Kappa=0.57):检测14例初诊为T细胞淋巴瘤病例,FCM检测T淋巴瘤细胞的表面抗原标志CD3分子为阳性,与组织学结果相符,另有5例T细胞淋巴瘤病例HE染色和免疫组化诊断明确,而FCM未能检出。检测6例B细胞淋巴瘤病例,6例淋巴瘤病例FCM检测结果都为阳性,FCM检测B淋巴瘤细胞的表面抗原标志CD19分子为阳性,与金标准检测结果符合率为100%。6例淋巴节良性病变病例FCM检测结果与金标准检测结果一致。结论:通过FCM检测外周血可以检测出部分皮肤淋巴瘤,FCM在皮肤淋巴瘤诊断和分型中有一定的临床价值,是检测皮肤淋巴瘤的有效的辅助方法。  相似文献   
用单克隆抗体LCA,UCHL1,MT1,MB1,MB2,LN1和LN2对65例非何杰金氏淋巴瘤常规福尔马林固定石蜡包埋组织切片作免疫表型研究。证实B细胞性淋巴瘤50例(77%)。T细胞性淋巴瘤11例(17%)(4例染色不良,未能分型)。根据国际工作分类,本组T细胞淋巴瘤所占比例分别是11%,27%和13%。全部病例中LCA阳性率97%。T细胞抗体UCHL;阳性率(91%)明显高于MT1(73%),且与B淋巴细胞无交叉反应。4种B细胞抗体阳性率分别为LN。(96%),MB2(94%),LN1(86%),MB1(84%)。LN2和LN1对源于滤泡中心细胞淋巴瘤有更强的反应。研究结果表明上述单克隆抗体可有效用于非何杰金氏淋巴瘤石蜡切片的免疫组织化学标记,合理选用单克隆抗体有助于进行免疫学分型。  相似文献   
In a phase II clinical trial of 5-fluorouracil (5FU) plusN-(phosphonacetyl)-l-aspartate (PALA) therapy administration, a number of slowly developing clinical responses were observed. Because of this, a variety of immune parameters were sequentially studied in 21 patients on this trial. Of the 21 patients studied, 20 provided sufficient samples to compare baseline with subsequent values, 10 of the 20 patients responded to treatment. Responders and non-responders did not differ in any studied parameter at baseline. After 2 months of therapy, non-specific monocyte cytotoxicity (NSMC), antibody-dependent monocyte cytotoxicity (ADMC) and natural killer (NK) activity were higher in the entire study population, but these increases were not statistically significant. When responders and non-responders were evaluated separately, it was apparent that the trend was due solely to the changes observed in the responding patient population. When mean lysis values for each patient group were determined for each studied time point, it was possible to generate a mean area under the cytotoxicity/time curve (AUC) for each studied parameter. NSMC and ADMC did not differ in responders and non-responders. However, NK activity was significantly greater by mean AUC analysis (P = 0.006) in the responding group; NK activity was maintained in the responders, but decreased in non-responders. When lymphocyte and monocyte expression of the surface markers 2-microglobulin, HLA-DR, CD56, HNK-1, CD 16 and interleukin-2 receptor were evaluated, there were no differences among responders and non-responders at baseline by mean AUC analysis or when comparing baseline with non-base-line values. It is concluded that although baseline immunological characteristics do not identify patients who are likely to respond to weekly 5FU and PALA, treatment is not associated with deleterious effects on the immune effector function parameters evaluated in this study, there being no effects on expression of a variety of associated cell-surface molecules.  相似文献   
目的:分析儿童急性B淋巴细胞白血病(B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia,B-ALL)化疗过程中首次微小残留病灶(minimal residual disease,MRD)免疫表型的变化规律及特点,为临床诊断及后续微小残留病的监测提供依据。方法:回顾性分析我院2013年1月至2018年4月收治的393例B-ALL患儿的免疫分型结果及诱导化疗第15天首次MRD数据。结果:(1)在393例白血病中,B-ALL相关特征性免疫表型的出现频率为:CD19+/CD10+/34+64.4%;CD19+/CD10+/34部分表达,15.5%;CD19+/CD34+/CD20+,58.5%;CD19+/CD10+/CD13+,13.2%;CD19+/CD10+/CD33+,5.9%;CD19+/CD10+/CD117+,0.7%;CD19+/CD10+/CD123+,50.1%;CD19+/CD10-/34±,5.9%;CD19+/CD10-/CD20-,2.5%;CD34bright,12.2%;(2)共有285例首次MRD检测结果呈阳性,有181例(63.5%)MRD检测结果至少有1个抗原荧光强度发生改变,其中出现一个抗原强度变化的为83例(29.1%),2个抗原荧光强度变化的为57例(20.0%),3个抗原荧光强度变化为31例(10.9%),4个及4个以上抗原荧光强度变化为10例(3.5%)。抗原荧光强度变化频率最高的依次为CD45、CD34、CD20;(3)共有7例患儿复发,复发时行免疫分型检测,其中4例与初发时有抗原荧光强度变化。结论:(1)儿童B-ALL远高于其他白血病类型,且具有独特的相关特征性免疫表型。初发B-ALL免疫分型结果不仅可完善白血病MICM分型,更是化疗后MRD监测的线索及客观依据;(2)在儿童B-ALL化疗过程中,免疫表型极有可能会发生变化,在后续的微小残留病灶检测过程中应注意对变化抗原的判断和追踪。  相似文献   
BACKGROUNDMultipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are widely used in the clinic due to their unique properties, namely, their ability to differentiate in all mesenchymal directions and their immunomodulatory activity. Healthy donor MSCs were used to prevent the development of acute graft vs host disease (GVHD) after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (allo-BMT). The administration of MSCs to patients was not always effective. The MSCs obtained from different donors have individual characteristics. The differences between MSC samples may affect their clinical efficacy.AIMTo study the differences between effective and ineffective MSCs.METHODSMSCs derived from the bone marrow of a hematopoietic stem cells donor were injected intravenously into allo-BMT recipients for GVHD prophylaxis at the moment of blood cell reconstitution. Aliquots of 52 MSC samples that were administered to patients were examined, and the same cells were cultured in the presence of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from a third-party donor or treated with the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IFN and TNF. Flow cytometry revealed the immunophenotype of the nontreated MSCs, the MSCs cocultured with PBMCs for 4 d and the MSCs exposed to cytokines. The proportions of CD25-, CD146-, CD69-, HLA-DR- and PD-1-positive CD4+ and CD8+ cells and the distribution of various effector and memory cell subpopulations in the PBMCs cocultured with the MSCs were also determined.RESULTSDifferences in the immunophenotypes of effective and ineffective MSCs were observed. In the effective samples, the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of HLA-ABC, HLA-DR, CD105, and CD146 was significantly higher. After MSCs were treated with IFN or cocultured with PBMCs, the HLA-ABC, HLA-DR, CD90 and CD54 MFI showed a stronger increase in the effective MSCs, which indicated an increase in the immunomodulatory activity of these cells. When PBMCs were cocultured with effective MSCs, the proportions of CD4+ and CD8+central memory cells significantly decreased, and the proportion of CD8+CD146+ lymphocytes increased more than in the subpopulations of lymphocytes cocultured with MSC samples that were ineffective in the prevention of GVHD; in addition, the proportion of CD8+effector memory lymphocytes decreased in the PBMCs cocultured with the effective MSC samples but increased in the PBMCs cocultured with the ineffective MSC samples. The proportion of CD4+CD146+ lymphocytes increased only when cocultured with the inefficient samples.CONCLUSIONFor the first time, differences were observed between MSC samples that were effective for GVHD prophylaxis and those that were ineffective. Thus, it was shown that the immunomodulatory activity of MSCs depends on the individual characteristics of the MSC population.  相似文献   
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