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咸阳地区近年苹果林地土壤含水量动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵景波  周旗  陈宝群  杜娟  王长燕 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5291-5298
利用人力钻采样法和烘干称重法, 研究了咸阳地区2002-2008年间苹果林地6 m深度范围土壤含水量的动态变化、土壤干层的等级、土壤干层水分恢复、动力机制与消耗过程。资料表明, 咸阳地区干旱年苹果林地土壤含水量较低, 发育了长期性土壤干层。2003和2007丰水年苹果林地土壤干层中的水分得到了显著恢复, 经过当年的水分补给, 土壤干层已经消失。丰水年土层中重力水含量较高, 并能到达2 m深度以下。持续时间较长的重力水的存在是土壤干层水分恢复的驱动力, 但干层水分恢复的直接动力是薄膜水的水膜压力。在年降水量800 mm或更多的条件下, 不论黄土厚度有多大, 土层水分完全能够满足人工林生长的需要。咸阳地区干旱年苹果林地土壤水分不足, 土壤水分收入量小于支出量, 土壤水分为负平衡, 没有剩余的水分通过入渗补给地下水;丰水年苹果林地土壤水分充足, 土壤水分收入量大于支出量, 土壤水分为正平衡, 有剩余的水分通过入渗补给地下水。在年降水量为800 mm左右的丰水年, 该区补给的土壤水分可维持苹果林地在3 a内不会出现长期性干层, 3 a之后一般还会出现长期性土壤干层。  相似文献   
Young‐of‐the‐year smelt Osmerus eperlanus in Lake Tuusulanjärvi were examined for Glugea hertwigi cysts. Cysts were visible on smelt in the beginning of August and showed a peak at the end of August. Glugea hertwigi may cause mortality among the most heavily infected young‐of‐the‐year smelts.  相似文献   
通过在青藏高原东南缘的岷江源区三处高山林草交错带采集陇蜀杜鹃当年生小枝,测量小枝的茎长、茎粗与茎生物量,沿海拔梯度自然分布的空间变化对比其当年生小枝的茎结构与生物量及其相互关系,接着比较了总叶质量和比叶面积的变化,最后通过典范对应分析(CCA)探究小枝茎叶性状与土壤因子的相关关系,有助于理解陇蜀杜鹃适应异质环境的生态适应对策。结果表明:(1)除弓杠岭外,斗鸡台与卡卡山土壤因子在海拔间差异显著,相似海拔不同山地间土壤因子也存在显著差异。(2)除卡卡山高海拔比叶面积显著小于低海拔外,其他样地的小枝茎性状(茎长、茎粗、比茎长和茎生物量)和叶性状(总叶质量和比叶面积)在海拔间并无显著差异,相似海拔不同坡体间茎粗、茎生物量以及比茎长差异也未达到显著水平(P>0.05),但弓杠岭(3963 m)的茎长显著大于卡卡山(3921 m)(P<0.05)。(3)小枝茎长、茎粗与茎生物量之间均为异速生长关系,且茎生物量累积速率大于茎长和茎粗增加的速率,且茎长的增加速率约为茎粗的2.8倍。(4)CCA排序结果表明,11个土壤环境因子中,碳含量、碳氮比、有机碳含量、总磷和容重对植物性状有显著的影响,但在海拔及不同山体间影响小枝茎叶性状的土壤因子不同。由此可知,较小的海拔梯度变化对小枝茎叶性状影响较小,土壤因子是导致小枝茎叶性状差异的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
Perch Perca fluviatilis recruitment (based on the catch per unit effort, CPUE, of 2 or 3 year male perch) varied greatly from 1941 to 1995 in Windermere, U.K., with year class strengths strongly synchronous between the two basins of this temperate, mesotrophic lake. Statistically significant modified Ricker (Saila‐Lorda) stock‐recruitment curves could be fitted to data from three of four sampling sites, while the presence of widespread disease and late summer water temperature were also important explanatory variables. Multiple‐regression analyses revealed no influences of pike Esox lucius recruitment, zooplankton abundance, or the climatic influences ( i.e . North Atlantic Oscillation and displacement of the summer position of the Gulf Stream) on perch recruitment over and above associated influences from temperature. Fitted models realistically explained up to c . 60% of the observed variation in perch recruitment.  相似文献   
渭北旱塬苹果园土壤紧实化现状及成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究通过分析渭北旱塬苹果园土壤的紧实化现状及其诱导因素,找出影响当地苹果园健康发展的土壤退化隐性因素,为果园科学管理提供理论依据.分别选取种植年限<10年(4~6年)、10~ 20年(14~16年)和>20年(24~ 26年)的苹果园各4个,分析0~60 cm土层土壤容重和紧实度随土层深度的变化规律,探明果园土壤内部...  相似文献   
黄土高原北部人工灌草植被土壤干燥化过程研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘丙霞  任健  邵明安  贾小旭 《生态学报》2020,40(11):3795-3803
黄土高原北部水蚀风蚀交错区是典型的生态脆弱区,人工灌草植被土壤干燥化发生频繁。土壤干化层的形成影响生物小循环并削弱水文大循环,严重制约植被建设成效和区域生态稳定。为阐明人工灌草植被土壤干燥化过程,并确定适宜的种植年限,选择该区典型人工灌草植被—柠条和苜蓿为研究对象,分析两种植被土壤水分和地上生物量随生长年限的变化特征。结果表明:2—8年生柠条和1—7年生苜蓿对剖面土壤水分消耗强烈,并随生长年限呈快速下降趋势,9—12年生柠条和8—11年生苜蓿1.0—4.0 m剖面含水量分别降低至8.2%—9.0%和8.5%—10.5%之间,并处于相对稳定状态。4—5年生柠条地1—1.4 m开始产生干层,6年生柠条地干层深度达2.4 m,干层厚度为1.4 m;9—12年生柠条地干层深度超过4.0 m。2—4年生苜蓿地无干燥化;5年生苜蓿生长季末土壤干层深度达3.6 m,干层厚度为2.6 m,且7年生以后土壤干层的深度超过4.0 m。因此,为调控土壤干层,减少深层土壤干化的发生,建议柠条和苜蓿的生长年限分别不要超过6年和5年,其对应的地上最大干生物量分别为5050 kg/hm2和19...  相似文献   
继1989年以后,1991年大兴安岭林区兴安落叶松又出现一次结实,结实率平均为63.8%,且结实的林木多出现在过火的林地上。胸径28cm以上的林木结实率可达到80%以上,而且结实量多的林木绝大部分(85%以上)是树冠稀疏的。球果多集中于树冠的中部。短枝年龄结构格局对结实具有重要影响。短枝的数量以1、2年生最多,但结实的短枝主要属于3—7年生的短枝,一次种子丰收年,需要消耗大量的短枝数量,花芽中大部分为雄花,直接用于形成球果的雌花,一般尚不足20%。开花结实成熟年龄短枝的存蓄率愈高,其结实的潜力也愈大,出现种子年的可能性也愈大。  相似文献   
Many studies have established dental age standards for different populations; however, very few studies have investigated whether dental development is stable over time on a population level. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze changes in dental maturity in Dutch children born between 1961 and 2004. We used 2,655 dental panoramic radiographs of 2‐ to 16‐year‐old Dutch children from studies performed in three major cities in the Netherlands. Based on a trend in children born between 1961 and 1994, we predicted that a child of a certain age and gender born in 1963 achieved the same dental maturity on average, 1.5 years later than a child of the same age born 40 years later. After adjusting for the birth year of a child in the analysis, the regression coefficient of the city variable was reduced by 56.6% and it remained statistically significant. The observed trend from 1961 to 1994 was extrapolated to 9‐ to 10‐year‐old children born in 2002–2004, and validation with the other samples of children with the same characteristics showed that 95.9%–96.8% of the children had dental maturity within the 95% of the predicted range. Dental maturity score was significantly and positively associated with the year of birth, gender, and age in Dutch children, indicating a trend in earlier dental development during the observation period, 1961–2004. These findings highlight the necessity of taking the year of birth into account when assessing dental development within a population with a wider time span. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:91–98, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
选择闽江河口鳝鱼滩互花米草不同入侵年限湿地(SA1,5~6年;SA2,8~10年;SA3,12~14年)为对象,基于时空互代法研究了互花米草入侵对湿地土壤磷赋存形态的影响。结果表明: 不同入侵年限互花米草湿地土壤中难分解态磷(HCl-Pi、Residual-P)含量的占比最高(46.4%~46.7%),中等易分解态磷(NaOH-Pi、NaOH-Po、Sonic-Pi)次之(40.0%~44.0%),而易分解态磷(Resin-Pi、NaHCO3-Pi、NaHCO3-Po)最低(9.5%~13.3%)。随着互花米草入侵年限的增加,湿地土壤磷赋存形态及其空间分布特征也发生明显改变,中等易分解态磷、难分解态磷和总磷含量整体上均呈增加趋势,而易分解态磷含量呈降低趋势。相对于SA1,SA2的中等易分解态磷、难分解态磷和总磷含量分别增加了11.5%、9.7%和10.5%,而SA3分别增加了24.8%、13.2%和13.5%。互花米草入侵年限的增加显著改变了湿地土壤磷的赋存形态特征,这主要取决于电导率(EC)、pH值及粒度等关键因子的变化。近年来,闽江河口开展的互花米草定期刈割治理在一定程度上减少了残体向土壤归还磷养分的能力,降低了土壤中易分解态磷的养分供应。  相似文献   
In this study, the effects of abrupt temperature change on the hatching success and larval survival of eggs, yolk-sac larvae (YSL) and larvae above nest (LAN), for both largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides and smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu were quantified. Temperature had a significant effect on hatching success and time to 50% mortality, with large heat shocks causing accelerated mortality. The temperature changes shown to influence survival of all life stages, however, were beyond what is typically experienced in the wild. Micropterus salmoides had greater egg hatching success rates and increased survival rates at YSL and LAN stages, relative to M. dolomieu. Additionally, egg hatching success and survival of LAN varied across nests within the study. These findings suggest that temperature alone may not account for variations in year-class strength and may emphasize the need for protection of the nest-guarding male Micropterus spp. to ensure recruitment.  相似文献   
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