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Machine grading is frequently required to prepare the terrain when building high-altitude ski slopes in the Alps. However, this kind of disturbance alters the natural environment, destroying the vegetation and hampering its reestablishment. Thus, specific restoration plans are necessary to encourage the recovery of vegetation, which is already affected by different natural constraints in this harsh environment. One of the main critical factors affecting plant growth in high-altitude areas is the lack of available nitrogen (N) in the soil. In this context, the addition of a slow-release N fertilizer was carried out in an experimental revegetated ski slope between 2,800 and 2,900 m above sea level in the western Italian Alps. Both vegetation and soil were monitored during a 5-year period in order to test the effectiveness of N addition on the restoration process. Even if effects on soil carbon and N contents were negligible, vegetation was remarkably affected by the fertilization, since the total vegetation cover and the species richness significantly increased. Against the expectations, there was a remarkable increase in spontaneous forbs, rather than in most of the sown graminoids, which slightly varied during the experimental period. Actually, graminoids responded in different ways, mostly increasing (likewise forbs), but the slight decrease of the dominant Festuca nigrescens (Chewing's Fescue) masked their spread. This study confirms the noteworthy role of N in high-altitude alpine soils and consequently its importance to improve the restoration process of degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   
Aging dams and the rising efforts to restore stream ecosystems are increasing the number of dam decommissioning programs. Although dam decommissioning aims at improving in-stream habitat, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning in the long term, it might also cause ecological impacts in the short term due to the mobilization of the sediment accumulated in the reservoir. Benthic biofilm in particular can be impaired by episodes of high turbidity and scouring. We conducted a multiple before-after/control-impact experiment to assess the effects of the drawdown of a large dam (42 m tall), a first step to its decommissioning, on biofilm structure (biomass and chlorophyll-a) and functioning (metabolism, nutrient uptake, and organic matter breakdown). Our results show that the reservoir drawdown reduced the autotrophic biofilm biomass (chlorophyll-a) downstream from the dam, which in turn lowered metabolism. However, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by the biofilm was not affected. Organic matter breakdown was slower below the dam than in nearby undammed reaches before and during drawdown. All drawdown effects quickly disappeared and reaches downstream from the dam approached values found in nearby undammed reaches. Thus, our results indicate that the effects of reservoir drawdown on stream biofilms exist but may be small and disappear rapidly.  相似文献   


Woody plant encroachment is a widespread phenomenon affecting treeless or sparsely treed habitats. We aimed to determine the extent and timing of tree and shrub encroachment into rock barrens of eastern Ontario over the last century, and to assess implications for their ongoing management.


Queen's University Biological Station in the Frontenac Arch ecoregion.


We quantified the extent of change in woody vegetation in 290 rock barrens using aerial photography from 1925, 1965, and 2008. Composition and structure of woody plant communities in 10 barrens was subsequently quantified in the field using plot-based sampling. Cores or cross-sections were obtained from individuals >1.5 m height and dendrochronological techniques were used to determine their age and identify temporal patterns of any woody encroachment.


Aerial photography indicated that the mean proportion of woody plant cover in barrens increased 22.5% from 1925 to 2008. Dendroecological analysis supported this. Few trees were present prior to 1900 and most established since 1960. Fraxinus americana, Juniperus virginiana, and Juniperus communis were the most common woody species colonizing the barrens. Remnants of large Pinus strobus stumps with extensive charring were found in 90% of the sampled barrens at a mean density of 22.6 stumps ha−1.


Rock barrens on the Frontenac Arch have changed substantially over the past century; gradually being colonized by trees and shrubs and losing their distinctly open character. Active management — including prescribed fire and mechanical thinning — may be necessary if there is a desire to maintain these barrens and the rare species they support as components of the region's biodiversity. However, identification of a reference state for restoration is complicated by the fact that the structure and composition of these habitats were undoubtedly altered by European land clearance in the 19th century, and that some of these areas likely existed as pine woodlands before that.  相似文献   
Plant density and size — two factors that represent plant survival and growth — are key determinants of yield but have rarely been analysed explicitly in the context of biodiversity–productivity relationships. Here, we derive equations to partition the net, complementarity and selection effects of biodiversity into additive components that reflect diversity-induced changes in plant density and size. Applications of the new method to empirical datasets reveal contrasting ways in which plant density and size regulate yield in species mixtures. In an annual plant diversity experiment, overyielding is largely explained by selection effects associated with increased size of highly productive plant species. In a tree diversity experiment, the cause of overyielding shifts from enhanced growth in tree size to reduced mortality by complementary use of canopy space during stand development. These results highlight the capability of the new method to resolve crucial, yet understudied, demographic links between biodiversity and productivity.  相似文献   
向珈瑶  彭文甫  陶帅  银盈  刘华山 《生态学报》2023,43(4):1596-1609
国家实施天然林资源保护工程与退耕还林等生态建设工程,为构筑长江上游生态屏障、促进长江流域经济可持续发展做出了突出贡献;评估退耕还林等生态工程实施后植被恢复成效及影响因素是促进区域植被恢复优化与生态环境改善的关键一步。基于MODIS MOD13Q1数据,应用Theil Sen斜率与Mann-Kendall趋势检验、“基线”评价方法、时空地理加权回归模型等量化不同时间尺度的植被时空变化、恢复成效和恢复机制。结果表明(1)植被覆盖状况良好,截止2019年底,四川省91%的区域植被出现增长,四川盆地东北部、四川省南部地区以及东南部乌蒙山、川西北高原地区植被覆盖较高;成都市内以及周围市区植被覆盖率较低。(2)植被恢复成效时空差异显著,占全省面积98.68%的区域植被恢复成效明显,高值区面积占比71.47%,集中于除成都平原外的四川省绝大部分区域。(3)气候变化对植被变化的影响以不显著为主,气温、降水对四川省植被恢复影响微弱,海拔和>35°坡度面积比等地理环境因子则以弱抑制作用为主。(4)在相对平稳的气候背景下,人均财政支出、耕地面积与人均GDP所代表的社会经济因素是植被恢复成效改善的重要影...  相似文献   
土壤活性有机碳是土壤有机碳(SOC)的活性部分,是衡量土壤质量和健康状况的重要指标,能够反映植被恢复演替过程中土壤环境的早期变化。但在SOC贫瘠的沙地,长期恢复演替如何影响土壤活性有机碳组分尚不清楚。本研究以毛乌素沙地杨柴人工灌木林为研究对象,分别选取未造林(CK)与造林年限9 a、18 a和30 a的杨柴人工灌木林,探究毛乌素沙地杨柴人工灌木林恢复演替过程中土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)、微生物量碳(MBC)、易氧化有机碳(ROC)和SOC变化规律。结果表明:(1)毛乌素沙地杨柴灌木林随恢复演替年限增加土壤固碳能力增强,但在恢复演替18 a时出现转折点,恢复演替18—30 a时土壤固碳速率相对减缓;(2)表层0—10 cm土壤DOC、MBC和ROC对恢复演替响应较为敏感,恢复演替过程中表层土壤活性有机碳各组分含量逐渐升高;(3)恢复演替年限并未对土壤活性有机碳占SOC比例产生显著影响,同时也未显著改变碳库活度。综上所述,毛乌素沙地杨柴灌木林恢复演替有助于土壤活性有机碳和SOC积累,但长期恢复演替是否持续对土壤活性有机碳固持产生积极作用仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   
高原湖泊流域是高原地区人类活动的重要载体,兼具高生态价值和高脆弱性的特点。随着高原湖泊流域城市化和工业化发展加速,湖泊面积萎缩,污染加剧,流域生态环境受损严重,引发了一系列生态环境问题,如水土流失、水污染、湿地退化、生境质量下降等。亟需开展生态修复以平衡经济发展与生态环境保护之间关系,而基于整体保护与系统治理思维诊断并修复生态修复优先区,是科学有序推进国土空间生态保护与修复的重要抓手。基于此,研究以高原湖泊流域典型代表滇池流域为例,利用人类足迹和景观生态风险模型定量评估生态系统所受负向干扰,以最小累积阻力模型和电路理论构建流域生态网络;提取生态网络受负向干扰较高的关键区域为生态修复优先区并提出针对性修复措施。研究表明:(1)滇池流域人类干扰和生态风险整体较高,人类干扰整体呈核心—边缘递减的圈层式分布,中高生态风险占据了绝大部分区域。人类交通网络大幅扩展了人类干扰和生态风险的强度和深度;(2)区域生态网络呈典型湖泊生态网络特点,38条生态廊道呈放射状或环状分布,连通湖区、山区两大生态空间内共23块生态源地,保障区域生态安全;(3)研究共提取生态源地修复优先区73.83km2  相似文献   
海洋生物礁是由具有造礁能力的海洋生物聚集而成的一种三维礁体结构,其形成改变了海底地貌、增加了不同尺度上的地形复杂性,为其他海洋生物提供了栖息地并维持了生物多样性。近年来,由于自然因素和人为因素影响,海洋生物礁受到了严重威胁,已成为海洋生态保护和修复领域的重要研究对象。综述了海洋生物礁的类型、生态功能及其生态修复的研究进展。根据形成海洋生物礁的优势造礁生物种类,将海洋生物礁分为海藻礁、海绵礁、刺胞动物礁、贝类礁和多毛类礁,其优势造礁生物分别是珊瑚藻和仙掌藻、钙质海绵和硅质海绵、造礁珊瑚、牡蛎、龙介虫。目前国内对海洋生物礁的全面了解相对较少,主要集中在珊瑚礁和牡蛎礁。海洋生物礁的生态功能主要有海岸防护、提供栖息地、净化水体、固碳作用和能量耦合等。全球变暖和海洋酸化等全球气候变化以及海洋污染、破坏性渔业捕捞、海岸工程、水产养殖和敌害生物等自然和人为因素对海洋生物礁构成了严重威胁。海洋生物礁的生态修复方法分为两类:在退化生物礁区投放造礁生物逐渐成礁,投放人工礁体补充造礁生物逐渐成礁。针对海洋生物礁保护和修复的需要,提出下一步应加强海洋造礁生物生态特征、海洋造礁生物种群丧失因素和海洋生物礁保护与...  相似文献   
After abandonment of chalk grassland in the Netherlands, Brachypodium pinnatum had become very dominant and this resulted in a dramatic decrease of plant diversity. Restoration of these abandoned sites is important, because of its former high diversity with many nationally endangered species. To restore the chalk grassland vegetation, the impact of the introduction of different experimental cutting regimes was investigated during three years. The thick litter layer and the dominance of Brachypodium was strongly reduced after introduction of all cutting regimes. In all cutting treatments forb phytomass increased considerably, especially in the twice-a-year cutting vegetation, where the forb phytomass became as high as that of Brachypodium. Phanerogamic species diversity was stimulated in all cutting regimes. Especially the number of short-lived forbs. with a persistent seed bank, increased markedly in the twice-a-year cutting treatment. It is concluded that cutting the vegetation twice is adequate to reduce the negative effects of the thick litter layer and the abundant growth of Brachypodium. It creates an appropriate starting point for more detinite management, whether mowing or grazing. However, the restoration of a more complete species assortment strongly depends on the re-invasion possibilities of these species.  相似文献   
荒漠草原(生态区)横贯我国西北地区东部,生态地位十分重要。近二十年来,通过封育禁牧、退耕还林(草),植被覆盖显著改善,但是生态系统质量和稳定性依然不高。由于长期将荒漠草原单纯视作草原的一部分,对其生态系统过渡性、脆弱性和复杂性本质特征认识不足,造成了荒漠草原生态学研究与区域生态建设实践之间不同程度的脱节。在分析荒漠草原生态区未来在我国生态安全格局中突出的但是被一定程度上忽视的地位的基础上,进一步归纳了荒漠草原生态系统的一般特征,指出了生态恢复与重建研究中存在的主要问题。进而以人工植被引入荒漠草原生态工程为案例,分析了人工植被驱动荒漠草原生态恢复与重建的过程与机制,归纳了“植被-水文-土壤”互馈作用驱动生态系统层级响应模式,并展望了今后的发展趋势与研究方向。  相似文献   
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