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Spatial and temporal phenotypic differentiation in mean body size is of commonplace occurrence, but the underlying causes remain often unclear: both genetic differentiation in response to selection (or drift) and environmentally induced plasticity can create similar phenotypic patterns. Studying changes in body mass in Siberian jays (Perisoreus infaustus) over three decades, we discovered that mean body mass declined drastically (ca. 10%) over the first two decades, but increased markedly thereafter back to almost the initial level. Quantitative genetic analyses revealed that although body mass was heritable (h2 = 0.46), the pronounced temporal decrease in body mass was mainly a product of phenotypic plasticity. However, a concomitant and statistically significant decrease in predicted breeding values suggests a genetic component to this change. The subsequent increase in mean body mass was indicated to be entirely due to plasticity. Selection on body mass was estimated to be too weak to fully account for the observed genetic decline in body mass, but bias in selection differential estimates due to environmental covariance between body mass and fitness is possible. Hence, the observed body mass changes appear to be driven mainly by phenotypic plasticity. Although we were not able to identify the ecological driver of the observed plastic changes, the results highlight the utility of quantitative genetic approaches in disentangling genetic and phenotypic changes in natural populations.  相似文献   
Hydrologic conditions were evaluated during a 10‐year Interim Period following completion of Phase I of the Kissimmee River Restoration Project and initiation of environmental water releases from upstream to provide adaptive management of flow to the Phase I area. Phase I construction backfilled 13 km of flood control canal C‐38 and redirected flow into 22 km of reconnected river channel. Evaluations focused on five restoration expectations (performance measures) based on pre‐channelization hydrologic data for the Kissimmee River. Environmental releases resulted in more continuous discharge from upstream, but did not affect the magnitude of discharge. After backfilling of C‐38, water levels in the Phase I area varied with discharge and periodically inundated the floodplain. However, the long, annual recession event, characteristic of pre‐channelization, was not reestablished; instead, most Interim Period years had multiple events with shorter durations and faster recession rates. Mean channel water velocity increased during the Interim Period but was not always in the desired range. Hydrologic conditions throughout much of the Phase I area were affected by the backwater effect of the downstream water control structure. Four expectations showed improvements in terms of number of years met; however, none met the expectation targets. The inability to meet expectation targets reflects in part the incomplete or interim status of the restoration project.  相似文献   
The authors formally investigated a major international wildlife wholesaler and subsequently confiscated more than 26,400 nonhuman animals of 171 species and types. Approximately 80% of the nonhuman animals were identified as grossly sick, injured, or dead, with the remaining in suspected suboptimal condition. Almost 3,500 deceased or moribund animals (12% of stock), mostly reptiles, were being discarded on a weekly basis. Mortality during the 6-week “stock turnover” period was determined to be 72%. During a 10-day period after confiscation, mortality rates (including euthanasia for humane reasons) for the various taxa were 18% for invertebrates, 44.5% for amphibians, 41.6% for reptiles, and 5.5% for mammals. Causes of morbidity and mortality included cannibalism, crushing, dehydration, emaciation, hypothermic stress, infection, parasite infestation, starvation, overcrowding, stress/injuries, euthanasia on compassionate grounds, and undetermined causes. Contributing factors for disease and injury included poor hygiene; inadequate, unreliable, or inappropriate provision of food, water, heat, and humidity; presumed high levels of stress due to inappropriate housing leading to intraspecific aggression; absent or minimal environmental enrichment; and crowding. Risks for introduction of invasive species through escapes and/or spread of pathogens to naive populations also were identified.  相似文献   
Temporal partitioning of daily activities between species may promote coexistence within animal communities by reducing behavioural interference, particularly when species highly overlap in the use of space and resources. Such a strategy may be used by Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) when in the presence of mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon × Ovis sp.), an introduced highly gregarious species with a broader ecological niche, overlapping with that of chamois. Using simultaneous monitoring of 29 Global Positioning System‐collared chamois and 12 mouflon, we assessed the temporal variation in activity patterns of chamois amongst two subpopulations: one without mouflon and one with mouflon, during January and August, which are the two most extreme periods of spatial overlap of mouflon with chamois distribution. Substantial differences in activity patterns between chamois and mouflon were observed (mean 13.8 ± 10.5% in January and 10.6 ± 11.6% in August). More subtle differences appeared between both subpopulations of chamois and persisted, regardless of the spatial overlap with mouflon (3.2 ± 1.8% in January and 2.6 ± 1.5% in August), thus highlighting that there is no behavioural interference from mouflon on chamois. Our findings suggest that the temporal partitioning of daily activities between chamois and mouflon, although probably a result of species‐specific adaptations to environmental conditions, may contribute to their coexistence. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 621–626.  相似文献   
Animals that build structures have only two ways of obtaining their building materials: collecting them from the environment or secreting them. We identify a clear pattern among invertebrates: collected materials dominate in structures that bear loads predominantly in compression, whereas self‐secreted materials dominate in structures that bear loads in tension. Among vertebrates, by contrast, structures in tension are much less common and may make use of either self‐secreted or collected materials. Two possible explanations are examined for the difference between invertebrates and vertebrates. It may be that there has been evolutionary constraint on bodily secretions of vertebrates. Alternatively, the cost‐effectiveness of self‐secreted building materials diminishes with the load they bear in tension, and most vertebrates, because of their characteristically greater weight compared with invertebrates, exceed the viability threshold. Invertebrates have adapted biochemically varied secretions from a variety of glands to perform specialized mechanical roles. However, vertebrates have secretions with the potential to become building materials, in particular keratin, but only mucus‐like secretions have evolved as building materials. The cost of suspended structures is predicted to become relatively greater with increased weight, whilst it will also become more difficult to find supports rigid enough to resist the forces they impose. This conforms to the relatively small size and small number of vertebrate structures in tension. The much larger, heavier suspended structures built by some social insects demonstrate that ecological factors may have important effects on the determination of weight thresholds. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 625–639.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive form of brain tumors with no curative treatments available to date.Murine models of this pathology rely on the injection of a suspension of glioma cells into the brain parenchyma following incision of the dura-mater. Whereas the cells have to be injected superficially to be accessible to intravital two-photon microscopy, superficial injections fail to recapitulate the physiopathological conditions. Indeed, escaping through the injection tract most tumor cells reach the extra-dural space where they expand abnormally fast in absence of mechanical constraints from the parenchyma.Our improvements consist not only in focally implanting a glioma spheroid rather than injecting a suspension of glioma cells in the superficial layers of the cerebral cortex but also in clogging the injection site by a cross-linked dextran gel hemi-bead that is glued to the surrounding parenchyma and sealed to dura-mater with cyanoacrylate. Altogether these measures enforce the physiological expansion and infiltration of the tumor cells inside the brain parenchyma. Craniotomy was finally closed with a glass window cemented to the skull to allow chronic imaging over weeks in absence of scar tissue development.Taking advantage of fluorescent transgenic animals grafted with fluorescent tumor cells we have shown that the dynamics of interactions occurring between glioma cells, neurons (e.g. Thy1-CFP mice) and vasculature (highlighted by an intravenous injection of a fluorescent dye) can be visualized by intravital two-photon microscopy during the progression of the disease.The possibility to image a tumor at microscopic resolution in a minimally compromised cerebral environment represents an improvement of current GBM animal models which should benefit the field of neuro-oncology and drug testing.  相似文献   
While the subject of learning has attracted immense interest from both behavioral and neural scientists, only relatively few investigators have observed single-neuron activity while animals are acquiring an operantly conditioned response, or when that response is extinguished. But even in these cases, observation periods usually encompass only a single stage of learning, i.e. acquisition or extinction, but not both (exceptions include protocols employing reversal learning; see Bingman et al.1 for an example). However, acquisition and extinction entail different learning mechanisms and are therefore expected to be accompanied by different types and/or loci of neural plasticity.Accordingly, we developed a behavioral paradigm which institutes three stages of learning in a single behavioral session and which is well suited for the simultaneous recording of single neurons'' action potentials. Animals are trained on a single-interval forced choice task which requires mapping each of two possible choice responses to the presentation of different novel visual stimuli (acquisition). After having reached a predefined performance criterion, one of the two choice responses is no longer reinforced (extinction). Following a certain decrement in performance level, correct responses are reinforced again (reacquisition). By using a new set of stimuli in every session, animals can undergo the acquisition-extinction-reacquisition process repeatedly. Because all three stages of learning occur in a single behavioral session, the paradigm is ideal for the simultaneous observation of the spiking output of multiple single neurons. We use pigeons as model systems, but the task can easily be adapted to any other species capable of conditioned discrimination learning.  相似文献   
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