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高黎贡山白尾梢虹雉生境利用的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1997年4 ̄6月在高黎贡山大塘用鸣声监听和样带,样方法对白尾梢虹雉的生境利用情况做了初步观察。此间白尾梢虹雉主要活动在海拔3300 ̄3600m的箭竹林内,鸣叫集中在11:00 ̄17:00,取食贝母,多星韭,牛尾独活,高山羌活,紫花百合,七筋姑等植物的地上或地下部分。  相似文献   
Immunomodulation is a molecular technique that allows the interference with cellular metabolism or pathogen infectivity by the ectopic expression of genes encoding antibodies or antibody fragments. In recent years, several reports have proven the value of this tool in plant research for modulation of phytohormone activity and for blocking plant-pathogen infection. Efficient application of the plantibody approach requires different levels of investigation. First of all, methods have to be available to clone efficiently the genes coding for antibodies or antibody fragments that bind the target antigen. Secondly, conditions to obtain high accumulation of antigen-binding antibodies and antibody fragments in plants are being investigated and optimized. Thirdly, different strategies are being evaluated to interfere with the function of the target molecule, thus enabling immunomodulation of metabolism or pathogen infectivity. In the near future, optimized antibody gene isolation and expression, especially in reducing subcellular environments, such as the cytosol and nucleus, should turn immunomodulation into a powerful and attractive tool for gene inactivation, complementary to the classical antisense and co-suppression approaches.  相似文献   
Influence of environmental factors on stomatal development   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
泥河湾盆地上新世生物地层序列与环境   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
总结了泥河湾盆地晚上新世生物地层,讨论了12个剖面含哺乳动物化石层位的相互关系,以稻地老窝沟剖面的地层顺序为基础排列出约3.7~2.6Ma时段内的9个代表性的生物地层单位。哺乳动物以Paenelimnoecus chinensis、Lunanosorex cf.L.lii、Trischizolagus、Pliopentalagus nihewanicus、Ungaromys、Mimomys sp.、Chardina truncatus、Mesosiphneus praetingi、M, paratingi、Plio- siphneus lyratus、Pseudomeriones complicidens、Castor anderssoni、Huaxiamys downsi、Chardinomys yusheensis、C.nihowanicus、Hipparion houfenense和Gazella blacki组合为特征。动物群在时代上与榆社麻则沟动物组合、静乐红土动物群、灵台雷家河剖面V带及任家沟静乐红粘土动物组合、宁县水磨沟动物组合、游河动物群及沂南棋盘山洞穴动物组合相当。动物群所反映的是温带草原为主、间有树林和干草原的稀树草原环境。  相似文献   
赵培臣  贺殿 《西北植物学报》2011,31(12):2479-2485
以拟南芥野生型(WT)和突变体sex1为材料,采用HPLC、显微观察等方法,研究了WT在10个不同生长期时游离态水杨酸(SA)含量的变化,比较了在丁香假单胞菌番茄致病变种(Pst.DC3000)、H2O2、甲基紫精(MV)和SA处理环境下WT和sex1中游离态SA含量及幼苗根形态的差异.结果表明:在花序继续开放期(6.30、6.50)以及长角果出现期(8.0),WT中游离态SA含量处在更低水平;2 mmol·L-1 SA处理能够极显著提高WT和突变体sex1中游离态SA的积累,且突变体sex1中游离态SA水平增加更明显,是其他处理游离态SA水平的10倍左右;在MV和H2O2处理下,WT和sex1主根生长受抑制的程度没有明显差异,而突变体sex1幼苗的根毛在低浓度MV环境中比WT更长但密度差异不明显,且WT和sex1根毛在低浓度H2O2环境中差异情况与对照组相似,但外源SA处理使WT和突变体sex1的主根生长均受到明显的抑制,两者的根毛密度随SA增加逐渐降低甚至消失,且突变体sex1比WT受到的抑制作用更明显.研究发现:拟南芥的开花和结果过程与SA依赖途径有一定关系;外源添加SA比Pst.DC3000、H2O2和MV处理更能直接促使拟南芥突变体sex1产生更多的游离态SA;突变体sex1根的生长发育比WT更易受到生长环境条件的影响,且sex1根形态的生长存在一定的SA浓度依赖模式.  相似文献   
基于遥感和GIS的巢湖流域生态功能分区研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态功能分区是区域自然资源科学管理及可持续发展利用的基础。基于生态功能分区原则,考虑流域——子流域完整性进行巢湖流域生态功能分区。在综合分析巢湖流域生态环境基本特征的基础上,确定生态功能分区原则、依据、方法及命名,基于遥感与GIS在数据采集方面及多层面叠加功能的优势,通过遥感数据对研究区土地利用信息的提取以及利用DEM空间分析进行子流域划分等技术手段,探讨了遥感和GIS技术支持下的研究区子流域生态功能划分方法,形成了巢湖流域生态功能分区方案,将全流域分为5个生态功能区和12个生态功能亚区,并阐明了不同生态功能区的生态保护重点与经济社会发展约束。对于新调整行政区划的巢湖流域生态环境综合治理具有重要的现实意义,可为流域产业布局、生态防灾减灾、环境保护与建设规划等提供科学依据。  相似文献   
现代微生物识别技术在水产养殖环境研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养殖环境的恶化已成为制约水产业健康发展的瓶颈。鉴于微生物在养殖水体中的重要作用,本文从技术角度对近年来发展起来的现代微生物分子识别技术进行了概括介绍,并综述了以核酸为靶分子和以微生物表面抗原为靶分子的两类微生物识别技术在水产养殖中的应用进展,为水产养殖环境的改善及其病害防治提供参考。  相似文献   
Background, Aim and Scope Land use by agriculture, forestry, mining, house-building or industry leads to substantial impacts, particularly on biodiversity and on soil quality as a supplier of life support functions. Unfortunately there is no widely accepted assessment method so far for land use impacts. This paper presents an attempt, within the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, to provide a framework for the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) of land use. Materials and Methods: This framework builds from previous documents, particularly the SETAC book on LCIA (Lindeijer et al. 2002), developing essential issues such as the reference for occupation impacts; the impact pathways to be included in the analysis; the units of measure in the impact mechanism (land use interventions to impacts); the ways to deal with impacts in the future; and bio-geographical differentiation. Results: The paper describes the selected impact pathways, linking the land use elementary flows (occupation; transformation) and parameters (intensity) registered in the inventory (LCI) to the midpoint impact indicators and to the relevant damage categories (natural environment and natural resources). An impact occurs when the land properties are modified (transformation) and also when the current man-made properties are maintained (occupation). Discussion: The size of impact is the difference between the effect on land quality from the studied case of land use and a suitable reference land use on the same area (dynamic reference situation). The impact depends not only on the type of land use (including coverage and intensity) but is also heavily influenced by the bio-geographical conditions of the area. The time lag between the land use intervention and the impact may be large; thus land use impacts should be calculated over a reasonable time period after the actual land use finishes, at least until a new steady state in land quality is reached. Conclusions: Guidance is provided on the definition of the dynamic reference situation and on methods and time frame to assess the impacts occurring after the actual land use. Including the occupation impacts acknowledges that humans are not the sole users of land. Recommendations and Perspectives: The main damages affected by land use that should be considered by any method to assess land use impacts in LCIA are: biodiversity (existence value); biotic production potential (including soil fertility and use value of biodiversity); ecological soil quality (including life support functions of soil other than biotic production potential). Bio-geographical differentiation is required for land use impacts, because the same intervention may have different consequences depending on the sensitivity and inherent land quality of the environment where it occurs. For the moment, an indication of how such task could be done and likely bio-geographical parameters to be considered are suggested. The recommendation of indicators for the suggested impact categories is a matter of future research.  相似文献   
Asia is the major consumer of fertilizer nitrogen and energy in the world, and consequently shares a considerable proportion of the world creation of reactive nitrogen (Nr). However, if estimated on per capita basis, Asia is characterized by a lower arable land area, fertilizer nitrogen consumption, energy consumption, and gross domestic product, as well as lower daily protein intake. To meet the increasing needs for food and energy for the growing population combined with the improvement of living standards, Nr will inevitably increase. The present study estimates the creation of Nr and the emissions of various N compounds into environment in Asia currently and in 2030. In comparison with the world averages, the lower fertilizer nitrogen and energy use efficiencies, and the lower use of animal wastes for agriculture imply that there is potential for moderating the increase in Nr and its impacts on the environment. Strategies for moderating the increase are discussed.  相似文献   
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