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Twenty-five study sites were established along a 57-km-long transect in order to estimate the impact of an oil refinery, mainly emitting sulphur dioxide (24000 t yr−1), on forest soil (F/H-horizon) chemistry and microbiology. The study demonstrated the existence of a pollution gradient which was best represented by the logarithm of the concentration of vanadium in the analyzed F/H soil layer. Of the soil microbial characteristics measured, including length of fungal hyphae, soil respiration, microbial biomass C and N, and percentage mass loss of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needle litter, only fungal hyphal length was suppressed by the pollution load. No reduction in basic cations (Ca, Mg, K, and Na) in the F/H-horizon, or enrichment of soluble aluminum in the F/H-horizon of the Scots pine forest could be detected to result from the deposition.  相似文献   
The modern hyper-prolific sow gives birth to more piglets than she has functional teats (in the following called supernumerary piglets). The aim of the present study was (1) to investigate the production consequences of hyper-prolific sows rearing supernumerary piglets equal to the mean live-born litter size, and (2) investigate whether potential negative effects on survival and growth could be alleviated by providing access to milk replacer and/or providing easier access to the udder (by loose housing). At day 1 (D1) postpartum (pp), 93 litters were standardised to 14 or 17 piglets (LS14/LS17) after which no piglets were moved between sows leading to decreased litter size if piglets died. Litters were provided with or without milk replacer in milk cups (+MILK/−MILK), and sows were either crated or loose housed (CRATE/LOOSE) in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design. Piglet mortality was higher in LS17 compared to LS14 (P < 0.01; OR = 2.0), higher in −MILK compared to +MILK (P = 0.01; OR = 1.2) and higher in LOOSE compared to CRATE (P = 0.02; OR = 1.8). This study showed that sow rearing of supernumerary piglets while supplying with milk replacer can increase piglet survival. It also showed that early mortality before piglets learned to drink milk replacer posed a challenge using this automatic milk replacer system. An interaction between access to milk replacer and the standardised litter size D1 affected litter weight (P < 0.01) and piglet weight day 28 (D28) (P = 0.03). The highest litter weight D28 was found in LS17 +MILK (P < 0.01) but with a lower individual piglet weight than in LS14 −MILK. Piglet weight D28 was higher in LS14 −MILK compared to LS17 regardless of access to milk replacer. Heterogeneity in piglet weight within litters D28 was larger in LS17 (P = 0.03) but could be reduced with +MILK in CRATE (P < 0.01). No effects were found on sow weight loss and feed intake (P > 0.05). In conclusion, the results showed that sows cannot rear the supernumerary piglets without further management interventions to reduce mortality. Supplying supernumerary piglets equal to the mean live-born litter size of hyper-prolific sows with milk replacer can from results of this study be an alternative strategy to the use of nurse sows.  相似文献   
In the mink industry, feed costs are the largest variable expense and breeding for feed efficient animals is warranted. Implementation of selection for feed efficiency must consider the relationships between feed efficiency and the current selection traits BW and litter size. Often, feed intake (FI) is recorded on a cage with a male and a female and there is sexual dimorphism that needs to be accounted for. Study aims were to (1) model group recorded FI accounting for sexual dimorphism, (2) derive genetic residual feed intake (RFI) as a measure of feed efficiency, (3) examine the relationship between feed efficiency and BW in males (BWM) and females (BWF) and litter size at day 21 after whelping (LS21) in Danish brown mink and (4) investigate direct and correlated response to selection on each trait of interest. Feed intake records from 9574 cages, BW records on 16 782 males and 16 875 females and LS21 records on 6446 yearling females were used for analysis. Genetic parameters for FI, BWM, BWF and LS21 were obtained using a multivariate animal model, yielding sex-specific additive genetic variances for FI and BW to account for sexual dimorphism. The analysis was performed in a Bayesian setting using Gibbs sampling, and genetic RFI was obtained from the conditional distribution of FI given BW using genetic regression coefficients. Responses to single trait selection were defined as the posterior distribution of genetic superiority of the top 10% of animals after conditioning on the genetic trends. The heritabilities ranged from 0.13 for RFI in females and LS21 to 0.59 for BWF. Genetic correlations between BW in both sexes and LS21 and FI in both sexes were unfavorable, and single trait selection on BW in either sex showed increased FI in both sexes and reduced litter size. Due to the definition of RFI and high genetic correlation between BWM and BWF, selection on RFI did not significantly alter BW. In addition, selection on RFI in either sex did not affect LS21. Genetic correlation between sexes for FI and BW was high but significantly lower than unity. The high correlations across sex allowed for selection on standardized averages of animals’ breeding values (BVs) for RFI, FI and BW, which yielded selection responses approximately equal to the responses obtained using the sex-specific BVs. The results illustrate the possibility of selecting against RFI in mink with no negative effects on BW and litter size.  相似文献   
Litter decomposition, a fundamental process of nutrient cycling and energy flow in freshwater ecosystems, is driven by a diverse array of decomposers. As an important component of the heterotrophic food web, meiofauna can provide a trophic link between leaf‐associated microbes (i.e., bacteria and fungi)/plant detritus and macroinvertebrates, though their contribution to litter decomposition is not well understood. To investigate the role of different decomposer communities in litter decomposition, especially meiofauna, we compared the litter decomposition of three leaf species with different lignin to nitrogen ratios in litter bags with different mesh sizes (0.05, 0.25, and 2 mm) in a forested stream, in China for 78 days. The meiofauna significantly enhanced the decomposition of leaves of high‐and medium‐ quality, while decreasing (negative effect) or increasing (positive effect) the fungal biomass and diversity. Macrofauna and meiofauna together contributed to the decomposition of low‐quality leaf species. The presence of meiofauna and macrofauna triggered different aspects of the microbial community, with their effects on litter decomposition varying as a function of leaf quality. This study reveals that the meiofauna increased the trophic complexity and modulated their interactions with microbes, highlighting the important yet underestimated role of meiofauna in detritus‐based ecosystems.  相似文献   
Plant species differ in their ecological amplitude, with some species occurring in very different habitats under strongly differentiated environmental conditions. We were interested in to what extent the occurrence of Linum catharticum in dry calcareous grasslands (Bromion) and wet litter meadows (Molinion), two habitats on opposing ends concerning, for example, moisture level, is reflected on the genetic and epigenetic level. Using AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphisms) and MSAP (methylation sensitive amplification polymorphisms) analyses, we studied the genetic and epigenetic variation of L. catharticum from calcareous grasslands and litter meadows. From each habitat, we included five study sites with 16 individuals per sampling location. We observed lower genetic than epigenetic diversity, but considerable differentiation among habitats, which was stronger on the genetic than the epigenetic level. Additionally, we observed a strong correlation of genetic and epigenetic distance, irrespective of geographic distance. The dataset included a large portion of fragments exclusively found in individuals from one or the other habitat. Some epigenetic fragments even occurred in different methylation states depending on the habitat. We conclude that environmental effects act on both the genetic and epigenetic level, producing the clear differentiation among plant individuals from calcareous grasslands and litter meadows. These results may also point into the direction of ecotype formation in this species.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of vital root tips and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) communities in forest soils is characterized by patchiness at a microscale level, mostly related to the distribution patterns of biotic and abiotic factors. A geostatistical model was applied to verify if spatial analyses could be useful in identifying an appropriate sampling method to study root tip vitality, ectomycorrhization and the ECM community. Root samples were collected from two high mountain Norway spruce forests (Trentino province, Italy) following a geometrical design. Laboratory microscopic and geostatistical ordinary kriging analyses were used to map tip vitality and ectomycorrhization degree, ECM richness and distribution grouped in “exploration types” (amount of emanating hyphae or presence and differentiation of rhizomorphs). Spatial gradients of the examined features existed at plant level, associated to the up-downslope direction (root tip vitality and ectomycorrhization, ECM richness) and distance from the stem base (ECM exploration types). The effectiveness of the geostatistical model used demonstrates that a geometrical sampling design, associated to spatial mapping techniques, can be useful in research where the tree, and not the forest, is the subject (mycological and phytopathological studies).  相似文献   
Zehui Jiang 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2):127-131

A pollen diagram from a small lake, Kutulahdenlampi, in northern Finland is interpreted in terms of the development of forest vegetation during the Holocene. The abundance of each of the forest taxa is considered independently by means of pollen accumulation rates (PARs), using as the reference material, long term average pollen deposition values monitored by a network of pollen traps. Particular attention is paid to the arrival of spruce and to the species in the original forests that this newcomer replaces. A model of pollen dispersal and deposition developed by Sugita is used to estimate the area around the lake that the pollen assemblage is most clearly reflecting. This relevant source area of pollen (RSAP), for the present day situations is c. 1,500 m. Pollen loadings calculated for a simulated landscape that mimics (i) that of the present day and (ii) for the situation at 8,000 BP (as deduced from the PARs) are compared with the pollen assemblages from the diagram at those points in time, and are seen to be compatible. The advantages of combining PAR and modelling to look at the spatial scale of vegetation reconstructions are discussed.  相似文献   
The cryptic ground-dwelling castianeirine genus Copa Simon, 1885 (Araneae: Corinnidae) is revised in the continental Afrotropical Region. The type species of the genus, Copa flavoplumosa Simon, 1885, is redescribed and considered a senior synonym of Copa benina Strand, 1916 syn. n. and Copa benina nigra Lessert, 1933 syn. n. It is widespread throughout the Afrotropical Region but has not been introduced to any of the associated regional islands. A new species, Copa kei sp. n., is described from South Africa. Copa agelenina Simon, 1910, originally described from a subadult female from southern Botswana, is considered a nomen dubium. Copa flavoplumosa is a characteristic species of leaf litter spider assemblages and is particularly prevalent in savanna habitats on the continent, but also occurs in various forest types, grasslands, fynbos and semi-arid Nama Karoo habitats. In contrast, Copa kei sp. n. has only been recorded from Afromontane and coastal forests in south-eastern South Africa.  相似文献   

Breakdown of unconfined and confined leaves of the riparian tree Brabejum stellatifolium L. was investigated in two low order mountain streams (Window Stream and Langrivier) in the southwestern Cape, South Africa. At both sites, 5000 unconfined leaves were released in April and another 5000 in December 1990. The leaves were marked and half of them presoaked in river water prior to release. Leaves reaching a net 100 m below the point of release were removed periodically. On termination of the experiments, the study reaches were cleared of the remaining marked leaves. The distance which these leaves had travelled, and the retentive feature at which they were found were recorded. All leaves were weighed after recovery. In December 1990, leaves confined in coarse-mesh bags were placed on the stream beds of the two sites. Decay rates of unconfined leaves differed between streams and seasons but not between wetted and dry leaves or those of contrasting initial size and weight. In winter, breakdown of unconfined leaves was rapid (t50 of 6.6d and 23.9d for Langrivier and Window Stream respectively). In summer, breakdown of unconfined leaves was slower (t50 of 58d, Langrivier), but more rapid than leaves confined in mesh bags (t50 of 77d, Langrivier). Distance travelled downstream had no significant effect on leaf breakdown. Different retentive features resulted in different rates of decay. Leaf weight loss in winter and summer at both sites was greatest in riffles (17–80%) and runs (21–78%). In all cases, stranded (exposed and out of the water) leaves lost the least weight (4–38%).  相似文献   
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