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To test the hypothesis whether afforestation with Eucalyptus globulus affects litter dynamics in streams and the structure of macroinvertebrate aquatic communities, we compared streams flowing through eucalyptus and deciduous forests, paying attention to: (i) litterfall dynamics, (ii) accumulation of organic matter, (iii) processing rates of two dominant leaf species: eucalyptus and chestnut, and (iv) macroinvertebrate community structure. The amount of allochthonous inputs was similar in both vegetation types, but the seasonality of litter inputs differed between eucalyptus and natural deciduous forests. Eucalyptus forest streams accumulated more organic matter than deciduous forest streams. Decomposition of both eucalyptus and chestnut leaf litter was higher in streams flowing through deciduous forests. The eucalyptus forest soils were highly hydrophobic resulting in strong seasonal fluctuations in discharge. In autumn the communities of benthic macroinvertebrates of the two stream types were significantly different. Deciduous forest streams contained higher numbers of invertebrates and more taxa than eucalyptus forest streams. Mixed forest streams (streams flowing through eucalyptus forests but bordered by deciduous vegetation) were intermediate between the two other vegetation types in all studied characteristics (accumulation of benthic organic matter, density and diversity of aquatic invertebrates). These results suggest that monocultures of eucalyptus affect low order stream communities. However, the impact may be attenuated if riparian corridors of original vegetation are kept in plantation forestry.  相似文献   
Boreal peatlands in Canada have harbored relict permafrost since the Little Ice Age due to the strong insulating properties of peat. Ongoing climate change has triggered widespread degradation of localized permafrost in peatlands across continental Canada. Here, we explore the influence of differing permafrost regimes (bogs with no surface permafrost, localized permafrost features with surface permafrost, and internal lawns representing areas of permafrost degradation) on rates of peat accumulation at the southernmost limit of permafrost in continental Canada. Net organic matter accumulation generally was greater in unfrozen bogs and internal lawns than in the permafrost landforms, suggesting that surface permafrost inhibits peat accumulation and that degradation of surface permafrost stimulates net carbon storage in peatlands. To determine whether differences in substrate quality across permafrost regimes control trace gas emissions to the atmosphere, we used a reciprocal transplant study to experimentally evaluate environmental versus substrate controls on carbon emissions from bog, internal lawn, and permafrost peat. Emissions of CO2 were highest from peat incubated in the localized permafrost feature, suggesting that slow organic matter accumulation rates are due, at least in part, to rapid decomposition in surface permafrost peat. Emissions of CH4 were greatest from peat incubated in the internal lawn, regardless of peat type. Localized permafrost features in peatlands represent relict surface permafrost in disequilibrium with the current climate of boreal North America, and therefore are extremely sensitive to ongoing and future climate change. Our results suggest that the loss of surface permafrost in peatlands increases net carbon storage as peat, though in terms of radiative forcing, increased CH4 emissions to the atmosphere will partially or even completely offset this enhanced peatland carbon sink for at least 70 years following permafrost degradation.  相似文献   
Protoplasts of strain 458 (S458) and strain 521 (S521) of Entomophthora egressa had LD50s of 620 and 8.8 cells/insect, respectively, for sixth-instar spruce budworm larvae. Both protoplast strains exhibited biphasic growth profiles with comparable growth rates in the larval hemocoel. The growth rates of the fungal strains increased as the total hemocyte counts declined. Hemocytopenia was greatest and most rapid in larvae containing S521 protoplasts. Protoplasts of S521 exposed to α-mannosidase and β-N-acetylglucosaminidase were as virulent as the control cells. β-Galactosidase reduced protoplast virulence.  相似文献   
Spleen cells of mice immunized with cis, trans (±) abscisic acid (ABA) conjugated to bovine serum albumin (BSA) were fused with myeloma cells to produce hybridomas. Hybridomas secreting antibodies to cis, trans (+) ABA were detected by enzyme-linked immunoassay and injected into the peritoneal cavity of mice to produce ascites fluid. Antibodies purified by size-exclusion chromatography were linked to cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose beads and used to prepare immunoaffinity columns (IAC). Semi-purified conifer seedling (Douglas-fir [ Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb) Franco] lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta Dougl), cedar ( Thuja plicata D. Don), and spruce [ Picea glauca (Moench) Voss)]) extracts were passed through IAC, washed thoroughly with water and then eluted with methanol. ABA in the methanol eluate was analysed by high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. UV absorption of extracts before and after purification through IAC indicated an excellent purification of extract by IAC. The identity of the ABA peak was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to study the effect of the oviductal glycoprotein 1 ( OVGP1 ) genotype and mRNA expression on litter size and other fertility measures, as OVGP1 has positive effects on fertilization and early embryo development. We have analysed an F2 cross of two lines of rabbits divergently selected for uterine capacity. The OVGP1 mRNA expression was analysed in both lines, but no differences were observed between them. The promoter region and mRNA were sequenced in the F0 generation, and 17 polymorphic sites were found to co-segregate in three haplotypes (A, B and C). An association study was performed between several reproductive traits and a triallelic microsatellite identified in the promoter region as well as a non-synonymous SNP located in exon 11 [g.12944C>G (p.Arg468Gly)]. The alleles g.12944G and g.325(GT)14T(G)5 of the B haplotype have a positive effect on the total number of kits born, number born alive, number of implanted embryos and foetal and prenatal embryo survival.  相似文献   
The influence of forest stand age in a Picea sitchensis plantation on (1) soil fluxes of three greenhouse gases (GHGs – CO2, CH4 and N2O) and (2) overall net ecosystem global warming potential (GWP), was investigated in a 2‐year study. The objective was to isolate the effect of forest stand age on soil edaphic characteristics (temperature, water table and volumetric moisture) and the consequent influence of these characteristics on the GHG fluxes. Fluxes were measured in a chronosequence in Harwood, England, with sites comprising 30‐ and 20‐year‐old second rotation forest and a site clearfelled (CF) some 18 months before measurement. Adjoining unforested grassland (UN) acted as a control. Comparisons were made between flux data, soil temperature and moisture data and, at the 30‐year‐old and CF sites, eddy covariance data for net ecosystem carbon (C) exchange (NEE). The main findings were: firstly, integrated CO2 efflux was the dominant influence on the GHG budget, contributing 93–94% of the total GHG flux across the chronosequence compared with 6–7% from CH4 and N2O combined. Secondly, there were clear links between the trends in edaphic factors as the forest matured, or after clearfelling, and the emission of GHGs. In the chronosequence sites, annual fluxes of CO2 were lower at the 20‐year‐old (20y) site than at the 30‐year‐old (30y) and CF sites, with soil temperature the dominant control. CH4 efflux was highest at the CF site, with peak flux 491±54.5 μg m−2 h−1 and maximum annual flux 18.0±1.1 kg CH4 ha−1 yr−1. No consistent uptake of CH4 was noted at any site. A linear relationship was found between log CH4 flux and the closeness of the water table to the soil surface across all sites. N2O efflux was highest in the 30y site, reaching 108±38.3 μg N2O‐N m−2 h−1 (171 μg N2O m−2 h−1) in midsummer and a maximum annual flux of 4.7±1.2 kg N2O ha−1 yr−1 in 2001. Automatic chamber data showed a positive exponential relationship between N2O flux and soil temperature at this site. The relationship between N2O emission and soil volumetric moisture indicated an optimum moisture content for N2O flux of 40–50% by volume. The relationship between C : N ratio data and integrated N2O flux was consistent with a pattern previously noted across temperate and boreal forest soils.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Stage-specific survival and recruitment of spruce budworm were measured by frequent sampling of foliage in four outbreak populations over a 15-year period in Ontario and Quebec, Canada.
2. Patterns of change in population density during the outbreak collapse phase were closely linked to changes in survival of the late immature stages, and were determined largely by the impact of natural enemies.
3. Host-plant feedback also contributed significantly to survival patterns throughout the outbreak: annual defoliation influenced survival of fourth and fifth instars and fecundity while cumulative defoliation influenced survival of the very early larval stages (first and second) via impacts on stand condition.
4. Inclusion of this host-plant feedback reveals spruce budworm population dynamics as a function of density-related trophic interactions that vary in their order and strength of influence over time. This view re-introduces the importance of forest interactions as a component of dynamics of the spruce budworm.  相似文献   
Decomposition is a critical process in global carbon cycling. During decomposition, leaf and fine root litter may undergo a later, relatively slow phase; past long-term experiments indicate this phase occurs, but whether it is a general phenomenon has not been examined. Data from Long-term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team, representing 27 sites and nine litter types (for a total of 234 cases) was used to test the frequency of this later, slow phase of decomposition. Litter mass remaining after up to 10 years of decomposition was fit to models that included (dual exponential and asymptotic) or excluded (single exponential) a slow phase. The resultant regression equations were evaluated for goodness of fit as well as biological realism. Regression analysis indicated that while the dual exponential and asymptotic models statistically and biologically fit more of the litter type–site combinations than the single exponential model, the latter was biologically reasonable for 27–65% of the cases depending on the test used. This implies that a slow phase is common, but not universal. Moreover, estimates of the decomposition rate of the slowly decomposing component averaged 0.139–0.221 year−1 (depending on method), higher than generally observed for mineral soil organic matter, but one-third of the faster phase of litter decomposition. Thus, this material may be slower than the earlier phases of litter decomposition, but not as slow as mineral soil organic matter. Comparison of the long-term integrated decomposition rate (which included all phases of decomposition) to that for the first year of decomposition indicated the former was on average 75% that of the latter, consistent with the presence of a slow phase of decomposition. These results indicate that the global store of litter estimated using short-term decomposition rates would be underestimated by at least one-third.  相似文献   
1. Leaf litter constitutes the major source of organic matter and energy in woodland stream ecosystems. A substantial part of leaf litter entering running waters may be buried in the streambed as a consequence of flooding and sediment movement. While decomposition of leaf litter in surface waters is relatively well understood, its fate when incorporated into river sediments, as well as the involvement of invertebrate and fungal decomposers in such conditions, remain poorly documented. 2. We tested experimentally the hypotheses that the small interstices of the sediment restrict the access of the largest shredders to buried organic matter without compromising that of aquatic hyphomycetes and that fungal decomposers in the hyporheic zone, at least partly, compensate for the role of invertebrate detritivores in the benthic zone. 3. Alder leaves were introduced in a stream either buried in the sediment (hyporheic), buried after 2 weeks of exposure at the sediment surface (benthic‐hyporheic), or exposed at the sediment surface for the entire experiment (benthic). Leaf decomposition was markedly faster on the streambed surface than in the two other treatments (2.1‐ and 2.8‐fold faster than in the benthic‐hyporheic and hyporheic treatments, respectively). 4. Fungal assemblages were generally less diverse in the hyporheic habitat with a few species tending to be relatively favoured by such conditions. Both fungal biomass and sporulation rates were reduced in the hyporheic treatment, with the leaves subject to the benthic‐hyporheic treatment exhibiting an intermediate pattern. The initial 2‐week stage in the benthic habitat shaped the fungal assemblages, even for leaves later subjected to the hyporheic conditions. 5. The abundance and biomass of shredders drastically decreased with burial, except for Leuctra spp., which increased and was by far the most common leaf‐associated taxon in the hyporheic zone. Leuctra spp. was one of the rare shredder taxa displaying morphological characteristics that increased performance within the limited space of sediment interstices. 6. The carbon budgets indicated that the relative contributions of the two main decomposers, shredders and fungi, varied considerably depending on the location within the streambed. While the shredder biomass represented almost 50% of the initial carbon transformed after 80 days in the benthic treatment, its contribution was <0.3% in the hyporheic one and 2.0% in the combined benthic‐hyporheic treatment. In contrast, mycelial and conidial production in the permanently hyporheic environment accounted for 12% of leaf mass loss, i.e. 2–3 times more than in the two other conditions. These results suggest that the role of fungi is particularly important in the hyporheic zone. 7. Our findings indicate that burial within the substratum reduces the litter breakdown rate by limiting the access of both invertebrate and fungal decomposers to leaves. As a consequence, the hyporheic zone may be an important region of organic matter storage in woodland streams and serve as a fungal inoculum reservoir contributing to further dispersal. Through the temporary retention of litter by burial, the hyporheic zone must play a significant role in the carbon metabolism and overall functioning of headwater stream ecosystems.  相似文献   
In the European Union, the group-housed pregnant sows have to have a minimal legal available area of 2.25 m2/sow. However, it has been observed that an increased space allowance reduces agonistic behaviour and consecutive wounds and thus induces better welfare conditions. But, what about the environmental impacts of this greater available area? Therefore, the aim of this study was to quantify pollutant gases emissions (nitrous oxide, N2O, methane, CH4, carbon dioxide, CO2 and ammonia, NH3), according to the space allowance in the raising of gestating sows group-housed on a straw-based deep litter. Four successive batches of 10 gestating sows were each divided into two homogeneous groups and randomly allocated to a treatment: 2.5 v. 3.0 m2/sow. The groups were separately kept in two identical rooms. A restricted conventional cereals based diet was provided once a day in individual feeding stalls available only during the feeding time. Rooms were automatically ventilated. The gas emissions were measured by infra red photoacoustic detection during six consecutive days at the 6th, 9th and 12th weeks of gestation. Sows performance (body weight gain, backfat thickness, number and weight of piglets) was not significantly different according to the space allowance. In the room with 3.0 m2/sow and compared with the room with 2.5 m2/sow, gaseous emissions were significantly greater for NH3 (6.29 v. 5.37 g NH3-N/day per sow; P < 0.01) and significantly lower for N2O (1.78 v. 2.48 g N2O-N/day per sow; P < 0.01), CH4 (10.15 v. 15.21 g/day per sow; P < 0.001), CO2 equivalents (1.11 v. 1.55 kg/day per sow; P < 0.001), CO2 (2.12 v. 2.41 kg/day per sow; P < 0.001) and H2O (3.10 v. 3.68 kg/day per sow; P < 0.001). In conclusion, an increase of the available area for group-housed gestating sow kept on straw-based deep litter seems to be ambiguous on an environmental impacts point of view. Compared with a conventional and legal available area, it favoured NH3 emissions, probably due to an increased emitting surface. However, about greenhouse gases, it decreased N2O, CH4 and CO2 emissions, probably due to reduced anaerobic conditions required for their synthesis, and led to a reduction of CO2 equivalents emissions.  相似文献   
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