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Kreimer G 《Protist》1999,150(3):311-323
The reflective properties of different types of dinoflagellate eyespots were investigated using confocal laser scanning microscopy in the epireflection contrast mode. Although the eyespots studied differed with respect to localization (cytosol or plastid) and organization of the globule layer(s), all types effectively absorbed and reflected blue-green laser light (principal lines of 488/514 nm). The relative orientation of the eyespot surface towards the light source strongly influenced the reflective properties. Maximal reflection occurred when the eyespot surface was approximately perpendicular to the light source and rapidly decreased at increasing angles of light incidence. Horizontal and vertical optical sectioning of live and fixed cells resolved differences in the reflection patterns. Focusing of reflected light on the basal portion of the longitudinal flagellum was observed for the cytosolic eyespot of Glenodinium sp. and the triple membrane-bounded eyespot of Peridinium foliaceum, presumably a vestige of a host plastid. This flagellum is thought to be mainly involved in mediating orientational movement responses. In contrast, the reflection patterns obtained from the eyespot of Woloszynskia pascheri, which represents the third and most commonly observed dinoflagellate eyespot type within a plastid, point to only minor focusing. Reflection signals could be followed a considerable distance into the sulcus in all cases, indicating that in dinoflagellate eyespots, irrespective of the presumed receptor location (plasma membrane overlying the eyespot and/or the basal part of the longitudinal flagellum), back reflection of non-absorbed light can enhance the excitation probability of the photoreceptor(s). Such a combined reflection/absorption screen allows maximal contrast modulation and will, in conjunction with the specialized geometry of the dinoflagellate eyespots, increase the directionality of these eyespot aparatuses considerably.  相似文献   
AIMS: Antagonist activity of Kluyveromyces spp. isolates on Aspergillus section Flavi was studied. METHODS AND RESULTS: The screening of isolates were made through studies of growth at different water activities and temperatures, index of dominance (I(D)), ecological similarity, antifungal activity and impact on aflatoxin B1 accumulation. High optical density was obtained at 25 and 30 degrees C and 48 h of incubation. Cell growth decreases with decrease in water activity. The predominant interaction was mutual intermingling at a(w) = 0.982 and 0.955, while at a(w) = 0.999 and 0.937 mutual inhibition for contact was exhibited. All isolates were catabolically identical to Aspergillus section Flavi and compete by nutritional source. At high water activities yeasts showed inhibitory activity on Aspergillus strains, inhibition percentages varied between 75 and 100%. The isolates Y9, Y14, Y16, Y22, Y25 and Y33 showed antifungal activity and inhibitory activity on aflatoxin B1 accumulation at all water activities assayed from all Aspergillus section Flavi strains. CONCLUSIONS: The data show that the isolates selected in a wide range of environmental conditions could exert their roll like biological control agents for Aspergillus section Flavi in storage maize ecosystem. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Isolates of Kluyveromyces spp. may have practical value in the postharvest control of storage maize.  相似文献   
Carbonate and total organic carbon stable isotope analyses of the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic succession in the Masore section in western Slovenia indicate a high storage of organic matter during the Upper Permian, as well as the well known worldwide light carbon isotope event across the P/Tr boundary. The perturbations in the global carbon cycle observed in the investigated section span an approximately 50 cm thick interval (from –11 cm below to +41 cm above the lithostratigraphically determined P/Tr boundary), and coincide more or less with changes in lithology, as well as with an abrupt disappearance of Upper Permian marine fauna. In this section changes in the sedimentary environment are most probably related to Upper Permian—Lower Triassic sea level changes. The carbonate and organic carbon negative peak anomaly could be explained by accelerated changes in the end Permian carbon cycle, due to some co-occurring events, such as pronounced erosion and oxidation of organic carbon, a possible release of methane from stored hydrates, and volcanic activity, as well as by a sudden reduction in primary productivity triggered by not yet completely satisfactorily explained mechanisms.  相似文献   
Li H  Chen XY  Kong QY  Liu J 《Cell research》2002,12(2):117-121
The co-existence of multiple cell components in tissue samples is the main obstacle for precise molecular evaluation on defined cell types. Based on morphological examination, we developed an efficient approach for paralleled RNA and protein isolations from an identical histological region in frozen tissue section. The RNA and protein samples prepared were sufficient for RT-PCR and Western blot analyses, and the results obtained were well coincident each other as well as with the corresponding parameters revealed from immunohistochemical examinations. By this way, the sampling problem caused by cell-cross contamination can be largely avoided, committing the experimental data more specific to a denned cell type. These novel methods thus allow us to use single tissue block for a comprehensive study by integration of conventional cytological evaluations with nucleic acid and protein analyses.  相似文献   
Aryltetralin lignans (podophyllotoxin type) are the main lignan constituents of species belonging to Linum section Syllinum (Linaceae). Linum persicum, a perennial plant native to Iran closely related to L. album, has not yet been studied. To evaluate the lignan profile, fresh plants of L. persicumwere collected and divided into different parts and analyzed by HPLC. The main aryltetralin lignans found inL. persicumplant parts, callus and cell cultures were podophyllotoxin (PTOX), 6-methoxypodophyllotoxin (MPTOX) and - and -peltatin. Furthermore, the systematic relationship between L. persicum and other Linum species are discussed in the light of morphological and phytochemical aspects. Abbreviations: MPTOX – 6-methoxypodophyllotoxin; PTOX – podophyllotoxin; DOP – deoxypodophyllotoxin.  相似文献   
The major cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum, and six other related cultivated species, are hypothesized to have arisen from a group of weedy relatives indigenous to the central Andes of central Peru, Bolivia, and northern Argentina. A major problem hindering investigations of the origins of the cultivated species has been a continuing debate over the species boundaries of their putative progenitors. This study investigated the morphological phenetic species boundaries of these putative progenitors and five cultivated taxa, here collectively referred to as the Solanum brevicaule complex. Two hundred fifteen accessions of 30 taxa in the S. brevicaule complex and 42 accessions of six taxa outside of the complex were assessed for 53 morphological traits in replicate plots in a common garden, resulting in a total of over 81;t3000 data points. Phenetic analyses of these data are unable to support 30 taxa, suggesting instead a single variable complex at best only weakly divided into three widely intergrading sets of populations: (1) Peruvian and geographically adjacent Bolivian accessions (including wild species and all the cultigens), (2) Bolivian and Argentinian accessions and S. verrucosum from Mexico (including only wild species), and (3) the Bolivian and Argentinian wild species S. oplocense. These and other data suggest that Hawkes's 1990 treatment (The Potato: Evolution, Biodiversity, and Genetic Resources, Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, DC.) of 232 morphological species is an overestimate for sect. Petota.  相似文献   
The conodont faunas of Tournaisian shallow-water carbonates from central Guangxi are described mainly for biostratigraphic purposes. A complete series of samples was collected from the Long’an and Du’an formations in the Long’an section. These formations are characterized by lime-mudstone, skeletal and peloidal wackestone, packstone and grainstone with typical shallow-water biota. Overall, these samples produced 809 identifiable Pl elements, belonging to 50 species in 11 genera, of which one species and one subspecies are new. The fauna enables the establishment of seven biozones (in ascending order): Polygnathus spicatus, Siphonodella homosimplex, S. sinensis, S. dasaibaensis, Polygnathus communis carina Acme, Gnathodus cuneiformis, and P. communis porcatus zones. Based on these new collections from central Guangxi and on data from the literature, a conflated Tournaisian conodont zonation is proposed for shallow-water successions in South China. Most of the conodont zones correlate well with their counterparts recognized in Western Europe, which may be of greater significance in stratigraphic correlation than previously thought.  相似文献   
Martin Bartl  Pu Li 《Bio Systems》2010,101(1):67-77
The time course of enzyme concentrations in metabolic pathways can be predicted on the basis of the optimality criterion of minimizing the time period in which an essential product is generated. This criterion is in line with the widely accepted view that high fitness requires high pathway flux. Here, based on Pontryagin's Maximum Principle, a method is developed to solve the corresponding constrained optimal control problem in an almost exclusively analytical way and, thus, to calculate optimal enzyme profiles, when linear, irreversible rate laws are assumed. Three different problem formulations are considered and the corresponding optimization results are derived. Besides the minimization of transition time, we consider an operation time in which 90% of the substrate has been converted into product. In that case, only the enzyme at the lower end of the pathway rather than all enzymes are active in the last phase. In all cases, biphasic or multiphasic time courses are obtained. The biological meaning of the results in terms of a consecutive just-in-time expression of metabolic genes is discussed. For the special case of two-enzyme systems, the role of the Golden section in the solution is outlined.  相似文献   
Normal labor is accompanied by sequential changes in blood concentrations of prostaglandin F2α (measured as 15-ketodihydro-PGF2α = PGFM), progesterone, estradiol, oxytocin, vasopressin, and of elevated cortisol levels. The aim of this study was to investigate hormone concentrations in dogs diagnosed with primary uterine inertia before and during treatment by cesarian section. The hypothesis was the dogs would have abnormally low plasma concentrations in one or several of the hormones involved in parturition. The study comprised seven bitches with total primary uterine inertia (dystocia group) treated with cesarian section and six healthy bitches (control group) subjected to planned cesarean section. Blood samples were taken before anesthesia, before surgery started, on delivery of the first puppy and on delivery of the last puppy. The progesterone:PGFM ratio in plasma was higher in the dystocia group than in the control group, but the serum estradiol concentration did not differ between groups. The plasma concentrations of oxytocin and vasopressin increased in both groups when the first puppies were delivered, but both hormones were more elevated in the control group than in the dystocia group on delivery of the last puppies. The plasma cortisol concentration increased to the same level in both groups. In conclusion, the ratio between progesterone and PGFM was higher and the oxytocin and vasopressin concentrations lower in the dystocia dogs than in the control dogs. The findings indicate that these hormones are involved in the pathophysiology of total primary uterine inertia in bitches.  相似文献   
采用扫描电镜和石蜡切片法,以‘寒富’苹果二倍体及经秋水仙素加倍获得的同源四倍体植株为材料,比较两种倍性植株叶片超微结构、叶绿素含量及叶绿素荧光参数的日变化规律。结果显示:(1)与二倍体植株相比较,其同源四倍体叶片厚度、栅海比、气孔长、气孔宽、分别增加了15.1%、16.1%、70.5%、27.2%,而气孔密度显著减少了58.7%;其同源四倍体叶保卫细胞中叶绿体数和叶绿素含量分别比二倍体植株高出125.3%、37.7%。(2)‘寒富’苹果同源四倍体与其二倍体的叶绿素荧光参数PSⅡ的原初光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ的潜在光化学效率(Fv/F0)和以吸收光能为基础的光合性能指数(PI)值的日变化趋势相似,但PI平均值比二倍体显著高出38.6%。研究表明,同源四倍体较二倍体叶片在形态上更大、更厚,气孔更大、密度更小,栅海比更大,表现出抗病的叶片结构;同时同源四倍体较二倍体含有更高的叶绿素含量,表现更优良的光合特性。  相似文献   
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