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Structural changes associated with corolla wilting may serve as a mechanism for effecting self-pollination. Low pollinator visitation, high seed production and a corolla that persists after anthesis indicates that Pedicularis dunniana is autogamous. Delayed autonomous self-pollination is facilitated by corolla wilting. Wilting of the upper lip (galea) brought the pollen laden anthers into contact with the stigma resulting in the deposition of self pollen on the stigma. The seed set of flowers either emasculated, or with restrained galeae thus preventing anthers brushing against the stigma, was significantly lower than that of open-pollinated flowers. This demonstrates that autogamy occurs in this species through corolla wilting. Germination experiments indicated that outcross seedlings were more vigorous than selfed seedlings as a result of inbreeding depression. It is likely that autogamy provides reproductive assurance for P. dunniana under conditions of pollinator scarcity.  相似文献   
The problem of cryptic species in Diacyclops bicuspidatus was examined using interpopulation crosses of four populations collected from a: (1) permanent flood lake in Kiev, Ukraine, (2) temporary pool in Kiev, (3) permanent pond in St. Petersburg, Russia (1200 km to north from Kiev) and (4) lake in Crimea (1100 km south of Kiev). The only interpopulation crosses to exhibit fertility were those between the St. Petersburg population and each of the two Kiev populations. The crosses between the Kiev and Crimea populations, between the St. Petersburg and Crimea populations, and between the two Kiev populations were sterile, as evidenced by either nonviable eggs, empty egg membranes or incomplete copulations. The F1 hybrids resulting from the St. Petersburg permanent pond X Kiev flood lake cross were fertile and produced mature F2 offspring. Some data on development times of parental and hybrid lines are presented. The St. Petersburg parental line showed development times almost twice as long as those of the Kiev flood lake population when reared at 10 °C and 20 °C in the laboratory. The F1 offspring of the cross between St. Petersburg females and Kiev floodlake males showed similar development times to females of the St. Petersburg parental lines at both temperatures. The F2 hybrids also showed development times that approximated those of the St. Petersburg parental line. These crossbreeding studies suggest the presence of cryptic species in the D. bicuspidatus inhabiting ecologically different populations in many parts of its large holarctic range.  相似文献   
Parasites could differentially impact intraspecific host lineages due to genetic, phenotypic, ecological, or behavioural differences between the lineages, or the development of reproductive isolation between them. Batrachomyia (Diptera: Chloropidae) are flies that exclusively parasitize Australian frogs, and in the Wet Tropics rainforest of north‐east Australia larvae are largely restricted to the green‐eyed tree frog Litoria genimaculata (Anura: Hylidae). This frog species consists of two highly divergent genetic lineages that overlap in two nearby, but independent, contact zones. At one contact zone there has been extensive phenotypic divergence and speciation between the lineages whereas, at the other contact relatively lower levels of phenotypic divergence and reproductive isolation suggest that speciation has not occurred. In the present study we tested: (1) whether the deep phylogeographic divergence between northern and southern host populations is mirrored by congruent genetic structuring in the parasite populations and (2) whether the host lineages are differentially impacted by parasitism. We found that the two divergent frog lineages are parasitized by a single lineage of Batrachomyia, which exhibits strikingly little phylogeographic structuring. We found a significant difference in Batrachomyia prevalence between the host lineages at mixed lineage sites in both contact zones, with the magnitude and direction of this effect being consistent in both. The pattern did not differ between the two contacts even though recent phenotypic divergence and speciation has occurred between the lineages at one contact but not the other. Taken together, this suggests a fundamental difference in susceptibility between the genetically divergent host lineages. Using weight relative to body length as a measure of body condition, we found no differential impact of parasitism on the body condition of each host lineage, and no evidence that parasitism impacts the body condition of the host in general. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 593–603.  相似文献   
Abstract:  This study investigated prey consumption, egg production, percent progeny loss, reproductive, pre- and post-reproductive periods, reproductive time ratio, reproductive rate and bioconversion efficiency of four aphidophagous ladybirds, viz. Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius), Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus, Coccinella transversalis Fabricius and Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) on Dolichos lablab Linnaeus infested with cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch. C. sexmaculata had the highest bioconversion efficiency, reproductive rate and reproductive time ratio followed in rank order by P. dissecta , C. transversalis and C. septempunctata . This study indicates that C. sexmaculata has a narrow ecological relationship with A. craccivora . The increased allocation of resources to reproduction as indicated through a high reproductive time ratio and high bioconversion efficiency of C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta suggest that they may be better adapted to compete for this prey with larger species like C. transversalis and C. septempunctata .  相似文献   
Six condition indices based on RNA, total soluble protein and two metabolic enzymes [lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and citrate synthase (CS)] were analysed in muscle tissue of individual larvae, post-flexion reared sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax using DNA and total soluble protein as standards for size. In addition, the effect of 2 days of food deprivation on the cell proliferation rates was assessed. The RNA:DNA best reflected short-term changes in feeding conditions. If standardized by DNA content, LDH activity was a better indicator of condition than any other index but RNA:DNA. Further, the analysis of cell proliferation rates in muscle from 26 day-old larvae proved useful in distinguishing continuously fed larvae from individuals subjected to 2 days of fast.  相似文献   
Data from an Ethiopian population of Colobus guerezashow that territory size is fixed by the high density of the population. Groups undergo fission when their size results in fewer than 10 trees per individual within the group’s territory. The daughter groups produced by fission emigrate into suboptimal habitat, which acts as a demographic sink. Comparative analyses using data from other East African populations demonstrate that mean territory size is inversely related to population density and that density, in turn, is a function of the size of the forest block. Since both group size and reproductive rates can be shown to be positively correlated with type of forest, it is concluded that this relationship reflects the fact that local population densities reach their ceiling more rapidly in small forest blocks because the animals’ access to alternative territories is limited. The number of males in a colobus group is shown to be a function of the number of females in it. Multimale groups have lower reproductive rates than one-male groups, probably because the stress generated by competition among the males causes temporary infertility among the females.  相似文献   
G. C. Wright 《Plant and Soil》1989,116(1):111-114
Very little research has been done to investigate the effect of a dry podding zone on reproductive development in peanut plants that are otherwise well hydrated via subsoil moisture extraction. The influence of podding zone moisture content on reproductive development and growth of three peanut cultivars (McCubbin, Gajah and Robut 33-1) was investigated in pots grown in the glasshouse. In two cultivars (McCubbin and Gajah) seed yield was reduced in a dry (air-dry) compared to a wet (field capacity) podding zone. Seed yield of Robut 33-1 was unaffected by podding zone moisture content, indicating that cultivar variation in reproductive performance in response to podding zone moisture may exist.  相似文献   
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